Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3075 Unexpected Discovery

After being exposed to the outside world for a while, the luster of the huge rubies on the golden crown quickly dimmed and became black, as if covered with a layer of gray fog.

Seeing this scene, those Ethiopians were suddenly a little anxious.

"Ah! What's going on here? Why have these rubies suddenly lost their luster? Is there any way to salvage or stop this change?"

"My God! Why did this change happen?"

With this exclamation, everyone was awakened.

Ye Tian looked at these Ethiopians, shook his head with a smile and said:

"Gentlemen, don't be nervous. This is a normal oxidation reaction and it is inevitable. These rubies have been hidden for too long and have been isolated from the outside world for a long time.

Because of this, when they are again exposed to fresh air, exposed to natural light, this reaction occurs with very little loss from this oxidation reaction.

Once they adapt to the external environment, there will be no further changes, and then it will be good to find a professional to polish them, and they will be able to radiate charming light again."

"It turned out to be like this, it scared me!"

The representative of the People's Liberation Army said in succession, heaving a sigh of relief.

The faces of the other Ethiopians who were also at the scene turned red, somewhat embarrassed.

As far as the appraisal of antique cultural relics and works of art, as well as appraisal of jewelry, they are all laymen and do not know any professional knowledge at all. This behavior is also normal.

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then, together with several archaeologists and historians, began to study and identify the mountain-shaped golden ruby ​​crown.

At the same time, the treasure-clearing operation deep underground continues.

The previous portable safe was sent to the underground secret room again, and another slightly larger portable safe was hoisted to the ground.

Inside this portable safe was a wooden box about fifty centimeters long and thirty centimeters high.

Ye Tian stepped forward to open the portable safe and took out the old wooden box.

This wooden box is also in a good state of preservation, basically complete, with some exquisite patterns engraved on it, and a gold-plated golden lion buckle on the front.

See this gilt gold lion buckle,

Everyone immediately understood.

This wooden chest also comes from the royal family of the Solomon dynasty, but what exactly does it contain? But I don't know.

Ye Tian was not in a hurry to open the wooden box, but put it aside and continued to study the golden ruby ​​crown.

After a while, the Ethiopians on the scene couldn't wait.

"Mr. Steven, where did this gold and ruby ​​crown come from? Which ancient Ethiopian emperor's crown is it, and how much is it worth?"

The deputy mayor of Axum asked eagerly, his eyes were extremely hot.

The same was true for the other Ethiopians, everyone was full of expectations, waiting for Ye Tian's answer.

Ye Tian looked up at them, then smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, I can tell you with certainty that this is the gold and ruby ​​crown of the Ethiopian Emperor Susnijos.

On the inner circle of this crown, the personal mark of Emperor Susnijos is engraved, and there is also the golden lion emblem of the royal family of the Solomon Dynasty. As for why it fell into the hands of Alfonso Mendez, it is not known.”

Before the words fell, the person in charge of Endacion Church continued to say:

"When Emperor Susnijos was overthrown, the men of Emperor Fasilidas did not find this gold and ruby ​​crown. Emperor Susnijos declared that the crown was lost in the confusion.

Because he is the father of Emperor Fasilidas and has a special status, no one asked about the whereabouts of the crown, but who would have thought that the crown would fall into the hands of Alfonso Mendes.

Fortunately, Alfonso Mendez did not take the crown away, but buried it deep underground in the Church of Endacion. Until today, the crown has not been seen again! "

Following his words, all the Ethiopians at the scene were secretly glad.

Next, the representative of the Tirenjin asked again:

"Mr. Steven, since this is the crown of Emperor Susnijos, it must be priceless. Can you give an accurate valuation? So that everyone knows!"

Ye Tian looked at this guy, but didn't respond immediately.

Obviously, the Tirenjin urgently needs large sums of money to prepare for the upcoming war.

Because of this, the fellow was anxious to know the true value of the gold and ruby ​​crown.

His performance made Joshua, Bishop of Kent next to him, and several archaeologists and historians from Harvard University and Columbia University all brighten up, and their eyes lit up.

These cunning guys like foxes all saw the huge opportunities contained in it.

Without exception, these guys all had the idea of ​​​​the Ethiopians, and their eyes were on the half of the treasure that would be distributed to the Ethiopians.

As for the wars and vendettas between different ethnic groups and forces in Ethiopia, they don't care at all.

Ye Tian noticed the changes in the expressions of everyone at the scene.

He also knew what Joshua and the others were planning.

He just smiled and didn't say much.

"It is certain that the gold and ruby ​​crown of Emperor Susnijos is a priceless top-level antique relic, very rare, and I value it at about eight million dollars.

The reason why such a high evaluation price is given is because there is a thrilling historical story hidden behind this crown, which undoubtedly greatly increases the value of this crown! "

Ye Tian said with a smile, giving Wang Guan's valuation.

Before the words were finished, there was an exclamation of excitement at the scene.

"Wow! $8 million, that's amazing!"

"I didn't expect the value of this crown to be so high, it's incredible!"

Just when everyone was exclaiming, two experts in antique art appraisal from Israel looked at Ye Tian in surprise.

They didn't expect that Ye Tian would give such a high valuation for this golden ruby ​​crown.

If they were asked to evaluate, they would probably give a valuation of $5 million to $6 million instead of $8 million.

The valuation of 8 million US dollars is basically the upper limit of the value of this golden ruby ​​crown.

How did the two Israelites know that Ye Tian did this on purpose.

He knew very well in his heart that if he gave the gold and ruby ​​crown to the Ethiopians, the Ethiopians would not be able to keep it.

In the end, the one who got the gold and ruby ​​crown was either an Israeli, the Vatican, or an American!

That being the case, he wouldn't mind giving the Ethiopians a little extra money.

There was nothing else in the rosewood chest except the gold and ruby ​​crown.

Ye Tian carefully admired this exquisite crown again, then put it into the red sandalwood box, and locked the wooden box again.

Afterwards, he handed over the red sandalwood box to his employees, asked them to register it, and then kept it under strict surveillance.

After the treasure is cleaned up and the appraisal and evaluation are completed on the spot, the treasure can be divided up.

At that time, who will own the gold and ruby ​​crown will depend on the choice of the Ethiopians!

Next, Ye Tian took the second wooden box on the side, ready to open it.

Locking this wooden box is a rusty bronze lock, which is of little value.

Before opening the box, Ye Tian checked the surface of the wooden box.

This wooden box is relatively well preserved, although there are some bumps and bumps, but it is not damaged.

Right above the wooden box, there are engraved a cross, several little angels, and a text from the Bible.

Unlike the angel portraits seen in the Endasion Church and other places in Ethiopia, the images of these little angels are very orthodox, based on white people.

The text from the Bible is not Amharic or Tigray, but Latin.

After roughly checking the wooden box, Ye Tian said:

"Judging from the surface of this wooden box, it shows that it came from the royal family of the Solomon Dynasty, and the gold-plated lion buckle on the front of the wooden box is the most powerful proof.

However, the angel patterns and Latin inscriptions on the surface of the wooden box are enough to show that the person who used this wooden box was most likely a white man from Europe.

From this, it can be deduced that this should be the box of Bishop Alfonso Mendes, who ordered it from the royal craftsmen of the Solomon Dynasty during his mission in Ethiopia."

Before the words fell, several archaeologists nodded one after another.

"Yes, we think so too, if the wooden box had belonged to someone else, the image of the angel on it would not have been like this, and it would not have been in Latin.

Apart from Bishop Alfonso Mendez, no white missionary at that time was qualified to have a wooden box made for him by the Solomon royal craftsmen."

"Indeed, this is a very special antique wooden box. No matter what is contained in this box, just this wooden box itself reflects that period of Ethiopian history!"

Hearing their analysis, everyone's understanding of the wooden box suddenly became deeper.

At the same time, everyone is looking forward to what is contained in this wooden box.

After checking the appearance of the wooden box, Ye Tian picked up the hydraulic pliers that were set aside, and directly cut off the rusty bronze lock on the front of the box.

Immediately afterwards, he carefully opened the top cover of the wooden box.

There is no mechanism trap in this wooden box, it is very peaceful.

After confirming that it was safe, Ye Tian finally opened the wooden box completely.

The things packed in the wooden box once again shocked everyone at the scene.

The first thing everyone saw was an extremely exquisite gold cross inlaid with several red and sapphires, which was placed on the top of the box.

Under the light, this golden cross radiates bright light, dazzling.

And under this golden cross, there is a statue of the Virgin Mary about 50 centimeters high, but it is only a bronze statue, which has long been rusted.

Judging from the artistic style and characters shown in this statue, it is obviously from European Catholicism, not Ethiopian native Orthodox Church.

There are only these two items in the wooden box, but they are shocking enough.

"Wow! This golden cross is so exquisite, it is probably another top-notch antique relic"

"It's hard to imagine how many valuable top-level antique relics Alfonso Mendes has hidden deep underground!"

There was a burst of exclamation at the scene, and everyone was very excited.

Like the golden ruby ​​crown, the red sapphire on the golden cross began to change rapidly after it was exposed.

After a while, those huge red and sapphires became black and gray.

Everyone has seen this scene before, and it is no longer surprising.

Ye Tian checked the situation in the wooden box, then reached into it, and carefully lifted the golden cross out of it.

The weight of this golden cross is very heavy, exceeding five kilograms, and it is made of a lot of gold.

After taking out the golden cross, Ye Tian gently placed it on the carpet, and then began to explain.

"Gentlemen, this is another top-notch antique relic with a high value. In fact, the value of the gold used in this cross and the value of these rubies and sapphires are astonishing.

Judging from the shape of this golden cross and the Latin engraved on the bottom, it should be made by Alfonso Mendes from Rome, and the person who provided the gold was Emperor Susnijos!

From this point of view, before 1632, this Catholic-style golden cross was probably enshrined on the altar of Endasion Church, and it was once the most important religious object here.”

Listening to his explanation, everyone nodded.

The Ethiopians at the scene were all staring at the golden cross, their eyes shining with excitement, their eyes were extremely hot, even a little red, full of greed.

If it was a different place and a different group of people, they might have already grabbed it!

Next, Ye Tian let everyone visit and appreciate this exquisite golden cross.

Everyone who looked at this golden cross was amazed.

During the appreciation process, Ye Tian exchanged opinions with several archaeologists and antique art appraisal experts, and then gave the appraisal conclusion and evaluation results on the spot.

He valued this golden cross at $2 million, which is also a top estimate.

Unsurprisingly, all the Ethiopians on the scene were shocked again and exclaimed.

However, with the previous base of 8 million US dollars, their psychological endurance has become much stronger.

In the blink of an eye, they had controlled their emotions, but their eyes were still shining.

After appraising and appraising the golden cross, Ye Tian hugged it aside and asked his staff to take videos and register it.

He himself came to the wooden box again, carefully carried out the bronze statue of the Virgin Mary, and placed it on the carpet.

Everyone at the scene could see that when he was holding this bronze statue, he was far more cautious and cautious than holding that dazzling golden cross.

At the same time, his eyes seemed to be brighter, and he was a little more excited.

Seeing this scene, everyone felt a little surprised.

After he placed the statue of the Virgin Mary, Joshua asked impatiently:

"Steven, you seem to value this bronze statue of the Virgin Mary very much, and you seem to value it far more than the gold cross and gold ruby ​​crown.

Could this bronze statue of the Virgin Mary be a top-of-the-line antique work of art, worth more than the gold and ruby ​​crown? Can you tell us about the situation? "

Following Joshua's words, everyone looked at the rusty bronze statue of the Virgin Mary.

Except for a few antique art appraisal experts and archaeologists, many people at the scene were confused.

Especially those Ethiopians, how can they not see, what is the value of this rusty bronze statue? How could it be better than the dazzling gold and ruby ​​crown?

Ye Tian didn't respond immediately, but admired the rusty bronze statue intoxicatedly, completely ignoring the existence of other people.

It was a long time before he woke up.

Immediately afterwards, he said excitedly:

"You guessed it right, Joshua, this bronze statue of the Virgin Mary is indeed a top-notch antique work of art, its value is at least no less than that of the golden ruby ​​crown, and it is very rare.

The sculptor who created this bronze statue was Giambologna, a famous sculptor in the late Renaissance and the most outstanding Mannerist sculptor. It is a miracle to find his works here.”

Before the words were finished, the experts on antique art appraisal at the scene had already exclaimed.

"My God! Did I hear you right? This is actually the work of the Mannerist master Giambologna? How could his work appear in Africa and Ethiopia? It's incredible!"

"Yes, this is a Mannerist sculpture! But I have never heard of such a bronze statue of the Virgin Mary created by Giambologna. If this is genuine, it is definitely a top-notch work of art!"


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