Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3112 Poisonous insects everywhere

Latest website: The two golden angel statues set off the splendor of the entire Solomon Temple, and also reflected people's eyes in gold.

Both the joint exploration team members and experts and scholars at the scene, as well as the countless TV viewers in front of the live broadcast, were all stunned.

Many of them had crazy colors flashing in their eyes.

Fortunately they were not at the scene, otherwise they would have pounced on us!

At this moment, Ye Tian's clear voice came again.

"Gentlemen, these two angel statues are not carved from gold, but are wrapped with a layer of gold outside the statues. Even so, the amount of gold consumed is astonishing.

According to legend, in Solomon's Temple, there were two identical golden angel statues, standing on both sides of the temple. They were exactly the same size, and both were covered with a large amount of gold.

Moreover, the wings of the two angel statues are spread out, each five cubits long. The wings of the two angels are connected with each other in the middle of the temple. The exquisite angels make the temple solemn and solemn.

It can be seen from this that the two golden angel statues in front of you are much smaller, probably less than one-third of the original ones, but they are still two priceless top antique cultural relics."

Ye Tian stood under a golden angel statue and explained to the camera.

Following his introduction, everyone suddenly woke up.

Immediately afterwards, there was another exclamation at the scene and in front of the live broadcast.

After admiring the two golden angel statues for a while, everyone dispersed and continued exploring.

In this Solomon's Temple, there must be many miracles waiting for everyone to discover.

Next, many members of the tripartite joint exploration team, experts and scholars began to work separately.

They walked to the area or target they were exploring and carefully wiped away the volcanic ash.

As they moved, surprises appeared one after another, in front of everyone's eyes, and on the live broadcast screen.

On the two stone pillars, on the base of the two golden angel statues, on the surrounding walls and floors.

We discovered many ancient texts, exquisite patterns and decorations, as well as many murals derived from Old Testament stories, as well as some murals about the United Kingdom of Israel.

Among these discoveries, the most shocking are the three murals about the three kings of Israel.

These three murals are "Saul Establishes the United Kingdom of Israel", "David Makes Jerusalem the Capital", and "Solomon Builds the Temple".

"Saul Establishes the United Kingdom of Israel" is engraved on the wall on the left side of the hall, occupying the most eye-catching position on that wall.

"David established his capital in Jerusalem" is engraved on the wall on the right side of the hall, also in the center.

The mural "Solomon Building the Temple" is engraved on the inner wall opposite the entrance of the hall, and is the most eye-catching position in the entire hall.

In the mural "Solomon Building the Temple", you can also see the scene of the Ark of the Covenant being enshrined in the temple.

The discovery of the mural of the Three Kings of Israel shocked everyone present and also made countless viewers in front of the live broadcast exclaim.

In particular, the reappearance of the Ark of the Covenant in the murals directly proves that the Ark of the Covenant was indeed enshrined in Solomon's Temple and was not just an ancient legend.

So where did the Ark of the Covenant go? Obviously it is most likely to be hidden in Solomon’s treasure!

Just like the legend, most of the places we cleaned up were covered with gold foil or wrapped in gold, which looked extremely dazzling under the light.

In addition to these, we also found several other sculptures.

Many of them are sculptures of early Jewish religious figures, such as the Israeli prophets and so on.

There are also various animal sculptures, including statues of lions, cows and sheep, etc.

Some of these sculptures are made of bronze, gilded copper, or entirely made of gold. Each one is a priceless antique cultural relic.

In addition, some other antique artifacts were also discovered.

For example, there are stone tablets engraved with ancient Hebrew characters, fire tripods with simple shapes, etc.

In particular, one dilapidated stone tablet made several Israeli historians and archaeologists at the scene almost crazy with excitement.

There is no other reason for this, because the only dozens of ancient Hebrew characters on that stone tablet happened to record King Solomon’s order to build the walls of Jerusalem.

The discovery of this stone tablet undoubtedly confirmed some legends related to it.

Not surprisingly, this stone tablet once again caused quite a stir.

At the same time, the Israelites once again harvested a very important sacred object.

In the blink of an eye, more than an hour has passed.

Everyone has roughly explored Solomon's Temple, which is located in the heart of the mountain, and has gained a lot.

But this is just a preliminary exploration, and there is no time or time to conduct in-depth exploration, research, and identification.

Due to time and environmental constraints, these tasks can only be carried out slowly in the future.

Most of the areas in the hall have been explored, except for the four small hills covered with volcanic ash that have not yet been explored.

Everyone now knows that those four ash-covered hills are the most important and valuable part of Solomon's treasure.

If the volcanic ash on those four hills is cleared, the large amount of gold, silver, treasures and antiques hidden underneath will surely shock the whole world.

Everyone at the scene looked at Ye Tian, ​​as did countless viewers on the live broadcast.

Everyone's eyes were extremely hot, full of envy, even jealousy.

At this time, everyone wished they could take his place and take Solomon's treasure as their own.

"Steven, can we clear these four hills? Everyone wants to know what a huge treasure this is!"

"Yes, Steven, these four hills covered with volcanic ash will definitely bring you bigger surprises!"

Several archaeologists said expectantly, and others nodded.

Ye Tian looked at these guys, then smiled and shook his head and said:

"It's not that I don't want to meet everyone's requirements, but time doesn't allow us to stay here for too long. If we stay here for another hour at most, we have to withdraw and rest.

Otherwise, I'm worried that some people's bodies won't be able to withstand it and their spirits will be very exhausted. Coupled with the extremely harsh environment here, accidents will easily happen.

As I said just now, I don’t want to see anyone die here, so the action of cleaning up these four hills can only be done the next time I enter here.

We have more important things now, which is to continue to explore and see if the Ark of the Covenant is hidden in this dark world. This possibility is very high."

Following his words, the scene suddenly became quiet.

After a moment, everyone nodded without raising any objection.

Everyone here understands that finding the most holy object, the Ark of the Covenant, is more important than the legendary Solomon's treasure.

You must know that the Ark of the Covenant is the most important target of this tripartite joint exploration operation.

At the same time, everyone knew their own situation, was exhausted, and was not as energetic as before.

The environment here is so harsh and the terrain is so complex that there is no room for relaxation.

In this case, it is really necessary to pull the entire team out for a good rest, otherwise problems can easily arise.

The Pope and the Israeli Prime Minister, who were staying at the joint exploration team's camp across the canyon, also nodded, obviously agreeing with Ye Tian's approach.

As for the countless viewers in front of the live broadcast, although they have different ideas, they will not affect the three-party joint exploration team.

At this time, the Ethiopians had a different reaction.

After hearing Ye Tian's explanation, the expressions of all Ethiopians who believed in Orthodox Christianity changed drastically, and they were even frightened.

Each of them couldn't stop thinking!

If the most holy object, the Ark of the Covenant, is really hidden in this dark world, what about the Ark of the Covenant enshrined in the Church of St. Mary of Zion in Axum?

Could it be that the Ark of the Covenant, which Ethiopians have firmly believed in and worshiped for the past one or two thousand years, is nothing more than a fake?

Thinking of this, many Ethiopian Orthodox monks and believers feel confused and even lose their bearings.

The top figures in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church are terrified but don't know what to do.

The development of things has completely exceeded their imagination and beyond their control.

With their abilities, there is simply no way to stop the actions of the three-party joint exploration team.

Not only them, but also the Ethiopian government, the Tigray state government, and the TPLF can no longer prevent this tripartite joint exploration operation from continuing!

Not only Israel and the Vatican, but also the US government and even all Western countries will probably not allow this tripartite joint exploration operation to be interrupted!

In Solomon's Temple.

Ye Tian glanced at everyone present, and then said loudly:

"Gentlemen, next I will lead you out of Solomon's Temple to see what's going on outside the temple. Before going out, there are some things I want to emphasize.

First of all, you must obey my command and never act without authorization. If you encounter any danger and we cannot solve it, we will immediately retreat to Solomon's Temple.

We cannot rule out the possibility that we will not only retreat to the temple, but also withdraw from the stone gate, and even temporarily withdraw from this dark world for safety."

After hearing this, everyone's expressions suddenly became serious.

"Understood, Steven, everyone will be careful."

Several archaeologists said in unison, and the others nodded.

"I hope so, and I hope everyone can leave here alive."

Ye Tian nodded and said.

Next, he said some precautions and repeatedly emphasized that safety is the most important thing.

After warning everyone, he turned around and came to the door of the hall and began to check the condition of the door.

These are two stone doors about two meters high, and they fit tightly together to seal the Solomon's Temple hidden in the heart of the mountain.

Above the entrance to the main hall, there are two windows in the shape of stars of David.

Looking out through the window, it was dark outside.

Coming closer, Ye Tian carefully checked the ground near the door and the walls on both sides.

Like other places inside the hall, there are no traps here and it seems relatively safe.

After confirming this, Ye Tian immediately called two of his employees over and asked them to wipe off all the volcanic ash on the door.

After a while, the volcanic ash on the door was wiped away, revealing the content covered underneath.

On these two heavy doors, portraits of two emperors are engraved.

Engraved on the stone door on the left is the portrait of King Solomon.

King Solomon in this mural is sitting on a throne wearing a pediment-shaped crown, looking at the palace.

The direction he was looking at was the mural on the inner wall of the hall, "Solomon Building the Temple", and the two echoed each other.

But what is carved on the stone door on the right is a queen.

The queen also wears a crown and veil, sitting on the throne.

In addition to the portraits of the two emperors, the two stone doors are also engraved with many exquisite decorations and patterns, as well as some ancient Hebrew characters.

Looking at these pictures on the two stone doors, everyone was instantly stunned.

Immediately afterwards, the historians and archaeologists swarmed in front of the door.

Their eyes widened one by one as they looked at the contents carved on the two stone doors. Everyone's eyes were filled with disbelief.

Countless people in front of the live broadcast were also shocked by the content on Shimen.

Among the two portraits of emperors, people pay more attention to the portrait of the queen because this is the first time it has been discovered. Don’t teach,

"Oh my God! This is a portrait of the Queen of Sheba. How come she appears here? Does this adequately illustrate the relationship between her and King Solomon?"

"It seems that the legend about the Queen of Sheba is not groundless. She did have an affair with King Solomon. It seems that Menelik I is indeed her and Solomon's son!"

Several archaeologists and historians standing in front of the stone gate were discussing excitedly while studying the contents on the stone gate.

The only pity is that these variations of ancient Hebrew written on the stone gate are very difficult to understand, and it is difficult to accurately translate them at a time.

The content they record may be an explanation of the relationship between King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, but it can only be left to be studied slowly in the future.

After letting everyone admire it for a while, Ye Tian finally said:

"Gentlemen, please control your emotions. These two stone doors are always here. When you have time later, you can study and discuss them carefully.

Now please step back. I am going to open the door of Solomon's Temple and see what is outside the door. It may be a huge surprise! "

Following his words, the archaeologists and historians immediately woke up.

Immediately afterwards, they retreated to both sides and looked at Ye Tian expectantly.

The rest of the people were the same, staring closely at him and the two heavy stone doors.

Ye Tian came to the inside of the stone gate again and pretended to observe it carefully.

Then, he held up the heavy police shield in front of him with his left hand, then stretched out his right hand, reached into a groove on the stone door on the right, and then used force to slowly pull the heavy stone door open.

As before, his movements were very cautious.

Every time he opened the stone door by five or six centimeters, he would pause for a moment for safety.

Only when he was sure there was no danger would he continue to use his strength to pull the stone door inwards.

Fortunately, no accident occurred!

After a moment, like a heavy stone door, it was opened by him.

The situation outside the main hall also appeared in front of everyone.

Through the light projected from the main hall, it can be clearly seen that outside the door is a platform about five or six meters wide, which is also covered with volcanic ash.

At the edge of the platform outside, there seemed to be a staircase that extended downward into the endless darkness.

How many steps are there at the edge of the platform? How deep is it? Where does it lead? We still don’t know, we can only continue to explore!

Above the platform outside is the rugged roof of the cave, which is about four or five meters high. It extends lower and lower as it goes further, and finally turns into a cave.

Seeing this, everyone immediately understood.

The place where Solomon's Temple is located is a larger cave in the heart of the mountain. The terrain is relatively flat, the ceiling is relatively high, and it is connected to the two caves in front and back.

One end leads to the cliff behind, and the other end leads deeper into the mountain.

Sometime over 2,000 years ago, the Beta Israelites somehow discovered this place and took advantage of it, building a Temple of Solomon here.

Seeing this, everyone was amazed.

"It's hard to imagine how the Beta Israelites accomplished these tasks in ancient times more than two thousand years ago? This is truly a great project!"

"What's even more incredible is that they managed to hide it from everyone. No one knew that there was a miracle hidden in this dark world."

Just as everyone was marveling, Ye Tian had opened the stone door on the left.

The moment he opened the stone door completely, he suddenly shouted:

"Everyone, be careful. Everyone, stay back and don't get close to the stone gate."

While issuing the warning, he quickly drew out the jungle machete hanging on the outside of his thigh, and swung it horizontally with the back of the blade like lightning.

"Pa bang..."

Along with a series of crisp sounds, it seemed as if some small objects were blown away by him and flew directly out of the stone door.

The next moment, he suddenly took two steps back and looked warily at the platform outside the stone gate.

As for the other people near the entrance of the hall, as soon as they received the warning, they immediately retreated like a tide.

After retreating four or five steps, everyone stopped.

After standing still, Jimmy immediately asked curiously:

"Steven, what did you find? What was that thing that you shot out just now?"

Before Ye Tian could respond, an archaeologist standing in front suddenly pointed outside the hall and shouted in horror:

"Look, everyone, there are a lot of scorpions out there, and there seem to be a lot of venomous snakes!"

Following this shout, everyone looked outside the hall.

The next moment, everyone saw this scene.

Countless pale golden scorpions suddenly poured out from the darkness on both sides of the hall door, and rushed towards the door of the hall. They were so densely packed that it was terrifying to look at them.

Not only that, among the group of scorpions, there were also some black and green poisonous snakes swimming quickly.

At this moment, Ye Tian just gave the answer in a deep voice.

"Everyone, be careful. These are the Israeli golden scorpions, night devil snakes, and the famous black mamba. They are all extremely poisonous. The ones I shot away were several Israeli golden scorpions that fell from the top of the gate!"

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