Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3058 come and go without a trace

This is the second day of discovering the treasure of the shipwreck in Lake Tana, and the weather is fine.

Just after 8:00 in the morning, the joint exploration fleet arrived at the waters where the treasure of the sunken ship was located again, preparing to start a clean-up and salvage operation to salvage this astonishing treasure out of the water.

After the fleet moored in the target waters, Mustafa, several high-ranking Ethiopian officials and archaeologists boarded the medium-sized cruise ship that Ye Tian and the others were on.

As soon as he boarded the boat, Mustafa couldn't wait to say:

"Steven, is it possible to disclose the priceless sheepskin scroll, the exact coordinates of this shipwreck treasure, and other information? I can inform Mr. President!"

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, then nodded with a smile and said:

"No problem, Mustafa, now it's time to release the treasure map and other information related to this sunken treasure, and you can also inform Mr. President.

The cleaning and salvage operation of this shipwreck treasure will officially start today. I believe that it will not be long before all this treasure will be salvaged out of the water, shocking the world! "

As he spoke, he casually picked up the portable safe containing the sheepskin scroll and placed it on the table.

Immediately afterwards, he opened the portable safe and took out the sheepskin scroll.

Following his movements, everyone was staring at the sheepskin scroll, their eyes were extremely hot.

Ye Tian gently untied the ribbon that tied the sheepskin scroll, then slowly opened it, and displayed it in front of everyone.

It has been a while since this sheepskin scroll was discovered, but this is the first time that everyone has seen its entirety.

On this sheepskin scroll, a treasure route map is clearly marked with a red pen.

This treasure-hiding route started from Gondar, then entered the nearby mountains, circled several large circles, and finally extended to Lake Tana not far from Gondar.

Looking at this road map, everyone is full of emotion.

"Who would have thought that the Italians took such a big detour, and finally hid this shocking treasure near Gondar!"

"Yeah, the Italians are very smart. Even if someone knows the treasure route map for the first half, it is impossible to find Lake Tana, and they will only search for treasure in the surrounding mountains.

Even if someone knows that this treasure is in Lake Tana,

Without knowing the exact coordinates, and without the deep diving equipment and ability, you can't find the treasure, so you can only look at the lake and sigh! "

In addition to the clearly visible treasure route, on this treasure map, there are also many information marked in Italian and various numbers.

In the following time, Ye Tian explained the meaning of these words and numbers to everyone without reservation.

After introducing this treasure map, he gave the exact coordinates of this shocking treasure.

At the same time, he also took out a satellite phone, placed it in front of Mustafa, and said with a smile:

"Mustafa, you can call Mr. President now, tell Mr. President the exact coordinates of this shocking treasure, and ask Mr. President to strengthen the security forces in this water area.

Next, when cleaning and salvaging the sunken treasure, you should try your best not to let anyone with ulterior motives break into this water area, thereby interfering with the normal progress of the salvage operation.

For safety reasons, the radio silence of the joint exploration fleet will continue, but we will provide some satellite phones to allow everyone to communicate with the outside world, but every call will be monitored.

Of course, the intercom signal within the fleet will no longer be shielded, and everyone can communicate freely through the intercom, which is conducive to the subsequent clean-up and salvage operations! "

Hearing these words, Mustafa and the others nodded.

"Okay, Steven, we have no objection to these arrangements of yours, as long as it is conducive to protecting the treasure of this sunken ship and the interests of both of us, then there is no problem.

Next, I will call Mr. President and relevant people in the Ethiopian Parliament to tell them the situation here, as well as the exact coordinates, and strengthen the security forces to protect this treasure.”

After speaking, Mustafa was ready to make a phone call to inform the Ethiopian President who was far away in Addis Ababa.

At this moment, there was a sudden roar of an aircraft engine in the sky outside.

Immediately afterwards, two small seaplanes flew from the southern sky and landed on the lake.

Hearing the movement, Mustafa and the others immediately turned their heads to look at the lake outside the cabin, their eyes were a little surprised.

Before they could react, Ye Tian said with a smile:

"Don't be nervous, gentlemen, these two small seaplanes are called by me, ready to take us out of this water area"

"Ah! You are leaving here, am I right?"

Mustafa exclaimed and froze.

Several other Ethiopians, as well as the broadcast team of the National Geographic Channel, also froze in place, staring at Ye Tian dumbfounded.

"Yes, we are leaving, but there are not many people leaving, only me and David, and two security team members, and the rest will stay here to continue to clean up and salvage the sunken treasure"

Ye Tian said with a smile.

Following these words, Mustafa and the others came to their senses.

"Why did you leave suddenly? Can you explain why?"

Mustafa asked in surprise, and the rest were also confused.

"The reason is simple, this huge treasure hidden by the Italians during World War II has been found, and there is no need for me to stay here any longer.

The following operations to clean up and salvage the sunken treasure are not very difficult, and I plan to hand over this work to my staff.

They all have very rich exploration experience, and have cleaned and salvaged more than one sunken treasure, and it is more difficult to salvage those sunken treasures.

To them, cleaning up and salvaging this shipwreck treasure is nothing more than a trivial matter, as long as you cooperate, the work will be completed soon.

The tripartite joint exploration operation between our company, the Israeli government and the Vatican has not been completed, and the exploration will continue, so I want to leave”

Ye Tian explained the reason.

Hearing this explanation, Mustafa and the others fell silent.

They knew that what Ye Tian said was right, there was really no need for him to stay here any longer.

In fact, his leaving this water area is conducive to the development and progress of follow-up exploration work.

In that case, the Ethiopian government will be a little more scrupulous, and will not dare to play any dirty tricks.

If they dared to play any dirty tricks, and even took this astonishing treasure all by themselves, they would definitely face Ye Tian's crazy revenge.

All those involved will probably die in the end.

After figuring this out, Mustafa and several other Ethiopians looked at Ye Tian with fear.

Next, Ye Tian explained a few more words, explaining his reason for leaving.

In fact, he could do without explanation at all.

Then he put away the sheepskin scroll and put it in his mountaineering bag.

Mustafa didn't stop, and didn't say much.

This shocking treasure left over from World War II has been found, and the treasure map has lost its value. It is just an ordinary antique cultural relic.

After loading the sheepskin scroll, Ye Tian nodded to David, then picked up the huge mountaineering bag that he had packed a long time ago, and walked out of the cabin.

David and Walker followed immediately, both wearing body armor and carrying their own luggage and equipment.

Mustafa and the others also left the cabin and came to the deck outside.

The two small seaplanes have landed on the lake, less than 500 meters away from the joint exploration fleet, gently undulating with the waves on the lake.

The two speedboats that sent Ye Tian and the others had also arrived beside this medium-sized yacht.

Ye Tian looked at the two small seaplanes on the lake in the distance, quickly scanned the surrounding situation, and then turned to look at Mustafa and the others.

"Gentlemen, we are leaving. We will meet again when this shipwreck treasure is salvaged and transported to Gondar. At that time, I will evaluate everything in this treasure and then distribute it."

As he spoke, he shook hands with Mustafa and others one by one.

"Goodbye, Steven, you are such a cunning guy, you are admirable!"

Mustafa said with emotion, and gave Ye Tian a hug.

Next, David also bid farewell to these Ethiopians.

After saying goodbye to the Ethiopians, Ye Tian picked up the walkie-talkie again, bid farewell to the rest of the exploration fleet, and explained the reason for leaving.

He also told Mattis and his company employees to cooperate with the Ethiopian exploration team to clean up and salvage the treasure of the sunken ship.

Of course, this is just a posturing.

He had arranged for the follow-up work of cleaning up and salvaging the treasure of this sunken ship last night.

Every employee and security personnel of the Fearless Exploration Company here knows their responsibilities and what they should do next.

After doing this, Ye Tian and David walked out of the yacht and boarded the two speedboats parked beside the boat.

The next moment, the two speedboats galloped close to the lake, heading straight for the two small seaplanes 500 meters away.

Looking at the two speedboats going away, Mustafa couldn't help expressing a few words of emotion in a low voice.

"I have to admit that Steven is really a magical guy who can always create all kinds of miracles. At the same time, he is also an extremely cunning guy. No one should try to count him or take advantage of him!"

Hearing this, several Ethiopians next to him nodded in sympathy.

"That's right, this guy Steven is really difficult to deal with. Fortunately, he is not our enemy, otherwise, it will be a nightmare from which we will never wake up!"

Just as they were discussing, two speedboats had already driven to the side of the two small seaplanes.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian and the others boarded two small seaplanes respectively.

The two small seaplanes then turned around and began to glide close to the water.

After a while, they soared from the water and flew straight to the south.

Seeing this scene, Mustafa and the others couldn't help feeling very surprised.

"Ah! Shouldn't Steven and the others go to Gondar? Why did they fly to the direction of Bahir Dar in the south? Is there anything else they can't do in Bahir Dar?"

"It's really possible. Steven has always been elusive, and no one can guess his intentions. No one knows how many secrets of treasures he holds in his hands!"

Soon, the two small seaplanes disappeared into the morning mist without a trace.


High above the sky, two small seaplanes are flying at high speed.

Sitting in the plane, Ye Tian looked down at the vast and misty Lake Tana below and the rolling mountains in the distance, feeling very relaxed.

David sitting next to him was the same, admiring the beautiful scenery on the roof of Africa.

The two small seaplanes flew southward for about ten kilometers, before Ye Tian told his two pilots to turn around and fly to Gondar in the north of Lake Tana.

On the way to Gondar, it is necessary to avoid the waters where the joint exploration fleet is located to avoid being discovered.

Afterwards, the two small seaplanes turned around, drew a large arc in the air, and flew to Gondar in the north.

Not long after, the two small seaplanes landed on the water of Lake Tana again.

This is the north shore of Lake Tana. After landing on the shore, it is more than 30 kilometers north to Gondar.

The lake where two small seaplanes landed is surrounded by only a small fishing village, sparsely populated.

As soon as they landed, two speedboats galloped over from the fishing village pier.

It was Seaman and his Mossad agents who drove the two speedboats.

After a while, the two speedboats came close.

Ye Tian and the others immediately got off the plane, boarded the two speedboats, and sailed to the fishing village wharf not far away.

Five or six minutes later, they boarded two bulletproof off-road vehicles and drove towards Gondar quickly.

From appearance to departure, their stay here is very short.

Except for the people in this fishing village, no one knows that they have been here.

The Ethiopians in the fishing village only saw them from a distance and didn't know who they were.

On the way back, Ye Tian began to ask Gondar about the situation there.

"Himan, how is Noah's Ark's treasure clearing up? Have you found any surprising new discoveries? Have you encountered any troubles in the past few days? Have you been attacked?"

In fact, he knew everything that happened in Gondar during this period of time.

Although this is knowingly asking, it is also a procedure.

Hearing the inquiry, Seaman immediately began to introduce the situation.

"Steven, the Noah's Ark treasures have been cleaned up this morning, and all the movable gold and silver treasures, antique relics and works of art hidden in that underground cave have been cleaned out!

The results of the cleaning were the same as those found during the previous exploration, and there were no new discoveries. Everything from the Noah's Ark treasure was now placed in the Noah's Ark church.

When you return to Gondar, you can conduct an appraisal at any time to determine the value of this treasure, and then you can auction off the items in the treasure. To be honest, we can't wait.

In the past few days, the Ethiopian government has been relatively cooperative and has not caused any trouble. The rest of the guys who came for the treasure, although they kept making small moves, were all cracked by us."

"It seems that the situation is good. When we return to Gondar, let's go directly to the Fasilidas castle group. I really want to see the gold and silver treasures and antiques that have been cleared from the underground caves."

"Okay, Steven, we also hope that you can complete the identification and evaluation work as soon as possible, and then proceed to the auction and transaction, so as not to have long nights and dreams!"

Seaman continued to say.

While they were chatting, the two bulletproof SUVs kept speeding on the road, getting closer and closer to Gondar.

About half an hour later, they entered the city of Gondar.

As Ye Tian said, the two SUVs drove straight to the Fasilidas castle complex instead of going to the hotel.

A few minutes later, they arrived at the gate of the castle complex.

When Ye Tian and the others got off the two bulletproof SUVs with their huge mountaineering bags, almost everyone at the entrance of the Fasilidas Castles was stunned.

People stared at them dumbfounded, only wondering if they were dazzled.

This guy Steven disappeared very suddenly without a trace.

No one knew where they went, it seemed as if the world had evaporated!

They reappeared very suddenly, as if they appeared out of nowhere, without any warning!

After being sure, many media reporters immediately raised their voices and began to ask questions loudly, as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

"Good morning, Steven, I'm a reporter from Ethiopian National Television, may I ask where you are from, the joint exploration team you formed with the Ethiopian government suddenly disappeared, and where did you go?

You have returned to the Fasilidas Castles again, does it mean that you have found the shocking treasure hidden by the Italians during World War II? May I ask where is the shocking treasure? "

"Good morning, Steven, I'm a reporter from The New York Times. Where is that amazing treasure left over from World War II, and what's in it? Can you tell us about it?

It is said that the cleaning operation of Noah's Ark's treasure has been completed. Are you coming back this time to appraise and evaluate the gold, silver treasures and antique relics in Noah's Ark's treasure, and distribute this amazing treasure? "

Hearing these questions, Ye Tian stopped immediately.

He turned around and glanced at these media reporters, then smiled and said loudly:

"Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, good morning everyone, here I can tell you that we have found the shocking treasure that was hidden by the Italians during World War II.

As for where is this shocking treasure? It is inconvenient to disclose it temporarily, but it will not take long for everyone to know the answer. The cleaning and salvage operation of this shocking treasure has now started.

I can tell you that in this treasure left over from World War II, we discovered the treasure of the Solomon Dynasty that mysteriously disappeared during World War II. From this, we can see that it was the Italian army that looted the royal family of the Solomon Dynasty.

We returned to the Fasilidas Castles this time to complete the identification and evaluation of Noah's Ark treasure, and then allocate this treasure. The specific situation will be announced later, please wait patiently! "

Following his words, the gates of the Fasilidas castle group were instantly detonated.



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