Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3110 The legend becomes reality

Latest website: The rustling sounds in the darkness are getting louder and louder, and it seems that many things are coming towards this hall.

Listening to this movement, everyone felt a little numb and nervous.

But Ye Tian, ​​who was at the front, acted very calmly.

He successively took out several lighting sticks from the side of his mountaineering bag, folded them one by one, lit them, and threw them into the hall in front of him from different directions.

As these lighting sticks fell, there was suddenly some light in the hall shrouded in darkness, and something could be seen.

Perhaps it was because of this light that the things swarming toward the hall in the darkness seemed to suddenly stop and no longer move forward.

Immediately afterwards, those things retreated into the darkness, and the sounds they made quickly became smaller.

After a while, the hall became quiet again, and no one could hear anything.

However, the little white elf didn't come back. He disappeared without a trace and there was no message.

This sudden change surprised everyone.

"Steven, what are those things hidden in the darkness? Why did they suddenly disappear?"

"I'll go! What is hidden in the heart of the mountain? Why am I so frightened!"

Everyone was talking about it, feeling very curious and a little nervous.

Countless viewers in front of the live broadcast were also shocked by this sudden change, but they also became more excited.

"Let me tell you, there must be something more dangerous hidden in this dark world, as expected!"

"I don't know what made those sounds just now? But it must be dangerous, and there are quite a lot of them."

While there was a lot of discussion, people also let their imaginations run wild and speculate about anything.

Some people even thought of things in Western mythology, and others thought of things like scarabs in Egyptian mythology.

At this moment, Ye Tian's clear voice suddenly came out and reached everyone's ears.

"Gentlemen, the situation in this hall is unknown. For safety reasons, it is best for everyone to stay outside the stone gate and do not rush to enter this hall to avoid accidents.

In that case, if there is danger approaching and we cannot resist it, we can exit this stone gate and close it again, thereby blocking the danger in this hall."

"Understood, Steven, we can stay here for now, and you should be more careful."

Owen said outside the stone gate, and the other archaeologists nodded.

As for the rest of the joint exploration team. Of course I have no opinion.

Ye Tian nodded, and then said to his exploration team members:

"Send two small drones out to check the situation in this hall so that you have a good idea. Remember not to fly out of this hall. Let's do it step by step."

"Okay, Steven, leave it to us."

Nick and the others nodded and took action immediately.

A moment later, two small drones with searchlights and high-definition cameras hovered and flew into the hall from both sides of the gray hill inside the stone gate to start exploring.

At this time, the men responsible for testing the air and environment had also obtained the results.

"Steven, according to our testing, the arsenic and sulfur content in the air here have increased, but they are within the acceptable range, so don't worry too much.

The rocks on both sides of the cave walls also contain increased arsenic and sulfur elements, and these rocks are close to the hardness of basalt and were formed by volcanic eruptions.

As the dirty air here is pumped out in large quantities and replaced with fresh air from the outside, the toxin content in the air is rapidly decreasing and it is no longer so dangerous.”

A member of the team reported the test results.

After listening to the report, Ye Tian thought for a moment, then nodded and said:

"The environment here seems to be okay. Although it is a desperate place, it will not deter us from withdrawing from here and interrupting this exploration operation.

Since we are here and have made a series of shocking discoveries, there is no reason to withdraw now. It is not my style to retreat from the battlefield."

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

The Pope and the Israeli Prime Minister, who were staying at the camp of the tripartite joint exploration team, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed a little.

They were really afraid that Ye Tian would give up his choice now.

Besides him, who else dares to lead a team into such a deserted place to carry out exploration operations, and who has such strong strength and incredible luck as him!

After understanding the environment of the scene, Ye Tian asked his men to pull the wires into the stone door and arrange several strong lights on the right side of the corridor.

As these strong lights came on one after another, this section of the corridor was suddenly illuminated as if it were daytime, no longer different from the outside world.

As soon as the lights came on, Ye Tian quickly took a look at the environment in the corridor in case there were any undiscovered dangers.

Fortunately, this section of the corridor is very smooth!

No matter the ground, the walls on both sides, or the roof, there are no clusters of rocks, cracks, or small caves.

Apparently, this was the work of the Beta Israelites.

They cleaned up the place thoroughly and knocked out all the rocks protruding from the ground or cave walls.

Like many places I have visited before, this place is also covered with a thick layer of volcanic ash.

Underneath these volcanic ash, there must be a large number of ancient writings, murals, and other things.

There are two small niches on the cave walls on both sides, each holding a simple bronze candlestick.

On the ground, Ye Tian saw many small footprints, so densely packed that it made people's scalp numb just by looking at them.

However, there are no small animals here, or the small animals here have all gone to other places.

Apart from these, nothing else was discovered.

After quickly scanning the environment, Ye Tian said:

"Unlike those caves we have walked through before, there must be many poisonous small animals living here. Judging from the footprints they left, there should be a large number of scorpions.

I just don’t know what kind of poisonous scorpion this is, and how poisonous it is? After entering this hall later, everyone must pay attention to safety, especially pay attention to your feet! "

"Okay, Steven, we'll be careful."

Several archaeologists outside the stone gate nodded in response, and the others also nodded.

At the same time, everyone quickly looked around, especially at their feet.

Fortunately, no one found the scorpion or the footprints left by the scorpion.

The scorpions that live in this underground world seem to be all inside the stone gate, but there are none outside.

This made everyone very surprised and a little confused.

Could it be that those scorpions were the guardians of Solomon's Temple? Just stay at the stone gate and guard the temple?

After instructing everyone, Ye Tian took the IPAD from his staff and began to check the exploration footage sent back by the small drone.

As he expected, this was an ancient and magnificent temple-like building.

In other words, this is a Solomon's Temple, but it is not as tall and majestic as the legendary Solomon's Temple on the Temple Mount.

Walking around the gray hill inside the stone gate, you can see two thick stone pillars, one on the left and one on the right.

But they are only decorations, not pillars supporting the hall.

The reason is simple. The upper part of the stone pillar on the left has fallen down and lies on the ground. Most of the remaining stone pillars are still standing.

The stone pillar on the right is intact, and the top of the stone pillar does not seem to be touching the cave roof above.

However, this hall is intact, which is enough to explain the problem.

This hall was transformed using the terrain inside the mountain. It is part of the cave and does not need support at all.

Like other things discovered before, these two stone pillars were also covered with volcanic ash, making it impossible to see their true appearance.

The ancient characters and various patterns and decorations engraved on these two stone pillars are temporarily unclear.

Even so, the discovery of these two stone pillars still caused a commotion.

"There is no doubt that this is a replica of Solomon's Temple. Legend has it that there are two huge stone pillars in Solomon's Temple, supporting the temple. There are also two stone pillars here. It is no coincidence!"

"This joint exploration operation is really more and more interesting. I don't know what else will be discovered behind these two stone pillars. It's so exciting!"

Before people could finish speaking, two angel statues appeared on the video screen.

The two angel statues are the same size and about one meter high. They are placed inside the main hall. Each stands on a stone platform. It is covered with dust and the real situation cannot be seen clearly.

Not surprisingly, the discovery of these two angel statues once again caused a stir.

There is no other reason. Legend has it that in Solomon's Temple, there were also two angel statues placed inside the temple.

It's just that the two angel statues are taller and more exquisite.

At this point in the exploration, everyone is extremely convinced.

This temple hidden deep in the mountain is a replica of the legendary Solomon's Temple, or it should be said to be the Temple of Solomon of the Beta Israelites.

As this was confirmed, the sensational effect caused by this tripartite joint exploration operation immediately multiplied, and soon attracted more attention.

You know, Solomon's Temple not only belongs to Israel and Judaism, it is also a very important holy place in Christianity.

Many people who originally paid little attention to this exploration operation, after hearing that the legendary Solomon's Temple was discovered, turned on their TVs or mobile phones and began to watch the live broadcast of this exploration.

Deep in the heart of the mountain, exploration continues.

After the two angel statues, two small drones discovered several more statues, as well as other items, such as stone platforms used to place items.

There are many things piled up in different places in the hall, just like the gray hills inside the stone gate, piled up into hills.

Unfortunately, these things are covered in volcanic ash, making it difficult to see the real situation.

Everything else in the hall was the same, covered in volcanic ash and looking gray and black.

In addition, the searchlight carried by the small drone has limited light intensity and limited coverage, so the pictures captured are not very shocking.

But Ye Tian clearly knew that if it weren't for the thick volcanic ash, the situation in this hall would be so shocking, it would definitely drive countless people crazy!

As the footage captured by two small drones was broadcast live one after another, the entire outside world was completely stirred up.

At this moment, Ye Tian suddenly said:

“Jimmy, in order to maintain the suspense of the live broadcast and for the sake of confidentiality and safety, the next footage captured by these two small drones will not be broadcast live for the time being. It will be broadcast later!

These two small drones will not fly out of this hall to explore outside, so please understand and be patient and continue to wait, the next content will be more exciting! "


Jimmy exclaimed and couldn't help being stunned.

Immediately afterwards, this guy said helplessly:

"Okay, Steven, you are in charge here. You can do whatever you want. We can only cooperate fully, but I can imagine that you will definitely be scolded to death!"

"Hahaha, I can also think of this, but it doesn't matter. There are not many people in the world who scold me. It can be said that there are a lot of people. What's wrong with a few more?"

Ye Tian looked at the joke and said.

As soon as he finished speaking, he cut off the video footage shot by two small drones.

Following this action, the live broadcast screen changed to the scene outside the stone gate.

The people who were watching the live broadcast were all stunned for a moment, with astonishment on their faces.

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of angry cursing in front of all live broadcast terminals.

"Damn bastard! It's so abominable that he actually cut off the live broadcast of the small drone at this time. If he were in front of me, I would beat him to pieces!"

"Fake U! Steven, you disgusting bastard, wait until I send you the blade!"

While cursing loudly, everyone was guessing.

Did that bastard Steven discover the Holy of Holies and the Ark of the Covenant, and was afraid of causing huge controversy and commotion, and was afraid of setting himself on fire, so he cut off the live broadcast footage of the small drone?

Thinking of this, people were immediately anxious and scratching their heads!

However, they could only endure it and could do nothing!

Deep in the cave.

Jimmy quickly told Ye Tian about the reaction from the outside world.

"Steven, because of your action, the outside world has been completely agitated. Almost everyone is scolding you. The discussion area of ​​this Discovery Live broadcast was instantly flooded.

The director just told me that many viewers called the TV station to complain, and the hotline was immediately overwhelmed. That's you, but I wouldn't dare to do such a thing even if I were to die! "


Everyone at the scene laughed and the atmosphere relaxed.

Ye Tian smiled softly and then said:

"I expected this situation. I know what people want to see. Everyone wants to see more shocking pictures and more important discoveries, so I will give you some more exciting content."

As he spoke, he suddenly bent down and picked up something covered with a thick layer of volcanic ash from the ground.

When he picked up the thing, everyone realized that it seemed to be a wine glass.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian took out a towel and gently wiped off the volcanic ash on the item.

Following his movements, the scene immediately flashed with bright golden light.

What appeared in front of everyone was a dazzling gold wine glass with a simple and elegant shape. It was engraved with exquisite patterns and seemed to have several words and patterns.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

Countless viewers in front of the live broadcast were also stunned. They stopped cursing.

"Gentlemen, dear audience friends, what you are seeing now is a golden goblet from Solomon's treasure. Or should I say, this golden goblet is part of Solomon's treasure.

The reason why I say this is because this gold wine cup is engraved with patterns and patterns rich in Jewish culture, as well as several ancient Hebrew characters, and there is also a Star of David on the bottom of the cup! "

Ye Tian said loudly with a smile.

While saying this, he also turned over this exquisite gold wine cup and displayed it in front of everyone.

Following his words and his series of actions, the scene and countless live broadcasts instantly exploded.

Although people had long expected that the legendary Solomon's Treasure was about to appear and fall into Ye Tian's hands, seeing it with one's own eyes was another matter.

"Oh my God! It's incredible that Steven, a very lucky guy, actually found the legendary Solomon's Treasure!"

"This gold wine cup is so exquisite. It is definitely a priceless top-grade antique artifact. Is the gray hill next to Steven the treasure of Solomon?

Just now I seemed to see that there are several hills like this in the main hall. It would be crazy if they were all Solomon's treasures. This is definitely a shocking wealth! "

Everyone was exclaiming, including the joint exploration team members and archaeologists standing outside the stone gate.

They were so ecstatic that they even forgot Ye Tian's previous instructions and wanted to rush into this stone door and dig out the Solomon's treasure that was so close at hand!

Who would be willing to miss such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

Ye Tian made a gesture in time to stop them, and then said with a smile:

"Guys, please calm down. Solomon's treasure is here, and it won't have wings to fly. After making sure it's safe, everyone has plenty of time to slowly appreciate, clean, and identify it.

In this pile of treasures covered by volcanic ash, no one knows whether there is any danger hidden, so we must be careful. Only after the situation is ascertained can we launch a cleanup operation."

Upon hearing this, the joint exploration team members and archaeologists gathered outside the stone gate suddenly woke up and calmed down a bit.

Everyone stopped and did not rush in.

At this moment, Ye Tian suddenly put down the golden wine glass in his hand, picked up another item from the ground, and gently wiped away the volcanic ash attached to it.

Following his movements, a small golden lampstand immediately appeared in front of everyone.

"Wow, this baby is so beautiful!"

“It’s hard to believe that something from three thousand years ago can be perfectly preserved to this day. It’s simply a miracle!”

The scene was filled with exclamations again.

The same goes for countless live broadcasters, all of whom were amazed by this golden lampstand.

At this moment, Ye Tian's voice came out again.

"This is also a priceless top-grade antique cultural relic. It is engraved with some exquisite decorations and patterns, but there are no words. At the bottom, there is also a Star of David pattern engraved on it."

As he spoke, he turned the golden lampstand over and showed the base of the lampstand in front of everyone.

Everyone could clearly see that the pattern of the Star of David engraved on the base of the lampstand was radiating brightly under the light, making everyone dizzy.

At this moment, Jimmy suddenly asked curiously:

"Is this gray hill next to you made of gold? Or is it all gold? If that's the case, it would be really amazing!"

Ye Tian looked at this guy, and then said jokingly:

"I certainly hope so. According to legend, the subject countries must pay tribute to King Solomon of at least one ton of gold every year. For this alone, King Solomon owned at least forty tons of gold.

And this is only a small part of King Solomon's wealth. I very much hope that King Solomon's gold is hidden here. In that case, all the gold will belong to me! "

Before he finished speaking, Jimmy was already amazed.

"Wow! You really are just like the legend, with an astonishing appetite!"

Jimmy's statement was very tactful and polite.

People who are watching this exploration live broadcast are not so polite.

"Fake! This bastard Steven is so greedy!"

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