Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3101 I want to fly

cliff top.

After arriving here by a medium-sized helicopter, Ye Tian immediately called together the company employees and security personnel who had rushed here in advance, and said to these guys:

"Guys, next I will take a buddy down from this cliff to explore the David's star pattern on the cliff and see what secrets are hidden behind it.

When we go down the rope, the rope down device on the top of the cliff is handed over to everyone to control and guard, and our people are also responsible for the security tasks here, and no one else is allowed to approach it.”

"Understood, Steven, leave this place to us, as long as you don't return to the top of the cliff, or don't land at the bottom of the cliff, no one is allowed to approach the top of the cliff, including people from Israel and the Vatican"

Cole nodded, and the rest of the company employees and security personnel also nodded.

Without exception, everyone was very excited at this time.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"In the process of cable descent exploration, everyone should cooperate closely with us. When the cable descends to the cliff where the David's satellite pattern is located, I will notify you to put down the pulse metal detector.

Next, you have to put the portable deep ground penetrating radar down along the cliff, and we will use these two pieces of high-tech exploration equipment to carefully explore the steep cliff.

If we are sure that there are a lot of metal objects hidden behind the David's star pattern, or there is a hidden cave, then we will find a way to break the David's star.

Next, some of you will also descend, follow me into the cave on the cliff to explore, and see what secrets are hidden in that cave.”

"That couldn't be better, Steven, we all want to go with you to explore the secrets hidden behind the David's satellite pattern. It is likely to be a great archaeological discovery that will cause a sensation in the world, and no one wants to miss it."

Derek continued, looking forward to it.

Everyone else counts as one, and they all want to explore with Ye Tian.

Especially those archaeologists and historians, as well as representatives of religious circles, are full of longing.

This could very well be an opportunity to go down in history,

Who is willing to miss it?

Next, Ye Tian told everyone a few more words, talked about cooperation matters, and then ended his speech.

Afterwards, he took people to check the cable drop device installed on the top of the cliff.

The device used for this rappelling exploration was completely set up by the employees and security personnel of the Bravery Exploration Company. Ye Tian couldn't trust other people, including the Israelis.

For the sake of safety, the cable descending device on the top of the cliff has a total of three insurances.

The first insurance is the steel brazing and expansion screws driven into the ground on the top of the cliff.

A total of ten steel drills with a length of more than one meter and more than a dozen expansion screws were drilled on the top of the cliff, scattered in different places, and several safety ropes were strung together, which was very firm.

With the lessons learned from the people of Tigray, everyone was very careful when setting up this insurance.

We repeatedly studied the terrain and rock texture on the top of the cliff, and found the most suitable places and the hardest rocks to place these steel drills and expansion screws.

The second insurance is a combination winch, which is 20 to 30 meters away from the edge of the cliff.

This combination winch is fixed on the top of the cliff, and it can easily lift two or three tons of objects, and it is not a problem to hang several people on the rope.

And the third insurance is a big rock 100 meters away from the west of the cliff.

It was a piece of black basalt, about two meters high, weighing several tons, far enough from the edge of the cliff, and it was the largest boulder on the top of the cliff.

The farthest end of the safety rope that Ye Tian and the others tied when rappelling was tied to this piece of basalt.

As long as the safety rope is not cut intentionally, there should be no problem.

Next to this piece of basalt, there are always employees and security personnel from the Daring One Exploration Company guarding it, and outsiders cannot approach it at all.

When inspecting these cable descent devices, Ye Tian secretly turned on the perspective, and carefully examined all the places, not letting go of a single corner.

This is about the safety of yourself and your subordinates, dare you not be careful?

Except for the rocky texture on the ground at the top of the cliff, there is no problem with other safety measures, which are very solid and trustworthy.

After checking the cable drop device, Ye Tian returned to the combination winch to prepare for the cable drop exploration that will start immediately.

The security team member who joined him in the rappelling exploration was Peter. This guy has rich rock climbing experience and is a master rock climber.

Peter also participated in the previous rappel exploration in Sudan.

Different from that rappelling exploration, this exploration requires wearing a full set of protective clothing, masks, gloves, goggles, etc.

The reason is that the rocks on the cliff are rich in arsenic.

What's more, in the cave behind the David's star pattern, a lot of dirty air and even poisonous gas may have accumulated.

Once the star of David pattern is turned on, those long-term accumulated dirty air or toxic gases will escape quickly, so you must be careful.

After a while, Ye Tian and Peter had put on a full set of protective equipment and wrapped each other up tightly.

In addition to protective gear, they carried a lot of climbing gear.

Such as ropes and pitons, knotters, spare safety locks, rock plugs, quick hangs, rock hooks, etc., all kinds of equipment are readily available.

In addition, they each wear several high-definition cameras to record the entire process of the rope drop exploration and broadcast live to the world.

After getting dressed, Cole handed over two more umbrella bags.

Each of these two umbrella bags contains a rapid parachute, which is Ye Tian's last resort to save their lives.

During the rappelling exploration process, once all the safety ropes are broken, or someone encounters a long-distance sneak attack, it is impossible to return to the top of the cliff or descend to the bottom of the cliff in time.

In this situation, the last choice for Ye Tian and the others was to jump out of the cliff and open the speed parachute to escape quickly.

The cliff where the David's star pattern is located is high enough to open the umbrella bag, so you don't have to worry about falling from the sky without opening the umbrella bag and falling to your death at the bottom of the cliff.

As for the skill of cliff jumping, Ye Tian has long mastered it, and so did Peter.

Ye Tian took the umbrella bag and took a quick look.

After confirming that there was no problem, he carried the umbrella bag on his back.

Peter did the same, and quickly picked up the umbrella bag.

Next, Ye Tian checked all the equipment on his body again, and then checked the equipment on Peter.

There is nothing wrong with the equipment and it is in top condition.

Then he picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Walker, you can fly over in a helicopter, we're ready"

"Got it, Steven, we'll be right there"

Walker responded over the intercom.

After finishing the call, Ye Tian immediately looked at the host of the National Geographic Channel next to him, and said to this guy:

"Jimmy, you can start the live broadcast, we will start the rappelling exploration operation soon"

"Great, Steven, we can't wait"

Jimmy nodded excitedly.

Immediately afterwards, this guy directed the rest of the live broadcast group, connected with the news interview vehicle parked on the opposite road, and quickly started the live broadcast.

After a while, the much-anticipated live broadcast began.

In many places all over the world, countless people who waited in front of the TV, waiting to watch the live broadcast of this treasure hunt, finally waited for this moment.

The program that was originally being broadcast on the National Geographic Channel was suddenly interrupted, and the picture changed accordingly.

What appeared on the TV screen was a towering and steep cliff, which was dizzying to watch.

What followed was a lush canyon and a towering mountain.

The deep canyon is located between the cliff and the mountain peak, as if it was split open by someone.

Seeing this scene, cheers erupted immediately in front of countless live broadcast terminals.

"I'm going! This live broadcast of the treasure hunt has finally started. I wonder what treasure this magical guy Steven will find this time, and what kind of miracle he will create?"

"Wow! I want to know now, what secrets are hidden behind the mysterious Star of David pattern? Is it the legendary treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant? This is so exciting!"

Before the people's exclamation fell, a medium-sized helicopter suddenly roared from a distance and broke into the live broadcast screen.

The TV screen changed again, and the host of the National Geographic Channel appeared on the live screen.

Appearing at the same time was Ye Tian who was wearing a full set of protective equipment, carrying a lot of exploration equipment and a parachute.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, audience friends, we are broadcasting live to you from a cliff west of Axum, Ethiopia.

On this cliff, there will be a much-anticipated treasure hunt and exploration operation. We have introduced the situation of this treasure hunt and exploration operation before.

The leader of this joint exploration operation is the most outstanding professional treasure hunter in the world today, Mr. Steven, he is by my side now, let me interview him."

Jimmy exclaimed excitedly.

The reason why it is loud is because there is wind on the top of the cliff and the whistling sound of the huge helicopter engine. I can only speak at the top of my throat, otherwise I can't hear anything.

The next moment, Jimmy put the microphone in front of Ye Tian.

At the same time, a close-up picture of Ye Tian also appeared on the TV screen.

"Steven, can you introduce your outfit to everyone? I believe many people will be very curious, why are you dressed like this?"

Ye Tian nodded towards the camera lens, and then said loudly:

"I will immediately take my men to rappelling and explore down this cliff to explore the ancient David's star pattern on the rock wall and see what secrets are hidden behind it.

That's why we're wearing rappelling gear, some rock climbing gear, and the outer suit because the rocks on this cliff are rich in arsenic.

Arsenic is a highly toxic element, which is the real reason why this cliff is barren and lifeless, and the reason we dress like this is for our own safety.”

"Wow! It turns out that this is a Jedi that is highly poisonous. No wonder no grass grows on this cliff, and it's no wonder you are dressed like this to start exploring."

Jimmy said in amazement, with a look of lingering fear.

Of course, he was acting.

He already knew what was happening on this cliff and on the top of the cliff.

What I said now is just for the effect of the show.

The result was as he expected, everyone was shocked by Ye Tian's introduction.

"Wow! No wonder no one has discovered the secret hidden here. It turns out to be a Jedi!"

"I know arsenic. Many highly toxic pesticides and famous defoliants are made with this stuff. The toxicity is indeed very severe!"

People exclaimed and talked a lot.

The family members who are far away in Beijing can't help but feel a little worried when they see this place.

"Exploring the treasure in such a Jedi, Xiaotian will not be in danger, right? I don't know what he is planning, why take this risk?"

Sister-in-law said worriedly.

Before the words fell, the old mother who was sitting on the side gritted her back molars and said:

"When this little bastard comes back, I'll break his legs. Let's see what he does in the future. We'll be relieved!"

While talking, Jimmy asked again:

"Steven, I just received a message from the editor and director. Many viewers have contacted us through various channels, and I want you to introduce the situation of the David star pattern on the cliff!

Everyone, including myself, wants to know what secrets are hidden behind the David's star pattern on the cliff. Is it the legendary Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant? "

Ye Tian shook his head, smiled and said loudly:

"What secret is hidden behind the David's star pattern on the cliff? Is it the legendary Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant? Follow us to explore together, and you will know the answer to this question.

Well, that’s the end of the interview, we’re going to go down by rope, through the high-definition camera we carry, everyone can witness this exploration operation, let’s create a miracle together.”

After speaking, Ye Tian waved his hand, then turned and walked towards Peter and the others.

At the same time, Walker's medium-sized helicopter has flown over the top of the cliff.

This medium-sized helicopter hovered above everyone's heads, only more than 20 meters away from the top of the cliff, and hurricanes rolled up on the top of the cliff.

As soon as it stopped in the air, the two security personnel on the helicopter opened the cabin and dropped a safety rope from each door on both sides.

The company employees staying on the top of the cliff immediately stepped forward, picked up the two safety ropes, and handed them to Ye Tian and Peter respectively.

After taking over the safety ropes, Ye Tian and Peter immediately connected the two safety ropes with the safety buckles around their waists.

This is the fourth insurance. Walker drives the helicopter to hover in the air to protect Ye Tian and Peter who are descending along the cliff.

In this way, even if all the safety devices on the top of the cliff fail, Ye Tian and the others don't have to worry about falling from the pending case.

The medium-sized helicopters hovering in the air will hang them in the air, and in the event of danger, they can also take them to evacuate quickly.

Seeing this scene, no matter the many Israelis and Tigray people present at the scene, or the countless people watching the live broadcast, they were all shocked.

"It's no wonder that Steven and his gang are invincible. They are too well prepared and have spent too much money. They are almost invulnerable!"

"Seeing that this guy, Steven, is so cautious, I am looking forward to the next rappelling exploration operation!"

Just when people were exclaiming, Ye Tian and the others had completed the final preparations.

Before starting the rappelling exploration, the staff checked their safety ropes and other equipment again.

After confirming that there was no problem and that it was very safe, Cole and Derek, who were in charge of the inspection, gestured ok together.

Ye Tian nodded immediately, and walked to the edge of the cliff first, Peter followed immediately.

When they came to the edge of the cliff, the two of them immediately turned around, with their backs facing the cliff, each holding a main rope tightly, and retreated step by step towards the edge of the cliff.

In a blink of an eye, the two of them were already standing on the edge of the cliff, and their bodies slowly fell backwards, gradually protruding out of this high and steep cliff.

With this movement, they have changed from standing on the edge of the cliff to standing on a steep cliff, with an abyss four to five hundred meters deep below them.

Seeing this scene, everyone's heart was raised and they were very nervous.

The mother and sister-in-law who were far away in Beijing didn't even dare to look at it anymore, and they all covered their eyes with their hands.

At this moment, only a burst of exclamation was heard.

Chen Yu and Peter jumped out of the cliff at the same time, flying directly into the air like two big birds!

Immediately afterwards, they flew towards the bottom of the cliff like two shooting stars.

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