Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3072 The Secret in the Confession Room

Chapter 3072 The Secret in the Confession Room

In the confessional.

Ye Tianzheng was standing in front of an alcove, looking intently at the things in the alcove.

In this alcove, no more than fifty centimeters high, there is a small bronze statue of the Virgin Mary.

Strangely, the statue of the Virgin Mary is attached to the wall and cannot be taken out at all.

Also in the confessional was the archaeologist from Columbia University.

At the door of the confession room, the deputy mayor of Axum, Joshua and others were looking inside curiously.

In addition, the company employees who informed Ye Tian to come were also at the door of the confession room.

Ye Tian pretended to study it seriously for a while, then discussed with the archaeologist in a low voice, and then turned and walked out of the confession room.

When he came outside, he glanced at the crowd, then smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, according to my appraisal, the statue of the Virgin Mary in this confessional was created in the early to mid-17th century, and has a certain history. It is a very good antique.

This is a small bronze statue, but it is integrated with the wall of this ancient church, and it cannot be taken out at all. That's it, it's relatively rare, and I haven't seen many before.

However, the construction time of Endacion Cathedral was much earlier than the time when this statue was created, which means that this statue of the Virgin Mary was placed here later.

It is also integrated with the wall, which is sufficient to show that the wall on which the statue stands was moved in the early to mid-17th century to accommodate the statue."


Several Ethiopians, including the person in charge of the Endasion church, exclaimed in unison.

They were all taken aback by these words and couldn't believe it.

After a while, the person in charge of the Endacion Church said:

"Mr. Steven, is your judgment wrong? According to relevant documents in the church, this statue of the Virgin Mary existed a long time ago, and this wall has never been touched.

You said, this statue of the Virgin Mary was made in the early to mid-17th century,

This wall was also tampered with during that period, could it be a misjudgment? We've never found evidence of this! "

After the voice fell, everyone looked at Ye Tian to see how he would respond.

Ye Tian shook his head, and said firmly:

"Gentlemen, I can never be wrong. I am very confident in my vision of appraising antiques and artworks. In this regard, I have never been wrong, and it is the same this time.

There is no doubt that this bronze statue of the Virgin Mary was indeed created in the early and mid-17th century. If Endacion Church had not been rebuilt and expanded at that time, someone must have tampered with it! "

Hearing this, Joshua and Bishop of Kent nodded, agreeing with Ye Tian's appraisal conclusion very much.

They trusted Ye Tian's vision of appraising antiques and artworks, even a little blindly!

There is no other reason, Ye Tian has never seen the miraculous performance of the eye, which is the best proof.

However, the Ethiopians at the scene were somewhat skeptical.

At this moment, the archaeologist from Columbia University continued:

"I can attest that Steven's identification is very accurate and that this bronze statue of the Virgin Mary was indeed created in the early to mid-seventeenth century, not earlier or later.

The reason for saying this is that this bronze statue of the Virgin Mary has a very hidden characteristic of the times, which just shows the exact age of its birth.

This characteristic of the times has to do with Catholicism, not the dominant Orthodox Church in Ethiopia, which we know was also popular for a while.”

"Yes, Catholicism did prevail in Ethiopia for a while, but it was very short!"

The person in charge of Endacion Church nodded and said.

Other Ethiopians who knew about this period of history also nodded.

But most people are confused, they don't know this history.

After a short pause, the archaeologist continued:

"And this period, in the early to mid-17th century, was when the Ethiopian emperor, the Solomon emperor Susnijos, converted to Catholicism for a while.

As a result, in 1632, Susnijos was overthrown by his son, Fasilidas, and Ethiopia returned to its original belief, which is the Orthodox Church.

The existence of Catholicism in Ethiopia was very short, only six years before and after. If it is placed in the long river of history, this time is completely negligible, so no one pays attention.

However, during these six years, Emperor Susnijos still did some things, such as this bronze statue of the Virgin Mary, which is a work from that era! "

"You said that this bronze statue of the Virgin Mary has the characteristics of that era. May I ask what it is? We know this bronze statue very well, but we have never found the characteristics you mentioned!"

The head of the Endacion Church asked curiously.

"It's two cursive Latin letters and it's a person's initials, and the initials are pretty much unknown because it's a former name.

This person is Alfonso Mendes, who was sent by the Holy See to Ethiopia to spread Catholicism. This cardinal had another name when he was young.

The two Latin letters engraved on the base of this bronze statue of the Virgin Mary are the initials of his name when he was young, so no one knows.

It was also the cardinal's very tough missionary methods that aroused the hatred and resistance of the Ethiopians, and then overthrew Emperor Susnijos.

Regarding this point, everyone can go in with me to check it out. Later, you can also do a carbon 14 test for this bronze statue, and you will know the result! "

Not surprisingly, there was another exclamation at the scene.

Immediately afterwards, the head of the Endacion Church and the deputy mayor of Axum followed the archaeologist into the confessional to check the situation.

After a while, they came out of the confession room and nodded in unison.

"That's right, that's the abbreviation of the name Cardinal Alfonso Mendes used when he was young. You can find it on the Internet through your mobile phone, and the font is exactly the same!"

"Alfonso Mendez is an unpopular historical figure in Axum, and throughout Ethiopia, and it seems we must remove this bronze statue of the Virgin Mary!"

Following their conclusions, no one doubted what Ye Tian said just now.

Without exception, everyone on the scene looked at Ye Tian.

Whether they like him or not, even if they hate him, everyone at the scene has to admit that his vision for appraising antiques and artworks is indeed unparalleled in the world and unrivaled.

"Mr. Steven, the age of this bronze statue of the Virgin Mary has been determined, and your identification conclusion is correct, that is to say, this wall was tampered with before 1632.

The person who did the tricks was most likely Bishop Alfonso Mendes who once occupied the Church of Endacion. What we want to know now is why Alfonso Mendes did these things?

What secret is he hiding in this wall, behind this bronze statue of the Virgin Mary? I hope you can explain it to us, we would love to know what this secret is."

The deputy mayor of Axum asked, his eyes shining brightly.

The same goes for everyone else at the scene, everyone wants to know what secrets are hidden behind this wall!

Ye Tian didn't respond immediately, but pointed to the two company employees around him, and then said with a smile:

"Gentlemen, first let the two members of this exploration team introduce the situation, and then I will talk about my judgment, and then start the next step of exploration."

Following his movements, everyone looked at the two explorers.

The guy holding the coil of the pulse metal detector immediately said:

"When I was exploring this confessional just now, I found through scanning that there are many metal objects under the bronze statue of Santa Maria, and these metal objects are connected with the statue.

Judging from the shape, it looks like a metal connecting rod that leads all the way to the ground, but in other parts of this wall, we did not find other metal objects, and then we scanned the ground again.

As a result, at a place about three meters underground and nearly four meters deep, we scanned some metal signals, and there were a lot of them. They were gathered together and looked like they were packed in several boxes.

From this, we judge that there may be an unknown treasure hidden deep underground in this confessional, and the mechanism to open this treasure should be this bronze statue of Santa Maria."

Although everyone has expected, this may be the result.

However, everyone was still shocked to hear the exploratory team member say it himself.

Not surprisingly, there was a burst of exclamation at the scene.

"My God! There is an unknown treasure hidden deep underground in this confessional, it's incredible!"

"The person who transformed this wall and placed this bronze statue of the Virgin Mary is Alfonso Mendez. It seems that this unknown treasure is hidden by him!"

Just when everyone was amazed, Ye Tian let the exploration team enter the confession room and scan the wall below the bronze statue of the Virgin Mary again.

As the scanning starts, the pulse metal detector beeps immediately, and the sound is very pleasant, like the sound of nature!

Next, Ye Tian took the monitor of the pulse metal detector and began to explain to everyone present the meaning of the various data and signals on the monitor.

Looking at these detection data, everyone no longer has half a doubt.

There is no doubt that there is indeed an unknown treasure hidden deep in the underground of this confessional.

As for the size of this treasure, what is hidden inside, and how much it is worth, everyone has no way of knowing, and can only imagine it out of thin air!

After the exploration team finished the scan and came out of the confession room, the deputy mayor of Aksum immediately said impatiently:

"Mr. Steven, how should we open the mechanism of this hidden treasure? How to enter it? Take out these treasures buried deep underground?"

Ye Tian didn't respond immediately, but glanced at all the Ethiopians present.

Then he smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, before expressing my judgment, that is, how to open this mechanism and safely retrieve this treasure hidden deep underground, I need to clarify some things.

First of all, we found this treasure, there is no doubt about it, so how should it be distributed? Is it allocated according to the agreement we reached in advance, or will we discuss it temporarily?

According to the relevant agreement reached before, if this treasure has nothing to do with the legendary Solomon's treasure, then half of this treasure belongs to our company, and the other half belongs to you.

If this treasure is part of the legendary treasure of Solomon, or is the treasure of Solomon, then everything in the treasure is ours except the ark of the covenant, a religious relic.

This distribution, I wonder if you agree? Only when these points are clarified and the interests of our company are ensured, will we start further exploration and unearth this treasure! "

After the voice fell, the scene suddenly fell silent.

Those Ethiopians were all dumbfounded, they looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to make a choice for a while, and there was a bit of anger in everyone's eyes.

This hidden treasure that has never been known is right in front of you, and it is within your reach!

Under such circumstances, who would be willing to watch half or even all of this treasure being taken away for nothing?

However, the tripartite joint exploration team's exploration operation in Axum has only just begun.

This treasure may be just an appetizer, and there may be bigger and more amazing treasures to be discovered one after another!

If he turned his face at this time and tore up the previously signed treasure distribution agreement, would it be picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelons, resulting in even greater losses?

For a while, these Ethiopians were having a hard time making a choice.

Looking at the performance of these Ethiopians, both Joshua and the Bishop of Kent were a little worried.

They are afraid that these Ethiopians will be short-sighted and only see this possibly small treasure, which will lead to the failure of the tripartite joint exploration operation, and then they will be in trouble!

Looking at Ye Tian again, he was always smiling, and he was very relaxed, chatting with David in a low voice.

He may not have paid attention to the treasure hidden deep in the ground of this confessional, but instead used it to test the Ethiopians to see what they would choose.

After hesitating for a moment, the deputy mayor of Axum gritted his molars and nodded:

"Mr. Steven, please rest assured that we will keep our promises, abide by the relevant agreements signed before, distribute the treasure according to the agreement, and will never tear up the agreement at will.

I hope you will continue to explore, open this hidden mechanism, and dig out this treasure under the confessional, to see what is hidden in this treasure! "

There is no doubt that this is the answer Ye Tian wants to hear.

He nodded slightly, then smiled and said:

"Since we have reached an agreement, there is no problem. Next, I will try to open this secret mechanism and find out this hidden treasure in the ground."

As soon as the words fell, the person in charge of the Endacion Cathedral continued to say:

"Mr. Steven, during this process, I hope you will protect this ancient church as much as possible and not wantonly destroy it. In that case, we have the right to stop it at any time."

Obviously, this Orthodox senior monk is still a little unwilling.

But he couldn't think of any way to stop it, so he could only say so.

Ye Tian looked at the other party, then nodded with a smile and said:

"Don't worry, we have very rich experience in exploring treasures, and we can safely and quickly retrieve this hidden treasure without destroying any bricks or tiles.

After excavating and clearing this treasure, if necessary, we can completely restore it to its original state, exactly as before, just like we did in Fasil Gaby Castle before."

"In this case, I have nothing to say, you can take action!"

The person in charge of Endacion Cathedral nodded and said.

Afterwards, Ye Tian expressed his judgment.

"Through scanning with a pulse metal detector just now, it can be found that there is a metal connecting rod hidden under the bronze statue of the Virgin Mary, leading all the way to the ground.

This metal connecting rod should be the mechanism to open a secret passage. As long as you find a way to turn this connecting rod, you can open the secret passage leading to the deep underground and enter the secret room where the treasure is stored.

The mechanism that turns this metal connecting rod is this bronze statue of the Virgin Mary, but because it is too old, it is not easy to turn it.

Next, I will try to turn this bronze statue of the Virgin Mary to see if I can open the secret passage and enter the underground chamber where the treasure is hidden! "

Listening to this explanation, everyone at the scene nodded, everyone was excited and full of expectations.

Next, Ye Tian entered this confession room again.

He didn't immediately turn the bronze statue of the Virgin Mary, but carefully observed the ground and walls to make sure it was safe.

After confirming that there was no deadly trap here, he called the deputy mayor of Aksum into the confession room and let the other party witness the next action on the spot!

After the deputy mayor of Axum took his seat, he came to the bronze statue of the Virgin Mary and gently held the base of the ancient statue with both hands.

He first tried to turn the bronze statue left and right, but the statue didn't move at all.

Then, he asked his company employees to bring in a bottle of lubricating oil, and dripped it around the bottom of the statue along the base.

Then he waited a few more minutes before taking hold of the bronze statue again.

This time he continued to increase his strength, trying to turn the bronze statue left and right.

At first, the bronze statue remained silent.

But as he exerted more and more force, the thing finally moved, turning slowly to the left.

"Ka Ka Ka"

Suddenly, there was a sound of machine turning from the wall, which was extremely difficult and piercing.

But the sound came to everyone's ears, but it was as pleasant as the sounds of nature.

"Oh my god! There are actually organs in this wall, it's simply unbelievable!"

"Endación Cathedral has stood here for hundreds of years, but no one has discovered that there is such a secret hidden in the confessional!"

While everyone was discussing, a stone on the wall next to the confessional seemed to move suddenly.



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