Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3087 Who will do this task

Two small drones took off one after another and flew into the underground snake cave.

The next moment, the internal situation of the underground snake cave was immediately shown on the monitoring screen.

Just like what Ye Tian saw before, it was a naturally formed cave, but it was discovered later and used.

At the entrance of the cave and on the surrounding walls, there are a few traces of man-made excavation, and most of the places are kept in the original state, with strange rocks and uneven ups and downs.

Because it is located deep underground, the cave is cold and damp.

The cave walls around were covered with moss, which completely covered the situation on the cave walls, making it impossible to see clearly.

The bottom of the snake cave and some protruding rocks are covered with green snake skin, which is creepy and terrifying to look at.

Because of the green snakeskin covering, the situation at the bottom of the cave is temporarily unknown.

However, judging from the fact that there is no water in this cave, there must be many gaps under the cave, and there are even caves leading to deeper underground.

When the two small drones flew to the bottom of the cave, Ye Tian immediately said:

"Guys, get a little closer and get a close-up of those green snakeskin heads and see what kind of venomous snake this is!"

"Okay, Steven"

The two men operating the small drone responded in unison.

The next moment, two small drones approached those green snakeskins a little bit.

The monitoring picture presented on the LCD screen has also become clearer and clearer.

It can be seen that there are indeed three black stripes on the heads of those emerald green vipers, and the larger the vipers, the more obvious the stripes and the darker the color.

The smaller venomous snakes have very faint three black stripes on their heads.

There is no doubt that this is the night devil snake in the local legend of Axum, a very poisonous snake.

The size of the venomous snakes and the depth of the three black stripes on their heads correlates positively with their toxicity and aggressiveness.

The larger the size and the darker the color of the stripes, the more poisonous and aggressive it is!

Even more frightening is that,

This venomous snake is very numerous.

There are at least one or two hundred snakes at the bottom of this snake cave alone.

But no one knows how many night magic snakes are hidden in other places connected to this snake cave, or even in every corner of this mountain.

The night demon snakes at the bottom of the snake cave were all killed by that little guy, the white elf, and they were no longer a threat.

But how many night demon snakes distributed in other places were killed by the white elves?

How many Night Snakes are still hiding in dark corners? It is waiting for an opportunity, and no one knows.

Looking at the picture on the surveillance screen, the face of the accompanying Axum city government official turned green with horror in his eyes.

"Mr. Steven, when you finish your exploration on this mountain, please be sure to give us a copy of these video materials. We must eliminate these frightening poisonous snakes to prevent them from hurting people!

If possible, we will completely burn this snake cave and all the caves and crevices connected to it, burn all the poisonous snakes to death, and burn the eggs laid by these night demon snakes to prevent future troubles."

Ye Tian turned to look at him, then nodded and said:

"Of course there is no problem. I will ask my staff to copy a copy of the video material for you later. I hope it will be helpful to you!"

Before the words fell, the archaeologist from Columbia University interjected:

"Isn't it a bit wrong to kill all the night snakes like this? After all, this is a very rare creature, and it has a lot of research value in biology, so there is no need to kill them all!"

The Axum city official gave him a disdainful look, and said angrily:

"Please, this is a very deadly poisonous snake. No matter how precious they are and how valuable they are for research, they are not as precious as human life. Once someone is poisoned to death by the night snake, who will be responsible for it?"

The Columbia University archaeologist was stunned for a moment, his old face turned red, and he didn't say anything!

Obviously, he ignored the environmental factors.

This is Axum, Ethiopia, not America.

People living here spend more time struggling for survival, and have no time to consider the protection of rare venomous snakes.

Two small drones flew around the bottom of the snake cave and took pictures of the situation in the snake cave.

In this snake cave, there are no living night snakes.

But no one knows if there are unhatched snake eggs under those green snake skins and between the crevices of the surrounding rocks!

These are all potential threats. If you want to eliminate them, you can only solve the problem by burning this place thoroughly!

Next, two small drones began to climb upwards and photographed the surrounding cave walls.

Soon, at a depth of about three meters on the ground, everyone found a hole about 80 centimeters high.

This cave is located on the south side of the cave wall, and it is dark inside. Where does it lead and how deep is it? Is there any danger in the cave? None of this is known.

Like the entrance of the Snake Cave leading to the ground, the entrance of this cave is also formed naturally, with a very irregular shape and a few traces of artificial excavation.

Ye Tian looked at the situation at the entrance of the cave, and then said to his staff:

"Let the small drone fly in, but be careful, don't touch the surrounding cave walls, check the situation inside, the metal objects scanned just now should be deep in this cave"

The next moment, two small drones flew into the cave one after the other.

As soon as the two small drones entered the cave, with the help of searchlights, everyone quickly found seven or eight green snake skins spread on the ground of the cave.

Judging from the direction the poisonous snakes were traveling, they wanted to escape from the snake den and escape from the killing of that little white elf, so they rushed into this cave.

It's a pity that they still failed to escape the pursuit, and were finally killed by the little white elf in this cave.

The two small drones continue to fly forward, gradually deepening the creepy cave.

The entrance of this cave is relatively narrow, but the inside suddenly opens up, with twists and turns.

Wherever the searchlight goes, what is presented in front of everyone is an unknown dark underground space.

There are jagged rocks here, the terrain fluctuates up and down, and it is rugged, and the surrounding cave walls are covered with moss.

There are many stalactites and stalagmites on the roof and ground of the cave, making the cave more rugged and dangerous.

Then there are a large number of green snake skins, distributed in different places in the cave.

Some of these green snakeskins fell off naturally, and some were the masterpieces of that little white elf.

In addition, in some places in the cave, some traces of artificial excavation can be seen, but the number is small.

There are several small platforms that look like places to store things or hide.

It's a pity that those platforms are empty and there is nothing.

While speaking, the two small drones circled around the cave and had already flown nearly ten meters.

Judging from the direction and distance of their flight, they should have flown to the place where Anthony and the others scanned the metal objects.

Suddenly, a relatively flat cave appeared on the video screen.

In this section of the cave, there are indeed some things piled up.

These things were placed on a raised platform above the ground, which was already covered with dust and a thick layer of moss, the texture of which could not be seen clearly.

But judging from their appearance, it seems to be a small statue and several religious sacrificial objects.

Among them is a seven-branch candlestick with a very obvious shape, which can be recognized at a glance.

On this seven-branch candlestick, there are two green snakeskins.

On another item, there was also a piece of green snakeskin, and the situation looked very strange.

Everyone was so excited to see this video.

Especially the Israeli archaeologist, his eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Steven, have you seen that seven-branch candlestick? I don't know if it is a gold candlestick or a bronze candlestick? But judging from its shape, it is definitely a Jewish religious item.

From this point of view, it is speculated that the things hidden in this cave should be Jewish religious items, and it was the Beta Israelites who built this castle in the first place.

From this, it can be concluded that these things were hidden in this cave a long time ago, and must have been hidden by the Beta Israelites who built and lived here.

After the Beta Israeli tribe that built this castle was defeated by other tribes and lost the castle, these things fell silent and have been hidden until now! "

The Israeli archaeologist said excitedly.

Ye Tian turned to look at him, then nodded slightly:

"As far as the current situation is concerned, these metal objects hidden deep underground are indeed religious objects related to Judaism, and they have been hidden in this cave for thousands of years.

Regardless of whether they are made of gold or bronze, they are all antique cultural relics of certain value, worthy of careful study, and may bring us a big surprise.”

"That's right, Steven, judging from the condition of the seven-branched candlestick, it is likely to be an antique relic from Jerusalem with a very long history.

The reason is very simple, the seven-branched candlesticks made by Beta Israelis are rarely so exquisite, and all of them have obvious Ethiopian cultural color.”

The Israeli archaeologist continued.

Ye Tian nodded, expressing his approval.

"Indeed, that seven-branch candlestick probably came from Jerusalem! It's worth a fortune! The question now is, how do we get into this underground cave and retrieve these ancient antiques?

Entering from the snake cave is not difficult, but it is dangerous. After entering the cave, the first thing the explorers have to face is the remaining snake venom and the ubiquitous snake skin.

Although those poisonous snakes are dead, their fangs are still there. If you accidentally get snake venom on your skin or touch the fangs of those dead snakes, it may cause accidents.”

Hearing this, everyone shuddered in unison, terrified.

Ye Tian looked at these guys, and continued to say:

"Of course, there is another problem to overcome when entering the snake cave, that is, to be able to endure the nausea. After entering the snake cave, the exploration team must not take off their gas masks until they come out.

If he can't stand the disgusting environment down there and vomits in the cave, he's in big trouble! Another point is that entering the cave from this direction, the road is too rugged and winding.

As you have seen just now, there are protruding stalagmites or inverted stalactites everywhere in this cave, and the terrain is uneven, and there are many hidden cracks, which can be said to be dangerous."

"Then what should we do? Shouldn't we enter this cave? Those metal objects look quite large, and they should be heavy. It's difficult to take them out with robots."

Anthony asked in surprise.

"Now we can only hope that there is another exit from this cave, and that exit is relatively easier to enter, and can directly reach the place where these metal objects are hidden.

This kind of possibility still exists. Those night demon snakes living here always come out to look for food at night. Where do they come out from? "

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up immediately.

"That's right, although this snake cave is deep underground in the ruins of the ancient castle, there are not many night snakes found on the ground of the ruins of the ancient castle. If they want to come out to move around for food, there must be another way !"

Very excited, said the Israeli archaeologist.

Next, the exploration continues.

In the section of the cave where the metal items were hidden, there were no other items, and it seemed very empty.

After taking pictures of the situation in that section of the cave, the two small drones continued to fly forward, and then entered a section of descending passage.

This passage is still very tortuous, but there are not many forks, and the space is relatively open.

In this section of the cave, the ground is also very rugged, with many raised stalagmites and some very hidden cracks.

Of course, there are still a lot of green snake skins, which are still so creepy to look at.

Two small drones circled around the cave and flew down for nearly fifty meters.

As they passed another bend, suddenly, a light appeared in front of them.

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes lit up.

There is no doubt that this hidden underground cave has another exit, which is connected with the outside world.

In a moment, two small drones flew close to the exit.

It was a crack less than one meter wide and about 2.56 meters high. There were a few small trees outside, which just covered the crack.

Through the gaps between a few small trees, you can see the taller and steeper cliff on the opposite side of the canyon.

Seeing this, everyone immediately understood.

The exit of this cave is located on the cliff west of the ruins of the ancient castle, and the entrance of the cave is very hidden and difficult to be found.

It was a cliff about 200 meters high, very steep and steep.

"Guys, let's see if we can fly two small drones out of that hole and find out where the hole is on the cliff and what's around"

Ye Tian said to the subordinates operating the drone.

"Should be no problem, Steven, we can try"

Anthony they responded.

Saying that, the first small drone in front flew towards the hole.

After several attempts, the small drone finally found a gap of suitable size, flew out of the cave, and flew outside the cliff.

Another small drone followed and came outside.

Immediately afterwards, two small drones adjusted their flight attitude and position, and began to photograph the situation on the cliff.

Through the video screen sent back by the drone, Ye Tian figured it out in a blink of an eye.

The exit of the cave on the cliff is about 30 meters below the west wall of the ancient castle, and it is sunken a little, which is very hidden.

The few small trees growing on the cliff perfectly covered the entrance of the cave.

In fact, even without those small trees, if no one descended from the cliff, it would be almost impossible to find the hidden cave entrance.

Looking up from the canyon, it is even more impossible to see it at a height of more than 200 meters.

Next to the cave entrance, there is a narrow crack that extends all the way to the top of the mountain.

That crack should be the snake path of the Night Demon Snake, and there are a few green snake skins hanging inside, which is undoubtedly the best explanation.

Seeing this, Ye Tian said:

"It seems that we can enter this underground cave and take out those metal objects. We only need to hang the exploration team from the cliff in the west to reach the entrance of the cave.

The question now is, who wants to go into that cave and retrieve those metal objects hidden in the cave? This exploration mission is not easy and requires certain risks.”

Several employees of the Fearless Exploration Company at the scene paused, and then looked at each other.

Everyone is a little hesitant, do you want to volunteer and accept this task?

The difficulty of this task is actually not great, but there is a certain degree of danger.

What's more, going to a snake cave to explore treasure is really creepy and creepy.

This is the real reason for everyone's hesitation, not because of fear!

While everyone was hesitating, the Israeli archaeologist suddenly interjected:

"Steven, this exploration task can be entrusted to us. The few metal objects hidden in this underground cave are likely to be Jewish religious items.

In view of this, it seems more appropriate for us to carry out this exploration mission, clean up and retrieve those antique relics, and we will pay attention to safety during the exploration.”

Ye Tian didn't respond immediately, but fell into thinking.

After a while, he nodded and said:

"Yes, I will leave this exploration task to you, but I will conduct remote command through the video to avoid any accidents!"

Before the words fell, the Israeli archaeologist could not wait to nod his head and replied:

"No problem, Steven, let's get ready!"



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