Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3081 The secret under the graffiti

"bang bang bang"

A sudden burst of gunfire from the other side of the hill startled everyone.

Everyone turned their heads to look in the direction of the gunshots, but there was a towering hill over there, and nothing could be seen, and no one knew what happened on the other side of the hill.

Just when everyone was wondering, Seaman's voice suddenly came from the walkie-talkie.

"Steven, those guys of unknown origin are about to run away, and they are fighting with the Tigray State Police. Those guys are all armed with automatic weapons, and the firepower is very fierce. The Tigray State Police are suppressed and cannot move at all."

Hearing the announcement, Ye Tian immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Those guys are obviously coming for the tripartite joint exploration team. Whether to help the Tigray State Police, you can decide for yourself. I only have one request, and they must not be allowed to go to the top of the mountain!"

"Understood, Steven, we know what to do"

Seaman responded and ended the call.

After a while, the gunfire on the other side of the hill suddenly became more intense, and some gunshots seemed to be coming from the top of the hill.

Apparently, Israeli security personnel joined the fight and started rounding up the unidentified guys.

Although the fight on the other side of the hill was in full swing, the members of the tripartite joint exploration team and many experts and scholars in Obelisk Square gradually relaxed.

After the initial panic, everyone quickly regained their composure and continued to explore.

The nearby residents and many media reporters gathered around the Obelisk Square and stood on the surrounding hills to watch the excitement, but they were a little panicked.

Many people came down from those hills and hurried back to their homes, fearing that they would suffer disaster.

It didn't take long for the gunfire on the other side of the hill to subside.

Those who tried to sneak up the hill north of Obelisk Square were mostly killed by condescending Israeli snipers.

The two guys who survived were also seriously injured and fell into the hands of the Tigray State Police.

For them, this result may be worse than life.

Inside the Obelisk Square, exploration continues.

With the passage of time, everyone has basically found out which underground buildings in the square are relatively safe and can be explored, and which underground buildings have relatively large safety hazards and cannot be entered.

After confirming this point, each exploration team began to enter those relatively safe underground buildings one after another to start exploration operations.

Those underground buildings that cannot be entered can only be explored by small drones and small robots.

After Ye Tian and the others explored the above-ground parts of the two ancient building ruins, they have also entered the ground.

This is an ancient tunnel made of granite strips and stones. The inside is quite spacious, and a grown man can walk in it without any problem without worrying about bumping his head.

It is said to be a tunnel, but it is actually more like a tunnel.

In this solid and ancient corridor, there is a square vent every five or six meters, similar to a patio, connected to the ground.

Sunlight can directly shine into the tunnel through those vents, and the visibility in the tunnel is quite good, not much different from the outside world.

On both sides of this tunnel, there are many houses or caves made of granite, big and small, deep and shallow.

In addition, there are many forks in the tunnel, which are connected with other tunnels on the Obelisk Square to form a huge underground complex.

After entering this tunnel, Ye Tian first checked the basic situation here, and then led two archaeologists and an exploration team under him to start the exploration.

As before, the exploration team scanned the ground and walls of the tunnel with a pulse metal detector.

Since this tunnel is located at a depth of more than three meters underground, the pulse metal detector can detect a depth of about ten meters underground by scanning from the tunnel.

Compared with scanning on the ground, this depth has undoubtedly increased a lot, and it may be possible to detect some metal objects buried deeper in the ground.

Ye Tian led two archaeologists to study the text and patterns carved on the walls on both sides of the tunnel, as well as those rooms and caves.

As for Joshua, Bishop of Kent, and the deputy mayor of Axum, they did not go down into this tunnel, but waited for news on the ground.

While talking, Ye Tian and the others had entered this tunnel for more than ten minutes, and walked through the tunnel for more than ten or twenty meters, but they didn't find any surprises.

On the walls on both sides of this tunnel, as well as in those primitive rooms and caves, there are many very ancient characters and patterns engraved.

By studying those ancient characters and patterns, they did not find any information related to the treasure, let alone the legendary Solomon's treasure.

Although the exploration team scanned some metal objects buried deep underground, most of those metal objects existed in isolation and were scattered in different places, obviously not treasures!

in the tunnel.

Ye Tian and the others turned a corner and entered a tunnel heading north.

On both sides of this tunnel, there are also several rooms and caves made of granite, which are ancient and solid.

Same as before, Ye Tian quickly checked the situation here to see if this secret passage is strong.

After confirming that there was no danger of collapse, the three of them started exploring.

After a while, everyone has discovered something.

"Steven, come and have a look. There seems to be a Lion of Judah engraved here, but it's a bit blurry. The pattern of this Lion of Judah is very old, a bit older than the 'Lion of Judah' enshrined by the Solomon Dynasty later."

said the archaeologist from Columbia University, in an excited tone.

Hearing this, Ye Tian and another archaeologist immediately walked over and looked at the pattern carved on the wall.

On the wall on the right side of the tunnel, on a stone about 1.5 meters above the ground, there is indeed a pattern of a lion engraved.

Judging from its shape, it is indeed an older "Lion of Judah", but more than half of the head has been smashed, and there are many scratches on the body, which have long been blurred.

Ye Tian stepped forward to look at the stone carving pattern, then nodded slightly and said:

"That's right, this is the 'Lion of Judah', and it is very old. Judging from its carving techniques and traces, it should have been carved around 200 BC, with a very long history.

I have also seen the Lion of Judah in the same style in Jerusalem. The Lion of Judah enshrined by the royal family of the Solomon Dynasty should have been developed on this basis.

The Lion of Judah of the Solomon Dynasty added a lot of Ethiopian cultural color, which is more wild and more realistic. The discovery of this Lion of Judah may prove something.

The royal family of the Solomon Dynasty said that they are the direct descendants of King Solomon and Queen Sheba. It seems that it is not groundless, at least culturally, they have a certain inheritance relationship.

Let’s take a closer look at the surrounding situation to see if we can find some more valuable clues, there may be words and patterns related to the Lion of Judah.”

"Okay, Steven"

Both archaeologists responded with excitement.

Subsequently, the two archaeologists began to look at the ancient texts and patterns carved on the walls, looking for valuable clues.

Ye Tian walked deeper into the tunnel. After walking five or six meters, he walked into a stone house on the right side of the tunnel.

Like the stone houses we explored before, there are also many ancient characters and patterns engraved on the walls of this stone house, but most of them are various graffiti left by modern people.

The difference is that there is something similar to a stone table in this stone house.

In fact, it is a stone platform protruding from the ground. It is relatively square and looks like a stone table.

After entering this stone house, Ye Tian scanned the overall environment first, then walked to the center of the stone house, and began to check the stone platform shaped like a table.

On that stone platform, many things were engraved densely.

Among them are ancient characters and patterns, as well as many graffiti left by later generations.

From Chiswen to Amharic, to Tigray and Latin, as well as Arabic and Italian, etc., many kinds of scripts can be seen on this stone platform.

There are countless unidentified patterns and lines, which almost completely cover up the original patterns and characters.

Obviously, before the Obelisk Square became a world cultural heritage and was protected, countless people came here!

Many of them have left traces of their visits here, such as xxx's visit here and so on.

Looking at the situation on the surface of the stone platform, Ye Tian couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

Even so, he still squatted down and began to look at the ancient characters and patterns that could still be discerned on the stone platform.

After a while, he suddenly gasped in surprise.

What surprised him was a vague pattern on the side of the stone platform.

What it depicts are a few villains kneeling on the ground praying or worshiping, looking very devout.

Who is the object of their worship, whether it is a human, a god, or an animal, but it is unknown!

The place where the objects of worship were originally depicted was smashed and destroyed hundreds of thousands of years ago, and later people carved a lot of messy things.

The only thing that can be seen is the upper edge of a grotto, and the grotto seems to radiate light.

As for the appearance and location of this grotto, this information is unknown.

Ye Tian took a closer look at the pattern, pondered for a moment, and then called in the two archaeologists outside.

When they came in, he pointed to the pattern on the side of the stone table and said:

"Look at this stone carving pattern. I find it interesting. It seems that there is some important information hidden. Unfortunately, it has been damaged too badly."

Following the direction of his finger, the two archaeologists immediately looked at the stone carving.

Soon, their eyes lit up, and they became much more excited.

"These people seem to be worshiping something? It seems to be a temple. It may be a person or a god, or it may be an animal regarded as a god. This worshiped object radiates holy light!"

"It's a pity that these stone carvings have been damaged too badly, and the surrounding text that should have been written has also been completely destroyed!"

Ye Tian nodded, then smiled and said:

"According to my identification, this stone carving pattern should have been engraved around 200 BC, or even earlier, and the style of this stone carving pattern is different from the stone carving pattern in Ethiopia at the same time.

To be precise, this stone carving pattern is closer to the ancient stone carving art in the Arab region of the Middle East, especially those small figures kneeling on the ground praying, are they more like Jews than blacks?

We know that the Jews are the Semites of the Northwest Branch, while the ancestors of the Semites in Ethiopia are the Semites of the South Branch. There are obvious differences between the two Semites.

Some Jews followed Menelik I to Ethiopia and merged with the locals to form the Beta Israelites. This happened later, and it was not so easy to form a nation.”

Following his words, the two archaeologists who were about to stand up immediately threw themselves on the stone table.

After Ye Tian's reminder, they soon made a new discovery.

"That's right, Steven, these people kneeling and praying are indeed more like Jews than native Ethiopian blacks or Semites!"

"Also, although these patterns are simple, it can be seen that these people are all wearing clothes, and their kneeling postures are also different from primitive religions.

Everyone knows that before Christianity was introduced to Ethiopia, there were only some primitive religions in Ethiopia. Now it seems that Judaism may have existed here at that time! "

After listening to the analysis of these two archaeologists, Ye Tian nodded slightly.

"I tend to think that there should be some Jews on this stone carving. What we need to figure out now is, what are they worshiping? Where is this place that looks like a grotto?"

Following these words, the excited eyes of the two archaeologists lit up.

When they saw the ruined stone table in a mess, they were very disappointed, even a little depressed.

But they still pounced on the stone table, took out the magnifying glass and checked bit by bit, trying to find more clues.

Ye Tian was checking the surrounding walls to see if he could find anything.

During the inspection process, he would hit the wall with his fist from time to time, listen to the echo, and see if there was a hidden compartment or secret room inside the wall.

It's a pity that the feedback sounds are very dull, and there is no empty echo.

While speaking, he had come to a wall on the east side of the stone house, looking at the words and patterns carved on the stone wall, looking for various possible clues.

He paused suddenly as his gaze swept over a piece of granite on the wall.

Immediately afterwards, he took a step forward and began to examine the granite carefully.

Like many granites in this stone house, this piece of granite is also engraved with various patterns and characters, or graffiti, completely covering up the original ancient characters and patterns, and it looks dirty and messy!

However, these annoying graffiti can't hide the structure here, can't cover the gaps around.

It was these places that Ye Tian observed.

He examined the granite and its surroundings carefully, and then fell into deep thought.

Soon, the two archaeologists discovered his abnormal behavior, and immediately walked towards this side.

When they came close, they first looked at Ye Tian, ​​and then at the solid wall.

Unfortunately, they didn't see anything.

"Steven, what did you find on this wall? Can you introduce it?"

one of the archaeologists asked.

It wasn't until this moment that Ye Tian woke up.

He looked at the two archaeologists, then at the wall in front of him.

"I may have discovered something. There may be some secrets hidden in this wall, but I'm not sure yet. I need to explore to know the answer!"

Before he finished speaking, the archaeologist from Columbia University raised his fist and slammed into the wall.

"bang bang bang"

The feedback from the wall was very dull, and nothing unusual could be heard.

"This wall doesn't look special. Could it be that there is a secret compartment or secret room behind the wall, or an unknown secret passage?"

The archaeologist said in surprise, confused.

Ye Tian smiled softly, but did not respond, but picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Come here, Nick, I need you to scan a place with a pulse metal detector, maybe you will find something surprising!"

"Got it, Steven, we'll be right over"

Nick responded.

In a blink of an eye, Nick and the others had entered this ancient stone house.

Seeing them coming in, Ye Tian immediately pointed to the wall in front of him and said:

"Scan this wall, the ground below the wall, and the platform in the center of the stone house. There may be some secrets hidden here!"

"Okay, Steven, leave it to us"

Nick nodded in response, and immediately acted.

They scanned these places designated by Ye Tian with pulse metal detectors one by one, but they found nothing.

No doubt a little disappointing that the pulse metal detector never went off!

Facing such a result, Ye Tian fell into deep thought again!


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