Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3082 Desperation And Light

After thinking for a moment, Ye Tian said:

"It seems that there are no metal objects buried here, even if there are, these metal objects are buried very deep, beyond the detection range of the pulse metal detector.

But I am sure that there must be some secret hidden behind this granite, and the only way to discover this secret is to cut this stone from the wall."

As he spoke, he pointed to the piece of granite on the wall.

The two archaeologists stepped forward to look again, but still found nothing.

"This piece of granite is engraved with all kinds of graffiti and words, which have completely covered up the original patterns and words. How did you find out that it is abnormal?"

Ye Tian smiled, pretending to be mysterious and said:

"Temporarily keep it secret, you will know the answer later!"

Next, he said to his subordinates:

"Nick, go out and inform Joshua, Bishop of Kent, the deputy mayor of Axum and the person in charge of the Obelisk Square to come here.

The next action requires them to be on the scene, especially the deputy mayor of Axum and others. If we want to cut this piece of granite, we need their permission! "

"Okay, Steven"

Nick nodded in response, and then left here.

After a while, Joshua and the others entered the underground building carefully.

After entering this ancient stone house, they quickly took a look at the environment here.

Immediately afterwards, Joshua asked in surprise:

"Steven, did you find something here? That's why we let us come down and witness the next exploration operation on the spot"

Ye Tian nodded, then explained:

"Yes, gentlemen, we did find something here, which is related to the life of the Jews in this place before BC,..."

Next, he and two archaeologists introduced the discovery just now.

Afterwards, he told Joshua and the others that he was going to cut the piece of granite on the east wall of the stone house,

Find out what secrets are hidden behind it.

Listening to his introduction, Joshua and others were very excited.

Everyone stepped forward to check the ancient characters and patterns carved on the stone table, and discussed in low voices.

Just like Ye Tian's previous judgment, several Israeli archaeologists quickly concluded that those praying or worshiping people on the stone carvings were Jews, not blacks.

This discovery made them even more excited, and their eyes lit up.

Several Tigray people went to the wall on the east side of the stone house to check the piece of granite that Ye Tian was about to cut.

Like the two archaeologists, these Tigray people found nothing and were at a loss.

"Steven, can you tell me why you cut this piece of granite? One more thing, how do you plan to cut this piece of granite? This is a world cultural heritage and cannot be destroyed at will"

The deputy mayor of Axum asked curiously.

Not only him, but everyone else at the scene was also very curious.

Everyone looked at Ye Tian and the wall.

Ye Tian walked to the wall, pointed to the piece of granite and said:

"The reason why I want to cut through this seemingly ordinary granite is actually very simple, because this granite was laid back some time around AD.

In other words, this piece of granite was not here originally, someone smashed the piece of granite that was originally built here, and then replaced it with this piece of granite.

Why did he do this? There must be a reason for it, and this reason may be hidden behind this piece of granite, perhaps an important unknown secret.

Although this stone and the other stones on the wall are all granite, their texture is not the same, and there are subtle differences in the texture, which can be found by careful observation.”

Before the words were finished, two archaeologists stepped forward with magnifying glasses and began to observe carefully.

In just a moment, they had already discovered something.

"That's right, Steven, the grain of this granite is finer. It is indeed different from the other granite on the wall. It should be produced in a different place, but this difference is very subtle and difficult to find!"

"Indeed, normally, no one would notice!"

Everyone grew more excited as the two archaeologists came to a positive conclusion.

"Because I found this piece of granite to be very special, I decided to cut it out of the wall to see what was hidden behind it.

We are going to use water jets to cut, so that the granite and the wall can be protected to the greatest extent without causing any damage.”

Ye Tian continued.

Hearing that he was going to cut with a water knife, several Tigray people nodded without any objection.

They have seen the picture of cutting stone slabs with water jets before, and they know that this cutting method is very safe and will not cause any damage to this world cultural heritage.

Afterwards, Ye Tian notified his company employees to send the portable water jet into the underground building.

Soon, the water jet was sent in.

The company employees in charge of the operation immediately took action.

After about fifteen minutes, they were ready.

"Guys, you cut along the cracks around this granite, be careful not to cut into the surrounding stones"

Ye Tian pointed to the piece of granite on the wall and gave a few instructions.

"Understood, Steven, rest assured and leave it to us"

The staff who operated the water jet nodded in response and acted immediately.

As the cutting began, a stream of high-pressure water containing a large amount of emery immediately shot out from the nozzle of the water jet, cutting into the wall bit by bit.

This piece of granite is not big, about 20 centimeters long and 15 centimeters high, so it is not difficult to cut.

After a while, the gaps around the granite were cut open and separated from other surrounding rocks.

Cutting stops and the waterjet crew steps aside.

Ye Tian immediately stepped forward and checked the situation on the wall.

After confirming the safety, he took a crowbar, inserted the thinner end of the crowbar into the gap in the wall, and pried out the piece of granite bit by bit.

After the piece of granite was pried out about ten centimeters, he put down the crowbar, grabbed the piece of granite with both hands, and slowly pulled it out from the wall.

This piece of granite is very flat all around, although it is covered with mud and gravel, and there are a lot of water stains, but everyone can tell at a glance that this piece of granite has been deliberately trimmed.

Seeing this, everyone's eyes lit up immediately.

While speaking, this piece of granite has been completely pulled out, and there is a square hole in the wall.

There were no traps in that cave, and it was very peaceful.

While taking out this piece of granite, Ye Tian took a look into the hole, but found nothing.

Immediately afterwards, he put the heavy granite on the stone table and began to study it.

He asked his employees to take a few bottles of mineral water to wash away the mud and sand attached to the granite.

Following his movements, some ancient characters and patterns engraved on this piece of granite immediately appeared.

"My God! This is ancient Hebrew. These patterns seem to come from the "Old Testament", but these ancient Hebrew words seem to be a little special, or specious!"

"Yes, this is indeed ancient Hebrew, it should be said to be a variant of ancient Hebrew, how did they appear here, how did they get carved on this piece of granite? It's incredible!"

Everyone at the scene exclaimed, and everyone was very surprised.

Especially several Israelis were full of surprises.

When everyone was exclaiming, Ye Tian had already washed away the sand on the back of the granite.

"Hey! There is a star of David engraved here, and there is a line of ancient Hebrew, I don't know what it means"

Before the words were finished, everyone was already looking at the back of the granite.

The back of the granite is flat and does have a Star of David engraved in a very clear pattern.

Under the Star of David, there is also a line of ancient Hebrew engraved, I don't know what it means.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

Several archaeologists and paleographers who have studied ancient Hebrew were so shocked that they lost the ability to speak.

They seem to see some sensitive text, so there is such a performance.

After a moment of stunned, everyone woke up.

Immediately afterwards, the scene erupted.

"Obviously, this piece of granite was buried here by a Jew or a certain Jewish tribe. There must be a very important secret hidden behind this piece of granite!"

"If this piece of granite was really buried before BC, it is enough to show that Judaism had spread near Axum before BC, and these stone carvings from the Old Testament are proof!"

There was a lot of discussion at the scene, and everyone was very excited.

Ye Tian looked at these guys, then smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, who can translate for you, what is the meaning of this line of ancient Hebrew engraved under the Star of David? I really want to know!"

After the words fell, an Israeli archaeologist and a paleographer stood up at the same time.

"Steven, these ancient texts are different from the orthodox ancient Hebrew. To be precise, they are ancient Hebrew localized in Ethiopia, which is relatively obscure.

However, we believe that as long as we give us a little time to study, we can figure out the meaning of these ancient Hebrew words and find out what secrets are hidden behind this line of ancient Hebrew words! "

The Israeli paleographer said excitedly, full of expectations.

"Then please, gentlemen, this is not the time to be polite, everyone wants to know the meaning of these words!"

With that said, Ye Tian made a gesture of please.

Before the words were finished, several archaeologists and paleographers rushed forward and began to study the ancient characters and patterns carved on the stone, and interpret the secrets hidden behind these words and patterns.

Ye Tian stepped aside and chatted with Joshua and the others in a low voice.

"Steven, you are amazing, it's unbelievable that such a hidden secret can be discovered by you!"

Bishop of Kent said with emotion.

The other people present at the same scene nodded in sympathy.

"Steven, what secrets are hidden behind these Ethiopian localized ancient Hebrews? It's so exciting!"

Joshua continued to speak, but his eyes were fixed on the piece of granite placed on the stone table.

"No matter what secrets are hidden in these ancient characters and patterns, since we discovered this piece of granite, we will definitely be able to decipher it!"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, full of confidence.

During the conversation, twenty minutes passed.

After some serious research and discussion, and a video connection with some Beta Israeli experts and scholars in Israel, those archaeologists and paleographers finally came to a conclusion.

To be more precise, they came up with an explanation with relatively high credibility and mutual recognition.

But whether this explanation is correct, for a while, they are not sure.

Next, an Israeli paleographer said excitedly:

"Joshua, Steven, Bishop of Kent, after some discussion and research, we roughly figured out the meaning of this line of variant ancient Hebrew, and even if there are discrepancies, the errors are very small.

This line of ancient text engraved under the Star of David means "When you go to a desperate situation, you will see the light of God". Most of the text here is consistent with the original ancient Hebrew!

The literal meaning of this line of ancient Hebrew is like this, but it must have an extended meaning, a deeper meaning, perhaps a metaphor, which requires further research! "

Before the words fell, the scene was directly fried.

"Wow! What does the impasse in this line of text refer to? Is it the impasse of life, or the end of the road? What does God's light mean? Is it the holy light, or something else?"

"Could this line of text point to the place where Solomon's treasure is hidden? Could the so-called light of God refer to the Ark of the Covenant?"

Everyone was talking about it, and everyone was very excited.

Joshua, Bishop of Kent and the others even had their eyes lit up, and they had let their imaginations fly in an instant, and they began to guess.

The Tigray people and representatives of the Ethiopian religious circles who were present at the same scene had serious expressions, and everyone's eyes were full of worry.

Obviously, they also associate a lot.

A considerable part of the associations are not good for them.

But Ye Tian, ​​who discovered this secret, looked like an outsider, with a smile on his face, observing the behavior of the others.

Exploration operations continue.

In the following period, the tripartite joint exploration team successively discovered some metal objects buried deep underground, and two very hidden underground chambers!

However, none of them have anything to do with treasure.

One of them was buried with relatively concentrated metal objects. After research and analysis by Ye Tian and several archaeologists, they agreed that they were all buried objects of an ancient Ethiopian king or nobleman.

As before, Ye Tian asked his staff to explore the situation of the king's tomb, and then handed over the relevant data to the Ethiopians.

As for whether the Ethiopians will dig the tomb of the king, it is unknown!

It was evening, and the sky gradually darkened.

The Tigray villages around the Obelisk Square have already raised smoke,

When the last rays of the setting sun disappeared from the sky, the exploration operation of the three-party joint exploration team in the Obelisk Square officially came to an end!

Here, everyone did not find the legendary treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant, but they did not find nothing!

The most important harvest is that piece of granite stone engraved with ancient Hebrew and "Old Testament" patterns, that is, that sentence full of mystery!

When leaving the Obelisk Square, everyone who saw that piece of granite was thinking about that mysterious sentence!

Seeing Ye Tian and the others come out of the Obelisk Square, the media reporters who had gathered at the gate of the square and had been waiting for a day immediately rushed up like a tide.

"Good evening, Steven, I'm a reporter from the Jerusalem Post. May I ask, have you made any important discoveries in the Obelisk Square? Can you tell us about the situation?"

"Hello, Steven, I'm a reporter from The New York Times. May I ask if the firefight that happened on the other side of the hill north of Obelisk Square this afternoon is related to you?"

Many media reporters raised their voices and asked questions loudly, one by one scrambling to be the first.

Ye Tian looked at these uncrowned kings, then smiled and said loudly:

"Good evening, friends from the media, as you can see, we have not gained anything, we have not brought anything from this Obelisk Square.

I believe this is enough to explain the problem. In this ancient square, we did not find any treasures. As for the firefight in the afternoon, it has nothing to do with us! "

After speaking, he boarded the bulletproof SUV parked beside him, and ignored the media reporters who asked loudly.

The rest of the tripartite joint exploration team got on the car one after another, and the team started immediately and left this ancient square.

Not long after driving, David couldn't hold back his curiosity any longer, and asked impatiently:

"Steven, does the ancient Hebrew text carved on that piece of granite point to the legendary treasure of Solomon? Does it point to the Ark of the Covenant? Especially the 'Light of God', which makes people have to think of the Ark of the Covenant!"

Ye Tian looked at this guy, smiled and said:

"I don't know, but I'm sure that this sentence must have a very profound meaning, and there must be a big secret hidden behind it, otherwise it would not have been deliberately hidden, and it has been hidden for more than 2,000 years.

If the treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant are really in or near Axum, then this sentence may really be a clue pointing to the treasure. I have been thinking, what does "the hopeless situation and the light of God" refer to? "

While speaking, the joint exploration convoy had galloped away and entered the city of Axum again.

Because of the discovery of that piece of granite, and because of the line of ancient Hebrew engraved on the back of the granite, Axum at this time has already been undercurrents!


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