Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3077 arms dealer

After the archaeologist from Harvard University, the Bishop of Kent also approached Ye Tian and said impatiently:

"Steven, this treasure has been distributed, and the bronze statue of the Virgin Mary has fallen into your hands, can we talk about the transaction?

I just received news that in a file in the Vatican Museum it is clearly recorded that the bronze statue of the Virgin Mary once belonged to the Vatican.

In the early 17th century, when Bishop Alfonso Mendes came to Ethiopia to spread Catholicism, he brought the bronze statue of the Virgin Mary to this land.

When he left Ethiopia, he failed to take this top artwork with him. Since then, the bronze statue of the Virgin Mary has completely disappeared.

Fortunately, the bronze statue was not damaged and was in such good condition that it finally came to light today and we would love to take back this top-notch work of art! "

Before Ye Tian could respond, the Harvard University archaeologist was already impatient.

"Bishop of Kent, this outstanding representative work of the Mannerist master Giambologna once belonged to the Vatican, we do not deny this, but the Vatican has too many top art works of this kind.

For you, it doesn't really matter if you have one more or less of this artwork, but for us at the Harvard University Museum, the meaning of this bronze statue is quite different!

Such a representative work of Mannerist sculpture can fill a gap in our museum in this regard, which is of special significance. I hope the Vatican will not compete with us for this artwork.”

Seeing them competing, Ye Tian couldn't help laughing.

He raised his hands and pressed down gently, then smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, to whom this bronze statue of the Virgin Mary by the Mannerist master Giambologna was sold, we can discuss it later, and there is no need to worry.

Have we thought about it? If you buy this valuable bronze sculpture, how do you get it out of Axum, out of Tigray, and on to the Vatican or Boston? "


The Bishop of Kent and the archaeologist exclaimed at the same time, and then froze.

Obviously, they haven't had time to think about this problem.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"You also know the situation in Tigray State,

It may not be an easy task to safely transport such a top-level artwork worth tens of millions of dollars.

My opinion is that the transaction is suspended, and we will discuss the transaction after we safely transport the half of the treasure out of Tigray State to Tel Aviv or New York!

In that way, you can avoid taking unnecessary risks, be more secure, and save time and money, what do you think? "

The Bishop of Kent and the others fell silent for a moment, lost in thought.

They knew that Ye Tian's words were right, so they could effectively avoid risks.

At the same time, they are also very clear that if the deal is negotiated after the half of the treasure is shipped to New York, it will not be the current price!

The reason is simple. If you trade here, you only need to pay a tax to Tigray State, and the tax rate is very low.

If it is traded in New York, it is bound to be slashed by the US tax department, and the price will definitely rise.

After thinking for a moment, the Bishop of Kent decided to accept Ye Tian's suggestion.

"Okay, Steven, we can suspend the transaction, it's safer that way, but I hope the place of the transaction is Tel Aviv, not New York, we are not obliged to pay taxes to the US government!"

Before the words fell, the archaeologist from Harvard University also nodded.

"We also hope to place the transaction in Tel Aviv. It is best to trade on the airport runway instead of entering the Israeli customs. After the transaction is completed, we will immediately remove the relevant antiques and artworks!"

"Hahaha, you guys are very shrewd, well, I accept this suggestion, and you will first coordinate and choose the antiques and artworks you want to buy.

When this treasure arrives in Tel Aviv, we will complete the transaction on the runway and then ship it away immediately to avoid paying taxes multiple times. The few antiques in my collection are not included! "

Ye Tian said with a smile, the Bishop of Kent and the others also nodded.

After chatting for a few more words, the two walked towards the Tigray people next to them.

The Tigray people's supermarket is open, so naturally they won't miss it.

They were eyeing something in the other half-treasure, and they were going to take advantage of the urgent need for large sums of money from the Tigray people to make some money from it.

Not only them, Joshua and the rest of those guys, will not let go of such a good opportunity.

Behind them are either countries, top museums or top universities, neither of which is short of money!

In a blink of an eye, the deputy mayor of Axum, representatives of the Tirenjin, and the head of the Endasion church were surrounded.

In fact, these Tigray people wished to immediately sell the half of the treasure they got and turn it into a large sum of money to buy various materials and prepare for the upcoming war.

It can be said that the two sides hit it off, and after asking their superiors for instructions, they soon started negotiations.

For all this, Ye Tian just watched with cold eyes.

He did not interfere, nor did he participate in it, to gain any advantage.

Next, Ye Tian asked his subordinates to put away half of the treasures that were distributed, put them into portable safes, and hand them over to armed security personnel to guard them.

After doing this, he walked towards the deputy mayor of Axum and others.

"Gentlemen, our exploration in the Church of Endasion is not over yet, the treasure hidden deep underground has been cleared and distributed.

Next, I am going to look at other places in the church. My staff scanned some hidden metal objects before, and it is time to check.

Are you going to stay here and deal with these gold and silver treasures, or explore with me? I suggest you stay here and I will let you know if I find out! "

The expressions of several Ethiopians were a little embarrassed, somewhat embarrassed.

However, none of them want to leave here, or dare not leave here.

The reason is simple, a severe lack of trust between them.

After a short pause, the deputy mayor of Axum just said:

"Mr. Steven, you can start exploring, and I won't be with you anymore, but I will send assistants to follow you, the effect is actually the same"

As soon as he finished speaking, the person in charge of the Endacion Church continued:

"Mr. Steven, as long as you can guarantee that this ancient church will not be damaged during the exploration, then you can start operations. Our people will follow around and supervise on the spot!"

"Okay, gentlemen, then I will take people away, let's go our own way, and hope to gain something!"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded.

Afterwards, he took people to the depths of the church and continued to explore.

He checked one by one the several places where metal objects were buried that had been discovered by several exploration teams.

Some of these metal objects are buried deep underground, some are hidden in walls, and one is even hidden in the ceiling.

Using pulse metal detectors, we found them out one by one.

Ye Tian and his staff analyzed the detected metal signals to determine what the metal objects were, whether they were worth digging, and so on.

Of course, its main function is Ye Tian's perspective ability.

In the wall on the side of the altar of the church, he found a secret hidden compartment with several gold bars hidden in it.

After some observation, he easily opened the secret compartment and took out the gold bars hidden in the 19th century.

It was a small surprise, but not enough to impress him.

Then there was a priest's lounge, and they found a very hidden chamber.

In that secret room, a whole box of silver cutlery was hidden.

Due to being hidden for too long, the silver tableware made in the early twentieth century has oxidized, lost its due luster, and is of little value.

And in some other places of the church, everyone has also discovered something.

Among them are metal objects buried deep in the ground, as well as antiques and works of art that have been neglected in churches.

But in Ye Tian's view, these discoveries are of little value, and it's not worth wasting energy on them.


Before I knew it, the time had come to around six o'clock in the afternoon.

The tripartite joint exploration in the Church of Endasion has all ended.

Although everyone did not find the legendary Treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant, they found another treasure and received another surprise, so the trip was not in vain.

When Ye Tian led the people back to the central hall of Endasion Church, the Tigray people had already processed the half of the treasures that they had just distributed at noon, and the efficiency was very high!

Except for a limited number of antique cultural relics and works of art, as well as gold ingots and gems of various colors that can be cashed at any time, everything else has been dealt with by them!

They signed a series of agreements with Israel and the Vatican, and several other parties, and sold most of the treasures they had just acquired.

Next, they need to report the situation to their immediate superiors, and then they can complete this series of transactions.

And the basis of these antique art transactions is the valuation given by Ye Tian.

During the previous evaluation, he guessed that this would be the result.

Therefore, he gave relatively high valuations for many antique cultural relics and works of art, which can be regarded as a small favor for the Ethiopians.

After returning to the central hall, Ye Tian briefly introduced the situation.

In fact, everyone is aware of these situations, knowing that there will be no surprising discoveries.

After the introduction, we chatted a few more words.

Afterwards, Ye Tian said to those Ethiopians:

"Gentlemen, today our exploration in the Church of Endasion has ended. Although we didn't find the legendary treasure of Solomon, we also made some surprising and important discoveries. The harvest is very good!

Here, I would like to thank you for your cooperation. Because of this, we can successfully launch the exploration operation. In the next series of exploration operations, I hope we can continue to cooperate! "

After the voice fell, the deputy mayor of Axum immediately said:

"Steven, I'm very glad to cooperate with you. You are worthy of being the world's top treasure hunting company, and your reputation is well-deserved. I hope we can continue to cooperate, find more treasures, and reap even greater surprises!"

After speaking, the deputy mayor of Axum stepped forward and shook hands with Ye Tian and the others one by one.

Afterwards, the employees of the brave and fearless exploration company and some members of the Israeli exploration team began to pack up the exploration equipment and put them all into boxes.

After a while, everyone had finished packing.

Next, everyone took a lot of portable safes full of gold and silver treasures, antique relics and artworks, as well as various exploration equipment, and walked to the entrance of Endacion Church.

Seeing that everyone was leaving with half of the treasure, the eyes of the many Ethiopians in the church were all red.

"Just letting Steven take away half of the treasure, isn't it too bad for us?"

One of the PFD officials said in a low voice.

Before the words fell, someone immediately echoed.

"That's right, we are really at a loss! How long did it take these guys to take away half of the treasure in less than a day, it's too greedy!"

These guys who were whispering were all standing in the nave of the church, and did not send the tripartite joint exploration team out of the church.

Representatives from all parties, including the deputy mayor of Axum, followed Ye Tian and the others out of the church, preparing to send them away.

Ye Tian didn't hear the discussion of these guys in the church.

However, this was to be expected.

This is human nature, and he has long been accustomed to it.


While speaking, everyone had already walked out of the Endacion Cathedral.

At this time, the joint exploration convoy was parked at the entrance of the church, surrounded by many police and military vehicles responsible for security.

Seeing Ye Tian and the others come out, especially those portable safes, the media reporters who had been guarding the door of the church for a long time rushed up like a tide.

As a result, they were stopped by the military police on duty and could only stay outside the cordon and ask questions loudly.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Steven, I am a reporter from Israel National Television. We have received reliable news that the tripartite joint exploration team has discovered a treasure in the Endasion Cathedral.

Can you tell us about the treasure house? May I ask if this treasure is the legendary Solomon's treasure? Are those portable safes containing things from this treasure? "

"Good afternoon, Steven, I'm a reporter from NBC TV. May I ask, what's in this treasure in Endacion Church? What era does the treasure come from? Who buried it?"

Hearing the questions from these media reporters, Ye Tian stopped immediately.

He looked at the deputy mayor of Axum, Joshua and others beside him, and nodded to them.

Then, he looked at many media reporters, smiled and said loudly:

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, it seems that our secrecy work is very poor. The news you have received is correct. We have indeed found a treasure in the Church of Endasion!"

Before the words fell, the scene was boiling.

Although the media reporters at the scene had received the news a long time ago, they were still shocked when they heard Ye Tian say this personally.

"Steven, tell me about this treasure!"

"May I ask if what you found is Solomon's treasure? Is the Ark of the Covenant in this treasure?"

Many media reporters scrambled to ask questions loudly one by one as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

Ye Tian stretched out his hands and pressed down lightly, motioning for everyone to be quiet.

Following his movements, the noise at the scene immediately dropped.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came out again.

"Here, I would like to introduce the situation of this treasure to you. First of all, this treasure hidden in the depths of the Church of Endasion is not the legendary Solomon's treasure.

The scale of this treasure is not large, and the overall value is not very high. The person who buried this treasure is Bishop Alfonso Mendes who spread Catholicism in Ethiopia in the early 17th century.

Relevant video materials related to the exploration, excavation, and cleaning of this treasure will be posted on the Internet later, so you can take a look, those video materials are very detailed,..."

Next, Ye Tian briefly introduced the situation of this treasure, and answered questions from some media reporters.

After the performance, he boarded the bulletproof armored vehicle parked beside him, and left the Endacion Church with the tripartite joint exploration team.

Everyone standing at the door of the church was envious, and even their eyes were red with envy, watching the joint exploration convoy gradually go away.

"Steven is so lucky, all the treasures seem to be prepared for him, God is so unfair!"

"I have a hunch that Axum may be ransacked by Steven, and the treasures buried in this city may not escape bad luck!"

Just when people were talking about it, the tripartite joint exploration convoy had already galloped away.

Not long after, everyone returned to the hotel smoothly.

Just like when we left in the morning, there were a large number of military police around the hotel, with one post at three steps and one post at five steps, but there were not many pedestrians, and no one protested and demonstrated here.

Those Orthodox monks and believers who blocked the entrance of the hotel yesterday did not show up again today, and suddenly disappeared!

As the motorcade arrived at the entrance of the hotel, Ye Tian quickly checked the surroundings as usual.

After confirming that there was no danger, he took people into the hotel.

Soon, he was back upstairs in his suite.

Joshua, Bishop of Kent, Cole, Seaman and others also followed.

After everyone sat down in the living room, Ye Tian immediately said:

"Cole, Seaman, tell all the guys to be vigilant and strengthen their precautions. Although the half of the treasure we just brought back is not very valuable, it is enough to drive many people crazy.

This is Tigray State, everyone has deep malice towards the tripartite joint exploration team, no matter how careful you can be, you must be careful before this treasure is transported away."

"Understood, Steven, don't worry, we will strengthen the security to ensure that there will be no problems!"

Cole and the others responded in unison, all full of confidence.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, then turned to look at Joshua.

"When will the plane of the Israeli military transporting arms and supplies to the PFJ arrive in Axum?"

Joshua, who turned into an arms dealer, couldn't help but blushed a little, but he returned to normal in a blink of an eye.

After all, he is an old fritter who has been in the political arena for many years, and his face has already become thicker than the city wall.

"In order to deceive the public, the transport plane transporting the military supplies will arrive at Axum around 3:00 in the morning. This is the first batch of military supplies we promised to provide to the TFJ.

This batch of munitions is mainly various guns and ammunition, and the quantity is not very large. When this batch of munitions is unloaded, you can take half of your company's treasures with you when you return to Israel!

The military will use helicopters to fly directly from the airport to the hotel to pick up the half of the treasure. You only need to send two employees or security personnel to follow, and leave the rest to us! "

"Around three o'clock in the morning, this is a good time. It can avoid the eyes and ears of many people. When others react, the treasure has already been transported away. I will arrange for my subordinates to hand it over in Tel Aviv!"

Ye Tian smiled lightly and nodded.

"Wow! It turns out that you have arranged everything, and the efficiency is amazing!"

The Bishop of Kent, who had just heard about this, couldn't help being amazed.


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