Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3057 floating on the lake

After the golden jug, Ye Tian took out another gold plate from the opened crate.

As expected, inside this exquisite gold plate, there is also a golden lion statue chiseled and a line of Amharic.

Seeing this scene, everyone is more sure.

The treasures hidden in this shipwreck at the bottom of the lake are the treasures that the Solomon dynasty of Ethiopia had accumulated for hundreds of years but disappeared mysteriously during World War II.

The treasures of the Solomon dynasty may not be all of the treasures of this shipwreck, but at least they are a very important part.

Obviously, during World War II, the Italians not only occupied the entire Ethiopia, but also ransacked the Ethiopian royal family.

It's a pity that they didn't have time to transport this astonishing treasure, but hid it at the bottom of Lake Tana. In the end, Ye Tian and the brave and fearless exploration company were cheap for nothing.

Next, Ye Tian inspected several gold products.

Without exception, the symbols of the Solomon dynasty were chiseled on these gold products.

After inspecting it, he put the gold objects into the crate again, and said:

"Guys, put this crate back up and we'll float up to the lake with this crate of gold, this exploration is done, it's time to salvage and clean up"

"Okay, Steven"

Peter and Charlie nodded in response, and immediately took action.

In a blink of an eye, they had nailed the crate.

Then they dragged the crate and swam up to the main deck above.

Ye Tian, ​​who was the last to leave, closed the hatch again, and then swam upwards.

It wasn't long before they were back on the main deck of the wreck with the crate full of gold artifacts.

Fortunately, all the gold products in this crate are not very heavy.

If it was full of gold bars, there was no way they could have gotten this crate onto the main deck so easily.

Next, Peter took off his submersible thruster and swam to the iron cage.

He went over there and brought some buoyancy bags and a net.

Then everyone worked together, put the crate into the rope net, tied the buoyancy bag on the rope net, and then began to inject air into the buoyancy bag.

After some operations, the crate gradually floated up, and everyone no longer had to carry it hard.

Afterwards, Ye Tian and Charlie also took off their respective diving thrusters, pulled the crate and left the treasure ship, and swam towards the iron cage.

After a while, the three of them entered the iron cage.

Immediately afterwards, they opened several large buoyancy bags tied to the top of the iron cage and began to inject compressed air into it.

As the large buoyancy bags gradually expanded, the heavy iron cage was slowly pulled away from the bottom of the lake.

The moment the iron cage left the bottom of the lake, Ye Tian and the others immediately stopped injecting air.

The next moment, the heavy iron cage was suspended in the lake water, less than ten centimeters from the bottom of the lake.

Ye Tian observed the situation, and then said through the walkie-talkie:

"Guys, you can turn on the crane and pull us up. Just like the previous dive, you will do two decompression stops during the ascent. I will tell you at which depth to do the decompression stop."

"Got it, Steven"

The exploration team manipulating the crane on the lake responded and took action immediately.

Immediately afterwards, the iron cage was slowly pulled up and headed towards the lake.

As Ye Tian and the others left, the lake bottom area where the treasure ship was located fell into darkness again.

But it won't be long before the bottom of the lake will become very lively.

All the amazing treasures hidden in this sunken ship will be salvaged and shared among Ye Tian and the Ethiopian government.

Seven or eight minutes later, Ye Tian and the others had ascended about 30 meters and reached a depth of about 60 meters.

Ye Tian looked at the depth gauge, and then said through the walkie-talkie:

"Pause the ascent, do the first decompression stop here, the time is ten minutes, continue to float after ten minutes"

The order came out, and the iron cage immediately stopped floating.

For the next ten minutes, Ye Tian and the others stayed in the depths of the lake completely shrouded in darkness, waiting quietly.

Of course, they are not idle.

Taking advantage of this time, they each replaced a new oxygen cylinder to ensure safety.

Although it was dark here, the iron cage they were in was like a bright light hanging alone in the darkness, extremely conspicuous.

Many creatures living in the lake at this depth quickly adapted to the existence of this bright light after an initial panic.

After a while, the iron cage was surrounded by all kinds of curious lake creatures.

The creatures in these lakes are mainly crustaceans, such as shrimps and crabs.

Moreover, crabs and shrimps in Africa are generally larger.

This is because Africans don't like to eat these things, and they don't know how to cook them. They prefer to eat fish.

Because the locals look down on them, these guys can grow freely and are relatively large.

In Ye Tian's eyes, these are all delicacies.

It's a pity that he is now the subject of visits and has no chance to capture these guys.

Ten minutes passed quickly, and the iron cage began to float up again.

As the iron cage got closer to the lake, the surroundings gradually became brighter, and more and more creatures lived in the lake.

The beautiful fish that disappeared before swam back again, swimming around the iron cage non-stop.

When Ye Tian and the others floated up to a depth of only 30 meters from the lake surface, they were suspended in the lake water again, and they made a second deep dive decompression stop, and the time was still ten minutes.

During this process, Ye Tian and the others have been constantly adjusting the air in the buoyancy bag to ensure the balance between buoyancy, water pressure and depth.

This is a very delicate job that cannot be done without rich deep diving experience.

Mustafa, who watched this scene through the video, and other Ethiopians knew it very well.

If you want to salvage this shocking treasure hidden in the depths of the lake, the Ethiopian government is absolutely inseparable from the brave and fearless exploration company, and must borrow their high-tech exploration equipment and top talents.

If you want to get rid of the brave and fearless exploration company and go it alone, you will only be self-defeating.

In fact, with Ethiopia's background and ability, it is impossible to get rid of Ye Tian and the brave and fearless exploration company.

After realizing this, Mustafa and the others immediately dispelled all the thoughts they shouldn't have.

When Ye Tian and the others were doing a decompression stop, the Nile crocodiles who had left before also found them who had resurfaced, and immediately swam over here.

As before, these guys behaved very docile, not at all like the vicious overlord of the lake.

When these guys came close, Ye Tian immediately interacted with them, just like old friends.

Looking at this scene, there was another exclamation from the boats on the lake.

"Oh my god! This guy Steven is really amazing. How did he do it? It's unbelievable that he can tame these cruel and cold-blooded Nile crocodiles!"

"There is no doubt that Steven is the overlord of Lake Tana. He is simply invincible in the lake. As long as he wants, no one can enter this lake!"

While everyone was amazed, Ye Tian was playing with those docile Nile crocodiles, the picture was very harmonious.

The ten minutes of the second decompression stay passed quickly, and the iron cage began to float up at a constant speed again, a little closer to the lake surface.

The Nile crocodiles surrounding the iron cage also floated up together.

And the closer they got to the lake, the more excited they were, because the water pressure around them became less and less, and they moved more freely.

A few minutes later, two large orange-red buoyancy bags first surfaced and appeared on the lake.

Immediately afterwards, the heavy and unusual iron cage also floated up to the surface of the lake and appeared in everyone's field of vision again.

Ye Tian and the others stood inside the iron cage, waving at everyone.

As soon as they appeared, cheers and applause erupted on the lake.

Mustafa and David had come out of the cabin, came to the deck, looked at Ye Tian and the others standing in the iron cage, and gave them warm applause.

Subsequently, the iron cage was pulled to the poop deck.

But Ye Tian and the others did not immediately leave the iron cage and board the engineering ship.

Ye Tian comforted the Nile crocodiles first, telling them to leave here and play elsewhere.

Those frightening big guys seemed to understand what he meant, reluctantly left here and swam elsewhere.

After the Nile crocodiles left, Ye Tian and the others opened the gate above the iron cage, came out from inside, and boarded the engineering ship.

When they came up the stairs, they came to the main deck above.

Mustafa and David immediately surrounded them, all of them were very excited.

"Welcome back, Steven, what a job you've done, it's amazing!"

"Wow! Steven, this shipwreck treasure hidden deep in the bottom of the lake is really amazing. Its discovery will definitely cause a sensation in the whole world!"

Ye Tian took off his diving mask, looked at these guys whose eyes were shining with excitement, and then said with a smile:

"Gentlemen, it is a great surprise that we have fulfilled our mission and finally found this amazing treasure hidden by the Italians during World War II in the depths of the lake.

Next, we can organize manpower to salvage this sunken ship treasure, which is much easier than exploring this treasure, salvaging and cleaning this treasure.”

Everyone at the scene nodded, and everyone was full of anticipation.

Next, Ye Tian and the others took off the oxygen cylinder behind them and took off their diving suits.

At the same time, the iron cage has been hoisted from the lake by a crane and placed on the deck of the engineering ship.

The moment the iron cage landed on the deck of the engineering ship, everyone immediately surrounded it.

Without exception, everyone was staring at the crate in the iron cage, with extremely hot eyes.

After changing his clothes, Ye Tian also came to the side of the iron cage.

He asked his security personnel to open the iron cage and take out the World War II-era crate.

Afterwards, he personally opened the crate and introduced:

"The gold products contained in this box all come from the Solomon dynasty that once ruled Ethiopia. They are part of the royal treasures of the Solomon dynasty. Each piece is very exquisite and valuable!"

With that said, the crate was opened.

Following this action, a golden light flashed across the scene, extremely dazzling.

Everyone got used to the change of light for a while, and then looked at the gold products packed in crates.

The next moment, there was a sound of exclamation on the main deck, one after another.

"Wow! They're so beautiful, it's mesmerizing to look at!"

"This is simply a work of art, but it is different from gold products from Europe and Asian countries. It is unique, and each of them is worth collecting!"

Amidst the exclamation, the excited Mustafa and the Ethiopian archaeologist were about to step forward to touch these valuable gold artifacts.

However, they were stopped by security personnel standing aside.

Ye Tian shook his head lightly, smiled and said:

"It's not yet time, Mustafa. After we enter the cabin, register all these valuable gold products, and take video data, it's not too late for you to appreciate them!"

Hearing this, Mustafa and the others could only nod.

Next, Ye Tian asked two of his employees to lift the crate and carry it into the cabin of the engineering ship.

Everyone followed into the cabin, all excited.

After entering the cabin, several employees of the Fearless Exploration Company immediately began to count these gold products, register them, and shoot video materials.

Mustafa and the Ethiopian archaeologist stood aside to supervise, their eyes shining brightly.

The broadcast team of the National Geographic Channel has always locked these golden antique cultural relics with its camera lens.

In the process, Ye Tian is also introducing to everyone.

"Through the designs and patterns carved on these gold objects, especially the golden lion emblem, we can determine the origin of these gold objects, and they all come from the Solomon dynasty.

According to my identification, the time when these gold products were manufactured should be four or five hundred years ago, that is to say, they were made during the rule of the Abyssinian Empire,..."

After a while, the counting work was completed.

Afterwards, Mustafa and David rushed forward, picked up these ancient gold products, and began to appreciate them. Everyone was mesmerized.

Especially a few archaeologists, their eyes are bright like searchlights.

Soon, they were sure.

These gold products are indeed, as Ye Tian said, built during the Abyssinian Empire four or five hundred years ago, and each piece is an antique relic worth collecting.

The Amharic language engraved on these gold products is the name of several emperors during the Abyssian Empire, and the evidence is beyond doubt.

After confirming this point, several archaeologists were amazed.

They also had a new understanding of Ye Tian's incomparably sharp eyesight and his excellent ability to identify antique cultural relics and artworks.

After appreciating for about ten or twenty minutes, Mustafa and the others reluctantly put down these gold products.

Afterwards, Ye Tian asked his subordinates to bring over a portable safe, put all these gold products into the safe, and locked it in the captain's cabin.

The little white elf is in the captain's cabin, responsible for guarding the sheepskin scroll and the safe filled with gold products, which is very safe.

Next, Ye Tian took a satellite phone, handed it to Mustafa, and said with a smile:

"Mustafa, you can inform Mr. President now, tell Mr. President that we have found this shocking treasure that was hidden by the Italians during World War II!

I'm sure Mr. President will be very happy to hear this good news, it's a huge surprise for your country and our company! "

Mustafa took the satellite phone, but did not leave the cabin immediately to make a call outside.

He stared at Ye Tian and said with a serious expression:

"Steven, I would like to ask, can I tell Mr. President our current coordinates, that is, the place where this treasure is buried? It can also strengthen the guarding force of this water area and protect this treasure."

Ye Tian shook his head.

"I think it's better not to disclose the coordinates of this treasure for the time being. Most of the time today has passed, and we are going to start the next salvage and cleanup operation, and there is still a lot of preparatory work to be done.

In the remaining half a day, we will prepare for the follow-up treasure salvage and clean-up operations. After tomorrow morning, the treasure salvage and clean-up operations can officially start.

At that time, it seems more appropriate and safer for you to tell Mr. President the coordinates here. Even if the secret is leaked, we don't have to worry about someone coming to salvage it secretly at night! "

Mustafa fell silent for a moment, as did the other Ethiopian archaeologist.

After pondering for a moment, Mustafa nodded and said:

"Okay, Steven, I will first inform the joint exploration team of the good news that this treasure has been found, and briefly introduce the scale and value of this treasure, but I will not disclose the specific coordinates.

When the cleaning and salvage operation of this treasure is officially launched tomorrow morning, I will tell Mr. President the specific coordinates of this treasure and strengthen the protection of this water area! "

"Okay, it's better than that"

Ye Tian nodded and said.

Afterwards, Mustafa and the Ethiopian archaeologist left the cabin and went outside to make a phone call.

After they left, David immediately stepped forward and asked in a low voice:

"Steven, why do you have to wait until tomorrow to tell the Ethiopian government the coordinates of this shocking treasure? You are not just thinking about safety, are you?"

Ye Tian looked at this guy, smiled and said in a low voice:

"I just did a deep dive today, so I can't take a plane. I will be able to leave here by seaplane tomorrow. I am going to hand over the follow-up treasure cleaning and salvage operations to my subordinates.

This shocking treasure has been found, and there is no need for me to stay here any longer. Another point is that my departure will make the Ethiopian government scruples and dare not play tricks!

Tomorrow you leave with me, we will go back to Gondar and join Joshua and the others. Next, we should go to Axum, the holy city of religion. I have a hunch that we will make great discoveries in Axum! "


David chuckled softly, and then continued:

"I guess that's it, and it's true, you guys are so cunning!"



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