Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3078 Remote Transaction

In a blink of an eye, it was around 12 midnight.

"bang bang bang"

There was a sudden burst of gunfire outside the hotel, waking up the sleeping Ye Tian.

The rest of the tripartite joint exploration team was the same, and they were all awakened by the gunshots.

As soon as he woke up, Ye Tian quickly picked up the G36C short assault rifle placed by the bed, ready for battle.

For safety reasons, he did not turn on the lights in the bedroom, so as not to attract enemy attacks.

While picking up the assault rifle, he also turned his head to look at the wall outside the room.

In a blink of an eye, his sight penetrated that wall and saw the situation outside the hotel.

The night sky outside was pitch black, and the street lights on the streets in front of the hotel were still on, and a large number of Tigray state military police were guarding those streets.

The gunshots came from another street not far away, only one or two hundred meters away from the hotel. The two sides in the exchange of fire seemed to be the military police of Tigray State and a group of unidentified guys.

As the gunshots sounded, the Tigray state military police guarding around the hotel immediately became highly vigilant!

Some of the military police quickly ran to the street where the exchange of fire took place to support the military police there.

The many Israeli military police guarding the hotel courtyard and the front and rear doors immediately set up machine guns and prepared for battle.

Ye Tian quickly scanned the surrounding situation, then picked up the walkie-talkie and asked:

"Cole, who is the person who is exchanging fire with the military and police in Tigray State? Are they coming for us?"

The next moment, Cole's voice came over.

"Steven, I just asked the person in charge of the military and police of the People's Front about the situation. According to the other party, it was a group of masked militants trying to approach the hotel under the cover of night!

As soon as they walked to a street near the hotel, they happened to be discovered by patrolling Tirenjin soldiers, and the two sides exchanged fire immediately. Those guys came for this half of the treasure in our hands! "

"Sure enough! Notify all the guys, let everyone be on high alert, and be ready to fight at any time, especially pay attention to protecting the safety of the company's employees and those experts and scholars!"

Ye Tian said coldly.

"Understood, Steven, don't worry, leave these things to us, this hotel has been guarded by us, no one can break in!"

Cole responded, randomly ending the call.

The shootout on the nearby street didn't last long.

In less than ten minutes, the gunfire died away.

Soon, tranquility was restored inside and outside the hotel.

After a false alarm, everyone went to bed again, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

We have experienced many things like this, and we have long been accustomed to them.


When the time came to around 4 o'clock in the morning, there was a sudden roar of a huge engine in the sky, waking everyone up from sleep again.

Those were two medium-sized helicopters, flying from Axum Airport.

Those who fly and protect the two medium-sized helicopters are special elites from Israel.

After a while, the two medium-sized helicopters arrived at the hotel and landed on the parking lot inside the hotel.

As soon as the two helicopters came to a stop, Ye Tian, ​​who was fully armed, led Cole and the others out of the hotel pushing a few luggage carts, and quickly walked towards the helicopter.

Portable safes of different sizes were piled high on those luggage carts.

Those portable safes contained the half of the treasure just obtained.

Following Ye Tian and the others, Heman and an official from the Israeli Ministry of Culture also ran towards the helicopter.

The Tigray state military police guarding outside the hotel were all stopped by the Israeli military police and agents. They could only stay in the distance to watch the excitement, and could not approach at all.

Coming to the side of the helicopter, Ye Tian immediately directed his security personnel to carry those portable safes onto two medium-sized helicopters.

Immediately afterwards, he handed over a folder to the two company employees who escorted the treasures.

"Guys, you just need to escort this treasure to Tel Aviv International Airport, Israel, where someone will meet you, receive this treasure, and then you can come back.

In the folder are the customs clearance documents and other materials for the treasure, which means that the treasure is legal, and the transportation of them to Tel Aviv has been approved by the Tigray State Government.

If someone makes things difficult for you, show them these documents. If the other party ignores these documents, don't argue with the other party, safety first, and I will argue with those guys later!

In the process of transferring this treasure, if you encounter any danger, such as someone trying to rob this treasure, all you have to do is to ensure your own safety, and leave the rest to me! "

Speaking of this, Ye Tian took a special look at the Israeli special forces in the cabin.

Swept by his gaze, the Israeli special forces felt a chill instantly, and were secretly startled.

"Understood, Steven, this task is too simple, we will return to Axum soon, join you, and continue to explore Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant!"

Derek nodded, and the other guy nodded too, both confident.

Then the two guys and an assistant attorney boarded the two medium-sized helicopters.

Ye Tian and the others retreated to the side, watching the two medium-sized helicopters full of treasures soar into the sky and fly quickly to Axum Airport!

At this time, on the runway of Axum Airport, an Israeli military transport plane that had just been refueled was waiting for the arrival of this treasure.

When this treasure is safely transported to Axum Airport, they will be immediately transferred to that military transport plane, and then fly to Tel Aviv, Israel!

After watching the two medium-sized helicopters leave, Ye Tian and the others returned to the hotel.

Meanwhile, on a street outside the hotel.

The two officers of the People's Liberation Army were watching the two flashing red signal lights in the night sky, their eyes full of unwillingness.

They didn't look back until the two red signal lights completely disappeared.

"Steven, the bastard, is too cautious and has too much energy. He actually transported half of the treasure overnight. Now, no one will think about the treasure!"

"That's right! This bastard is really too cunning and almost invulnerable. It's hard to be reconciled to thinking about such a priceless treasure being swept away by him like this!"

While the two PFF officers were discussing, Ye Tian and the others had already returned to the hotel.

The next thing went very smoothly.

After a while, Ye Tian received a call from Derek, telling him that the treasure had arrived at Axum Airport safely and was transferred to an Israeli military transport plane.

Soon, the Israeli military transport plane took off and flew straight to Tel Aviv, Israel.

At this time, the sky outside gradually brightened up, and it was another new day.


It was about nine o'clock in the morning.

After breakfast, the tripartite joint exploration team did not leave the hotel immediately to start today's exploration.

Everyone stayed in the hotel to rest, but Ye Tian was not idle, and called Bishop of Kent and Joshua to his suite.

When everyone arrived, he immediately said:

"Gentlemen, the half of our company's treasure will soon arrive at Tel Aviv International Airport, prepare your people to trade at Tel Aviv Airport.

My private jet is now parked at Tel Aviv Airport, and I have a private jet hangar all to myself. We can conduct transactions in that hangar, and it is safe there.

Although we are in Axum, we can participate in this series of antique art transactions through telephone and video conferences. In this way, mistakes can be effectively avoided.

As long as you deposit the payment into our company's bank account, you can take away the corresponding antiques and artworks, and I will use a private jet to transport the rest to New York! "

"No problem, Steven, our people are at the Tel Aviv airport, ready to start a deal anytime!"

Joshua nodded.

Before the words fell, the Bishop of Kent continued to say:

"You guys are so thoughtful and admirable. I will inform our people to rush to Tel Aviv Airport!"

The rest of the experts and scholars from major museums and universities also nodded.

Afterwards, everyone took out their mobile phones and started making calls.

Not long after, the Israeli military transport plane carrying the treasure landed smoothly on the runway of Tel Aviv Airport.

About half an hour later, the video conference call that Ye Tian mentioned officially kicked off.

Through this telephone and video conference, Ye Tian sold many antique relics and artworks, as well as gold and silver treasures obtained from the Church of Endacion yesterday, to the other parties.

With the completion of these antique art transactions, a huge amount of money flooded into the bank account of the fearless exploration company.

These transactions went very smoothly and were completed soon. Everyone got something and everyone was happy.

As for the things that were not sold, as well as the antiques and artworks that Ye Tian planned to collect for himself, they were directly transported to New York by his private jet.

It was not until around 10:30 in the morning that the tripartite joint exploration team left the hotel to prepare for today's exploration.

Just like yesterday, those who accompanied the tripartite joint exploration team, or supervised at the scene, were still a group of Tigray people led by the deputy mayor of Axum.

When Ye Tian and the others came down from upstairs, these Tigray people were waiting in the hotel lobby.

After everyone met, it was natural to have some polite greetings.

Afterwards, Ye Tian pretended to be curious and asked:

"Mr. Mayor, who were those guys who tried to sneak into this hotel last night? Have their identities been found out? Were there any casualties in the police last night?"

Hearing the inquiry, the deputy mayor of Axum immediately blushed.

Those guys who tried to sneak into the hotel last night were actually militants from Tigray State, and they were local armed forces under the Tigray State!

Those guys came for the half of the treasure in Ye Tian's hands, but they were discovered by their own people, and then they fought on the street near the hotel, causing mutual deaths and injuries!

Not long after the battle ended, the Tirenzhen figured out the identities of those guys, and they turned out to be their own people!

After learning of this result, the representative of the People's Front and the deputy mayor of Aksum were a little dumbfounded.

In view of this, they did not report the investigation results to the tripartite joint exploration team, but Ye Tian already knew the truth of the matter through his own channels.

That's why he asked this question!

"Steven, according to our investigation, those guys are militants from Amhara State, and they followed the tripartite joint exploration team all the way to Axum.

They wanted to rob half of the treasure in your hands, but our people discovered it, so there was an exchange of fire, and those guys have been arrested.

You don't have to worry at all, we will do our best to ensure the safety of the tripartite joint exploration team and ensure that your next exploration operation can proceed smoothly! "

The deputy mayor of Axum said with a smile, naturally speaking nonsense.

"Don't worry at all? Don't talk nonsense, what worries us the most is you guys!"

Ye Tian thought to himself.

After chatting for a few more words, everyone walked towards the hotel entrance.

As soon as he walked out of the hotel, many media reporters gathered at the door immediately began to ask questions loudly.

"Good morning, Mr. Steven, according to the information we have received, the half of the treasure that your company obtained from the Church of Endasion yesterday has been shipped out of Axum overnight.

Is this news true? If it is true, I would like to ask? Did you transport the treasures away through legal procedures, and have the relevant taxes been paid? "

"Good morning, Mr. Steven, I'm a reporter from NBC Television, last night we all heard a burst of gunfire, the exchange of fire happened near this hotel.

I would like to ask, is this exchange of fire incident related to you? Is it related to the treasure found yesterday? Who is the other party? Did you engage in a firefight with each other? "

"Good morning, Mr. Steven. I'm a reporter from the Jerusalem Post. May I ask where the tripartite joint exploration team will go to explore today? Can you tell us about the situation?"

Many media reporters asked questions loudly, and the scene was extremely noisy.

Ye Tian looked at these media reporters, then smiled and said loudly:

"Good morning, friends from the media, thank you for your attention, next, I will briefly answer the questions you just raised, so as to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

Everyone's news is correct, we did transport away half of the treasures we discovered yesterday overnight, but the operation of transshipping the treasures this time is completely legal, and we will not pay a penny less in taxes.

For this treasure transfer operation, we received the support of the state government, and went through various customs clearance procedures and paid customs duties overnight. The reason for doing this is for safety reasons!

Here, I want to tell all the guys who are staring at the treasures, don't stare at this hotel anymore, there are no gold and silver treasures here, but there are quite a few fully armed security personnel! "


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and everyone laughed.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"As for the gun battle that took place near the hotel last night, we were not involved in it, and we don't know much about the situation. You can contact the Axum police for more information.

Let's talk about the exploration that will be launched today. The location of the exploration needs to be kept secret for the time being, but it won't take long for everyone to know the answer. I hope we can gain something today! "

After speaking, he waved goodbye to these media reporters, and then boarded the bulletproof SUV beside him.

Many media reporters at the scene were still asking questions loudly, and kept pressing the shutter to take pictures, but did not get any response.

Soon, the joint exploration convoy started and left the hotel.

Moments later, the convoy pulled into the street where the firefight took place last night.

On this street, there were two other burned-out pickup trucks that hadn't been removed in time.

The buildings on both sides of the street were full of bullet holes, and the entire street was devastated.

Through the car window, Ye Tian looked at the situation on the street outside, then picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Himan, what's the situation around the Obelisk Square? Are there any suspicious figures? We're going to stay there for a long time, so be careful!

The environment there is very complicated, there are mountains, forests, and criss-cross tunnels. There are many places to hide, and these places must be carefully checked! "

"Don't worry, Steven, since yesterday, our people have been secretly lurking there, investigating every possible ambush location.

So far, we have not found any suspicious persons, and I have sent several sniper teams and occupied several commanding heights"

Seaman reported the situation, and it sounded like there was nothing wrong with it.

Next, Ye Tian learned about some other situations, and then ended the call.

Then he took out his mobile phone and began to contact the security personnel who obeyed his orders, making various arrangements, just in case!

While they were talking on the phone, the joint exploration convoy drove out of Axum and headed straight for the Obelisk Square at the foot of a nearby mountain!


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