Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3104 A golden light from the sky

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Minutes later, the small drone was recovered.

Immediately afterwards, Peter and an Israeli security officer went into battle again, put on a full set of protective equipment, and descended along the cliff to prepare for the next step of exploration.

The rappelling went very smoothly without any issues.

Soon, they arrived at the hole in the cliff that had just exploded.

Using the climbing equipment they carried with them, they entered the cave with little effort.

As they entered, the cave, which had been closed for a thousand or two thousand years or even longer, finally ushered in human footprints again.

And the secrets or treasures hidden in the depths of this cave also ushered in the opportunity to see the light of day again.

The moment Peter and the others entered the cave, warm applause and cheers erupted immediately in front of several camps of the tripartite joint exploration team and countless live broadcast terminals.

Many people, including the Israeli Prime Minister and the Pope, are applauding the progress of the tripartite joint exploration operation, and everyone is full of expectations.

Of course, the faces of the Ethiopians and the Tigray people became even more ugly and gloomy.

After entering the cave, Peter quickly checked the situation inside the cave entrance, and then said through the intercom:

"Steven, we have entered the cave. The condition of the cave entrance looks okay. The directional blast just now did not cause additional damage. The cliff outside and the inside of the cave entrance are relatively strong, so you can enter with confidence."

As he said that, he turned around slowly on the spot, and using the high-definition camera he carried with him, he took pictures of all the conditions inside the cave entrance and sent them to the top of the cliff.

Not only that, he also took a high-definition camera and took some close-up pictures.

Following his series of actions, the detailed situation at the entrance of the cave was immediately presented on the monitoring screen and in front of countless live broadcast terminals.

Ye Tian carefully looked at the monitor, picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Very well done, guys, don't go deep into the cave, it is not sure yet whether there are deadly traps in this cave, or other dangers, you must be careful.

You first clear the basalt rocks at the entrance of the cave, throw out all the rocks blocking the entrance of the cave, and build a safe foothold. During the cleaning process, you must be more careful.

After you clean up those rocks, we will hang the ventilation equipment down to quickly replace the poisonous air in the cave, and then hang the lighting fixtures down to illuminate the cave shrouded in darkness.

Next, I will lead the team into the cave and start the next step of exploration to see what amazing secrets or treasures are hidden in the depths of the cave. It may be a surprising and important discovery.”

"Got it, Steven"

Peter responded, and so did the Israeli security member.

Afterwards, they began to clean up, throwing out all the basalt rocks accumulated at the entrance of the cave, and throwing them into the canyon outside.

The three-party joint exploration team and security team members who stayed at the bottom of the cliff had already avoided this area, so naturally they would not suffer any harm.

Only those animals and plants in the dense forest of the canyon will be harmed.

For them, this rain of stones falling from a high altitude is completely unwarranted.

On the top of the cliff, everyone is also preparing for the next step of exploration.

After a while, Ye Tian finalized the list of personnel to carry out the follow-up exploration tasks.

In this list, there are not only his staff and security personnel, as well as experts and scholars employed by him, but also exploration team members, experts and scholars from Israel and the Vatican.

On the Israeli side, the candidates included Jewish Rabbi Isaiah and two clergymen from the tribe of Levi in ​​Israel.

In addition, there are representatives of the Tigray region and an Orthodox representative who oversee the scene.

Even though Ye Tian repeatedly controlled and tried to reduce the number of people.

The size of this joint exploration team is still quite large, with a total number of nearly thirty people.

In the next exploration operation, everyone will also carry a large amount of exploration equipment and other various equipment, which will undoubtedly make the team larger.

At this point, those three-party joint exploration team members, experts and scholars who were not selected were full of regret and unwillingness.

The reason for this is that no one wants to miss this opportunity.

You know, this is likely to be a great exploration operation that will go down in history, how many times can you encounter it in a lifetime?

After finalizing the personnel list, Ye Tian called these guys together, and said loudly:

"Gentlemen, due to the special circumstances of this cave, too many people cannot enter at one time. In that case, I am worried that the cliff will not be able to bear the weight of everyone, and accidents will occur if they are not kept together.

For the sake of safety, I decided to take a few of my men into this cave to explore first. After confirming that the cave is safe, everyone will enter in batches. The number of people entering at a time cannot exceed five.

Another point to mention is that after entering the cave, no matter what the situation is, you must not take off your protective clothing. If you can't hold on, you can withdraw first and enter later.

The reason is very simple, the rocks in this cave are very likely to be highly toxic, if you take off your mask or protective clothing, you will probably be poisoned, and you will not even be able to come out of the cave.”

Everyone who was excited at first became more dignified when they heard this.

"Understood, Steven, we will follow orders and be careful"

An Israeli archaeologist nodded, and the others nodded too.

While talking, Jimmy walked over with the photographer.

When he came close, the guy immediately whispered:

"Steven, we also want to enter this cave for a live broadcast, so that the effect will be better, instead of staying on the cliff and rebroadcasting the video footage you captured.

Although the video images captured by your high-definition cameras are of good quality and clear, they cannot be compared with professional cameras.

More importantly, we also want to participate in such a much-anticipated exploration operation. If I miss this opportunity, I will definitely regret it for the rest of my life.”

Ye Tian looked at this guy, pondered for a while, then nodded and said:

"Yes, Jimmy, you can enter this cave on the cliff for a live broadcast, but you can only enter after we have explored and confirmed that the cave is basically safe.

But I don't know, do you have the courage to go down that cliff? That is a cliff as high as 400 to 500 meters, and the geological conditions are complicated, no one can guarantee its safety.”

After the words fell, Jimmy immediately turned his head and looked over to the cliff, with hesitation and even fear in his eyes.

However, temptation eventually overcomes fear.

"No problem, Steven, I am willing to accept this challenge. I will go down from the cliff and go to that mysterious cave for a live broadcast. I don't want to miss this golden opportunity, so I will go all out!"

Jimmy gritted his molars and said.

"In this case, Jimmy, you should also prepare, my staff will tell you what needs to be done!"

Ye Tian nodded and said.


Soon, twenty minutes passed.

Peter and the others had already cleaned up the basalt rocks at the entrance of the cave, and threw all those rocks into the canyon.

As the stones were cleared away, a hole in the shape of a David's star suddenly appeared on the steep cliff, which was extremely eye-catching.

Through the live footage of the National Geographic Channel, the David's satellite hole is clearly presented in front of everyone.

Seeing this scene, everyone was amazed.

"How did the ancients do it? They actually found a cave on this cliff, and carved it into the shape of David's star. It's amazing!"

"Even if there are no secrets or treasures in this cave, just this satellite of David on the cliff and the 'Light of God', this discovery is amazing enough!"

Just as people were talking about it, a powerful ventilating fan slowly fell from the top of the cliff, and fell little by little towards the entrance of the David's Satellite Cave on the cliff.

When the ventilation fan fell in front of the cave entrance, Peter and the others immediately pulled it into the cave.

Immediately afterwards, another bundle of one-kilometer-long wires, some lighting equipment, and two pulse metal detectors, air detectors, and other equipment were put down one after another.

All these materials and equipment were pulled into the cave by Peter and the others, and placed in the cave.

After a while, the cave, which had been shrouded in darkness for thousands of years, lit up, and the powerful ventilation fan also started to work, quickly replacing the air in the cave.

Powering the lighting and the powerful ventilation fans are two portable generators placed on top of the cliff.

While quickly replacing the air, Peter and the others also took the air detector and began to detect the air inside the cave.

It didn't take long for the test results to come out.

"Steven, you guessed it right. The air in this cave is indeed toxic, mainly arsenic. When you enter the cave to explore, you must pay attention to protection."

Peter said through the walkie-talkie, announcing the situation in the cave.

"Got it, Peter, I will tell everyone, let everyone pay attention to protection, and you should also be careful yourself"

Ye Tian replied.

Next, Peter and the others checked the rocks in the cave.

The result is the same, those stones are also rich in highly toxic arsenic.

In the meantime, the ventilation work has been going on.

The poisonous air in the cave was continuously drawn out and exhausted outside.

Instead, there is fresh air from outside.

After ten minutes of rapid replacement, the situation in the cave improved quickly, and the toxin content in the air was greatly reduced.

Until this time, Ye Tian was about to descend again, enter the cave on the cliff, and start the follow-up exploration.

This time, the person who descended with him was an archaeologist from Columbia University.

Before the rope descent, the staff sent Ye Tian's mountaineering bag and various equipment, including weapons, ammunition, and jungle machetes, into the cave on the cliff.

Afterwards, Ye Tian and the Columbia University archaeologist came to the edge of the cliff and started the rope descent.

However, their methods of rappelling are quite different.

Ye Tian jumped out of the cliff directly, like an eagle, ups and downs on the cliff, and quickly fell to the David's satellite cave below.

The archaeologist from Columbia University was hung by the people on the top of the cliff with a few safety ropes, and let it go down little by little.

Even so, the archaeologist kept his eyes closed the whole time, not daring to look at the abyss four to five hundred meters deep under his feet!

After a while, Ye Tian had accurately swung into the David's Satellite Cave on the cliff, instead of being pulled in by Peter and the others.

The first time he entered the cave, he took a quick look at the situation inside the cave.

After confirming that the cave was basically safe, he untied the two safety ropes tied around his waist, and used the walkie-talkie to notify his men on the top of the cliff to take the safety ropes back.

The next moment, he reached for his mountaineering bag and put it on the outside of the parachute bag.

In this way, once there is any danger, such as a cave collapse.

He was able to throw away the mountaineering bag immediately, rush out of the cave quickly, and use a speed parachute to escape.

Next, he began to carefully examine the situation inside the cave, seeing through the entire area inside the cave entrance.

In fact, when he took a helicopter yesterday and found the pattern of the David on the cliff, he already knew the situation inside the cave well.

While speaking, the archaeologist from Columbia University also descended and was pulled into the cave by Peter and the others.

The moment he landed, the archaeologist suddenly lost his legs and knelt down on the ground.

Only then did he dare to open his eyes and check his surroundings.

When he saw that he had entered the cave safely, he let out a sigh of relief and almost cried on the spot.

It took him a long time to adjust his mood, and then he said fearfully:

"Wow! This zip line is so scary, I honestly don't want to do it again in my life, it's insane!"

Before the words fell, Ye Tian joked and said:

"It's too early to say, Owen, if you don't want to do another high-altitude cable drop, how can you get out of here?"


Owen exclaimed, and then smiled helplessly.

"Looks like I'm going to close my eyes and do another trapeze or a few more times"

After chatting for a while, Peter and the others stepped forward and untied the safety rope tied around Owen's waist.

Subsequently, the two safety ropes were pulled back to the top of the cliff.

Immediately afterwards, Owen couldn't wait to say:

"Steven, let's start exploring. I don't know what secrets and treasures are hidden deep in this cave. I hope it will be a huge surprise. I hope it is the treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant we are looking for."

Ye Tian shook his head.

"Don't worry, Owen, we are already in this cave, and we have plenty of time to explore, but we can't start exploring until the others come down.

The situation here is very special. Although I am leading this tripartite joint exploration operation, I must consider all factors to avoid causing trouble! "

"Okay, Steven"

Owen could only nod, and then stood a little further in the cave and waited.

While waiting, he kept looking at everything around him, tsk-tsk in admiration.

In the next ten minutes, six more people descended from the top of the cliff and entered the cave.

Among them were two of Ye Tian's subordinates, an Israeli archaeologist and a paleographer, as well as two representatives from the Vatican and Tigray State.

Except for the two employees of the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company, everyone else behaved similarly to Owen, all of them trembling with fear, their legs went limp.

When these people recovered almost, Ye Tian smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, we can start the exploration operation. As for the rest of the joint exploration team, they can come down in batches only after we ascertain the situation here and make sure it is safe.

In the next exploration operation, everyone must obey the command, must not act rashly, and must not touch anything in the cave without permission.

Only after I have confirmed that there are no agency traps and that it is basically safe, can everyone touch the things in the cave, carry out identification and research, and contact the outside world to discuss together! "

"Understood, Steven, we know what to do"

Everyone nodded in unison, and they couldn't wait.

Ye Tian smiled softly, then nodded and said:

"Okay, gentlemen, let's get started, and hope to get a big surprise"

As he spoke, he nodded at the two men.

The two subordinates understood immediately, and immediately opened the box containing the pulse metal detector, and took out a metal detector from the box.

Ye Tian walked towards the cave wall inside the cave entrance, and began to check the situation on the cave wall.

The part inside the hole has been explored with a pulse metal detector before. Except for a rusty bronze candlestick, there are no other metal objects, so there is no need to scan again.

After standing in front of the cave wall and checking for a while, and then looking at the situation on the ground, Ye Tian said:

"There are no traps here, and there is no danger. Everyone can wipe off the dust on the cave walls and see what is carved on the cave walls on both sides."

Before the words fell, Owen, the Israeli archaeologist, and the other paleographer began to act.

They each took out a towel and carefully wiped off the dust attached to the wall, everyone was very excited.

Following their movements, the ancient characters and patterns engraved on the cave walls on both sides appeared immediately.

Those are some ancient Hebrew texts, to be more precise, they are variant ancient Hebrew scripts, just like the variant ancient Hebrew scripts found in the Obelisk Square before, they are difficult to understand!

In addition, there are several stone murals carved on the cave wall.

Because the age is too long, these ancient characters and patterns have been blurred, and it is difficult to fully identify them.

However, one of the stone murals shocked everyone.

In that simple stone mural, a red sun casts a golden light from the sky, passes through the satellite of David placed on the top of an old castle, and projects it on a high cliff.

The projected position is impressively the entrance of a cave in the shape of a David's star.

And this hole still radiates light, or radiates holy light!

The content expressed in this stone mural is exactly the variant ancient Hebrew phrase found in the Obelisk Square, which is the so-called "God's light".

The moment they saw this mural, Owen and the others were stunned and stunned!

The people who were watching the live broadcast were the same, all of them were stunned.

Even the Israeli Prime Minister and the Pope, who were camped across the canyon, were shocked.

After a while, people just woke up.

Immediately afterwards, people jumped up from their seats as if they were electrocuted.

"My God! This is 'God's light', it's incredible!"

"God, what did I see? This is the light of God, a star of David that radiates holy light! There is no doubt that this is absolutely a miracle!"

While exclaiming endlessly, people were almost crazy with excitement.

Especially the Israelis, as well as the Jews all over the world, were even more moved to tears.

Many devout believers among them knelt on the ground and prayed devoutly.

For all Jews, this moment is worth remembering forever!

At this moment, Ye Tianqing's clear voice suddenly came out.

"Gentlemen, it can now be said with certainty that the line of variant ancient Hebrew engraved on the back of the piece of granite found in the Obelisk Square refers to this place.

It is a marvelous miracle that the ancient Hebrew word for impasse refers to the mountain on the other side of the gorge, and the 'light of God' points to this cave in the cliff."

Following his words, people were once again amazed and nodded.

In the camp across the canyon, the Pope and the Prime Minister of Israel watched the live broadcast with excitement. Their eyes were as bright as searchlights, and their eyes were extremely hot.

"We must rebuild this place, we must restore the light of God!"

The Pope said firmly.

Before the words fell, the Israeli Prime Minister also nodded.

"Yes, we must rebuild this place. This is a holy place and a monument!"

The meanings in their words are obviously different, and they know each other well.

But they didn't discuss or argue about it. It's not the time yet, and they don't have time to take care of it for the time being!

Inside the cave.

Owen and the others were about to study the significant stone mural carefully, but they were interrupted by Ye Tian.

"Gentlemen, now is not the time to study this stone mural in depth. Our immediate task is to explore this cave and see what else we can find.

For further identification and research work, when this tripartite joint exploration operation is over, everyone has time to study slowly, now let's continue to explore! "

Owen and the others nodded. They could only temporarily restrain their curiosity and continue to look at other words and patterns carved on the cave wall.

Another stone mural on the opposite wall of the cave depicts the process of the Beta Israelites discovering and transforming the cave.

In the center of the mural, a small figure is lying on the cave entrance and chiseling stones. The cave entrance has begun to take shape, and it looks like a star of David.

On the other side of this mural, a group of small people are climbing to the top of the mountain with a lot of stones on their backs, and each of them looks very tired.

Not surprisingly, the discovery of this stone mural once again caused a sensation.

Ye Tian and Owen, who were at the scene, were also very excited, but they quickly controlled their emotions and continued to explore.

In addition to these two important stone murals, there are several murals on the cave walls on both sides.

The patterns of these murals are somewhat blurred, but they can be distinguished.

The content it depicts is basically related to sacrifices, and it has a bit of African cultural color.

As for the variant ancient Hebrew characters engraved on the cave walls, because they were too difficult to understand, everyone still couldn't figure out the exact meaning of those characters.

But among those words evolved from ancient Hebrew, we still found some very familiar words, such as God and light.

Ye Tian and the others took pictures of all these mutant ancient Hebrew texts, and then passed them on to the top of the cliff for the archaeologists and paleographers staying on the top of the cliff to decipher them.

At the same time, at Hebron University in Israel, Harvard University and Columbia University in the United States, and the Vatican Museum, many experts and scholars are also studying and deciphering these ancient characters and patterns.

The rest of the experts and scholars who were live broadcasting this treasure hunt all enthusiastically joined the ranks of deciphering!

Who would want to miss out on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity like this?

Later, this directly became an open competition in the Western archaeological circles!

If anyone has a research result, he will announce it to the public as soon as possible, and show it off in front of all his peers. Don't feel too good about the feeling of being a saint in front of others!

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