Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3105 Shocking Discovery

The latest website: Everyone is not obsessed with studying these ancient Hebrew characters and stone murals that have just been discovered, but handed over this task to other archaeologists and paleographers in the exploration team.

After roughly exploring the inside of the cave, everyone is ready to explore the depths of the cave.

As before, Ye Tian checked the situation ahead first.

After confirming that there are no traps or other fatal dangers, everyone started to act.

Afterwards, Ye Tian stepped forward with two of his subordinates, and walked carefully to the depths of the cave.

During the operation, he would carefully check every inch of the ground in front of him, the walls of the surrounding caves, and the roof of the cave above to see if there were any deadly traps or other dangers in these places.

The two men followed closely behind, scanning the ground and cave walls with pulse metal detectors to see if there were hidden metal objects.

Besides that, they have another mission.

That is the layout of electrical wiring and lighting fixtures.

The rest of the people followed behind and went deeper into the cave step by step.

Fortunately, there are no traps here, and there seems to be no danger other than the poisonous environment.

In fact, there is no need to set any traps for a Jedi like this.

Without knowing the internal environment of the cave and without the protection of perfect protective measures, anyone who enters this long-term closed cave will be instantly hit!

What's even more frightening is that this is a silent attack.

By the time the victim realizes that something is wrong, it will be too late!

The tripartite joint exploration team led by Ye Tian is impeccable, so this kind of harm can be avoided!

For any other exploration team, I am afraid they have already been recruited!

Not far ahead, everyone began to go downhill, and gradually walked into the depths of the mountain along the winding cave.

Wherever this small joint exploration team went, the darkness was immediately dispelled, and the situation inside the cave was immediately presented in front of everyone and on the live broadcast screen.

During the next exploration,

Everyone has successively discovered some ancient Hebrew characters and stone murals carved on the cave walls, as well as some stone statues.

Same as the previous approach, Ye Tian and the others did not study these ancient texts, murals, and sculptures in depth.

Instead, they were photographed and sent back to the top and bottom of the cliff for the rest of the archaeologists and paleographers to study.

The difference is that these ancient texts, murals, and statues discovered later have undergone some technical processing during the live broadcast, and the picture is blurred.

This is out of confidentiality considerations and to protect the interests of the tripartite joint exploration team, especially the interests of those experts and scholars in the team.

Undoubtedly, this series of discoveries will bring a lot of heavyweight academic research results, which naturally cannot be made public at will.

Faced with this situation, those experts and scholars who were watching the live broadcast of the treasure hunt felt itchy with hatred, but they could do nothing!

During the conversation, ten minutes passed.

Ye Tian and the others had gone fifteen or six meters into the cave, and they had also descended three or four meters.

At this moment, when he turned his head and looked back, he couldn't see the hole on the cliff at all, only a winding cave.

This is another new section of the cave, which is much more regular than the ones we walked through before.

Both the ground and the surrounding cave walls have been artificially leveled.

Coming here, Ye Tian quickly checked the situation.

After confirming that there are no mechanism traps, cracks or branch caves, he nodded to the people behind him to start exploring.

Seeing him nodding, Owen and the others immediately took action.

In a moment, everyone has discovered something.

"Steven, take a look at this stone mural. The content engraved on it should come from the "Old Testament" story, but the carving style has a bit of African cultural color, which is very interesting."

Owen said excitedly.

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately walked over and looked at the stone mural carved on the cave wall.

As Owen said, the content on the stone mural did come from the Old Testament.

This is a very famous religious story where Joshua leads the Israelites to the Promised Land.

Next to this mural, there are some variant ancient Hebrew characters engraved.

Due to the age, these ancient characters and patterns are somewhat blurred, but fortunately most of them can still be recognized.

Had it been discovered a few hundred years later, it might have been completely unrecognizable.

Just after checking the text and murals here, on the opposite wall, the Israeli archaeologist also discovered a set of ancient texts and stone murals.

Moreover, the content of those stone murals is also derived from the stories of the "Old Testament", but it has a bit of African culture.

As before, Ye Tian and the others took pictures of all these ancient characters and murals, and then sent them to the top and bottom of the cliff for other archaeologists and philologists to study.

Next, everyone discovered some texts and murals carved on the cave walls.

Those variants of ancient Hebrew are temporarily unrecognizable and difficult to translate right away.

But those stone murals, apart from being a little fuzzy, are not too difficult to identify.

Some of the murals come from stories in the Old Testament, while others reflect the daily life, hunting, farming, sacrifices and other scenes of the Israelites in Beta.

In addition, there are some stone statues.

Most of these stone statues are rough and not even artistic, but they are old enough to be worth studying.

For Israelis, especially Beta Israelis, it's a different story.

This is their history and civilization, each of which is priceless.

Along the way, the joint exploration team discovered many ancient texts and patterns, as well as sculptures, but did not find clues related to Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant.

There may be clues hidden in those difficult and difficult ancient Hebrew texts.

It's a pity that everyone doesn't have time to decipher and decipher those words, so they can only continue to explore.

Then they walked forward for a certain distance, and after turning a corner, everyone saw the two statues of ancient warriors holding spears and shields.

Everyone was excited to see the two statues.

The same goes for the countless viewers on the live broadcast, their eyes shining brightly.

Next, Ye Tian stepped forward to check the situation first.

After making sure that there is no mechanism trap, others followed up to study and appreciate the two ancient statues together.

When they came close, everyone observed the two statues first, then took out towels and gently wiped off the dust on the statues.

Soon, the dust on the two statues was wiped clean, and their shapes and outlines became much clearer.

Just like everyone's previous judgment, these are two statues of ancient Israeli warriors, but they have a certain African cultural color.

They are all carved out of marble, not the original rock in the cave.

In other words, the two statues were brought into the cave from outside and placed here.

In other words, the stone was brought in from the outside and carved here.

But considering the environment in the cave, this possibility seems unlikely.

Ye Tian stepped forward to examine the two marble statues carefully, pondered for a while, and then said:

"As far as I can tell, these two statues of ancient Israeli warriors should have been carved around 100 BC, and then they were transported into this hidden cave and placed here.

Around 100 BC, the Israelites who followed Menelik I to Ethiopia took root here and gradually integrated with the local people.

Because of this, on these two statues of ancient Israeli warriors, we can see not only the main Jewish culture, but also the more obvious African cultural color.”

"That's right, Steven, we can see a lot of things on these two statues of ancient Israeli warriors, they are so precious!"

The Israeli archaeologist said excitedly.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and continued to say:

"That's right, these are two very precious antique relics, which are of high historical and cultural research value. By studying them, we can get a glimpse of the formation of the Beta Israelites.

What's more, the discovery of these two statues is enough to show that as early as about a hundred years BC, this cave had been discovered by the Beta Israelites and used to hide their secrets! "

Everyone nodded in approval.

On the top of the cliff and at the campsite opposite the canyon, cheers sounded again.

Especially many Beta Israelis are even more excited.

Next, Ye Tian and the others admired the two marble statues for a while, and then continued to explore.

The next section of the cave guarded by the two statues of ancient Israeli warriors is flatter than the previous cave, which is obviously caused by human beings.

On both sides of this section of the cave, we found some ancient texts and stone murals, as well as two rusty bronze candlesticks.

Unlike those stone murals discovered before, the stone murals here are clearly distinguished.

The murals carved on the cave wall on the left are all from the stories of the "Old Testament". It can even be said that this is a collection of "Old Testament" stories, which is quite shocking.

The murals engraved on the cave wall on the right are the scenes of the Beta Israelites taking root and multiplying in Ethiopia, and are the first-hand information for studying the Beta Israelites.

As for those difficult variants of ancient Hebrew, they still cannot be deciphered in time.

The discovery of this series of ancient murals and texts directly detonated all live broadcast terminals.

Especially those archaeologists and historians were pleasantly surprised.

"Oh my god! This is simply an "Old Testament" engraved on stone, a history of the development of Beta Israel. It's so spectacular!"

"There is no doubt that this is definitely a great archaeological discovery that has caused a sensation in the world, and it will definitely be recorded in the annals of history!"

In the cave, exploration continues.

Ye Tian and the others passed through an arc, and in a blink of an eye they came to the stone gate they had discovered before.

The moment they saw this stone gate, everyone paused.

At this moment, Ye Tian, ​​who was walking in the front, suddenly made a stop gesture.

Seeing his gesture, the others couldn't stop immediately.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian began to check the ground in front of him, as well as the cave walls and ceiling on both sides.

The two exploration team members with pulse metal detectors used the detection coil to scan the ground and the cave wall.

Like the places I walked through before, there are no artificial traps here, nor are there any naturally formed traps such as cracks.

After making sure it was safe, everyone came to the stone gate.

Ye Tian checked the situation again, and then said:

"Gentlemen, you can wipe off the dust on this stone door and the cave walls on both sides, but you must be careful. If you find anything wrong, stop immediately."

"Understood, Steven, we know what to do"

Owen nodded in response, and the rest of them also nodded.

Then, everyone took action.

In a short while, Owen and the others had wiped off a large amount of dust on the cave walls on both sides.

Suddenly, the few of them stopped at the same time and froze in place.

Except for Ye Tian, ​​everyone else was the same, all dumbfounded.

The people who were watching the live broadcast of the treasure hunt basically behaved in the same way, and they were all completely stunned by the live broadcast in front of them.

What appeared on the live broadcast screen were two groups of ancient stone murals.

The content engraved on the cave wall on the left side of the Shimen still comes from the stories in the Old Testament.

But this story is not trivial. What it carves is the picture of Moses ascending Mount Sinai and receiving the Ten Commandments from God on the top of the mountain.

Moses, who is on the top of Mount Sinai, is kneeling on the ground, looking up at the sky, and stretching out his left hand to the sky, while holding several stone slabs in his right hand.

The sky above his head was shining with golden light, and a stone tablet covered with words protruded from the clouds, and it was about to fall into Moses' hands.

Who handed these stone tablets to Moses is not explained in the mural.

However, everyone knows the answer.

Next to this mural of "Moses Accepting the Ten Commandments", there is another mural, which is "The Burning Bush".

That is the story of Moses' first contact with God and receiving divine revelation.

Moses in the mural also knelt on the ground and raised his hands in front of him, as if he was avoiding the scorching fire.

Not far ahead is a clump of burning thorns, but it is shining with holy light!

On the opposite wall of the cave, there are also a group of murals engraved.

In the center of the largest mural, a tall and majestic temple is engraved impressively. The temple is located on the top of the mountain and radiates dazzling light.

However, there was chaos inside and outside the temple, with burning, killing and looting everywhere.

While others were burning, killing, and looting, someone sneaked into the temple with a group of men, taking advantage of the chaos, and stole the things stored in the temple.

Two of the guys in robes were carrying something like a box.

What's more, that box still radiates bright light.

Among these two groups of murals, "Moses Accepting the Ten Commandments" and "The Burning Bush" are actually not uncommon.

People have seen countless murals and oil paintings of the same theme, as well as other works of art, and they are already commonplace, and more exquisite ones abound.

But putting these two murals in this cave is another story.

No one has ever seen the group of murals on the cave wall on the right.

People have only heard the historical stories related to it, but not many people believe it.

Many people think that it is just an illusory legend, and it is nothing more than rumors!

People never thought that one day they would see such a group of stone murals.

However, the legend that everyone thought was illusory may become a reality at this moment.

Such two groups of murals are in such an environment, and the shocking effect can be imagined.

Owen and the others were all stunned, petrified.

The Israeli archaeologist and paleographer standing in front of the cave wall on the right were even more in a state of madness, and their bodies were trembling slightly.

Except for Ye Tian, ​​the performance of the others was similar.

Of course, in order to make the performance more realistic, Ye Tian also had a shocked expression.

The scene fell silent, only the sound of heavy and rapid breathing remained.

The top and bottom of the cliff, as well as the campsite across the road, the whole of Axum, and even in front of countless live broadcast terminals, everything is quiet!

It took a long time before someone broke the silence.

"My God! What did I see? This is "Moses Accepting the Ten Commandments" and "The Burning Bush". Could it be that the Ark of the Covenant is really hidden in this cave?"

Owen muttered to himself.

Following his words, all places were instantly detonated.

All members of the tripartite joint exploration team, the Prime Minister of Israel and the Pope staying in the bivouac across the canyon, and countless people who are watching the live broadcast.

Everyone felt like an electric shock, whether they were sitting or standing, they all sprang up.

Everyone was very excited, and bursts of almost crazy exclamations resounded in front of countless live broadcast terminals in an instant.

"My God! The box carried by the two men on the mural is definitely the Ark of the Covenant. There is no doubt that Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant are in this cave!

It seems that the Ark of the Covenant, which has disappeared for nearly three thousand years, is about to reappear in the world. This is definitely the greatest archaeological discovery in the history of the Western world! "

"Moses accepting the Ten Commandments on one side and Menelik I stealing the Ark of the Covenant from Solomon's Temple on the other is enough to say anything!

I am going to Axum now to witness the reappearance of the Ark of the Covenant. This is the only opportunity I have been waiting for for three thousand years. Once I miss it, I will regret it for the rest of my life! "

While exclaiming endlessly, many people have already acted.

These guys rushed out of the house one after another, and immediately embarked on a journey to Axum.

For them, watching live TV is no longer enough.

They all want to be there in person and witness the great moment when the Ark of the Covenant reappears in the world!

In several camps of the tripartite joint exploration team, in the Vatican and Jerusalem, many clergy, including the Pope, have prayed devoutly.

The Israeli archaeologist and paleographer standing on the right side of the cave even knelt down with tears in his eyes.

At this moment, Ye Tianqing's clear voice suddenly came out again.

"Gentlemen, I believe everyone has seen these two sets of stone murals. To be honest, the contents of these two sets of murals are so shocking that I still can't believe it."

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

Everyone who watched the live broadcast of the treasure hunt felt as if they were in a dream.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"The group of murals on the cave wall on the left, "Moses Accepting the Ten Commandments" and "The Burning Bush", must be very familiar to everyone, but the significance of their appearance here is extraordinary.

Let's look at the group of murals on the cave wall on the right. Judging from the contents of the murals, this should be the scene of civil strife in the United Kingdom of Israel after the death of King Solomon.

Taking advantage of this civil strife, Menelik I led people to smuggle the Ark of the Covenant and part of the treasure out of Solomon's Temple, out of Jerusalem, and then to Ethiopia.

The content of this part of the mural is basically consistent with the relevant legends we know, which is enough to show that the legend about Menelik I stealing the Ark of the Covenant is basically true.”

Everyone nodded again, and no one raised an objection.

In the past, everyone might have doubted this legend, but seeing this mural now, there is no doubt at all.

"It now appears that the part of Solomon's treasure stolen by Menelik I may indeed be hidden in the mountainside connected to this cave, and the Ark of the Covenant may also be there.

Of course, it is also possible that the Ark of the Covenant is in the Church of St. Mary on Mount Zion in Axum, after all, Ethiopians have believed so for the past two thousand years! "

As Ye Tian's voice fell, the scene became quiet again.

The same is true for many live broadcast terminals.

Although this conclusion had been expected for a long time, people were still shocked after hearing Ye Tian's analysis and explanation with their own ears.

As for the saying that the Ark of the Covenant has been stored in the Church of St. Mary on Mount Zion in Axum, it is estimated that even the Ethiopians themselves may not believe it at this time.

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