Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3086 Night Demon

Following Ye Tian's warning, everyone immediately stayed away from the entrance of the underground snake cave for fear of being poisoned.

The Tigray state military police and Israeli security personnel on the outskirts of the castle also received a warning and began to disperse and reminded all onlookers to stay away from the ruins of the castle and pay attention to their feet.

The snake cave located deep underground had been agitated for about twenty minutes before it gradually calmed down.

Immediately afterwards, a white shadow shot out from the entrance of the snake cave and landed on a stone slab near the entrance.

It was the little white elf who flew out of the snake den.

Compared with before, the little guy seems to be bigger in size, and looks a little tired.

After coming out of the snake cave, the white elf didn't return to Ye Tian's left cuff immediately, but landed on the stone slab at the edge of the cave, basking in the sun.

On this little guy's body, there seemed to be some scratches left by the fight, and there was still a lot of juice that was not dried.

Once exposed to the sun, the juice quickly turned into a mist and dissipated in the air.

This situation is extremely abnormal, Ye Tian has never seen it before.

He was not in a hurry to recall the white elf, nor did he approach the snake cave entrance, but he was very cautious when standing a few meters away to check the situation.

As for the others, they were even more terrified at this time, with eyes full of fear.

Several of the Tigrays, who saw the white elves for the first time, even felt their legs go weak in fear, and they almost couldn't stand still.

"Oh my God! This is the legendary little white translucent cobra, the incarnation of death, it's really scary!"

"It's so fast, it's like a bolt of lightning, who can stop it?"

The few Tigray people muttered to themselves, a little lost.

After about four or five minutes, the little white elf just recovered, and he was more energetic than before.

Not only that, but its size has also become a little bigger, its skin color is fairer, and its transparency is higher.

This little guy didn't return to Ye Tian's cuff immediately, but put up his little snake head and stared at Ye Tian, ​​as if he was very excited, and seemed to be showing himself!

Ye Tian took a quick look at this little guy,

And instilled a lot of spiritual energy into it, accelerated its recovery, and communicated with it by the way.

Through clairvoyance, he found that this little guy had become even stronger.

The muscles in his body became stronger and more powerful.

As for toxicity, it is estimated that it is even more exaggerated.

After the X-ray was completed, he didn't take the little guy back immediately.

He went up to it and said to it:

"Little guy, no matter what you just encountered in this snake cave, now I give you a task to clean up all the places connected to this snake cave.

I may send people into this underground space to explore later, and I don't want to see someone being attacked by poisonous snakes or other poisons hiding in the dark! "

The little white elf seemed to understand, and nodded slightly.

The next moment, the little guy flew into the underground snake cave again.

The snake cave was very peaceful this time, without any abnormal noises.

Seeing the scene in front of them, everyone on the scene was amazed.

Some guys even thought they were dreaming, it was so unreal.

"Is that really a cobra? It's just a smart kid, okay, but this kid has a pair of devil's horns!"

"There is no doubt that the legend is true. This guy is the incarnation of Lucifer, the god of death, even more terrifying than the god of death!"

There was a lot of discussion at the scene, and everyone was terrified.

After a while, everyone got to the point.

"Steven, what poisonous snake is hidden in that snake den? Isn't it scary?"

asked an Israeli archaeologist.

This is also an issue that everyone is very concerned about, and everyone looks at Ye Tian.

Ye Tian shook his head, and said solemnly:

"I don't know what poisonous snakes are hidden in this underground snake cave? How many are there? Where are they distributed? But I can be sure that these poisonous snakes must be extremely poisonous!

Judging from the performance of my little white translucent cobra just now, it obviously went through a very fierce fight before killing the poisonous snakes entrenched in this snake den.

After it came out of the snake den just now, it took a lot of time to recover from its injuries and digest the harvest just now. This kind of situation has never happened to this little guy before.

This is enough to show that the poisonous snakes or other poisons hidden in this snake cave are very poisonous. If you were an ordinary person, if you were bitten by these guys, you would die instantly."

Hearing this, everyone on the scene gasped and was terrified.

"What kind of venomous snake is this? I have never heard of a large number of venomous snakes entrenched here before. Where did they come from?"

"Fortunately, we didn't enter this underground space rashly, otherwise, we would have suffered heavy casualties!"

While discussing, everyone was terrified.

At this time, the outside of the ruins of the castle also became restless.

When people learned that there was an underground snake cave hidden in the ruins of the ancient castle, everyone was taken aback.

Next, without being chased away by the Tigray state military police and Israeli security personnel, people stayed away from the ruins of the ancient castle, lest they be kissed by snakes.

Of course, some people don't believe it.

They think this is a trick played by the three-party joint exploration team, the purpose is to let everyone leave the mountain.

Some guys even think that the so-called underground snake cave is actually an unknown treasure.

It was precisely because of the discovery of this treasure that the three-party joint exploration team played such a trick to try to get everyone to leave so that they could take the treasure for themselves.

While the rest of the people stayed away from the ruins of the ancient castle, these guys who were stimulated by the treasure and lost their ability to think tried to approach the ruins of the ancient castle.

"The tripartite joint exploration team must have discovered something. It may be the legendary treasure of Solomon. I want to go in and see!"

"The so-called snake cave may be the cave where Solomon's treasure is hidden. Don't forget, when that fellow Steven found the Holy Grail, there were also many poisonous snakes near the Holy Grail!"

Voices of protest continued to sound from the crowd, trying to arouse people's emotions, and together they attacked the cordon pulled up by the security guards.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Several people on the south side of the ruins of the ancient castle suddenly screamed in terror.

"Snake! There are snakes here!"

While screaming, those guys immediately ran towards the crowd, all panicking.

The people gathered around the cordon turned their heads to look over there one after another, everyone was terrified.

As soon as they turned their heads, people saw a venomous snake about 1.56 meters long, which was green and green, suddenly jumped on top of a rock, looking very panicked, as if it was running away.

Immediately afterwards, another white phantom flew out from behind the rock, and rushed towards the emerald green poisonous snake like lightning.

In the next instant, that white phantom had already pounced on the body of the emerald green poisonous snake, accurately biting the poisonous snake by seven inches!

The poisonous snake only struggled twice before it died!

Not only that, the venomous snake, which looked creepy, seemed to have been injected with a lot of aqua regia.

Everything in its body seemed to be dissolved in an instant, dried up quickly, and turned into a piece of green snakeskin in an instant, resting on that piece of granite.

It was a small white translucent cobra that created this terrifying scene.

No need to ask, it's the little guy White Elf!

After killing the emerald green poisonous snake, the white elf took a look at the crowd, and then leaped into the air, dashed into the pile of rocks behind the granite rock like lightning, and disappeared!

Everyone who saw this scene was terrified, and everyone's eyes were full of fear.

Ten seconds after the white elf disappeared, these guys didn't react.

Immediately afterwards, there was an exclamation full of fear at the scene.

"Oh my god! There really are poisonous snakes here? That emerald green poisonous snake is frightening to look at. It must be extremely poisonous, but what is even more terrifying is that little white snake!

It seems that those guys in the tripartite joint exploration team are not lying. There is indeed an underground snake cave in the ruins of the ancient castle, and there are many poisonous snakes entrenched in it! "

"That little white cobra, according to legend, is the incarnation of Lucifer, the god of death, and also the guardian of the Holy Grail. When that fellow Steven discovered the Holy Grail, he subdued it!

It seems that the legend is not wrong at all, that little guy is really scary, not only the speed is extremely astonishing, but also the toxicity is very strong, it is simply the god of death! "

Before the exclamation fell, someone had already rushed up the mountain road.

They just came here to join in the fun. If they lost their lives because of the fun, it would be too bad!

In view of the fact that the peak has become very dangerous and perilous, the first thing they thought of was to get out of here!

On the top of the current mountain, not only the legendary incarnation of death, but also countless poisonous snakes are hidden, so it is still a place for people to stay.

More people still stayed, but they were much more vigilant than before, always paying attention to their feet, and avoiding shady and hidden places such as rubble piles and woods.

Those guys who made noise before also shut their mouths now, cautiously.


In the ruins of the castle,

The little white elf flew into the snake cave, and it has been more than ten minutes, but he still hasn't come out.

While waiting, Ye Tian was not idle.

Through the walkie-talkie, he told all his employees and those experts and scholars to be careful when exploring, and pay special attention to their feet.

Everyone must wear stab-resistant gloves, and try to avoid going to some shady and humid places, so as not to encounter poisonous snakes that appear there.

Next, he asked the employees of his company to prepare small drones and lighting sticks, etc., to prepare for the next step of exploration.

After waiting for a while, the little white elf finally flew out of the snake den.

Just like before, it didn't fly back to Ye Tian's cuff immediately after it came out, but stayed under the sun for a while.

It's just that this time it's in a much better state than before, and it's in high spirits.

When it was almost recovered, Ye Tian let it wrap around his left arm, and then led the little guy into the ruins of the castle.

Seeing this scene, Anthony couldn't help asking in surprise:

"Steven, aren't we going to explore this underground snake cave, why did you leave?"

Ye Tian smiled, and then explained:

"Let's go and clean up other places. If there are hidden poisonous snakes in other places, this little guy will be able to find them immediately and kill those poisonous snakes to eliminate hidden dangers."

As he spoke, he raised his left hand and gestured.

"Oh! So that's the case, then we'll wait for you to come back here"

Anthony nodded.

Afterwards, Ye Tian took the little guy, the white elf, to other places in the ruins of the castle.

Seeing his leaving back, everyone at the scene was filled with emotion and felt a little palpitated.

"Steven is amazing. How did he tame that devilish little cobra? It's like a myth!"

"Who says it's not! That little white cobra is really scary. With such a god of death protecting him, no one will touch a hair of that guy Steven!"

Ye Tian and the others quickly finished inspecting the ruins of the ancient castle.

During the inspection, they only found a poisonous snake hiding in the crevice of the rock, which was immediately killed by the little white elf.

All other places are safe and nothing has been found.

Perhaps because it was noon and the weather was hot, those poisonous snakes were hiding in dark and damp holes and did not come out to move.

Another possibility is that the other poisonous snakes were all killed by the little white elf!

After confirming that it was safe, Ye Tian returned to the north side of the ruins of the ancient castle where the entrance of the Snake Cave was located.

When he came back, the little white elf was nowhere to be seen, and was tucked into his sleeves.

Without exception, everyone here will involuntarily look at his left cuff, eyes full of horror.

Everyone's performance was as expected.

Ye Tian just smiled softly, and then began to introduce the situation.

Hearing that there were not too many traces of poisonous snakes found in other places, everyone felt relieved.

Afterwards, Ye Tian took a few fluorescent light sticks, folded them one by one to light them up, then walked to the entrance of the snake cave, and threw them in along the gap opened earlier.

The others still didn't dare to approach here, and hid far away.

After those light sticks fell into the snake cave, they did not cause any abnormal reaction.

It was very quiet in the snake den, not even the previous hiss could be heard.

It was basically confirmed that it was safe, so Ye Tian picked up the crowbar and pried the granite slab covering the hole aside.

As the stone slab was removed, a square hole immediately appeared in front of him.

Judging from the shape of the hole, it is obviously man-made.

But the inside of the cave is relatively primitive, and there are not many traces of artificial excavation.

It can be seen that the cave below was formed naturally, and was discovered and used by the people who built the castle or the people who lived in the castle.

They transformed the cave into a secret underground space for hiding things, or as a hiding place to ensure their own safety.

I don't know when, this hidden underground cave has been occupied by some poisonous snakes, and since then it has multiplied and grown here, turning it into a snake den.

After prying open the stone slab, Ye Tian quickly took a few glances inside.

Because of the fluorescent lighting sticks thrown in before, the lighting conditions in the snake cave are still very good.

After just a few glances, he felt his scalp go numb, and quickly stepped aside.

He was so sick that he wanted to vomit, and it took him a long time to hold back.

The bottom of this snake cave is covered with green snake skin, and under the light of the fluorescent sticks, it looks dark green and looks very creepy.

There is no doubt that those green poisonous snakes were all killed by that little white elf.

Because its toxicity is very strong, it will completely corrode those poisonous snakes in an instant, so there are so many green snake skins at the bottom of the snake cave.

And this is only what can be seen when looking down from the entrance of the cave. God knows how many such snake skins are in the other corners that cannot be seen.

No one knows how many poisonous snakes that little white elf has killed just now.

Seeing Ye Tian's disgusted appearance, everyone was very curious.

"Steven, why do you have this expression? What's in that snake den?"

asked the Israeli archaeologist.

Ye Tian looked at the other party, then smiled wryly and said:

"If you want to know why I have this expression, you can come and see for yourself. As long as you don't take off your gas mask, it's still very safe here, so don't worry!"

Hearing this, everyone was immediately relieved.

Afterwards, everyone came forward in batches and carefully probed to check the situation inside the snake cave.

They behaved even more unbearably, and several guys were disgusted and ran to the side and retched.

After a while, everyone felt better, but everyone stayed far away from the entrance of the cave and dared not approach it again.

"Steven, what kind of poisonous snake is this? It looks a bit like an Ethiopian hiss, but it's a bit specious!"

asked the Columbia University archaeologist in amazement.

Ye Tian shook his head.

"This is by no means the Ethiopian sipe, although the Ethiopian sipe is also a venomous snake, but its poison is not so strong, and its aggressiveness is not so powerful.

If it is an Ethiopian siberian, it will be easier for the white elf to kill them. This may be a kind of venomous snake that we don't know, very similar to the Ethiopian siberian"

Before the words fell, the Axum city official suddenly said:

"That's right, this is by no means the Ethiopian Viper, but another legendary venomous snake, very similar to the Ethiopian Viper, with a green body.

But this kind of venomous snake has three black stripes on its head, which is its unique symbol. Its poison is at least ten times stronger than that of the Ethiopian hissing viper, which is very terrifying.

According to local legends in Axum, this kind of poisonous snake is called night devil. It specializes in walking in the dark and has killed countless people. It has been rarely seen these years.

But who would have thought that there are so many night devils hiding here, fortunately they are all dead, otherwise, God knows how many people would be killed by them."

Listening to the introduction of this Tigray man, everyone shuddered and terrified.

Daredevil! This name is really very appropriate!

That miserable green color, with the flat shovel-shaped head with three black stripes, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a devil!


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