Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3074 Ruby Gold Crown

The white elf disappeared into Ye Tian's left cuff again, but the shock it caused was deeply engraved in the minds of the Ethiopians present.

Especially the senior Orthodox monks headed by the person in charge of the Endacion Church kept looking at Ye Tian's left cuff, their eyes were both fanatical and full of fear.

For this kind of situation, Ye Tian has long been accustomed to it, so it is not surprising.

He stepped forward to check the situation at the entrance of the secret passage again, and then said:

"There shouldn't be any highly poisonous creatures in this secret passage leading to the deep underground and in the secret room at the end of the spiral staircase, and some of them were killed by the little white elf.

Next, we will use small drones to explore this underground space again, to see the situation in the secret room deep underground, and after we confirm safety, we will send people in to explore.”

Everyone at the scene nodded without any objection.

Immediately afterwards, the employees of the brave and fearless exploration company took out two small drones and began to debug them.

After the debugging was completed, they immediately released the two small drones, one in front of the other, and flew straight into the hole in the wall.

The next moment, the situation inside the cave appeared on the monitoring screen and appeared in front of everyone.

In addition to the spiral staircase leading to the deep underground, at the entrance of the cave, everyone also saw two rusty bronze pillars with a diameter of about ten centimeters.

"Gentlemen, the two bronze pillars you see now should be the organ that opens the entrance to this secret passage, or a part of the organ that opens it.

They are rusted due to age, but luckily they still work, and that's why I was able to open this secret passage"

Ye Tian briefly introduced the situation.

Afterwards, two small drones flew down the spiral staircase slowly.

On this spiral staircase, there was a thick layer of dust, and the dust was covered with moss, making it very slippery.

The walls on both sides of the stairs are also covered with moss and mottled.

In addition, some mouse footprints can be seen on the steps, but there are not many.

It can be seen that even for mice, this confined underground space is not a good place to live.

There are countless hidden corners in Endacion Church, and the mice have many choices, so naturally they would not choose such a place to make their home.

Maybe it's because the construction time is too hasty, maybe it's because the function is very single, it is used to hide treasures.

There are almost no decorations on the walls on both sides of this spiral staircase, only two small niches are used to place candles and torches.

Others, such as murals and statues, were not found here.

There are no shooting holes on the walls on both sides of the stairs, and no traces of other traps have been found. The stairs seem to be very safe.

While the two small drones were exploring, Ye Tian explained the situation while analyzing the situation.

"Gentlemen, judging from the current situation, no traps have been found on this spiral staircase. It looks very safe and you can pass it with confidence. This is undoubtedly a good thing!"

While speaking, two small drones have flown to the bottom of the spiral staircase.

Wherever the light went, a small underground secret room appeared on the monitoring screen and appeared in front of everyone.

This secret room was only a few square meters in size, less than 1.8 meters high, and was shrouded in darkness.

Looking in from the door of the secret room, only some limited situations can be seen.

In the center of this underground secret room, there seemed to be some boxes piled up, and there were no other items.

Because the secret room is very small, it does not appear empty, but gives people a feeling of depression.

Seeing this scene, there was an exclamation in the church immediately.

"Wow! I can't believe that there is such a secret underground chamber deep underground in the confessional of Endacion Church. It's incredible!"

"What are those boxes containing? Is it the gold and silver treasures and antiques that Alfonso Mendez looted when he was preaching, or something else? It's so exciting!"

Just as everyone was discussing, two small drones flew into the underground chamber to start further exploration.

In this small underground secret room, apart from the boxes stacked in the center of the secret room, nothing else was found.

Like the spiral staircase above, there are no statues or anything like that in the Chamber of Secrets.

You know, this secret room is located deep in the underground of a famous church, but there are no sculptures of religious themes, which is relatively rare.

From this point, it can be seen that when Alfonso Mendes built this secret room, it must have been very secretive and almost no one knew about it; the time was also very short, and there was no time to make any decorations and arrangements.

Due to the age, the boxes in the secret room, as well as the surrounding walls and ground, were covered with moss, covering everything.

After a while, the two small drones completed their exploration.

Ye Tian checked the captured video again, and asked his staff to take back the drone.

At the same time, he explained to everyone present:

"Now it is basically certain that there are no mechanism traps in this spiral staircase leading to the deep underground, as well as in that secret underground chamber, so you can enter with confidence.

The reason for this situation, I guess, is that the time is too short, and Alfonso Mendes' time in Axum is too short to make any extra arrangements.

And it is even more likely that this secret room was built when Emperor Susnijos was overthrown and Alfonso Mendes was about to be driven out, just to hide the treasure."

"That's right, Steven, Emperor Susnijos and Alfonso Mendes failed very quickly, and they didn't have much time to make more careful arrangements.

When Alfonso Mendez escaped from Ethiopia, it is said that he was alone and could not take anything with him. He died of depression within a few years after returning to Rome! "

The person in charge of the Endacion Church continued.

Everyone else at the scene nodded, obviously agreeing with Ye Tian's analysis.

Next, Ye Tian said some of his own judgments.

Then he asked his staff to bring some light sticks, fold them in half and light them up, and throw them into the spiral staircase leading to the deep underground.

As a large number of lighting sticks were thrown in, the spiral staircase that had been sleeping in the dark for four or five hundred years finally ushered in light.

After finishing this action, Ye Tian looked at the crowd and said with a smile:

"Gentlemen, next I will send people to enter this secret room deep underground and retrieve the boxes hidden in the secret room. During this process, we will shoot videos throughout.

After taking out the boxes hidden in the secret room, I will open them one by one in front of everyone in this church, clean up the items contained in those boxes, and register them one by one.

At the same time, I will complete the identification and evaluation on the spot, and then divide this treasure into two according to the overall value after the evaluation, and complete the distribution here, so as to save trouble later.”

Hearing this, several Ethiopians suddenly became a little anxious.

"Mr. Steven, you immediately launched a clean-up operation, brought this treasure out of the depths of the ground, and carried out an inventory and registration. We have no objection to these.

However, is it too hasty to start the evaluation and identification work immediately and complete the distribution on site? How can you ensure accurate identification and fair distribution? "

The deputy mayor of Axum frowned and said.

Before the words fell, the person in charge of Endacion Church continued to say:

"That's right, it's really too hasty to allocate this treasure on the spot. Mr. Steven, how can our interests be guaranteed if we allocate the treasure based on your personal appraisal conclusion and evaluation opinion?"

Ye Tian looked at these Ethiopians, then smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, here I want to say something you don't like to hear, you Tigray State and Axum, and even the whole of Ethiopia, do not have top experts in antique art appraisal.

In other words, you can't find authoritative experts and scholars to identify the gold and silver treasures and antique cultural relics in this treasure. Without accurate identification, there can't be an accurate evaluation! "

The Ethiopians at the scene were all stunned, without saying a word, with embarrassing expressions.

They really want to refute it, but the facts are here, and anyone with a discerning eye can see it!

Where are there any top experts in the appraisal of antique works of art in Tigray State and Axum, and there are not many experts of average level!

If you invite it from the outside, it will inevitably cost a very high price.

Such a price is something that Tigray State and Axum are unwilling to pay!

Before the Ethiopian gave a response, Ye Tian went on to say:

"I am extremely confident in my vision of appraising antique cultural relics and artworks! I can also guarantee that as long as I give appraisal conclusions and evaluation results, I will be responsible for it.

During the process of appraising this treasure, we will record a video of the whole process and leave you a video file. If you think there is any problem in the future, you can come to the account later!

In other words, if you feel that the appraisal results and appraisal values ​​I gave are inaccurate, you can go back on your word at any time and invite more authoritative institutions and experts to conduct the appraisal.

As for the on-site distribution of this treasure, it is even simpler. I will divide this treasure into two parts of exactly equal value based on the overall evaluation value given by me.

Next, you will take half of them first, and the other half will belong to our company; if you feel uneasy, you can choose again, this should be fair, right? "


The deputy mayor of Axum exclaimed and was stunned.

The other Ethiopians, too, were dumbfounded.

Ye Tian smiled and released his trump card.

"I have some knowledge of the situation in Tigray State. Because of this, I proposed this distribution method. It is straightforward, saves a lot of red tape, and saves a lot of time. It is beneficial to both of us!"

Hearing this, the eyes of the representative of the People's Front and the deputy mayor of Axum brightened.

yes! How could I forget this!

Tigray State and Tirenjin now need a lot of money to buy a lot of things, such as arms and supplies, so there is no time to waste asking experts and scholars to identify this treasure.

More importantly, the treasure allocation plan given by Steven sounds very reasonable and impeccable!

Even if the treasure distribution is completed, can't you go back and find a later account? There seems to be no problem.

Thinking of this, the representative of the Tirenjin and the deputy mayor of Aksum immediately looked at each other and nodded slightly.

Next, the deputy mayor of Axum nodded and said:

"Well, Mr. Steven, this plan sounds reasonable. We can accept it. This is Tigray State. It can indeed save a lot of unnecessary red tape!"

Seeing them nodding in agreement, the head of the Endacion Church and other senior Orthodox monks stopped talking.

After reaching an agreement, Ye Tian immediately called a company employee and an Israeli explorer to let them enter the secret room deep underground to clean up and transfer the treasure.

They were chosen because the two guys fit the bill.

They were all just over 1.7 meters tall and lean enough to enter the narrow spiral staircase.

When the two of them approached, Ye Tian gave some precautions, mainly related to safety.

Next, they each put on a set of protective clothing, put on various equipment such as gloves and headlamps, and then tied safety ropes around their waists before they got into the secret passage entrance on the wall.

Because the entrance to the secret passage is relatively narrow, the inside of the spiral staircase is also the same. They all climb into the secret passage backwards with their feet in and their heads out.

Fortunately, everything went well, and they all safely passed through the secret passage and entered the spiral staircase.

Then, under the protection of the safety rope, they walked deep underground along the spiral staircase step by step.

Except that the spiral staircase was relatively slippery, there was no mechanism trap, so naturally no accident happened.

After a while, the employee of the brave man who entered the secret passage first entered the secret room deep underground.

Immediately afterwards, the Israeli explorer also got into the secret passage and went down to the secret underground chamber.

As they entered, the underground secret room suddenly became brighter.

The people staying on the ground finally saw clearly the situation in the underground secret room.

As seen before, in the center of the underground secret room, there are more than a dozen old wooden boxes piled up, and each wooden box is covered with moss.

The difference is that some wooden boxes have decayed and are about to fall apart.

Under the irradiance of the powerful searchlight beams, pieces of bright light faintly appeared in the gaps of several of the wooden boxes.

Except for a dozen wooden boxes, there is nothing else in the secret room, and not a single sculpture with a religious theme can be seen.

Seeing this scene, everyone was very excited.

Especially those Ethiopians, their eyes are shining brightly.

Ye Tian looked at the surveillance screen, then picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Nick, you don't need to worry about the situation in other parts of the secret room. You are only responsible for cleaning the dozen or so wooden boxes. You must be careful when cleaning them. Those wooden boxes have a history of four or five hundred years and must be extremely fragile.

Next, we will use the safety rope to put a few small portable safes down. You start to clean up from the top of those wooden boxes. It is best to put those wooden boxes into the portable safe as a whole.

If the transfer cannot be carried out as a whole, or if the wooden boxes are too decayed, you can take out the things in the wooden boxes and put them in a portable safe, and I will arrange for someone to lift them to the ground."

"No problem, Steven, leave these matters to us!"

Nick nodded in response.

Next, Ye Tian asked his staff to put a few small portable safes down, and began to clean up and transport this hidden treasure.

After receiving the first small portable safe, Nick and the others went into action.

On top of the dozen or so boxes in the center of the secret room, there is a very small box, square and square.

Nick carefully removed the wooden box from a high place, and gently wiped off the moss attached to it.

Following his movements, a crimson wooden box appeared immediately and appeared on the video screen.

This crimson wooden box is quite well preserved without any damage. Its surface is engraved with some exquisite decorations and seems to have some ancient characters.

On the front of this wooden box, there is a shiny golden buckle, designed as a golden lion, locked with a golden lock.

"Steven, the wooden box on the top is well preserved without any damage. It's a miracle. This wooden box is very exquisite and has a certain weight. I don't know what's inside?"

Nick reports over the walkie-talkie.

"This is an African rosewood box. This precious wood can effectively prevent moths and rats from biting. It has a dense texture and is very corrosion-resistant, so it has been well preserved until now.

Judging from the surface decoration and the golden lion buckle, this red sandalwood box should come from the royal family of the Solomon Dynasty, and the things contained in it may be related to the royal family of Solomon! "

Ye Tian said a few words briefly.

Listening to his analysis, everyone became even more excited.

Next, Nick and the others put the exquisite rosewood box into a portable safe and locked the safe.

Two or three minutes later, this portable safe appeared in front of everyone.

Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Tian immediately opened the portable safe, and took out the rosewood box from four or five hundred years ago.

As soon as this rosewood box was exposed to the outside world and exposed to natural light, some oxidation reactions inevitably occurred, and it suddenly became much older.

Only the golden lion buckle and the golden lock still radiate bright light.

Everyone didn't care much about the change of this rosewood box.

What everyone is most concerned about, and what they want to know more, is what is contained in this rosewood box and what secrets are hidden?

Ye Tian and several archaeologists studied the red sandalwood box carefully, and then nodded in unison.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, my previous judgment was correct. This exquisite rosewood box indeed came from the royal family of the Solomon dynasty. The things contained in this box should be related to the royal family of Solomon.

According to the close relationship between Alfonso Mendez and Emperor Susnijos, I boldly speculate that the things in this rosewood box may come from Emperor Susnijos! "

"That's right, this possibility does exist. The golden lion buckle on the box is one of the symbols of the Solomon Dynasty. Others are not allowed to use it. This is a proof!"

An archaeologist from Harvard University said, and several other experts and scholars also nodded.

At this moment, the person in charge of the Endacion Church suddenly said:

"Mr. Steven, how do you plan to open this golden lock? This golden lock has a history of four or five hundred years. Judging from its exquisiteness, it should be an antique cultural relic of certain value.

If this rosewood chest is indeed from the Solomon dynasty, it is worth more, so it is best not to destroy this antique golden lock, which will greatly reduce its value."

Hearing this, Joshua and the Bishop of Kent couldn't help chuckling.

Several archaeologists and historians of the tripartite joint exploration team paused for a moment, and then laughed.

"Don't worry, I can easily open this antique golden lock without destroying it, and see what treasure is inside this rosewood box?"

Ye Tian said with a smile.

"Ah! How do you open this antique gold lock without a key?"

The person in charge of the Endasion church said in surprise that other Ethiopians were also at a loss.

"Just use this, this is the key to unlock the lock!"

With that said, a thin metal pick suddenly appeared in Ye Tian's hand!

Before the Ethiopians could react, he had already inserted the metal pick into the keyhole of the golden lock, and gently turned it.

In just three to five seconds, with a soft 'click', the antique gold lock from four or five hundred years ago was opened.

Afterwards, Ye Tian took off the antique gold lock and placed it on the carpet next to it.

"My God! Steven, how on earth did you do it? It's like magic!"

"I'm not dazzled, am I? The speed is so fast, so what's the use of such an antique gold lock?"

The Ethiopians at the scene exclaimed one after another, their eyes widened, and their eyeballs were about to fly out.

At the same time, they also felt a burst of fear!

"Steven is so scary, he can do anything!"

"Who can offend such a miraculous guy? Otherwise, he wouldn't even know how his head fell off!"

Ye Tian just smiled softly, as if he had done a trivial thing.

After successfully unlocking the antique golden lock, he stood on the side of the rosewood box and carefully lifted the top cover of the box.

There are no traps in the box, no sharp arrows shooting out, and no deadly poisonous smoke, it is very peaceful!

After making sure it was safe, Ye Tian completely opened the red sandalwood box.

Following this action, an incomparably bright golden light flashed on the scene immediately, making everyone's eyes dazzled!

Everyone got used to the change of light for a while, and then they could see clearly what was packed in this red sandalwood box!

It was a simple mountain-shaped gold crown, dazzling!

And around the golden crown, there is a circle of huge rubies inlaid, the color is extremely bright, the red is like pigeon blood.

The scene fell silent instantly, and everyone was shocked!



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