Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3080 Emperor's Mausoleum

On the ruins of the largest obelisk and many obelisk fragments, although everyone found a lot of information about the ancient kingdom of Sheba and the Queen of Sheba, they did not find any clues to Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant.

Most of the ancient characters and patterns engraved on those obelisk fragments and building ruins could not be deciphered.

Maybe the clues about Solomon's treasure and the ark are hidden in those ancient texts, but people can't find it.

Of course, there is also the possibility that Solomon's treasure is not in Axum at all.

In addition to some ancient texts and clues about the Queen of Sheba, the name of Menelik I was also found on one of the fragments of the obelisk.

It's a pity that the text on another obelisk fragment associated with it has long been blurred and cannot be deciphered at all!

Everyone has no way of knowing what is recorded behind the name of Menelik I.

Next, everyone continued to study the contents inscribed on the fragments of the obelisk, and everyone was very involved.

In the blink of an eye, more than an hour has passed.

Ye Tian and an archaeologist were studying a fragment of an obelisk when an excited voice suddenly came through the intercom.

"Steven, I'm Wells, you'd better come to our side to have a look, we found a lot of metal objects, buried at a depth of about eight or nine meters underground, the signal is quite strong"

"The depth of eight or nine meters underground should exceed the detection range of the pulse metal detector! What's going on?"

Ye Tian said in surprise, and turned his head to look towards the west side of the square.

Wells and their exploration area is located there.

Hearing Wells' briefing, everyone else at the scene was very excited, and their eyes lit up.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian stood up, patted the dust off his hands, and walked quickly to the west side of the square.

The others followed immediately, and everyone was full of anticipation.

The deputy mayor of Axum took two quick steps, rushed to Ye Tian's side, and said in a low voice:

"Mr. Steven, are these metal objects buried deep underground discovered by your staff really the legendary Solomon's Treasure?"

Ye Tian turned his head and looked at this one,

Smiling and said:

"If it is really Solomon's treasure, it would be great, but I think it is unlikely that these metal objects buried deep in the ground are more likely to be buried with an Ethiopian emperor.

Don't forget, in ancient Ethiopia, this famous obelisk square was the place where the king's funeral was held. These obelisks are said to be used to mark the king's tomb! "

Hearing this, the deputy mayor of Axum immediately flashed a look of surprise on his face.

The same goes for the rest of the Ethiopians, who are more hoping to find other treasures.

They knew that if the treasure of Solomon was discovered, Tigray and Axum would get nothing from this famous treasure, only some financial compensation and assistance from the Israelis!

If it is other treasures, then half of this treasure will belong to Tigray State.

With yesterday's experience, they all knew that this might mean a huge fortune.

Unlike them, Joshua and the Bishop of Kent, etc., of course hoped to discover Solomon's treasure.

After a while, everyone continued to come to the area where the Wells exploration team was located.

This is an ancient architectural ruin, which should have been a palace or a temple, but now it has long since collapsed.

There was only a foundation less than one meter high left on the site, some steps, a few low walls, and stones of different sizes all over the place.

At this point, Ye Tian quickly glanced at the scene, and then said:

"Wells, tell me about your discovery, this may be a surprising discovery"

"Okay, Steven"

Wells nodded in response, and then began to introduce the situation.

"Our team is responsible for exploring this area. When we explored around, we didn't find any surprises. We only scanned a few metal objects that were buried very shallowly and existed in isolation.

Then we came here, and when we scanned the foundation about one meter above the ground, we didn’t find anything. When we got down here, the pulse metal detector suddenly rang.”

Speaking, Wells pointed to the lowest point in the ruins of this ancient building.

It should be a basement. It is not big, but it is about one meter lower than the ground, and there are steps connected to the foundation above.

Ye Tian looked at the situation in the basement, and then suddenly said:

"No wonder you can detect the depth of eight or nine meters underground. This should be a basement, which is much lower than the ground, which undoubtedly increases the detection depth of the pulse metal detector!"

Wells nodded, and continued excitedly:

"That's right, Steven, it is because of this ancient basement that we detected those metal objects buried eight or nine meters underground, otherwise we would have missed them.

Below this basement, at a depth of about eight or nine meters, there are many metal objects buried, the number is unknown, and the distribution range is very concentrated, at least six or seven square meters."

With that said, this guy walked into this old basement, took a pulse metal detector and started scanning the ground.

Following his movements, the pulse metal detector rang immediately, and the sound was extremely pleasant.

Ye Tian immediately stepped forward, began to check the detected signals and data, and analyzed them in a low voice with his staff.

In that ancient basement, Wells took a pulse metal detector to scan the ground thoroughly, and the beeping of the pulse metal detector never stopped.

Seeing this scene, everyone at the scene was very excited.

When Wells finished scanning, Ye Tian fell into deep thought.

After a while, he suddenly picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Cole, you arrange for two guys to bring over the portable deep ground penetrating radar, I want to use that thing!"

"Got it, Steven"

Cole responded.

As soon as the words fell, Joshua who was standing aside couldn't bear it anymore, and asked impatiently:

"Steven, what exactly is buried deep underground? Is it Solomon's treasure, or some other treasure? Let me introduce the situation to everyone!"

Not only him, but others also want to know what is buried here.

Ye Tian looked at these guys, and then said loudly:

"Gentlemen, what is buried deep under the ruins of this ancient building may not be the legendary treasure of Solomon, but the tomb of an ancient Ethiopian emperor.

Judging from the distribution and placement of these metal objects, they are very similar to funerary objects. If this is the case, then the standard of this king's tomb must be very high.

It is a pity that the building on the ground has completely collapsed, and there is no obelisk here. It is difficult to figure out the identity of the Ethiopian emperor for a while.

Next, I want to use a portable deep ground penetrating radar to detect whether I can detect underground buildings such as tombs, so as to verify whether my judgment is accurate! "

While saying these words, Ye Tian also introduced the meaning of the relevant detection data to several archaeologists.

After listening to the introduction, several archaeologists nodded.

"I also think this is a tomb of an Ethiopian emperor, not a treasure, and the metal objects that were detected were probably funerary objects, and the way they were placed is enough to suggest that."

An archaeologist from Harvard University said that it was the same as the analysis given by Ye Tian.

Hearing this, Joshua and the others couldn't help but a look of disappointment flashed in their eyes.

Unlike them, all the Ethiopians at the scene were so happy that they almost cheered.

"Mr. Steven, if this is really the tomb of an ancient Ethiopian emperor instead of a treasure, according to the relevant agreement we reached before, you can't dig it at will!"

The deputy mayor of Axum said.

Ye Tian looked at this guy, then nodded.

"Yes, if it turns out that this is indeed a king's tomb, we will not excavate it, but will hand over the relevant detection data to you. As for whether you excavate it, it has nothing to do with us!"

Hearing this, the Ethiopians at the scene laughed even more happily.

For them, this is definitely an unexpected surprise, and it may bring a huge fortune.

As for whether they will excavate this king's tomb, do you have to ask?

When the tripartite joint exploration team leaves, they will immediately launch an excavation operation to bring out all the things buried in the emperor's tomb!

As long as their movements are a little slower, the farmers around the Obelisk Square and the many guys who are watching the three-party joint team should do it!

While speaking, the portable deep ground penetrating radar has been sent over.

Afterwards, Ye Tian ordered his staff to take out the ground-penetrating radar and start surveying.

The survey results came out quickly, exactly the same as his previous analysis.

These metal objects buried deep in the ground were the burial of an ancient Ethiopian emperor, and they were neatly placed in the emperor's tomb.

The mausoleum of the Ethiopian emperor is very well preserved, and the tomb, tomb passage, and burial pit have not suffered any damage.

Using the data and signals detected by the deep ground-penetrating radar, it is even possible to draw a structural map of the emperor's tomb.

With such a result, some people are naturally happy and some are disappointed!

As for who the ancient Ethiopian emperor who was sleeping deep underground, and the value of the funeral objects around him, have nothing to do with the tripartite joint exploration team!

Next, Ye Tian checked the situation of the ruins of this ancient building.

After making sure that there were no new discoveries, he left here and returned to the area he was exploring before.

Wells and the others used the portable deep-penetrating radar to quickly investigate the situation deep underground in the ruins, and then handed over the relevant data to the deputy mayor of Axum.

The deputy mayor of Axum who received the exploration data, his excited eyes lit up.

It is entirely conceivable that the good times of the ancient Ethiopian emperor who had been sleeping deep underground for a thousand or two thousand years were coming to an end soon.

In a few days, his descendants will bring a large number of workers to plan his tomb in the name of archaeological research.


Exploration operations continue, but there are no surprising discoveries.

Following the Wells team, several exploration teams have successively detected some metal objects buried at different depths in the ground, more or less in number.

After Ye Tian's inspection and discussion and analysis with several archaeologists, he ruled out the possibility that those metal objects were treasures, let alone Solomon's treasure.

Some of the metal objects gathered together were buried with kings or nobles.

It's just that the number of these funerary objects is small, and it cannot be compared with the ancient Ethiopian emperor's tomb discovered before, and it has no excavation value!

Of course, this is just Ye Tian's opinion.

It is unknown what the Ethiopians think!

Soon, it was around noon.

The tripartite joint exploration team did not return to the hotel for a lunch break, but chose to rest on the spot at the Obelisk Square and have lunch here.

The so-called lunch is just some food like hamburgers, which is not delicious, but it is not a problem to fill the stomach, and it can also provide everyone with the necessary energy.

After lunch, everyone rested for about half an hour, then moved again and continued to explore.

After some exploration in the morning, the above-ground part of the Obelisk Square has basically been explored.

Next, it's time to explore the buildings below the ground of the square, such as those winding tunnels, and even the tombs of the kings that have already been dug out.

These underground buildings have a very long history. Although they are relatively well preserved, there are great security risks.

Before launching the exploration operation, Ye Tian called all the employees and security personnel together, and said to them:

"Guys, in the afternoon we are going to explore the underground buildings in the Obelisk Square. Here I want to emphasize that everyone must be sure that they are 100% safe before entering those underground buildings.

Before everyone enters those underground buildings to start exploration operations, security personnel will use small drones or robots to go in and investigate first, and take pictures of the interior of those underground buildings.

Everyone first analyze the video data captured by drones and robots, and then proceed to explore after confirming that it is safe. If you are not sure whether it is safe, please notify me immediately, and you must not act rashly.

As before, everyone should pay attention to protecting these ancient underground buildings, and don't destroy them at will. If you find anything, please notify me as soon as possible, and I will take someone over to check it out! "

"Understood, Steven, we know what to do"

Everyone responded in unison, everyone was full of confidence.

Next, everyone took pulse metal detectors and other exploration equipment and walked towards the entrances of different underground buildings in the square.

Ye Tian led people to the largest obelisk ruins again, ready to explore here.

Under the ruins of the obelisk, there are two ruins of ancient buildings, and a winding tunnel, which is their goal of exploration in the afternoon.

In fact, Ye Tian already knew the situation in the two ancient architectural ruins and the tunnel.

But to do a full set of acting, the proper performance is still essential, so that it is realistic.

Coming here again, Ye Tian and the others went straight to the entrance of an ancient building site.

However, they did not enter it immediately to explore, but stopped.

Ye Tian checked the situation first, and then said to the exploration team following him:

"Nick, you use the small drone to enter the tunnel, check the situation in the tunnel, take pictures of the inside of the tunnel, and analyze it later.

Let’s explore these two ancient architectural ruins first to see if we can find anything. Most of these two ruins are exposed, so don’t worry about safety.”

"Understood, Steven, leave it to us"

Nick nodded in response.

Then, they took out a small drone and let it fly.

In a blink of an eye, the small drone flew into the entrance of the tunnel and flew straight to the depths of the tunnel.

Ye Tian led the two archaeologists into a ruined ancient building and began to explore.

Soon, ten minutes passed.

Beside a low wall made of granite, Ye Tian was studying an ancient pattern with an archaeologist.

The reason why they are interested in this pattern is because the pattern carved on the stone seems to have a bit of Jewish culture.

At this moment, Seaman's voice suddenly came from the intercom.

"Steven, at the foot of the hill on the other side of the hill north of the Obelisk Square, a few unidentified guys came, carrying mountaineering bags, with a sturdy figure, and they were climbing to the top of the hill.

Who these guys are and what their purpose is is temporarily unknown. I think it is necessary to remind you, pay attention to safety, we will keep an eye on these guys! "

Hearing the announcement, Ye Tian immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Himan, no matter who the other party is, even if they are media reporters, they cannot be allowed to climb the hill north of the Obelisk Square at this time, it is too dangerous!

This hill is the commanding height of this area. Standing on the top of this hill, you can have a panoramic view of all the actions of the three-party joint exploration team, and the opponent can attack at any time.

Just drive those guys away, don't come forward, let the military police of Tigray State come forward, see how those guys react, if those guys open fire, then kill them! "

"Got it, Steven, we'll take care of these things, don't worry!"

Seaman responded and ended the call.

Next, Ye Tian picked up the walkie-talkie and told Cole.

Let them be vigilant, keep an eye on the movement on the mountain, and protect the safety of members of the joint exploration team and many experts and scholars.

Immediately afterwards, two small drones took off and flew towards the top of the hill on the north side of the Obelisk Square.

The other side of the hill.

Five or six guys with mountaineering bags have already climbed up the hillside for thirty to forty meters.

"Guys, as long as we climb to the top of the mountain, we will be able to see all the actions of the tripartite joint exploration team. We will know immediately what Steven and his bastards have discovered!"

A bearded guy said loudly, his words and eyes were full of greed.

Before the words fell, a sharp siren suddenly sounded behind him.

These guys immediately turned their heads and looked back, everyone was surprised.

The next moment, they saw that several police cars were galloping from a distance, bringing up dust all over the sky.

"Fack! We must have been discovered by that bastard Steven, damn it!"

The bearded guy gritted his molars and cursed.

"It seems that we have to withdraw. We must not fall into the hands of those guys who mentioned people, let alone that bastard Steven!"

Another guy said again.

Afterwards, these guys turned around and ran towards the foot of the mountain in a hurry. Their car was hidden in a forest at the foot of the mountain!


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