Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3084 The scenery on the top of the mountain

As soon as the joint exploration convoy stopped, someone was ready to come up to inquire about the news.

As a result, they were all stopped by the Tigray State military police who were in charge of security, and they could only stay outside the cordon, looking out with their necks propped up.

When the convoy came to a complete stop, Seaman got out of the car with a large number of heavily armed Israeli security personnel, quickly dispersed and looked around vigilantly.

After confirming the safety of the scene, Ye Tian and the others just got out of the car and stood on the side of the road at the foot of the mountain.

Ye Tian quickly took a look at the surrounding environment, especially those mountains, boulders, and ditches that could be used for hiding. He quickly looked through them.

Fortunately, there are no ambushes in these places, and they seem to be relatively safe.

Then, he looked up at the mountain in front of him.

Although the mountain is not very high, the terrain is very steep, and only a winding mountain road can reach the top of the mountain.

Other places are either full of ravines, dense forests, or cliffs, which are simply impassable.

And on the top of this mountain, there is an ancient castle that has been abandoned for seven or eight hundred years, and it is now in ruins.

That piece of ancient ruins is exactly the goal of the tripartite joint exploration team today.

At this time, the mountain road leading to the top of the mountain was crowded with people who came to explore Solomon's treasure, forming a long queue from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

While Ye Tian was checking the situation, those people who came to explore Solomon's treasure with hopes were also looking at him and the tripartite joint exploration team, and everyone was full of anticipation.

Some of them were asking questions at the top of their voices.

"Steven, did the tripartite joint exploration team come here because this is the so-called desperate situation? Is the legendary treasure of Solomon hidden on this mountain?"

"Steven, will we be able to see the light of God when we climb this mountain? Does it point to the most holy ark of the covenant?"

Ye Tian didn't respond to these guys' questions, but just smiled.

While talking, Joshua, the deputy mayor of Axum and others have come close to join Ye Tian and the others.

Joshua and the others were also very surprised by the situation on the mountain in front of them.

"Mr. Deputy Mayor, what's going on here? Why did so many people come here and climb up this mountain before the tripartite joint exploration team? The news that the tripartite joint exploration team is going to come here to explore is Who leaked it?"

Joshua asked in a low voice, with a very ugly expression.

Not only him, but also the other members of the tripartite joint exploration team.

With so many idlers waiting on the mountain peak, it is bound to cause a lot of interference to the next exploration operations, cause a lot of unnecessary troubles, and even threaten the safety of the joint exploration team.

The deputy mayor of Axum looked at the situation on the mountain, and then said with a wry smile:

"Gentlemen, we don't want to see this kind of situation, not only this mountain, but every dangerous place around Axum is now crowded with people who come to explore the treasure.

Among them are locals from Axum, residents from Tigray State, treasure hunters and believers who came from other parts of Ethiopia, Eritrea, and even all over the world.

These people were all attracted by the ancient Hebrew writing on the piece of granite that was discovered yesterday. They all wanted to find the desperate situation in life mentioned in that line of writing, and they all wanted to find the light of God!

Everyone has different understandings and associations with that line of ancient Hebrew. As a result, almost every dangerous place around Axum is now overcrowded.

I don’t know if the news that the tripartite joint exploration team is going to come here to launch an operation has been leaked. Since last night, there have been a lot of people gathered here, and we can’t seal off the entire mountain.”

Hearing this explanation, everyone was shocked.

Ye Tian smiled helplessly, and then said:

"I knew it would lead to this situation. When I found that piece of granite yesterday, I shouldn't have disclosed the content engraved on it. The news would not be leaked, and this situation would not be caused today."

"That's true, but who would have thought that the news would leak so quickly that it would spread all over the world in one night!"

Bishop Kent nodded.

Before the words fell, everyone looked at the Ethiopians at the scene.

Everyone knows exactly who spread the news.

The expressions of those Ethiopians were somewhat embarrassed. Fortunately, they were all black, so they couldn't tell even if they blushed.

After a short pause, the deputy mayor of Axum said:

"Gentlemen, it is too late to say this now, the news has already been leaked, and there is no way to undo it"

Ye Tian nodded slightly and said:

"That's right, what we're going to discuss now is how to start today's exploration operation? This is the most critical question!"

Hearing this, everyone at the scene nodded.

Afterwards, Ye Tian continued to say:

"Everyone has seen the situation of this mountain. The road is rugged and very steep, and there are many unidentified people along the way. It is not an easy task to climb to the top of the mountain smoothly.

In view of this situation, I suggest that people over the age of fifty should not climb this mountain. It is better to stay at the foot of the mountain and wait for the final exploration results, which is more appropriate.

The rest of the exploration team members and security personnel who climb this mountain should also be streamlined, the number should not be too large, and there is no need to carry too much exploration equipment, and they must pay attention to safety.”

After the words fell, several older archaeologists and paleographers immediately prepared to refute.

When they looked up at the towering mountain ahead, they were suddenly speechless.

They knew that they might be able to climb this mountain, but they would definitely be exhausted after going up the mountain, and they would sit on the ground directly, and there would even be a lot of danger.

In the next joint exploration operation, instead of being of any help, he will become a burden to others and drag down the entire joint exploration team.

Thinking of this, they were all silent.

Ye Tian looked at these experts and scholars, then smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, although you can't climb this mountain, you can still participate in this joint exploration operation. During the exploration process, if we encounter any problems, we will ask you for advice by phone or video.

In this way, you will be able to participate, be personally on the scene, and follow us to explore the ruins of the ancient castle on the top of the mountain, and you don’t have to worry about your own safety, you can sit in the car for research with confidence! "

Hearing this, the archaeologists and paleographers heaved a sigh of relief, with smiles on their faces.

"This arrangement is very good, Steven, even if we don't have to climb this mountain, we can still participate in this joint exploration operation. I wish you a helping hand!"

"It's true. If we encounter difficult problems, such as those obscure variants of ancient Hebrew that we encountered yesterday, we can contact other experts and scholars here to decipher together."

Several archaeologists and paleographers said one after another.

Next, Ye Tian began to select the personnel and security team members who would follow him up the mountain and carry out exploration operations.

After a while, he completed the selection work.

Immediately afterwards, he asked his exploration team members to prepare to explore equipment and other things.

Of course, there are also a large number of weapons and ammunition, which are mainly carried by security personnel.

After ten minutes, everyone was ready.

At this time, Ye Tian was carrying a huge mountaineering bag, wearing a jacket, and wearing hiking boots. He looked like a mountaineer, not like a top professional treasure hunter.

The dozen or so exploration team members who were going to climb the mountain with him were dressed almost the same.

Together they looked more like an expedition than a treasure hunt.

Those security personnel are also ready, everyone is fully armed, carrying assault rifles and backpacks.

everything's ready!

Ye Tian looked at the mountain in front of him, and then said to the people around him:

"Guys, let's go, let's go to the top of this mountain to see the scenery and see if we can find something. What's waiting for us may be a huge surprise!"

"Okay, Steven"

Many exploration team members and security team members responded in unison, and everyone was full of confidence.

Next, Ye Tian took the lead to step out and lead everyone towards the mountain.

They climbed the mountain together with more than 20 military and police personnel from Tigray State, responsible for protecting the safety of the tripartite joint exploration team.

After a while, Ye Tian and the others had crossed the cordon set up by the Tigray State Police and set foot on the winding mountain road leading to the top of the mountain.

Those people who had gathered at the foot of the mountain were very excited when they saw them coming.

Not surprisingly, those guys followed immediately, wanting to take advantage of the three-party joint exploration team to see if they could find something.

Fortunately, those Tigray state military police officers and security personnel accompanied them for protection, keeping those guys separated and not approaching them.

Regarding this situation, Ye Tian didn't say anything.

They laughed and chatted in low voices as they climbed up the mountain road.

However, those guys who followed, how could they miss this opportunity?

Especially those media reporters kept asking questions loudly.

"Steven, is the target of your exploration the ruins of the ancient castle on the top of the mountain? What secrets are hidden there? Can you tell us about the situation?"

"Hello, Steven, what does the impasse of life carved on that piece of granite refer to? Does it point to the place where Solomon's treasure is hidden?"

Ye Tian turned a deaf ear to these questions and did not give any response.

Soon, ten minutes passed.

Ye Tian and the others walked up the winding mountain road for two to three hundred meters, but the height only increased by less than fifty meters.

Near the foot of the mountain, the mountain road is relatively spacious and flat. As the height continues to increase, the mountain road has become more and more rugged, narrower and more difficult to walk.

At first, everyone was talking and laughing, very relaxed.

After climbing more than 200 meters along the mountain road, everyone talked less and less, and began to focus on the mountain road under their feet, with a little more care.

Because they carried a lot of exploration equipment and various materials, as well as weapons and ammunition, everyone had a heavy burden, and it was difficult to walk the mountain road, so they used trekking poles early on.

As for the media reporters who followed, they could only choose to shut up when they could not get a response, and continued to follow behind everyone, panting and climbing the mountain.

Compared with others, Ye Tian seemed much more relaxed.

Along the way, his breathing was very steady, his steps were firm, and there was not even a little sweat on his forehead.

At a distance of more than 300 meters, there happens to be a platform where climbers can rest their feet.

Ye Tian looked at his exploration team members and security personnel, and then said to them:

"Guys, let's rest here for a while before climbing the mountain!"

Everyone nodded, and then stopped, preparing to rest here for a while.

As the team stopped, the Tigray State military police and security team in charge of security quickly blocked the platform to prevent others from approaching.

The guys who followed behind could only stand on the steps and sit down to rest on the spot.

The snake-like mountaineering team on the mountain road was immediately out of touch.

The people on the top were still climbing up, but near the foot of the mountain, everyone stopped, staring at Ye Tian and the others, ready to follow them.

On the platform where everyone is resting, there are several large or small pieces of granite, engraved with various characters and patterns, some from ancient times, but more modern graffiti.

After stopping in his tracks, Ye Tian first observed the surrounding situation, and then walked to these pieces of granite with a paleographer, and began to examine the ancient characters and patterns carved on the stones.

In just a moment, they had already discovered something.

"Steven, look at these Tigrinya words, what they describe should be the situation of the old castle on the top of the mountain, saying that the old castle is very grand and solemn.

It's a pity that the text before and after has been destroyed by people, or covered by the graffiti of later generations, so we can't see more content, otherwise, we can find more."

Following the direction of the paleographer's finger, Ye Tian checked the ancient characters and patterns carved on the stone.

Although he didn't know the ancient Tigrinya and Amharic languages, he could tell when those characters and patterns were carved on these granites.

After roughly checking the ancient characters and patterns, he looked up at the ruins of the old castle on the top of the mountain, and then said with a smile:

"It seems that we are here on the right track this time. There may be surprising discoveries. Now at least one thing is certain. This ancient castle on the top of the mountain is very old and very important!"

"Yes, judging from these ancient texts, this is indeed the case"

The paleographer nodded and said.

Next, the two of them discussed for a while, took out their mobile phones, and took pictures of these pieces of granite from various angles.

After a short rest, everyone started again and continued to climb upwards.

As soon as the tripartite joint exploration team left the platform, the media reporters who followed behind immediately rushed up to this small platform.

They followed suit, picked up cameras and video cameras one after another, and took pictures of all the pieces of granite.

After filming, they followed up with the tripartite joint exploration team.

Next, Ye Tian and the others rested a few times on the way to recover their strength.

It took nearly an hour and a half before everyone climbed to the top of the mountain.

When they came to the top of the mountain, the area around the ruins of the old castle on the top of the mountain was crowded with people.

Fortunately, the police in Tigray State still did something. They surrounded the ruins of the ancient castle and did not allow others to enter, so as not to interfere with the joint exploration operation.

With the arrival of Ye Tian and the others, the top of the mountain suddenly boiled.

"Look, that guy Steven came up with a group of men. I don't know what they can find here today? I wonder if that guy who is always favored by God will perform miracles again?"

"Who knows, but wherever this guy Steven goes, there will always be miraculous things happening. I hope it will be the same this time. In that case, maybe we can also have a sip of soup!"

While people were talking about it, Ye Tian was looking at the situation here.

This is the commanding height of the mountain, surrounded by unobstructed and unobstructed, with a very wide view.

The ruins of the ancient castle to be explored today are located at the highest point of the mountain, and the terrain is very dangerous.

To the south of the ruins of the ancient castle is a sparse mountain forest, to the east is the winding mountain road that everyone came up from, and to the west and north are very steep cliffs, the terrain is very dangerous!

Standing on the ruins of the old castle, you can overlook the steep mountain, the deep canyons to the west and north, and the city of Axum not far to the east!

On the opposite side of the castle, about three or four hundred meters away, across a deep canyon, there is a taller and more steep cliff, like a knife and an axe!

While observing the situation on the scene, Ye Tian also secretly turned on the perspective, quickly seeing every corner around the mountain peak.

He even took a quick look at the cliff opposite and the canyon below.

Due to the limited distance, he couldn't see through the cliffs on the opposite side and the canyon below, but what he saw was beyond the reach of others!

On this mountain, there are quite a few guys carrying guns and other weapons, hiding among the crowds exploring the mountain.

Among them were security personnel who obeyed his orders, Israeli plainclothes agents, armed personnel from the PFLF, and some unknown guys.

Those guys of unknown origin are very calm at this time, and they don't look much different from others!

They are all here for Solomon's treasure or the Holy Grail, and it's obviously not the time to do it now!

That said, until Solomon's Treasure or something else is discovered, the hilltop is safe!

After quickly grasping the situation on the top of the mountain, Ye Tian pointed to the sharp cliff on the west side of the mountain, and asked the Axum city government officials beside him:

"That cliff looks very steep and shocking, can you tell me about it?"

Hearing this, the Axum city government official who came with the team immediately looked at the cliff opposite the canyon, and his expression changed.

"Mr. Steven, the situation on that cliff is very complicated, and it is also very steep and dangerous. Every year, people fall off that cliff and die!

Unlike this mountain peak, the stones on that cliff are very easy to fall off. Many stones that look solid can't bear much weight.

Last year, several master rock climbers from Europe tried to conquer the cliff, but they fell off the cliff and died. There was only one survivor.

It is said that this situation has been going on for hundreds of years. In Axum, it is said that there is a volcano inside the cliff, which is always scorching the stones on the mountain..."

The Axum official introduced the situation of the cliff with fear in his eyes.

After hearing these words, Chen Yu's eyes became brighter and brighter.


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