Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3102 An unknown world

A helicopter of the National Geographic Channel's live broadcast group is hovering over the canyon.

In the cabin of this medium-sized helicopter, there are two high-definition cameras.

The camera lens is always locked on Ye Tian and Peter who are descending along the cliff, one camera takes close-up close-up shots, and the other camera takes long-range shots.

Shown on the live broadcast, Ye Tian and Peter are like two eagles, flying freely on this cliff and freely soaring above this canyon.

They hold the downhill buckle tightly, release the main rope continuously, and descend rapidly.

Every time they release the downhill lock, they will use their feet to pedal hard on the cliff, and then swing out of the cliff and fly to the sky outside the cliff.

The moment they fly out, they will fall quickly like meteors.

After falling for about three or four meters, they will hold the downhill lock firmly, lock the main rope, and then quickly swing back to the rock wall.

When they get close to the cliff, they will repeat the previous action and continue to quickly descend.

After two or three ups and downs, Peter stopped swinging out.

He controlled his body, then stepped on the cliff and walked down quickly, releasing the main rope while walking, and the descending speed was quite fast.

Ye Tian remained the same, flying up and down on the cliff non-stop, like a shooting star heading straight for the cliff where the David's satellite pattern is located.

At this time, he was like an eagle constantly pounced on the prey on the cliff, vowing to tear the prey hidden on this cliff to pieces.

Every time he rises and falls on the cliff, he shows his incomparably strong physical fitness, frighteningly huge strength, and his vigorous and light posture, as well as his unparalleled control.

Through the high-definition camera he carried with him, the razor-sharp cliff kept rushing towards everyone, putting everyone under tremendous pressure.

There is also the abyss-like canyon below and the blue and distant sky above, constantly appearing on the TV screen, alternating rapidly!

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

"Oh my god! This guy Steven is crazy,

Absolutely the best and craziest show I've ever seen, it's mind blowing! "

"Wow! Now I have some doubts, is this crazy guy Steven a human? He is flying. If it weren't for those few ropes, this guy would definitely be able to fly into the sky!"

Regardless of the cliff top and the bottom of the cliff, or the campsite of the tripartite joint exploration team on the opposite side of the canyon, as well as countless live broadcast terminals.

Everyone was stunned by Ye Tian's performance, and everyone was dumbfounded.

As he kept flying up and down the cliff, people's emotions were also affected by him. They were constantly rising and falling, and they were so nervous that everyone's heart was raised in their throats.

The family members far away in Beijing held their breaths.

Everyone didn't even dare to breathe out, for fear of disturbing Ye Tian who was flying in the air.

"No, I don't dare to watch it anymore, if I keep watching it, I'm going to have a heart attack!"

Mom stood up directly from the sofa and walked out of the living room quickly.

Before going out, my mother gritted her teeth and said:

"When you come back, let's see how I will deal with you, a bold fellow, and you will never be able to eat it!"

Not only the mother, but also the sister-in-law and the others looked terrified.

Only the two guys, Dongzi and Logan, were yelling and screaming, and they were so excited that they were about to fly.

Because Betty was about to give birth, she couldn't bear the stimulation, so her mother simply didn't let her watch the live broadcast of the treasure hunt.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian quickly descended sixty to seventy meters along the cliff, throwing away Peter who started at the same time by a full thirty to forty meters.

When he flew back from the cliff again and stepped on the cliff with both feet, a sudden change occurred.

The rock he stepped on suddenly shattered, then fell off the cliff and fell straight to the bottom of the cliff.

Ye Tian then staggered, and his body directly hit the cliff.

Fortunately, his reaction was very fast, and he firmly grasped the downhill lock with his right hand, locking the main rope.

At the moment when his body was about to hit the cliff, he stretched out his left hand and quickly pressed it against the cliff, stopping the momentum of the impact.

Immediately afterwards, he hung in the air and turned around in front of the cliff before stabilizing his body.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.


Exclamations sounded crazily, everywhere.

Among them, there are some guys who gloated at other people's misfortunes, and they were all Ye Tian's enemies and opponents.

These guys wished that he would immediately fall off that steep cliff and fall directly into a puddle of flesh, that would be the only way to relieve their hatred.

It's a pity that before the exclamation fell, Ye Tian had already controlled his body.

He didn't swing out from the cliff again, but quickly said through the walkie-talkie:

"Peter, be careful of the rocks under your feet when descending. Be sure to step firmly on the main rope before releasing the main rope. A stone I stepped on just now broke and fell off the cliff. It seems that the rock on the cliff is indeed not strong. "

"Got it, Steven, I'll be careful"

Peter responded.

Afterwards, Ye Tian went on to say:

"Guys at the bottom of the cliff should also be careful. Avoid the area where Peter and I descended, so as not to be hit by the falling stones from the cliff. That's no joke!"

"Understood, Steven, the area at the bottom of the cliff has been cleared, nothing will happen"

The men at the bottom of the cliff responded.

Next, Ye Tian became more cautious.

He no longer swung out, but walked quickly down the cliff, heading straight for the David's star pattern more than a hundred meters below.

This made the members of the tripartite joint exploration team and their families breathe a sigh of relief, and somewhat relaxed.

Of course, some people regret it.

They haven't seen enough of Ye Tian's flying performances, or they haven't seen anything happen to him yet!

Compared with before, the following rope drop process was a little dull.

After a while, Ye Tian had arrived at the cliff where the David's satellite pattern was located.

He didn't immediately enter the range of the David's satellite pattern, but stopped right above the David's satellite.

After stopping the rope descent, he directly locked the main rope with the downhill lock and hovered over the cliff.

Next, he quickly checked the surrounding situation, and then looked at the stones inside the David's star pattern.

In just a moment, he had already discovered something.

"Guys, as I've observed before, the stones within this satellite pattern are not the same texture as the stones in other areas of the cliff.

The basalt stone used to build the David's star pattern should be stronger, and the weathering speed is slower. This kind of basalt is probably not toxic.

The colors of these two stones are very similar, and there is almost no difference between them, but because of their different textures and different degrees of weathering, the flaws are exposed! "

Through the walkie-talkie and the microphone worn with him, Ye Tian was introducing the situation to everyone.

While he was making the introduction, a close-up shot of the David's satellite pattern was also shown on the live broadcast screen, and the picture was very clear.

People who were watching the live broadcast of the treasure hunt quickly noticed the difference.

"Indeed, the rocks in this David's star pattern are indeed slightly less weathered than those around them!"

"The difference between them is so small that it's almost impossible to find it. I don't know how that amazing guy Steven found this David star pattern? Maybe he is really God's favorite!"

As the existence of the David's satellite pattern was confirmed, several camps of the tripartite joint exploration team and countless live broadcast terminals immediately burst into bursts of cheers.

At the same time, everyone became more interested and full of curiosity about the secret behind this David's satellite pattern!

While speaking, Peter also went down to this cliff.

As soon as he arrived here, he immediately locked the main rope and stopped on the cliff.

Ye Tian turned to look at him, then said:

"According to the established plan, I will explore this David's satellite pattern, and you will assist from the side, and be vigilant at all times. If an accident occurs, evacuate from here as soon as possible!"

"Understood, Steven, I'll be careful"

Peter nodded in response.

Afterwards, Ye Tian quickly adjusted his posture, facing the cliff, then held the main rope tightly, loosened the downhill lock little by little, and fell towards the David star pattern below.

The next moment, he had come to the center of the David star pattern.

For the sake of safety, he did not touch the David star immediately, but hung in front of the pattern, pretending to observe it carefully.

Due to its age, there is only a piece of weathered basalt rock left on this satellite of David, and there is nothing else.

After confirming that there are no traps and no danger, Ye Tian stretched out his hand, gently pressed the center of the big satellite, and felt it.

However, he didn't push hard.

Before finding out the situation behind this David's satellite, it cannot be opened rashly.

If there is nothing behind the David's star pattern, only a cliff, breaking it open will be pure destruction.

If there is an unknown cave hidden behind this big satellite, and a treasure is hidden, it can only be considered to break it open by technical means.

On this point, the Ethiopians have repeatedly emphasized that it is not negotiable.

The result they most hope for is that there is nothing behind this David.

Another point is that the person who opens this David satellite cannot be himself.

Ye Tian hovered on the cliff, carefully observed the big satellite, and then said through the walkie-talkie:

"Gentlemen, the cliff where the David's satellite pattern is located does not have any traps, and it is relatively safe. In such a desperate place, there is no need to set any traps!

Judging from the way these basalt blocks are stacked, someone should have stacked them from the inside, that is to say, there is probably a cave hidden behind the David's star pattern.

Of course, further exploration is needed to confirm this. Next, we will use some necessary technical means to find out the situation behind this David’s satellite pattern.”

Hearing this, many people, including the Prime Minister of Israel and the Pope, were overjoyed and excited.

The same is true for the countless viewers currently live, their eyes are shining brightly with excitement.

The faces of the Ethiopians and Tigray people became even uglier, all gloomy like water!

After briefly introducing the situation of the David's satellite pattern, Ye Tian informed his staff staying at the top of the cliff to slowly hang down the pulse metal detector.

After receiving the order, Cole and the others acted immediately.

Soon, a pulse metal detector was put down.

After getting the pulse metal detector, Ye Tian adjusted his posture again, and then began to use the detection coil to scan the big satellite on the cliff and the surrounding area.

As soon as the detection coil was attached to the cliff, the pulse metal detector immediately beeped, and the sound was extremely pleasant.

Ye Tian glanced at the detected metal signal, and then said loudly:

"Guys, on the back of the Star of David pattern, there is a metal object hidden, obviously not a treasure, it is probably a candlestick or other lighting equipment!

This metal object is about three meters away from the cliff, which is enough to explain a lot of problems. There must be a very secret space on the back of this David star pattern! "

Before the words fell, the top and bottom of the cliff, as well as the campsite of the three-party joint exploration team on the opposite side of the canyon, as well as countless live broadcast terminals, were immediately overwhelmed by bursts of cheers.

"It's great. Steven's previous speculation is correct. There is indeed a cave behind this David's satellite. I don't know what secrets and treasures are hidden inside?"

"Wow! Who would have thought that there is a cave hidden in such a Jedi, it's unimaginable!"

While people were cheering, many Ethiopians were very depressed.

They knew that with the discovery of the cave, the Star of David pattern on the cliff would soon be broken.

The secret hidden behind this David will also be revealed to the world.

No one knows how much this secret will affect the beliefs of Ethiopians, the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, and even the entire country!

After a while, Ye Tian had finished scanning the David satellite and its surrounding area.

Except for the previous metal object, nothing else was found.

Afterwards, he asked the staff at the top of the cliff to put away the pulse metal detector, and slowly hoisted the equipment to the top of the cliff.

Immediately afterwards, Derek and the others suspended the deep ground penetrating radar.

After receiving the deep ground penetrating radar, Ye Tian started exploring again.

He scanned the cliff with a radar coil, and transmitted the scanned signal to the top of the cliff for his staff and several experts and scholars to conduct analysis and research.

After a while, the result is out.

"Steven, it is absolutely certain now that there is a very hidden cave on the back of the David star pattern, and this cave slopes down and extends all the way into the mountain.

Due to the limitation of the detection angle, the specific depth of this cave is not known for the time being. The depth that has been detected so far is more than 30 meters, and the cave seems to be relatively spacious! "

Derek reported the results excitedly.

For this result, Ye Tian naturally knew it well.

But he pumped his fist excitedly in celebration.

"It's great. Just like my previous speculation, inside this cliff, maybe it's not just a deep cave, but an unknown world. I'm very curious about it!"

Not surprisingly, this new discovery immediately exploded everywhere.

Everyone, including the pope and Israel's prime minister, rose from their seats.

They raised their eyes to look at the towering cliff on the opposite side, or watched the live TV screen, and everyone's eyes lit up with excitement.

"I'm going! This discovery is really amazing. Could it be that the legendary treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant are really hidden in this secret cave?"

on the cliff.

After scanning the situation behind the big satellite, Ye Tian asked his men to take back the deep ground penetrating radar.

Immediately afterwards, he said to Peter next to him:

"Peter, it's time for us to go to the top of the cliff. The meaning of this star of David pattern is very special, and the secret hidden behind this star of David pattern is likely to be very special as well.

In order to avoid trouble, the work of cracking the David star pattern should not be done by us, but by the Israeli or Vatican explorers.”

When he said this, Ye Tian didn't turn off the microphone on his body.

What he said was not only for Peter, but also for the Israelis and the Vatican, the Ethiopians and Tigray people, and all the audience in front of the live broadcast.

In this way, he would be able to extract himself and the Darius from this matter, avoiding unnecessary troubles.

Hearing this, Peter nodded immediately.

"Yes, Steven, I see what you mean"

People from other parties naturally understood and nodded.

At the same time, people are secretly complaining.

"Steven is such a cunning bastard, he is invulnerable at all!"

Next, Ye Tian said through the walkie-talkie:

"Okay, guys, pull us up, the initial exploration is complete"

After the words fell, Cole and the others immediately took action.

The next moment, Ye Tian and Peter began to rise rapidly, clinging to the cliff, and heading straight to the top of the cliff above.

After a while, they reached the top of the cliff safely.

After returning to the top of the cliff, Ye Tian and the others immediately untied the safety ropes on their bodies and handed them over to the two Israeli explorers waiting aside.

The next moment, everyone gathered around.

"Steven, your performance just now was really wonderful, it was breathtaking!"

"Steven, when can we enter the cave behind David's satellite? I really want to explore there. It would be even more perfect if we can find Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant!"

Ye Tian looked at these excited guys, smiled and said loudly:

"Guys, please be patient, wait for Israel or the Vatican to open the pattern of the David's satellite, then we can enter the cave behind the David's satellite to explore,..."

While talking, Jimmy has brought the cameraman to prepare for the interview.

Ye Tian shook his head, signaling them to wait for a while.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Joshua, Bishop of Kent, I don't know if you have made a decision, which party will open the David's star pattern on the cliff?"

The next moment, Joshua and the Bishop of Kent responded successively:

"Steven, after some negotiations, we have reached an agreement that the Israeli security personnel will conduct a cable drop to open the mysterious David's satellite pattern!"

"That's right, Steven, the Vatican's exploration team will follow you into the cave to explore after you turn on the David star pattern!"

"Okay, now that you've agreed, let's get started"

Ye Tian said with a smile.

While talking, Seaman walked over with two Israeli security personnel.

These two guys are the security personnel selected by Israel, and they will later descend along the cliff to break the mysterious Star of David pattern.

They are all special combat elites of the 13th Commando, and they have certain rock climbing experience, which is enough for this task.

Like Ye Tian and the others, these two guys also wore a full set of protective clothing and carried a lot of rock climbing equipment. Except for the parachute accident, other equipment was readily available.

It can be seen that these two guys are very excited and can't wait to start their actions, and there is even a bit of sacredness in their eyes.

Coming closer, Seaman immediately said impatiently:

"Steven, we are about to launch an operation, please give some pointers to prevent them from making mistakes!"

Ye Tian looked at the two guys, smiled and said:

"There is nothing to point out, just pay attention to safety. When you demolish the David star pattern, it is best to use a climbing pick to demolish it, so that the damage caused will be less.

If the rock pick cannot be demolished, then it can only be blasted in a directional manner. When setting up explosives, you must be careful and place explosives in strict accordance with the predetermined position.”

"Understood, Steven, we'll be careful"

The two guys answered in unison.

Next, Ye Tian said a few more words, and then signaled them to start acting.

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