Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3076 Divide up the treasure on the spot

Chapter 3076 Divide up the treasure on the spot

In the Endacion Church, Ye Tian was introducing the bronze sculpture of the Virgin Mary in front of everyone.

"In the history of Western sculpture art, Giambologna is an important sculpture representative from Michelangelo to Bernini, and the most important sculptor of Mannerism in the late Renaissance.

Giambologna's sculptures are mainly Mannerist marble sculptures, and many of them are large sculptures. Small bronze sculptures are very rare, and each piece is very precious.

Please take a look at the base of this bronze sculpture of the Virgin Mary, engraved with the name of Boulogne, which is the former name of Giambologna, and only appeared on two sculptures. "

It can be deduced from this that the bronze statue of the Virgin Mary was a work of art brought by Alfonso Mendes from Rome, but failed to take the statue with him when he fled from Ethiopia.

Around 1632, the value of this bronze statue of the Virgin Mary was naturally not as good as the gold and ruby ​​crown of Emperor Susnijos, but hundreds of years later, it was another matter! ..."

At the same time as the introduction, Ye Tian also showed everyone the various characteristics of this bronze statue.

From the artistic style to the sculptor's personal signature, as well as the historical stories hidden behind it, as well as the value changes, etc., he explained them one by one.

With his introduction, everyone has a deeper understanding of this bronze statue of the Virgin Mary.

And there is no doubt about the authenticity of this bronze statue.

It took about five or six minutes for Ye Tian to finish introducing the bronze statue of the Virgin Mary.

Subsequently, he gave the valuation of the bronze statue.

"Because the bronze sculptures of Giambologna are so rare, each one is extremely valuable, and this bronze statue of the Virgin Mary is no exception. I value it at $10 million, ..."

Before the words fell, the scene was already boiling.

The Ethiopians at the scene all exclaimed.

"My God! It's incredible that such a rusty bronze statue is worth $10 million!"

"Did I hear you right? This bronze statue is worth more than that gold and ruby ​​crown. It's crazy!"

These Ethiopians are basically laymen in antique art collections,

I don't know much about Western art.

They don't know much about the current Western antique art market, which is why they behave like this.

In their opinion, such a rusty bronze statue would not be more valuable than that dazzling gold and ruby ​​crown!

The valuation given by Ye Tian really shocked them.

Unlike them, these people in the tripartite joint exploration team all know what is more valuable!

Amid the exclamations, the Bishop of Kent and an archaeologist from Harvard University came to Ye Tian at the same time.

Their purpose is the same, they all came to this bronze statue of the Virgin Mary.

"Steven, I know you don't collect antiques and artworks that are closely related to religion. This bronze statue of the Virgin Mary by the Mannerist master Giambologna is obviously a religious object.

And this is another Catholic religious object, Ethiopians will not collect it, and it will probably fall into your hands in the end. If possible, we Vatican would like to buy this bronze statue! "

The Bishop of Kent revealed his purpose.

Before the words fell, the archaeologist from Harvard University continued to say:

"Steven, we are acting with the tripartite joint exploration team this time, and we also shoulder another task, which is to collect collections for the Harvard University Museum.

This bronze sculpture by the Mannerist master Giambologna is too rare, and it is also a top-level work of art with a strong religious color, you will not personally collect it.

In this case, I wonder if there is such a possibility? If your company gets this bronze statue of the Virgin Mary, can you transfer it to Harvard University? "

Hearing what they said, the Ethiopians at the scene were stunned.

Can you still do this? This treasure has not been cleaned up yet, let alone allocated, people who want to buy it have already come to the door, and this business is too easy to do!

Thinking of this, the eyes they looked at the bronze statue of the Virgin Mary suddenly became hotter, even full of greed.

Even though it is a Catholic religious item, it is not accepted by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

At this moment, Ye Tian smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, this hidden treasure is still being cleaned up. It's a bit too early to talk about these things now. It's not too late for us to talk about these things after the treasure is cleaned up and the distribution is completed!"

"Okay, Steven, we can wait"

The Bishop of Kent nodded, and the archaeologist from Harvard University also nodded.

Next, Ye Tian moved the bronze statue of the Virgin Mary to one side, asked his staff to take pictures, register and record it, and then guarded it by armed security personnel.

Afterwards, he took the third portable safe that was suspended from the ground, opened it, and took out a damaged wooden box from inside.

This wooden box also contains some religious items.

There are gold products and silver products in it.

Without exception, they are all antique cultural relics with a certain value.

Same as before, Ye Tian conducted appraisals and assessments one by one, and then handed over to his staff to shoot videos and register them. Everything was carried out according to the process and in an orderly manner.

Exploration continues.

The wooden boxes hidden in the underground secret room, as well as the gold and silver treasures and antique relics contained in those wooden boxes were transported to the ground one by one.

Every thing transported to the ground will be identified and evaluated by Ye Tian.

After a lapse of four or five hundred years, they finally regained their new life, blooming with the radiance they should have.

As time went on, more and more wooden boxes were piled up in the Church of Endasion.

The number of gold and silver treasures and antique cultural relics placed on the ground due to broken wooden boxes is also amazing.

Looking at the treasures in front of them, everyone at the scene was very excited and excited.

Especially those Ethiopians, their eyes were red, and they looked a little scary.

During this period, other exploration teams also discovered some metal objects one after another, some hidden underground and some hidden in the walls.

After receiving the notification, Ye Tian asked them to mark those places one by one, and then check the situation of those places after exploring this treasure.

The reason for this is of course for security reasons.

The performance of these Ethiopians at the scene, especially the performance of the representatives of the PFD and the deputy mayor of Axum, made Ye Tian dare not leave here casually.

Fortunately, nothing unexpected happened, and everything went very smoothly.

Soon, it was around twelve o'clock in the morning.

With the last portable safe hoisted to the ground, the treasure hidden deep under the Church of Endasion has finally been cleared.

All the wooden boxes in this treasure, as well as the gold and silver treasures and antique relics scattered on the ground, were transported to the ground.

Next, Ye Tian checked the situation in the secret room through the video, then picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Nick, find a few random places and wipe off the moss on the ground and walls. Let me take a look at the conditions of the ground and walls to see if there are words and murals on them!"

"Okay, Steven"

Nick responded, and then sprang into action.

They took out towels and wiped them several times on different places on the floor and the wall.

As expected, on the ground and walls of this basement, there are no texts or murals, it is bare, only cold and hard granite.

Ye Tian looked at the video screen, and then said:

"Okay, Nick, you can come up now. The function of this underground secret room is very single. It is a hidden underground treasure room. I haven't had time to make any decorations and arrangements."

After receiving the instructions, Nick and the others immediately packed up their exploration tools and returned to the Church of Endasion on the ground.

Next, Ye Tian continued to identify and evaluate the gold and silver treasures and antique relics extracted from the underground secret room.

In the process, some surprising discoveries have been made one after another.

Among them are antiques and artworks from Europe, but also some Ethiopian antiques and artworks, such as some items from the Solomon Dynasty.

In a damaged wooden box, many rough gemstones were also found.

Including Ethiopian sapphires, emeralds, and colorful opals, among others.

Near noon, Ye Tiancai completed the identification and evaluation of this treasure.

When the staff registered the last batch of rough gemstones and put them in a portable safe, this unknown treasure was finally cleaned up.

Next, it's time to carve up this treasure.

Ye Tian looked at the several Ethiopians present, then smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, according to the agreement reached in advance, next, we should distribute this treasure. I will divide this treasure into two parts of exactly equal value, and we will each take half.

You can choose first, and the other half belongs to our company. If you are not satisfied with the result of the distribution, we can exchange it on the spot to ensure the fairness and justice of the distribution."

"Understood, Mr. Steven, we approve of this distribution method!"

The representative of the People's Federation nodded and said, and the deputy mayor of Axum nodded.

The person in charge of the Endacion Church pondered for a while, then nodded.

The three parties they represent all enjoy part of the rights and interests of this treasure.

As long as the three parties do not raise objections, this treasure distribution plan can be implemented smoothly.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"After the allocation is complete, if you think the appraisal results and valuation I gave are not accurate enough, you can find relevant people to re-appraisal and appraisal, that is to say, you have the right to go back on your word!

In order to avoid endless wrangling, every item assigned to you corresponds to a chance to repent. We can't waste time by wrangling back and forth on one item.

Before officially distributing this treasure, do you need to contact the relevant people? We can provide detailed information about this treasure, including video information, as a reference for decision-making!

If some of the parties you represent are not at ease, worrying about some hidden operations and tricks in the process of treasure distribution, we can live broadcast the distribution process through online video conferences! "

"Mr. Steven, before you preside over the distribution of treasures, we do need to report on the situation here, but there should be no problem, it's just a routine procedure!"

The deputy mayor of Axum nodded.

"Yes, I also want to report the situation to my boss."

The representative of the People's Front continued to say.

"Of course no problem, gentlemen, if you need our cooperation, you can speak at any time!"

Ye Tian nodded and said, and made a gesture of please.

Afterwards, the deputy mayor of Axum and the representatives of the Tirenjin went to the side to make a phone call.

The results do not have to ask!

Neither the Tigray State Government, nor the Axum City Government nor the PFLP wanted to tear themselves apart at this time.

The treasure distribution plan given by Ye Tian was fair and impeccable, and they had no reason to object at all.

More importantly, they are in urgent need of large sums of money to prepare for the upcoming war, where there is no mood and time to argue!

When the deputy mayor of Axum and the representative of the People's Federation returned from the phone call, the distribution of the treasures began immediately.

Under Ye Tian's command, several employees of the Brave Warriors Fearless Exploration Company took action immediately.

They quickly divided all the gold and silver treasures from this treasure, as well as antique cultural relics and artworks, into two halves!

As Ye Tian said before, the value of these two separate parts of the treasure is completely equal.

During the process of dividing the treasure, several Ethiopians held the registration form, their eyes widened, and they supervised the scene.

As a result, they did not find any problems, and the entire segmentation process was highly transparent and fair.

After completing the division of this treasure, Ye Tian pointed to the half of the treasure placed on the left and right sides, and said with a smile:

"Gentlemen, you have a choice, and I believe this is a very pleasant choice!"

After the words fell, the Ethiopians were stunned.

How should this be chosen?


Although it was a bit difficult to choose, after some weighing, the Ethiopians still made a choice.

They chose half of the treasures, and the other half of the treasures naturally belonged to the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company.

The half of the treasures chosen by the Ethiopians included the gold and ruby ​​crown of Emperor Susnijos, and the Catholic-style gold cross.

The bronze statue of the Virgin Mary created by the Mannerism master Giambologna fell into Ye Tian's hands.

Such a result was actually within Ye Tian's expectation.

When dividing up this treasure, he paid more attention to it.

The half of the treasures selected by the Ethiopians are mainly gold and silver treasures that are easy to realize, and there are relatively few antiques and artworks.

The half of the treasure also looks more dazzling and eye-catching.

Tigray State and the Tigray State urgently need a large sum of money to purchase a large amount of materials and equipment, pay the army, and prepare for the upcoming war.

Under normal circumstances, they would choose gold and silver treasures that are very easy to cash.

And that's exactly what happened!

The other half of the treasures that fell into the hands of the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company were mainly antique cultural relics and works of art that were relatively difficult to realize, as well as some gold and silver treasures.

Most of the last batch of rough gemstones that were discovered also fell into the hands of the brave and fearless exploration company.

Such a distribution result is exactly what Ye Tian wants.

Although he also played a little scheming, the result of the distribution was very fair, and the value of the treasures obtained by both parties was exactly the same.

After completing the distribution of the treasure and confirming that the Ethiopians would not regret it, Ye Tian signed the relevant documents with the deputy mayor of Axum and others on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, Joshua and the others, who had been waiting for a long time, rushed up immediately.

Some of them found the Ethiopians, while others found Ye Tian.

"Steven, can we talk now about trading that bronze statue of the Virgin Mary? I just sent a photo of that statue to the director of the Harvard University Museum.

The result is as I expected, the Harvard University Museum is very eager to buy that top art work, the curator of the museum asked me to talk to you first, and he will call you later! "

said the archaeologist from Harvard University.

Not only the bronze statue of the Virgin Mary, the Harvard University Museum is also eyeing several other antiques and works of art, and wants to pay for the acquisition.

Naturally, Ye Tian would not refuse such a thing!



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