Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3071 strange discovery

The first stop of the tripartite joint exploration team in Axum was the famous Enda Mariam Sion Cathedral.

This is one of the most important churches in Axum, which houses many king crowns and royal clothes of various ancient kingdoms in Ethiopia, as well as Coptic Christian scriptures.

The so-called Coptic Christianity, also known as the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, is one of the oldest surviving Orthodox denominations.

In different periods of ancient times, several Ethiopian kings held coronation ceremonies in this church.

The tripartite exploration team came here to explore because it was the place where several kings of the Solomon dynasty were crowned, and the royal family of the Solomon dynasty claimed to be descendants of King Solomon.

When the convoy arrived at this ancient church, the Ethiopians were ready, and the security personnel under Seaman also checked the church thoroughly.

After confirming safety, Ye Tian and the others just got off the car and landed on the square in front of the church.

The relevant people waiting here immediately greeted them.

After everyone met, first introduced each other, and greeted each other politely.

Immediately afterwards, the person in charge of the Endacion Church began to introduce the situation here.

"Gentlemen, in order to welcome the arrival of the tripartite joint exploration team, Endacion Church has chosen to close today, not accepting tourists who come to visit and visit, and the number of believers who come to worship has also been reduced by half.

You can carry out exploration operations inside and outside this ancient church, but you are not allowed to destroy it at will. During the exploration operations, our people will always follow the left and right and supervise at the scene.”

After the voice fell, Ye Tian didn't respond immediately.

He was silent for a moment, then nodded and said:

"No problem, we accept these conditions, please rest assured, during the exploration operation, we will never destroy the bricks, tiles, plants and trees of this ancient church at will.

You can supervise along with you, but you can’t interfere with our actions at will. If we find something, we will notify you as soon as possible and discuss it. We will never start excavation operations without authorization.”

Both Joshua and the Bishop of Kent nodded without any objection.

Several Ethiopians looked at each other, and then the deputy mayor of Axum said:


Mr. Steven, Mr. Joshua, Bishop of Kent, we can enter the church now, take a tour first, and then start exploring, I hope you can find something.”

As he spoke, the deputy mayor of Axum made a gesture of invitation.

Afterwards, under the leadership of these Ethiopians, Ye Tian and the others walked towards the gate of Endacion Cathedral.

Before entering the church, they first admired the appearance of this famous cathedral.

This is an ancient Byzantine-style church, but it incorporates many elements of Ethiopian style. It is tall and magnificent, with African cultural characteristics, and it is very worth seeing.

Due to its age, the exterior wall of this church has been somewhat mottled, but it has added some historical vicissitudes to it.

Ye Tian and the others stayed at the door of the church for a while, appreciating the exterior of the church roughly, and then walked into the door of the church and entered the interior of the church for a visit.

Others from the Brave Warriors Expedition Company and the three-party joint exploration team moved various exploration equipment from the car outside to prepare for the upcoming exploration operation.

Like many famous churches I have visited before, the Endacion Cathedral is also full of religious items, such as the crucifixion, altars, candlesticks and so on.

On the walls and ceiling of the church, there are many murals with the theme of Bible stories.

In other parts of the church, including on the walls, there are still some sculptures, oil paintings and prints hanging on them.

The difference is that the murals, sculptures, oil paintings and prints here are basically created based on black people, full of African cultural colors and very distinctive.

Of course, the clergy and believers here are also Ethiopian blacks.

After entering the church, everyone visited this ancient church while listening to the introduction by the person in charge of the Endacion Church.

Before we knew it, we had come to a door on the north side of the church.

This is an arch about two meters high, with a guard standing on each side, and a cordon is drawn at the door.

At this point, the person in charge of Endacion Church introduced:

"Gentlemen, enter through this arch, and after two inspections, it is the display area of ​​our Enda Sion Church, which displays a large number of valuable antiques and artworks.

These antique relics and works of art are mainly the crowns and royal clothes of the ancient kingdoms of Ethiopia, as well as a large number of Coptic Christian scriptures, many of which are of great research value.

Next, I will lead you into the exhibition area and give you a detailed explanation. During this process, I hope you will cooperate and do not use the flash to shoot.”

"This is no problem. We know how to protect valuable antiques and artworks, as well as rare books, and we will not use mobile phones to take pictures at will!"

Ye Tian nodded in response, and the others also nodded.

Afterwards, everyone walked into the display area.

In the following time, everyone saw a lot of Ethiopian king crowns and royal clothes from various ancient periods, as well as other antique relics and artworks.

Of course, there are also some Coptic Christian scriptures.

It also includes some Jewish scriptures, as well as some Jewish classics, such as the Syriac "Talmud" in the Middle Ages and so on.

Ye Tian was more interested in those Ethiopian king's crowns and royal clothes, as well as antique relics and artworks. After careful study, he also gained something.

The many antiques and artworks in the Enda Sion Church did not escape his eyes, and he saw them clearly!

Not only that, he also discovered some other very secret things, but he couldn't tell others.

The Bishop of Kent and Joshua, as well as several archaeologists and historians, were more interested in those Coptic Christian scriptures, as well as Jewish scriptures and classics, and studied them carefully.

It's a pity that the visiting time is too short, and everyone can only take a quick tour.

About half an hour later, everyone walked out of the display area and returned to the church hall again.

At this time, many exploration members of the tripartite joint exploration team have entered here, and brought in a large amount of exploration equipment.

When Ye Tian and the others came out, many exploration team members were checking various equipment and preparing to launch exploration operations.

Many clergymen, some believers, and some security personnel of the Endacion Church looked at everyone and the exploration equipment curiously.

After returning to the hall, Ye Tian glanced at the scene, and then said to the senior Tigray state officials and Orthodox priests around him:

"Gentlemen and priests, I have now visited the Endacion Cathedral. This ancient church and everything in the church have shocked me a lot and opened my eyes.

Next, I will lead my company employees, as well as some Israeli exploration team members, to carry out exploration operations in this ancient church to see if I can find anything and get a surprise!

If we discover something, we will immediately notify all parties. If the discovery is shocking enough, then we will broadcast live to the whole world, and make this important discovery public in front of everyone! "

Hearing this, fear flashed in the eyes of the Ethiopians present.

They looked at each other, but didn't raise any objection.

After a short pause, the deputy mayor of Axum said:

"Okay, Mr. Steven, you can carry out exploration operations in the Church of Endacion, but you must protect this ancient church and do not destroy it at will. Our people will always monitor it."

"No problem, Mr. Mayor"

Ye Tian nodded in response.

Afterwards, he walked towards the company employees under his command, as well as the Israeli exploration team members who were preparing to participate in this exploration operation.

Since most of the employees of Intrepid Exploration Company are on Lake Tana, cleaning up and salvaging the treasure of the World War II shipwreck, not many people come to Axum.

In this case, the Israeli exploration team can only be involved and explore together.

Coming closer, Ye Tian glanced at these guys, then smiled and said loudly:

"Guys, we are going to start our first exploration operation in Axum, explore this famous Endaceion Cathedral, see if we can find something in this church, maybe we will be pleasantly surprised .

This church has a very long history and important status. It is one of the most important churches in Ethiopia and Axum. During the exploration, everyone must be careful not to damage anything here! "

"Understood, Steven, we know what to do, and we will never destroy a single brick here!"

Everyone responded in unison, everyone was full of confidence and expectation.

Ye Tian nodded, and then continued:

"Still the same as before, everyone is divided into several exploration groups, each in groups of two, carrying a pulse metal detector, scanning every inch of the ground and walls of this church!

In this church, if you scan any metal objects buried deep in the ground or hidden in the walls, you must notify me as soon as possible, and you must not act without authorization.

I'm going to look at those metal signatures and see what are those hidden metal objects? Is there any value in mining and cleaning before deciding on the next step.

During the exploration process, everyone should take care of each other and try not to leave the sight of adjacent groups and security personnel. I will arrange security personnel to protect everyone and ensure everyone’s safety.”

"Okay, Steven"

Many exploration team members responded in unison.

Next, Ye Tian ordered some other precautions before issuing an action order.

"Guys, that's all I want to say. Let's start to act. I hope we can gain something, create miracles again, and surprise the world!"

Following his order, many exploration team members who participated in this operation immediately took action.

In groups of two and two, everyone was quickly divided into several exploration groups, each holding a pulse metal detector, and launched operations.

Of these guys, the most exciting are the new Israel Explorers.

At the same time as these exploration team members started their operations, some of Ye Tian's security team members also entered the church, quickly dispersed, and followed the various exploration teams to start their operations.

Looking at their orderly movements and those high-tech exploration equipment, the eyes of all the Ethiopians at the scene were full of envy, even jealousy.

Of course, there are deep fears and worries.

The Ethiopians also acted, and they sent some clergymen to follow the various exploration teams to supervise the exploration from the closest distance.

After all the exploration groups dispersed, Ye Tian turned his head to look at the deputy mayor of Axum and others, and said with a smile:

"Gentlemen, the size of the Church of Endacion is not small. There are gardens, outbuildings, and underground buildings outside. This exploration operation will definitely consume a lot of time, even a whole day.

For such a long time, it is impossible for everyone to stand here and wait for the result. It will be very tiring and the process will be very boring. You can find a place to rest, or sit on a chair next to you and chat.

Next, I will also lead people to explore, walk around in this church and see what I can find, so I will not accompany you, please feel free, and I will inform you of the results! "

"Okay, Mr. Steven, you can start exploring without thinking about us. Seeing your highly specialized actions, I believe you will definitely discover something, and maybe you can create miracles again!"

The deputy mayor of Axum continued to speak, and the rest of the Ethiopians also nodded.

Afterwards, Ye Tian took an archaeologist from Columbia University, a text expert, and two subordinates holding a pulse metal detector, and walked towards the door of the church.

He was going to start exploring from the door of the church and extend inwards a little bit.

An Orthodox monk in his thirties and an Axum government official also followed, ready to supervise.

As for Joshua, Bishop of Kent, and others, they walked to the prayer area next to them, where they were going to sit and rest and wait for the results of the exploration.

Coming to the inside of the church door, Ye Tian first checked the situation here, then pointed to the wall on the right side of the door, and said to several of his subordinates:

"Guys, let's start here. Scan the walls first, then the ground, and see if we can find anything. Let me admire this black angel statue. This statue looks interesting!"

"Okay, Steven"

The two company employees holding pulse metal detectors nodded in response.

Then they walked over to the wall over there and started scanning with pulse metal detectors.

Ye Tian came to a niche on the wall and began to appreciate the angel statue displayed in this niche.

As he said, this is an angel statue based on black people, which has African cultural characteristics.

On the base of this statue, some strange characters are engraved.

These texts are neither Amharic, nor Arabic or Hebrew, nor English. They seem to be Semitic, which has the same origin as ancient Hebrew.

Ye Tian briefly admired the statue, and then looked at the strange characters on the base.

The character expert who came with him began to explain after careful identification.

"Steven, this should be the relatively ancient Tigray language, an ancient language used by the Tigray people. After continuous development, the Tigray language evolved into the current Tigray language.

Tigriya, like Guzi, is the northern branch of the Ethiopian Semitic language. They are different from the Semitic languages ​​​​in the Middle East and Arabia, and have developed some unique features! "

Hearing this explanation, Ye Tian nodded, and then asked:

"What do these Tiglia words mean? Is it the age of creation of this black angel statue, and some other related information?"

"Yes, from these texts, we can know that this black angel statue was created in the late seventeenth century, and it is an antique cultural relic with a certain history!"

The paleographer explained it.

Afterwards, Ye Tian looked at the black angel statue again.

After making sure that there were no hidden secrets here, he shifted his gaze to a mural on the wall next to him!

The content on that mural is from a famous story in the Bible, but the characters are in black shapes, giving people a very fresh feeling.

It is a pity that the creation of this mural was not long ago, and there is no secret hidden behind it.

At the same time, the two company employees who scanned the wall found nothing.

After scanning the wall designated by Ye Tian, ​​they started scanning the floor again, but the pulse metal detector never sounded.

During the conversation, ten minutes passed.

Ye Tian came to a new mural again and stopped to admire it.

At this moment, an excited voice suddenly came from the intercom.

"Steven, you'd better come to the confessional room to have a look. We found something strange, and there may be some secret hidden behind it!"

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately turned his head and looked towards the confession room.

The same goes for the other exploration team members, all turned their heads to look over there, and everyone became even more excited.

Many Ethiopians who were in the church, especially the Orthodox monks of the Endasion Church, were very surprised.

"Could it be that there are some great secrets or even treasures hidden in the church? Why haven't we discovered them?"

Just when these Ethiopians were confused, Ye Tian had already walked towards the confession room.


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