Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3085 The Secret of the Hillside

Chapter 3085: The Secret in the Belly of the Mountain

In the ruins of the ancient castle, the three-party joint exploration team has started to explore, scanning various locations with pulse metal detectors.

Ye Tian took two archaeologists to explore in the center of the ruins, looking at the damaged building fragments, as well as the ancient characters and patterns carved on the stones.

Outside the ruins of the castle, Tigray state military police and Israeli security personnel pulled out a cordon around the castle, prohibiting anyone from entering.

The rest of the people who climbed the mountain and came for Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant could only stay outside the cordon and look inside the castle on tiptoe.

Unfortunately, they don't see much.

The location of the castle is higher, about ten meters higher than the rest of the mountain top.

People who want to enter the ruins of the castle have to go through an upward staircase and pass through two broken arches before they can enter it.

Moreover, this ancient castle did not completely collapse, and a part of the surrounding walls remained, but it was not too high, but it could also block the view from the outside.

If the joint exploration team finds something here, such as finding some treasure.

Once the news leaks, causing commotion, and even attracting attacks, these ancient and dilapidated city walls can also block bullets flying from other places.

In the blink of an eye, it was almost noon.

After some exploration, everyone finally found something.

Ye Tian and the others are looking at a section of the damaged city wall, studying the ancient characters and patterns carved on the city wall.

At this moment, an excited voice suddenly came from the intercom.

"Steven, we have detected some metal objects, which are buried under a pile of stones and rubble. I don't know what it is. Would you like to come and have a look?"

Hearing the announcement, Ye Tian immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Okay, Anthony, let's go over here and see what you find, maybe it's a surprise"

As he spoke, he stood up and walked towards the exploration team that found the metal object.

The two archaeologists next to him immediately followed, both full of expectations.

In the blink of an eye,

They have come to a ruin on the north side of the castle.

This place is located on the edge of the old castle. The original buildings have long since collapsed, leaving only a few walls.

Two employees of the brave and fearless exploration company stood in the middle of the ruins, scanning with the pulse metal detector in their hands.

Along with their movements, bursts of melodious chirping sounds continued to be heard from the scene.

Seeing Ye Tian approaching, Anthony holding the probe immediately said:

"Steven, it is here that we scanned some metal objects. The number is not large, but the location is relatively concentrated, and the burial is not very deep, only three or four meters deep from the ground.

It is not very difficult to get out these metal objects buried in the ground, as long as the above stones and rubble are removed, and then dig down three or four meters, you can find those metal objects.”

At the same time as he was introducing the situation, Ye Tian had already approached.

While checking the signals and data of the pulse metal detector, he said with a smile:

"Guys, you seem to have forgotten that we are on the top of the mountain, not on the ground. It is not difficult to move the stones and rubble under our feet, but it is very difficult to dig down. The bottom is hard granite!"

Hearing this, Anthony suddenly realized.

"Yeah, how did we forget this, it's a granite mountain, it's hard to dig!"

Ye Tian smiled and continued to say:

"If these metal objects are really treasures, and they are buried deep underground, then there is only one possibility, that there is an unknown hidden space under our feet.

There is only one way for us to retrieve these metal objects buried deep underground, and that is to find a way to enter this underground secret space! "

"Indeed, there must be an entrance to this underground space, otherwise, these metal objects would not be hidden deep underground!"

Anthony nodded.

After analyzing for a while, Ye Tian finally gave his own judgment.

"That's right, these metal objects are indeed buried three or four meters deep underground, but unfortunately the number is too small, and the value is unknown. Is it worth digging?

They are obviously hidden in an underground space, this underground space may be a tunnel, or it may be a secret room, we can try to find it out"

"Great, Steven, leave these things to us"

Anthony nodded and said, can't wait.

Ye Tian looked at this guy, then nodded with a smile and said:

"Okay, Anthony, please clean up the rocks in this area first, remove the small ones, and leave the unmovable ones where they are. I'll come over to see the situation after the cleaning is complete!"

Next, he confessed a few more words.

Afterwards, he left with the two archaeologists, returned to the ruins in the center of the castle, and continued the previous exploration.

A few minutes later, an archaeologist suddenly said:

"Steven, come and take a look. There are some ancient patterns engraved here, and there are a few lines of Tigrinya, which looks interesting."

Hearing this, Ye Tian and another archaeologist walked over immediately,

This is a stone wall about two meters high. The superstructure has already collapsed, and you can see the blue sky when you look up.

In the middle and upper part of this stone wall, there are several relatively flat pieces of granite with some ancient characters and patterns engraved on them.

Of course, there are still a lot of graffiti on it, which are carved in a mess.

Ye Tian and the others stepped forward and began to examine those ancient characters and patterns.

It's a pity that none of the three of them knew Tigrinya, and they didn't know the meaning expressed in those words.

But those ancient patterns, they can see a little meaning.

"These patterns seem to tell the story of an ethnic group struggling to survive in a different place. There are farming scenes, hunting scenes, and sacrificial scenes, etc. The content is very rich, and it is worth studying carefully!"

An archaeologist said excitedly.

The archaeologist is from Columbia University and is employed by Intrepid Explorations.

Hearing his words, Ye Tian and the other Israeli archaeologist laughed lightly.

Then the Israeli archaeologist went on to say:

"These ancient patterns tell about the development process of a Beta Israel tribe. They lived in this mountainous area. The ruins of the ancient castle we are in were originally built by them.

In the past two or three hundred years, they were defeated by other tribes, and this ancient castle fell into the hands of others. In the following hundreds of years, this ancient castle changed hands several times and changed many owners until it was finally abandoned and collapsed.

The tripartite joint exploration team came here because this ancient castle was built by the Beta Israelites. The history of the Beta Israeli tribe can even be traced back to the period of Menelik I.

Because of this, we listed this place as a very important place to explore; in fact, before we came here, we sent people to explore here several times, but unfortunately nothing was found! "

"I see. It seems that you have mastered the meaning of these Tigrinya words."

"Indeed, the content introduced in these texts is exactly the development process of the Beta Israelites tribe, but it is intermittent, and the language is unknown in many places.

In these ancient texts, there is no relevant information about Solomon’s treasure and the Ark of the Covenant. As for the texts covered by graffiti, I don’t know what they describe.”

"Since this is the case, there is no need for us to waste time here."

said the Columbia University archaeologist.

"That's right, let's go look elsewhere"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded.

Afterwards, they left here and walked to an abandoned room next to them.

Next, they successively discovered many ancient characters and patterns carved on different stones.

Among them are Tigrinya, the older Ghis, Amharic and so on.

It is a pity that by studying these words and patterns, they did not find any clues related to Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant.

During this period, several other exploration teams also successively scanned some metal objects.

Ye Tian went over to check the situation, but found nothing surprising.

Most of those metal objects were buried under the rubble, and they were some of the original things inside the castle.

For example, scrapped tableware, broken door knockers, and rusted weapons are of little value.

About an hour later, Ye Tian and the others returned to the ruins on the north side of the castle.

At this time, most of the stones piled up in the area where the metal objects were found before had been cleared away, leaving only some relatively large stones that were difficult to move.

The two exploration team members who were in charge of clearing these rocks were sweating profusely and out of breath.

Coming here again, Ye Tian glanced around first, then walked into the cleared space and began to check the situation on the ground.

The ground here is covered with pieces of granite slabs, which are extremely mottled.

In the gaps around the granite slabs, some plants grow tenaciously. Although they are crooked, they are full of vitality.

Ye Tian walked around this area, and finally stopped beside a square granite slab at the very edge.

The location of the stone slab is five or six meters away from the place where the metal object was discovered.

After standing up, Ye Tian first looked at the condition of the stone slab, then squatted down, and began to examine it carefully.

In the process of checking, he clenched his fist and smashed this stone slab a few times, and then smashed a few stone slabs next to it.

The sounds from these stone slabs sound similar, but there seem to be some differences.

Next, Ye Tian checked the gaps around the stone slab and the grass growing in the gaps.

Then, he fell into thinking.

After thinking about it for about a minute or two, he pointed to the stone slab and said:

"I don't know if you heard it just now, but the sound from under this stone slab is relatively empty, not as dull as the other few stone slabs!"

As he spoke, he clenched his fist and smashed this stone slab a few times, and then smashed the other stone slabs next to it.

After his reminder, the others finally heard the difference in the sounds made by several stone slabs.

"That's right, Steven, there seems to be a slight difference in the sound made by this slate and the other slates, but it's hard to tell!"

"The sound from this stone slab is indeed a little empty. Could it be that there is no real ground under this stone slab?"

The two archaeologists said one after another, both excited.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and then continued:

"The sound made by the slate is one aspect. Let's look at the gaps around the slate. Is the grass growing in these gaps shorter than other places? They look malnourished!"

Following his words, everyone looked at the tenaciously growing grass and compared it with the plants in the gaps between the stone slabs.

Comparing the two, everyone immediately saw the difference.

"That's right, Steven, these grasses do look a little malnourished, and they are not as lush as the plants in the gaps in the stone slabs around them. What does this mean?"

"It's very simple. This means that they don't get enough nutrients from the ground. From this, it can be concluded that the bottom of this stone slab is probably empty, so they can't provide enough nutrients to them."

Ye Tian gave the answer with a smile,

"Is this the entrance to a secret passage? Or a secret underground chamber?"

"Is the location of the metal objects that were explored just now connected to this place? This possibility seems very high!"

Several people at the scene said excitedly, and everyone's eyes lit up.

"Whether it is the entrance to the secret passage, or an underground secret room, the answer will naturally surface when we pry open this piece of granite!"

Ye Tian said with a smile, and the rest of the people also nodded.

Next, everyone gets busy.

When going up the mountain before, in order to reduce the burden, everyone did not bring a combined winch.

In other words, if you want to pry up this seemingly heavy stone slab, you can only use manpower and crowbars to pry it hard, there is no other way!

Ye Tian naturally did his part in this task.

For safety reasons, he checked the stone slab and the surrounding situation again before doing it.

What is certain is that there are no deadly traps here.

However, it is not known whether there is danger hidden under this stone slab.

The underground space under the stone slab may have been closed for a long time, and a lot of poisonous gas has accumulated. It may also be inhabited by some highly poisonous things, such as poisonous snakes.

For the sake of safety, Ye Tian asked his employees, two archaeologists, and several people from Tigray to stand at a distance, and put on gas masks.

He did the same himself, donning a gas mask and stab-resistant gloves.

After taking protective measures, he picked up the crowbar and inserted one end of the crowbar into the gap between the stone slabs.

Next, he pressed hard on the other end of the crowbar, trying to lift the heavy granite slab.

At first, the granite slab didn't budge.

As he continued to increase his strength, the granite slab that seemed to grow on the ground was finally pried up slowly by him, and one end gradually left the ground.

It wasn't until this moment that everyone saw how heavy the granite slab was.

The pried end is about fifteen centimeters thick.

And the area of ​​the entire stone slab is almost one square meter, and the overall weight can be imagined!

Just such a granite slab weighing hundreds of kilograms was pried up by Ye Tian alone.

Seeing this scene, everyone on the scene gasped.

"Oh my god! This guy Steven is really terrifying. How can he have such strength? It's unbelievable that he can pry up such a heavy stone slab by himself!"

"I'm going! This guy is simply a humanoid monster, always able to create all kinds of miracles!"

Amid the exclamations of everyone, Ye Tian pried the heavy stone slab aside, revealing a gap about 20 centimeters wide.

As he expected, there were no deadly traps under that stone slab.

The moment the stone slab was pried open, no javelins or sharp arrows shot out.

However, Ye Tian felt a stench suddenly rushing up from the depths of the ground.

Fortunately, he was wearing a gas mask and the protective measures were in place, so he was not caught.

Immediately afterwards, he heard another hissing sound, which was creepy.

Before he could react, the white elf who had been hiding in his left cuff suddenly rushed out like lightning, and directly rushed into the dark space under the stone slab!

In the next instant, the underground space was completely boiling.

Until this moment, Ye Tiancai retreated quickly, and shouted loudly:

"Everyone's better stay away. This is a snake den. There seem to be many poisonous snakes inhabiting it. Be careful. No one can approach without my permission. Everyone should pay attention to your feet. There may be poisonous snakes around!"

Before the words were finished, the rest of the people quickly took a few steps back, away from the hole leading to the deep underground.

At the same time, everyone quickly looked at the surrounding situation, and everyone was terrified!


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