That same night, the words engraved on the back of that piece of granite were leaked by the Ethiopians.

Next, this sentence was like a hurricane, quickly swept across the entire Axum, Ethiopia, and even the entire Western world.

As this sentence spread, everyone began to speculate excitedly, what exactly does the word "desperation and the light of God" in this sentence refer to?

Some people interpret it literally, thinking that it is the hopelessness of life and the hope brought by God.

But more people have extended it, and there are various explanations.

Reminiscent of the fact that the tripartite joint exploration team is in Axum, exploring the legendary Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, and Ye Tian discovered this sentence, people will inevitably think of it.

Does the desperate situation mentioned here point to the place where Solomon's treasure is hidden?

And does the light of God imply the ark?

The number of such associations is countless!

What followed was countless attentions.

Many people even set off immediately, rushing to Axum like a pilgrimage, trying to find the legendary treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant based on this obscure clue!

And many natives of Aksum moved faster.

They left the house one after another, and went to explore places around them that might be considered as hopeless.

Among these people, there are many people sent by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, as well as people sent by the Tigray State Government and the People's Front!

Needless to say, their purpose is to find Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant before the tripartite joint exploration team.

In that case, they don't have to worry about their beliefs collapsing, and they can make a lot of money!

At the same time, there were not many Orthodox believers and monks at the entrance of the hotel where the tripartite joint exploration team was located and in the surrounding streets.

Fortunately, these guys are relatively well-behaved, they just sit in or protest and demonstrate, and there is nothing radical about it.

For this situation, Ye Tian had expected it a long time ago and didn't care too much about it.

Back at the hotel, after washing up, he started a video call with Matisse.

"Matisse, what's the situation on Lake Tana? Is anyone coming to harass the joint exploration fleet again? Trying to interrupt your operation to clean up and salvage the sunken treasure?"

In the video, Mattis shook his head slightly, and then began to introduce the situation.

"The operation to clean up and salvage the treasure of this sunken ship is going smoothly, everyone is in very good condition, there is no problem, and we will be able to complete the salvage operation in about four days.

After we shot down the small seaplane before, no one dared to fly a small seaplane over the operating waters, including Cook and his guys, who hid far away.

The situation on the lake is the same. Some people tried to dive here before to loot the shipwreck treasure at the bottom of the lake. After several divers were killed by the Nile crocodile, no one dared to go deep into the water again.

However, the number of people coveting the treasure of this shipwreck has not decreased but increased. These guys are hiding in the distance, staring at this water area. They are obviously waiting for us to land on land with these treasures! "

"This is expected. When you finish cleaning up the treasure of this sunken ship, I will arrange people and ships to guide you to leave that water area quietly!"

Ye Tian said in a deep voice.

Next, he checked the related videos of salvaging the sunken treasure.

These videos include not only the process of divers salvaging the sunken treasure, but also the many gold and silver treasures from that sunken treasure, as well as antique cultural relics and artworks.

After checking the video data and confirming that there was no problem, he ended the call.

Soon, the time has come to about 10 o'clock in the evening.

Ye Tian and David were chatting in the living room. Joshua, Bishop of Kent, and several archaeologists and paleographers came to visit and walked into this luxurious suite.

After sitting down in the living room, Joshua immediately said excitedly:

"Steven, we have basically deciphered the variant ancient Hebrew script carved on that piece of granite, as well as those patterns and stories from the Old Testament.

The content described in those texts is partly related to the Queen of Sheba and Menelik I, and is closely related to the Jews who immigrated to Ethiopia.”

Hearing this, Ye Tian's eyes suddenly lit up.

"It seems that the legends about the Queen of Sheba and Menelik I are not groundless. For us, this is obviously good news!"

"Yes, Steven"

Joshua nodded and continued:

"Before today, the Queen of Sheba was more of a legendary figure, illusory, but after today, it can be confirmed that the Queen of Sheba does exist.

Menelik I fled to Ethiopia with some of the Israelites and some of Solomon's treasures. This matter is basically certain, and it does exist!

It is mentioned in some of these texts that Menelik I came to Ethiopia with a large amount of gold and silver treasures and hid them.

From this, we infer that the words carved behind that piece of granite may be clues pointing to the location of Solomon's treasure, and the light of God probably refers to the Ark of the Covenant! "

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, then asked:

"Then have you found any more valuable clues? For example, what does the impasse in that sentence refer to? Is there a corresponding location?"

"Unfortunately, there is no text in there pointing to a location"

Joshua shook his head lightly, his eyes filled with regret.

Next, an Israeli archaeologist and paleographer came forward to introduce to Ye Tian the specific meaning of the variant ancient Hebrew words discovered this afternoon.

After understanding the meaning of those words, Ye Tian discussed with them again, trying to find out the secret behind those ancient words.

Unfortunately, they found nothing surprising.

Compared with them, the Tigray people, who were also studying those ancient characters and patterns, found it even more pitiful.

The Tigrays gathered all the archaeologists and paleographers they could find to try to decipher the obscure variants and patterns of ancient Hebrew.

As a result, after several hours, they only confirmed one point.

Many patterns and characters carved on that piece of granite are basically from the "Old Testament", telling the stories in the "Old Testament".

They still couldn't decipher the exact meaning of those ancient words.

This annoyed those Tigray people, but there was nothing they could do!


In the blink of an eye, it was another day.

After getting up early in the morning, Ye Tian found that the number of media reporters gathered at the entrance of the hotel was more than double that of yesterday.

Obviously, these extra media reporters came to Axum overnight last night.

What attracted them to come here was the astonishing discovery yesterday!

These guys have an extremely sensitive sense of smell, and they can always smell the heavyweight headlines in the first place.

Overnight, the sentence engraved on the back of that piece of granite seems to have become the focus of everyone's discussion.

In addition to media reporters, there are more and more Orthodox believers and monks gathered near the hotel, and there is a tendency to return to the situation that everyone encountered when they first came to Axum!

Ye Tian had already thought of the situation at the entrance of the hotel yesterday.

He didn't take it seriously, but told Cole and the others to be vigilant and strengthen security.

Special attention should be paid to those fanatical Orthodox monks and believers.

In addition, Derek and others who escorted the treasure to Tel Aviv before returned to the hotel this morning after two transfers.

When the time came to eight o'clock in the morning, the deputy mayor of Axum and others rushed to the hotel.

Along with them, there were also several high-level religious figures who had never appeared before.

After entering the hotel, they immediately requested a meeting with Ye Tian, ​​Bishop of Kent and others, claiming that they had something to discuss.

Ye Tian did not refuse, but asked his security personnel to take them to his suite.

After meeting each other, it was naturally a polite exchange of greetings.

Immediately afterwards, those Tigray people got to the point.

"Steven, if possible, I hope you can share the relevant research results of the granite that was discovered yesterday. We are very interested in the content recorded on that granite.

Because those ancient Hebrew texts are very difficult to understand, we found someone to study them all night, but there was no progress. If you have researched the results, can you introduce the situation to us? "

The deputy mayor of Axum said that his words were full of expectations.

The same goes for other Ethiopians, especially those high-level religious figures, whose eyes are very hot.

Ye Tian shook his head, smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, the relevant research work on the ancient characters and patterns carved on the piece of granite discovered yesterday was not done by us, but by Israel.

If you want to understand the meaning of those words and patterns, it is best to communicate with the Israeli side, we can't do it for you and make the research results public! "

As he spoke, he raised his hand and gestured towards Joshua who was sitting beside him.

Following his movements, these Ethiopians all looked at Joshua.

Immediately afterwards, a religious leader with a long beard said in a deep voice:

"We would like to know, what does the 'Light of God' carved on that piece of granite refer to? Is there a deeper meaning hidden behind it?"

Joshua didn't respond immediately, but fell into thinking.

Afterwards, he discussed in a low voice with the Bishop of Kent and a senior Israeli official before nodding and saying:

"Gentlemen and priests, we discovered the words and patterns on that piece of granite yesterday, and we can share with you the research results related to it.

But we also have conditions. First, you must keep it strictly confidential and don’t disclose this important information. Second, we want to buy that piece of granite! ..."

Hearing this, those Ethiopians immediately exploded.

"There is no problem with strict secrecy, but you want to buy that piece of granite, which is absolutely impossible!"

"That's right, that piece of granite is of great significance, and there may be a big secret hidden behind it, we will never make a move!"

Having said that, the situation suddenly froze.

Seeing this situation, Ye Tian could only smile helplessly.


Nine thirty in the morning.

The tripartite joint exploration team left the hotel, preparing for today's exploration.

As soon as Ye Tian and the others came out of the hotel, many media reporters gathered at the entrance of the hotel seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, and they all raised their throats and started asking questions loudly.

"Good morning, Steven. I'm a reporter from The Washington Post. Can you explain to everyone? What does the text carved on the granite yesterday refer to the impasse of life? What does the light of God refer to?"

"Good morning, Steven, I'm a reporter from The Times. Someone said that 'Life's End' refers to the place where Solomon's treasure is buried, and God's Light refers to the Ark of the Covenant? Is that true?"

Ye Tian did not respond to the questions of these media reporters, and neither did Joshua, Bishop of Kent and others.

They just waved at these media reporters, and then boarded their respective vehicles.

Soon, the joint exploration convoy started suddenly and drove away from the hotel entrance.

Seeing the tripartite joint exploration team leave, those media reporters immediately rushed to their respective media interview vehicles with their cameras and video cameras, ready to follow up and report.

While speaking, the joint exploration convoy has entered a street near the hotel.

As soon as they entered the street, everyone realized that something was wrong.

Both sides of the street were already full of Ethiopian Orthodox monks and believers in robes, and everyone seemed extremely excited.

The military police of Tigray State, responsible for maintaining order, have set up human chains on both sides of the street, trying their best to stop the emotional Orthodox monks and believers from rushing to the middle of the street.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Himan, Cole, let all the guys be vigilant and be prepared for contingencies. We must protect the members of the joint exploration team and those experts and scholars, and pass through these streets as soon as possible, lest there will be changes!

Another point, immediately contact the military and police chiefs in Tigray State, as well as relevant religious figures, and let them control the situation and avoid conflicts as much as possible, which will be detrimental to all parties.”

While saying these words, his right hand was already on the g36c short assault rifle at his feet, ready to fire at any time!

In addition, he also took a quick look at the residential buildings on both sides of the street.

Fortunately, there were no gunmen ambushing in those buildings, so they were safe.

"Understood, Steven, we will contact all parties and remind the guys to be more vigilant to ensure the safety of the tripartite joint exploration team"

Seaman responded, and Cole responded.

As they launched their operations, the Tigray State military police outside quickly received orders and immediately stepped up their efforts to stop them.

When the joint exploration convoy drove to the middle of the street, several young believers wanted to break through the cordon and rushed towards the convoy, but they were directly pushed to the ground by the soldiers of the Tirenjin who came to reinforce them.

The joint exploration convoy continued on and drove out of this street without any risk.

Although there were a lot of locals on the next street to watch the excitement, the number of people was not so large, and their emotions were not so excited.

After driving through several streets in succession, the pressure faced by the joint exploration convoy really eased.

Afterwards, the convoy galloped out of the city of Axum, and soon left the city.

Twenty minutes later, the joint exploration convoy arrived at the foot of a mountain west of Axum.

On this steep mountain, there is an ancient castle that has been abandoned for a long time, which is the target of the tripartite joint exploration team to explore today.

After arriving here, Ye Tian and the others who were sitting in the car were completely dumbfounded.

Looking out from the inside of the car, the mountain was already crowded with people, hundreds of them at least, spreading from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

No need to ask, these people are all here to find hopelessness, to find the light of God!

Seeing this scene, everyone was a little dumbfounded, but there was nothing they could do.

However, the arrival of the tripartite joint exploration team aroused cheers one after another on the mountain peak.

Everyone thought they had found the right target and saw hope!

"Oh my god! This is like a national movement, everyone is here to find Solomon's treasure!"

David said with emotion.

Hearing this, Ye Tian could only nod helplessly.

"Who says it's not! But how can it be so simple to explore the treasure?"


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