Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3111 The Old Testament and the Golden Angel Carved in Stone

Latest website: After the golden lampstand, Ye Tian picked up a gold plate from the ground and gently wiped off the volcanic ash attached to it.

This gold plate is also engraved with exquisite decorations and patterns, as well as two ancient Hebrew characters.

On the bottom of the gold plate, there is a pattern of the Star of David engraved.

While showing the golden plate, Ye Tian also made an introduction.

"Judging from the shape of this gold plate, the patterns and patterns engraved on it, as well as the characters and other characteristics, it is obvious that this is an antique cultural relic full of ancient Israeli culture.

It should have been made around 3,000 BC and has a very long history. It is certain that it is part of Solomon's treasure. It is a very precious antique artifact with great research value.

In many legends, it is said that Solomon's treasure is filled with glass fragments and has little value. Judging from the current situation, these legends are not credible. The value of Solomon's treasure is very amazing."

Listening to this introduction, all the tripartite joint exploration team members, experts and scholars were very excited.

Everyone's hard work during this period has not been in vain, and the dangers you have experienced have also been rewarded, and it is the most generous reward. Can you not be excited about it!

The same goes for the countless viewers in front of the live broadcast. Instead of being excited, they are almost crazy with envy.

"I seem to have heard that regardless of whether the Ark of the Covenant is found this time, the gold, silver, treasures and antiques in Solomon's treasure will belong to that guy Steven. Is this true?"

"That seems to be the case, but I don't believe it to my death that Israel, the Vatican, and the US government will let that guy Steven monopolize Solomon's treasure!"

Just like what many people guessed.

How could Israel and the Vatican, as well as the United States and Ethiopia, be willing to miss out on such a staggering wealth.

Without exception, the relevant people's eyes were red at this time, staring closely at the gold plate in Ye Tian's hand and at the Solomon's treasure covered in volcanic ash.

The three-party joint exploration team camped on the opposite side of the canyon.

While watching the live broadcast, the Pope and the Israeli Prime Minister were also discussing in a low voice how to deal with the gold and silver treasures and antique artifacts in Solomon's treasure.

"Mr. Prime Minister, many things in Solomon's treasure are very important and have special significance. We have to think of a more appropriate and reasonable way to deal with them!"

The Pope whispered.

Upon hearing this, the Israeli Prime Minister immediately nodded.

"Yes, we need to discuss with this guy Steven later on how to deal with the gold, silver, treasures and antiques in Solomon's treasure.

Fortunately, we had a great time working with Steven, and he does not collect religious-related antiques. For us, this is a good thing.

As long as he is willing to sell the things in Solomon's treasure, it will be easy to handle. You can sit down and talk about other things slowly, and it is not difficult to reach an agreement! "

In the Tigray state government, in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, and in many other places in Ethiopia, many people were glued to the live broadcast.

"Solomon's Treasure is so amazing. We must not let that guy Steven and the Israelis sweep this treasure away. This is Ethiopia, and we have a share of Solomon's Treasure!"

At the same time, far across the ocean, the White House in Washington.

The President of the United States, a group of aides, and many high-level government officials also stared at Solomon's treasure with blood-red eyes. Everyone's eyes were full of greed.

"Notify the Marine Corps stationed at the Saudi base and the warships cruising in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean to be ready to attack at any time and ensure that the interests of the Brave and Intrepid Exploration Company are not violated.

These gold and silver treasures and antiques in Solomon's treasure must be brought to the United States, at least most of them. Not only are these things valuable, but they also have special significance and cannot be left behind! "

The President of the United States said solemnly.

The greed revealed in his words cannot be concealed at all.

"Yes, these things in Solomon's treasure must be brought to New York and the United States, but Israel and the Vatican are not easy to deal with!"

The Secretary of State nodded in response.

"There is nothing difficult to deal with. They have signed a joint exploration agreement with Steven and his company. They must abide by the contract. There is no doubt about this!"

Another guy continued, and the others nodded.

Soon, several orders came from the White House.

Immediately afterwards, the US military stationed around Ethiopia responded one after another.

It also includes the U.S. Embassy in Ethiopia, intelligence agents operating in Africa, and others.

In addition to the above parties, some major Western countries have also taken action.

They all covet the contents of Solomon's treasure and want a piece of the pie, even a sip of the soup!

While the outside world is turbulent, Ye Tian is still focused on exploring Solomon's treasure!

In the main hall.

After showing the exquisite gold plate, Ye Tian placed it on the ground.

Next, he did not continue to clean up the gold and silver treasures covered by volcanic ash around him, but quickly checked the situation at the scene.

Of course, he was just acting.

He already knew the situation in this hall.

Perhaps it was because this was Solomon's Temple, a sacred place not suitable for killing.

On both sides of the gray hill beside him, apart from the dense scorpion footprints, there were no deadly traps.

The scorpions that lived in this dark world, for unknown reasons, disappeared at this time.

The unknown creatures that had flocked to the hall before did not appear again.

There was only a thick layer of volcanic ash on the ground, covering everything and nothing else.

After ensuring that the main hall was basically safe, Ye Tianfang returned to Shimen.

The joint exploration team members, many experts and scholars, and the live broadcast team staying outside the stone gate have been waiting for a long time!

Seeing Ye Tian coming, those guys immediately asked impatiently:

"Steven, when can we enter the hall to explore? We can't be allowed to stay outside the stone door, right?"

"Yes, one of the most important treasures in the Western world, Solomon's Treasure, is right in front of everyone, so close, but we can't touch it. This is too painful!"

Ye Tian looked at these guys, then smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, I have not found any traps in this hall for the time being. It is relatively safe. In other words, everyone can now enter this stone door and enter Solomon's Temple to explore.

After entering the hall, everyone should be more careful, especially under the feet and above the head. Do not take off protective equipment, and do not touch anything at will. If danger occurs, sound a warning immediately.

There should be a lot of scorpions here, but for some reason, those scorpions are not here. If a large group of scorpions swarm out, all everyone has to do is run back here as soon as possible."

Before he finished speaking, these guys started cheering.

"It's great, everyone can finally explore this palace and explore Solomon's treasures!"

"Wow! What a perfect day that will go down in history forever!"

Before the cheers could end, these guys were already swarming in and rushing into the stone door.

When walking past Ye Tian, ​​Owen said excitedly:

"Understood, Steven, we will be careful. After all, no one wants to die here."

Hearing this, the others nodded.

"Guys, I stress again, safety is the most important thing, I don't want to carry anyone's body out of here!"

Ye Tian gave a few loud instructions, and then followed everyone into the hall again.

At this time, the light in the hall was still relatively dim, and there were not many places that could be seen.

Even so, those guys who just entered the hall were shocked by the situation here.

Ye Tianze smiled, then asked several of his men to pull the wires into the hall, and placed several strong lighting lamps in the corners of the hall.

As these strong lights were turned on one after another, the hall, which had been shrouded in darkness for more than two thousand years, finally ushered in the light.

As everyone expected, this is a replica of Solomon's Temple, but it is much smaller than the legendary Solomon's Temple.

Because it was built deep inside the mountain and limited by the terrain, the temple only had two floors instead of three.

Moreover, the second floor of this temple is only symbolic, with only a small altar on it.

There are several things placed on the altar, all of which are religious sacrificial items.

There is no entrance hall, standing hall or sanctuary here. When you enter from the main entrance, there is only a magnificent hall.

In this main hall, everyone did not see the most important Holy of Holies, which was dedicated to the worship of the Ark of the Covenant.

In other words, the Ark of the Covenant is not in this Solomon’s Temple.

As for where the Ark of the Covenant is hidden, or whether it is in the heart of the mountain, it is currently unknown and can only be explored further.

A thick layer of volcanic ash fell on all parts of the hall, covering everything here, making it difficult to see clearly.

And on the surface of these volcanic ash, there are densely distributed footprints of countless small animals, which makes people's scalp numb just looking at them.

The two stone pillars and angel statues previously photographed by the small drone stand on the left and right sides of the hall respectively, making them the most eye-catching presence.

Seeing everything in front of them, everyone was shocked and stunned.

"Oh my God! This is indeed a Solomon's Temple. It's incredible!"

"Who would have thought that Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem had disappeared for two to three thousand years, but deep in the cliffs of Axum, there is still a Solomon's Temple!"

There was an exclamation of exclamation at the scene, and everyone was very excited.

The same happened in front of countless live broadcasts, and the exclamations came one after another.

Almost all Jewish communities and families in Israel and around the world are completely boiling at this time.

From now on, this place has become a holy place in the hearts of all Jews, and its status may not be much worse than the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, or even higher!

At this moment, Ye Tian's clear voice came out again.

"Gentlemen, now is not the time to lament. While it is still safe here, let's start exploring quickly and see what we can find. We may get more surprises!"

With these words, everyone immediately woke up.

"Yeah, we can't stand here and sigh. I really want to see how many secrets and miracles are hidden under those gray-black volcanic ash!"

With that said, many joint exploration team members and experts and scholars immediately took action and began to explore this ancient hall.

Everyone was divided into exploration groups according to the groups Ye Tian had divided before. They went to different places and started exploring with great expectations.

In a matter of moments, everyone discovered something.

"Steven, come and take a look. This wall is covered with a lot of gold foil, and is also engraved with several cherubim patterns, as well as palm trees and first-blooming flowers. It is in the same decorative style as the inner hall of the legendary Solomon's Temple. Same"

Owen said excitedly.

The exploration team he led aimed to explore the innermost wall of the hall. Above the wall was the second floor of the hall, where an altar was placed.

Upon hearing the call, Ye Tian immediately walked over there.

Jimmy, who had been following Ye Tian's actions, also followed with the photographer.

When they came closer, everyone looked at the wall that had just been cleared.

It can be clearly seen that there is still a lot of gold foil left on this wall, which immediately emits a bright light when the light shines on it.

But what really caught everyone's attention were the murals carved on the walls.

As Owen said, among these stone murals are several cherubim with six wings, tall palm trees, and first-blooming flowers.

In ancient Israeli culture, these things have special meanings and are somewhat sacred.

But unlike similar patterns found in Jerusalem and surrounding areas, the appearance of the cherubim carved on this stone wall has some African characteristics, rather than traditional Israeli or white people.

Compared with the cherubim patterns found in Jerusalem and nearby areas, the lines of these cherubim patterns are more unrestrained, and the expressions and movements are more exaggerated.

Obviously, this is a cherub created by the Beta Israelites based on their own national image, and is deeply influenced by African culture.

The discovery of these murals immediately caused a commotion.

Everyone came closer to admire these murals and discuss and study them.

While admiring these stone carvings and murals, Ye Tian was also introducing them to countless TV viewers.

"The cherubim in the mural, also known as Cherubim, are a kind of supernatural object that are mentioned repeatedly in the Old and New Testaments. In the Old Testament, they are described as having wings and obeying God. things.

In Christianity, the six-winged angels and seraphs are considered to be one of the highest levels of angels. Cherubim means the same thing as angels. These cherubim come from Judaism..."

Next, Ye Tian briefly introduced these stone murals.

When it came to more sensitive religious topics, he would push Owen to the front and let this guy introduce it.

While they were talking, several exploration team members and archaeologists who were cleaning the two stone pillars had also made discoveries.

They carefully wiped off the volcanic ash on the stone pillar, then looked at the surface of the stone pillar, and then froze in place.

After a while, they finally woke up.

"Steven, the stone pillar on the right side of the hall is covered with a lot of gold foil, and is also engraved with many ancient texts, exquisite decorations and patterns, as well as murals derived from stories in the Old Testament.

Those variants of ancient Hebrew cannot be translated for the time being, and the decorations and patterns are difficult to decipher, but these murals can be identified. The story of the Garden of Eden is engraved on the surface of this stone pillar."

said an Israeli archaeologist excitedly.

Before he finished speaking, the Harvard archaeologist who was exploring another stone pillar continued:

"The situation is the same here. In addition to a large number of variations of ancient Hebrew and various patterns and decorations, there are also frescoes with stories from the Old Testament. The half of the stone pillar that fell to the ground is engraved with "Noah's Ark."

Upon hearing the report, Ye Tian immediately led Jimmy and the others towards the two stone pillars.

In the blink of an eye, they were already close and began to examine these new discoveries with great interest.

At the same time, several murals, as well as some exquisite decorations and patterns engraved on the two stone pillars also appeared on the live broadcast screen one after another, causing a sensation again.

"Oh my god! These are two stone pillars. They are simply an Old Testament carved in stone! They are so precious, absolutely priceless treasures!"

"It is completely conceivable that if all the volcanic ash on the surfaces of these two stone pillars were cleaned up and they were erected, what a spectacular picture it would be!"

While people were marveling at these two stone pillars, several other groups exploring the hall each made surprising discoveries.

Two of the exploration teams wiped off the volcanic ash on the two angel statues and cleaned them up.

It was only then that everyone discovered that the two angel statues were exactly the same in shape and size. They stood on both sides of the hall, echoing each other, and there was a kind of symmetrical beauty.

Moreover, the surface of these two angel statues were covered with a layer of gold. Under the illumination of the light, they radiated an extremely bright light, making the entire hall look magnificent.

The appearance of these two golden angel statues directly shocked everyone.

Both the joint exploration team members who are on site and the people in the outside world who are watching this exploration live broadcast feel dazzled!

"Oh my God! These are two golden angel statues, they are so dazzling!"

"It's unbelievable. Where did the Beta Israelites get so much gold? Did they really smuggle all of King Solomon's gold to Axum? Or did they have a gold mine of their own?"

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