Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3106 luck in misfortune

Latest URL: It took a long time before everyone calmed down a little.


Ye Tian patted his palms twice to wake everyone up.

Then he smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, the discovery of these stone murals on the cave walls on both sides is extremely shocking, and it is enough to show that our exploration is in the right direction and we have made great progress.

But this exploration operation is not over yet, this is just the beginning, so everyone should control their emotions and continue to explore, and there may be even bigger surprises in the future.”

Owen and the others nodded, and said excitedly:

"Understood, Steven, let's move on"

"Ok, gentlemen"

Ye Tian nodded in response.

Next, he directed these archaeologists and paleographers to wipe off all the dust on the cave walls on both sides of the stone gate.

Even the ground and the roof of the cave were wiped clean by them.

As a large amount of dust was wiped away, they found several slightly blurred stone murals, as well as some difficult to understand ancient Hebrew.

The murals on the cave wall on the left side of the Shimen basically tell about Moses.

From the birth of Moses, to herding sheep on the Sinai Peninsula, leading the Israelites out of Egypt, to accepting the Ten Commandments, until death.

This is a stone biography of Moses, which is of great historical and cultural research value.

There is no doubt that this place will become a holy place in the eyes of the Jews, and will attract countless pilgrims in the future.

The murals on the opposite wall of the cave tell the story of how Menelik I led some Israelis out of Jerusalem and fled to Ethiopia.

After Menelik I took advantage of the chaos and stole part of Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant from Solomon's Temple, he took some Israelites and began to flee all the way.

They first fled to the Sinai Peninsula, where they hid for a while, and then crossed the Red Sea into Egypt.


They fled all the way along the Nile Valley. After more than two years, they fled to Ethiopia and finally stopped near Axum.

On one of the murals, there is also an image of the Queen of Sheba.

Not surprisingly, the discovery of these murals once again caused a huge sensation.

So far, the long-standing legends about the Queen of Sheba and Menelik I have finally been confirmed.

In particular, the identity of the Queen of Sheba, who used to exist only in legends, has finally been confirmed.

She is a real, not fictional, historical figure.

Those stone murals that record Moses' life show that the relevant records and stories in the "Old Testament" are not groundless.

The story of Moses has been widely circulated since at least around 100 BC, and he was also considered a saint in Israel!

However, the variant ancient Hebrew characters carved on the cave walls and roof on both sides are still difficult to understand and difficult to recognize.

In the same way as before, Ye Tian and the others took photos of all these ancient characters and stone murals, and sent them to the top and bottom of the cliff for the rest of the archaeologists and philologists to study.

After exploring the walls, ground, and roof of the cave on both sides, everyone looked at the unusually thick stone gate, and everyone's eyes lit up.

Ye Tian walked forward again, pretending to look at the stone gate seriously.

After confirming that it was safe, he nodded and said:

"Gentlemen, you can wipe this stone gate now, but you still have to be careful. Once you find something wrong, stop immediately and retreat quickly!"

"Understood, Steven"

Owen responded, and the Israeli archaeologist also nodded.

Before the words were finished, they had already walked to the stone gate, and carefully began to wipe the dust on the stone gate.

Following their movements, some exquisite patterns and patterns carved on this stone gate, as well as ancient characters, appeared one by one.

On this stone gate, several sacrificial patterns are engraved.

Those who performed the sacrifices seemed to be Beta Israelites, and the object of their sacrifices was a square temple that radiated light.

But where is this temple? But no one knows.

The murals engraved on the stone gate did not give a clear path to the temple, at least no one could see it.

In addition to these stone murals, there are also some exquisite decorations on the stone gate.

Both murals and decorations are based on Jewish culture, and some African culture can also be seen.

This reflects the process of the formation of Beta Israelites, which has high research value.

In addition, there are many ancient characters engraved on this stone gate.

Unlike before, there are two kinds of text here.

One is a variant of ancient Hebrew, and the other is ancient Giz, and these two scripts correspond to each other.

Everyone is excited about this discovery!

Those difficult variants of ancient Hebrew are difficult to decipher for the time being, and their meaning cannot be understood.

But the corresponding Giz texts are not difficult to decipher.

As soon as Owen and the others wiped off the dust on the stone gate, the Israeli paleographer stepped forward impatiently and began to decipher the ancient Giz characters.

In just a moment, he discovered something.

"These ancient words engraved on the stone gate are some curses, saying that this is a holy place, and no one is allowed to trespass, otherwise, they will be punished by the gods, and they will either be burned to death by flames or poisoned to death!"

The Israeli paleographer said in a deep voice, with an unusually dignified expression.


Everyone immediately exclaimed, and they were all taken aback.

Several camps of the three-party joint exploration team, as well as countless live broadcast terminals, also exclaimed again and again.

"Oh my god, it's such a vicious curse. I wonder if this curse will come true?"

"I knew that sooner or later I would encounter this kind of thing, but I just don't know, what choice will Steven and the others make? Should they exit this cave, or open this stone door to continue exploring?"

While exclaiming, people became even more excited.

This is called watching the excitement is not a big deal!

Ye Tian's family, who were far away in Beijing, couldn't help feeling a little worried when they saw this.

"Why is there such a thing in the treasures of the West? It sounds creepy, if you ask me, just pull it out!"

The sister-in-law said angrily.

Hearing this, the other family members nodded in agreement.

"That's right, the current discovery is already sensational enough, Xiaotian doesn't need to continue to take risks and explore, just leave the rest to Israel and the Vatican, it's better to get out as soon as possible."

on the live screen.

Ye Tian stepped forward again, and checked the stone gate and the curses engraved on it.

After checking the situation, he fell into deep thought.

After about half a minute, he raised his head.

Next, he stepped back a few meters, turned off the live broadcast microphone, and then picked up the walkie-talkie and asked in a low voice:

"Your Majesty the Pope, Mr. Prime Minister, I believe you have also seen these curses engraved on the stone gate. It is very clear that there is a holy place behind this stone gate, and trespassing is not allowed.

What should we do next? Should I open this stone gate and continue the exploration with the tripartite joint exploration team, or leave the follow-up exploration tasks to you to take the lead?

No matter what kind of plan, I can accept it, and this tripartite joint exploration operation has progressed here, I think I can retire with success, and it happens to avoid suspicion, so as not to cause trouble."

The pope and Israel's prime minister did not respond immediately, but fell silent.

Obviously, the two giants are discussing.

Moments later, the Israeli Prime Minister's voice came first.

"Steven, I think the next joint exploration operation is still inseparable from you, and you still need to lead it. The follow-up exploration operation is too important to make any mistakes!"

Before the words finished, the pope's voice came from the walkie-talkie.

"Steven, in terms of experience in exploring treasures, no one has more experience than you, and no one has your sharp eyesight and powerful strength, and you are God's favored darling.

You can't quit now, and there is no need to avoid suspicion. We trust you completely, and we need to use your good luck to draw the most perfect end to this joint exploration operation."

Hearing the response, Ye Tian paused for a moment before saying:

"Okay, His Majesty the Pope, Mr. Prime Minister, then I will continue to lead the team to explore. Before opening this stone door, I need to let other members of the joint exploration team go down to this cave."

"No problem, Steven, the next exploration operation is still led by you, and our people will obey the command"

The Israeli prime minister responded.

Afterwards, Ye Tian notified the members of the joint exploration team and experts and scholars staying on the top of the cliff to let them descend in batches, enter the cave, and prepare for the next step of exploration.

As soon as his words fell, the guys on the top of the cliff immediately cheered.

Immediately afterwards, those guys began to descend in batches and entered the cave one after another.

Ye Tian went to the stone gate and studied how to open the heavy stone gate.


Church of St. Mary in Axum.

At this time, outside this famous church, thousands of Orthodox monks and believers had gathered, and the entire church was surrounded by water.

Without exception, these Orthodox monks and believers gathered around the Church of St. Mary were very emotional, even extremely sad and indignant.

But in the crowd, there is a sense of panic, and it is spreading rapidly, affecting everyone here.

If you take a closer look, you will find that the eyes of those originally devout Orthodox monks and believers are no longer firm, full of confusion and helplessness.

It can be seen that a series of major discoveries made by the tripartite joint exploration team have gradually shaken their faith.

Of course, there are those whose faith has not wavered.

They always firmly believe that the most holy thing in Judaism and Christianity, the Ark of the Covenant, is in the Church of St. Mary on Mount Zion and has never been lost!

Hidden in the depths of the satellite cave of David to the west of Axum, it may be the legendary treasure of Solomon, but it cannot be the Ark of the Covenant!

Outside the church of Santa Maria, there was a lot of anger, but inside the church there was a dead silence.

At this time in the church, everyone was silent, staring at the live broadcast of the National Geographic Channel, eyes full of worry, even panic.

In a room deep in the church.

Several senior priests were also watching the live broadcast of the treasure hunt.

"What should we do now? We have to do something, right? This is too passive. If this continues, there is a high possibility of a big mess, and the consequences will be disastrous!"

An Orthodox priest said solemnly.

Hearing this, the rest of the people at the scene nodded.

The person in charge of St. Mary's Church looked at everyone present, pondered for a while, and then said in a deep voice:

"You have also seen the few stone murals just now. Menelik I did bring the Ark of the Covenant to Ethiopia and Axum. There is no doubt about it.

For us, this is a blessing in misfortune. We can use this to explain to the believers. As long as it is handled properly, I believe it will not cause too much impact.

We must pay close attention to the progress of this joint exploration operation, and see what those Yankees, Israelis, and the Vatican can find, and then we will deal with it! "

"Indeed, since the Ark of the Covenant has always been in Axum, it is not difficult for us to explain it to the believers, and we don't have to worry too much about people's faith being shaken!"

Another priest continued.

Hearing this analysis, the rest of the people relaxed a bit, and their expressions were not so ugly.

The same scene is happening simultaneously in the Ethiopian Presidential Palace and the highest leadership institution of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

A meeting room in the presidential palace.

The President of Ethiopia and a group of high-level government officials are watching the live broadcast of this much-anticipated treasure hunt.

Unlike audiences from other countries and regions, each of them frowned, their eyes were full of worry, and there was even a bit of fear in the depths of their eyes.

When a live broadcast ends and cuts to the studio screen.

The Ethiopian President then withdrew his gaze and said solemnly:

"It seems that we have to make some preparations to deal with a series of things that may happen next"

"That's right, Mr. President, if that bastard Steven leads a team to find the Ark of the Covenant, there is a high possibility that there will be riots in our country, and even bigger things will happen. We must prepare early!"

The prime minister continued, his teeth itching with hatred.

The objects of his hatred are naturally the tripartite joint exploration team, Israel and the United States, and the Vatican, as well as Ye Tian and his fearless exploration company.

The Ethiopian president nodded and began issuing orders.

"The police and the military must be vigilant, prepare for the possible outbreak of large-scale protests and demonstrations, or even riots, and pay attention to protecting important government departments and vital institutions.

Once a riot occurs, the situation must be brought under control as soon as possible, the riot must not be allowed to expand, and the use of force should not be used to suppress it as much as possible. The situation this time is different from any other time in the past.”

"Understood, Mr. President, we will prepare immediately"

The officers in charge of the military and police responded in unison.

"The news and propaganda department should step up publicity efforts. Regardless of whether the Ark of the Covenant is in the Church of Santa Maria, this holy relic has always been hidden in Axum. This can be used to make a fuss."

"That's right, Mr. President, if you start from this angle and conduct publicity reports, maybe you can turn a bad thing into a good thing."

The person who responded this time was the person in charge of the news propaganda department.

While the Ethiopian president was discussing countermeasures with many of his subordinates, some high-level figures of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church were also worryingly discussing how to deal with the current situation.

"Inform all local churches and let them do their best to appease the emotions of the believers. Regardless of the results of the tripartite joint exploration team's exploration, there is no doubt that the Ark of the Covenant is in Axum. This must be emphasized again and again."

A high-ranking Orthodox Church said in a deep voice.

"Understood, we will definitely be able to fight this propaganda war well and get through this crisis smoothly"

The rest of the Orthodox Church leaders nodded in response, but they were not very confident.

at the same time.

In the Vatican, in Jerusalem, and many other places and different churches.

Many religious people are busy and preparing for the upcoming important moment.

At that time, there will be countless wonderful dramas staged one after another.

Depths of David's satellite cave, explore the scene of the action.

It took nearly an hour for this joint exploration team composed of many exploration team members, experts and scholars, as well as representatives of various parties and media reporters to descend into David's satellite cave.

After everyone arrived and got used to the environment in the cave, Ye Tiancai decided to start the next step of exploration after talking about the relevant precautions.

At this time, those guys who entered later have all seen the stone gate deep in the cave one after another.

After everyone finished visiting, Ye Tian asked them to leave the cave temporarily and stand a little later for safety.

He himself came to the stone gate and said through the intercom:

"Gentlemen, next I will open this stone gate and start the next stage of exploration. After opening the stone gate, no matter what you see or discover, you must control your emotions.

It is especially important to note that everyone must take good care of themselves, and must not take any drastic actions, which will only harm others and themselves, and jeopardize this tripartite joint exploration operation,..."

As he spoke, he reached out and pressed a David's star pattern on the right edge of the stone door, and then pushed it hard.

Following his movements, the stone engraved with the pattern of the David's star suddenly sank into the stone gate.

Immediately afterwards, the stone gate, which had been covered in dust for more than two thousand years, was finally opened again.

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