Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3118 A poison that is more expensive than gold

Latest website: Five or six minutes later, Jimmy couldn’t hold back his curiosity and said through the intercom:

"Steven, can you restore the video signal in Solomon's Temple? Everyone wants to see what is happening in Solomon's Temple. Everyone is very curious."

Jimmy's words immediately received responses from almost everyone.

Regardless of the members of the tripartite joint exploration team, many experts and scholars, and countless viewers in front of the live broadcast, everyone nodded with deep sympathy.

Ye Tian, ​​who was staying outside the stone door, first looked at the iPad in his hand, then looked at the stone door in front of him, and then said through the intercom:

"It was dark inside Solomon's Temple, and those venomous snakes and scorpions are cold-blooded animals. The infrared cameras placed inside could actually capture nothing, and there was nothing to see."

"Even so, it's best to cut the scene from Solomon's Temple and let everyone take a look, so that everyone can feel at ease!"

Jimmy continued.

"Okay, since everyone is so urgent, then I will connect the signal in the temple."

With that said, Ye Tian started operating on the IPAD.

The next moment, the scene inside Solomon's Temple appeared on the live broadcast and appeared in front of everyone.

As he said, there was darkness in Solomon's Temple and there was no movement.

Seeing this scene, everyone was a little disappointed.

At the same time, many people started talking.

"Where did that little white translucent cobra go? Why didn't you see that little guy? It seems to have completely disappeared!"

"As expected, that guy has already entered the cave outside Solomon's Temple and went to fight with his old rival!"

In the following time, people discussed and speculated while waiting patiently.

Ye Tian, ​​who was staying deep in the cave, was studying the ancient texts and murals engraved on the stone door and the cave walls, and discussing them with the experts and scholars outside.

In the blink of an eye, half an hour has passed.

Just when everyone felt a little bored, Ye Tian suddenly walked to the stone door again, and then said with a smile:

"Next, I will open the stone door again to see what's going on inside. If there is no danger, I will lead a team to go inside and explore. If there is danger, I will close the stone door as soon as possible."

As he spoke, he picked up the heavy police shield and reached out to push towards the thick stone door.

Seeing this scene, everyone instantly became excited and stared closely at the live broadcast.

In a moment, Ye Tian had pushed open a gap about five centimeters wide in the stone door, and the light from outside penetrated into Solomon's Temple.

During this process, the heavy police shield was always in front of him, completely covering him up.

Fortunately, nothing unexpected happened!

It was very quiet in Solomon's Temple. There was no abnormal sound, and no poisonous insects came out through the newly opened gap!

After confirming that there was no danger, Ye Tiancai continued to push the thick stone door.

As he moved, the stone door opened wider and wider, and more and more light penetrated into the temple.

It was still very quiet in Solomon's Temple, even eerily quiet!

When the stone door was pushed halfway open, Ye Tian suddenly stopped and quickly took two steps back.

At the same time, people who were watching the exploration live broadcast also exclaimed.

"Oh my God! Look at the ground inside the stone gate. What is that?"

What shocked people so much was the corpses of some Israeli golden scorpions and poisonous snakes inside the stone gate.

To be more precise, there were more than a dozen mummies of Israeli golden scorpions and three black mamba snake skins scattered on the ground inside the stone gate!

When the joint exploration team evacuated from Solomon's Temple the day before yesterday, these things did not exist. There was only a thick layer of volcanic ash on the ground!

In other words, they all just appeared!

Obviously, these Israeli golden scorpions and black mambas who died in the stone gate died more than a day ago, or even died just now!

But how could they turn into mummies and snake skins in such a short period of time? What killed them again?

Thinking of this, everyone thought of the same thing!

The thing that kills these Israeli golden scorpions and black mambas is probably that scary little white translucent cobra.

While people were secretly guessing, Ye Tian had already given a definite answer.

He took a step forward with a heavy police shield, looked at the situation inside the stone gate, and then said loudly:

“Dear viewers, the Israeli golden scorpion mummies and the black mamba snake skins that you see now are all caused by that little white translucent cobra.

The poison of that little guy is very strong. Once it bites an opponent, the venom it releases will instantly corrode the opponent's body, so this situation occurs.

After the fight the day before yesterday, this little guy has evolved again, and its toxicity seems to have become more intense. Maybe it can defeat its previous opponents this time! "


Everyone took a breath of cold air and was terrified.

"Oh my God! It seems that the legend is correct at all. That little white translucent cobra is definitely the incarnation of Lucifer, the god of death. It's really scary!"

"If it were a human being, it would probably be even worse. The person bitten by that little cobra would probably be corroded very quickly, leaving only a piece of human skin, or even nothing left?"

People exclaimed in surprise and felt terrified.

Some people who knew something about Ye Tian and the exploration operations he led, all thought of something.

That was some of the bloody killings that happened in Siwa Oasis, in Aswan, and elsewhere.

At those killing scenes, some fresh human skins and equally fresh human skeletons were more or less found.

Now it seems that the person responsible for those killings was obviously this death-like white translucent little cobra.

After confirming this, those who knew the situation were extremely frightened.

My family members far away in Beijing were a little surprised.

"When I saw the little white elf in New York before, I just thought it was cute and full of energy. I didn't expect it to be so powerful!"

"No wonder my brother dared to open the stone door of Solomon's Temple alone. It turns out he has a god-like teammate!"

While everyone was talking about it, Ye Tian had completely pushed open the thick stone door.

As the light penetrated into Solomon's Temple, people saw several mummified Israeli golden scorpions and the green snake skins of two night devil snakes scattered on the floor of the corridor.

On the ground of the corridor inside the stone gate, there was no living Israeli golden scorpion or venomous snake at all, only mummies and snake skins.

All the Israeli golden scorpions, black mambas, and night devil snakes entrenched in the corridor were killed by the little white elf guy, and no one was left.

Seeing this scene, everyone felt frightened again.

Especially Ye Tian's opponents felt terrified.

Due to the limited penetration distance of the light and the obstruction of the gray hill in front, the specific situation in Solomon's Temple is temporarily unknown.

Ye Tian did not immediately walk into Solomon's Temple, but stood at the door and looked inside to observe the situation.

The temple was very quiet, there was no sound, and nothing suddenly jumped out.

After observing for a moment, Ye Tian walked into the stone door with a police shield, pulled out the wires placed on the inside of the stone door, connected them with the wires outside, and turned on the power.

The next moment, Solomon's Temple, shrouded in darkness, suddenly lit up with bright lights.

The moment the lights came on, a rustling sound suddenly came from the temple.

Obviously, there are some deadly poisonous insects hidden in Solomon's Temple, but judging from the sounds coming out, there shouldn't be many of them!

These poisonous insects that were still entrenched in the temple did not rush towards the stone gate, but found a place to hide.

Seeing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Tian stood outside the stone gate for a moment to make sure there were not a large number of poisonous insects in Solomon's Temple, and then said through the intercom:

"Peter, it's still safe in Solomon's Temple. You can come over. Be careful when passing the stairs on the cracks and pay attention to safety!"

"Okay, Steven, we'll be right over"

Peter responded, already impatient.

In a short time, the three of them arrived at Shimen and met Ye Tian.

Ye Tian looked at these guys and then said:

"Let's go, guys, let's enter Solomon's Temple. After entering the temple, everyone must pay attention to the top of your head and your feet. Don't touch anything rashly, and avoid places that are not illuminated by lights."

After saying that, he pulled out the jungle machete, carried a heavy police shield, and walked first into Solomon's Temple.

"Understood, Steven, we will be careful."

Peter and the others nodded in agreement, and then followed.

Like Ye Tian, ​​they also have sharp jungle machetes.

This thing is the best weapon against poisonous snakes and scorpions, not a gun.

While talking, Ye Tian had reached the end of the corridor.

When he got here, he paused for a moment and looked at the situation outside the corridor.

After making sure that there were no Israeli golden scorpions and poisonous snakes outside the corridor, he walked out of the corridor.

When he came out of the corridor, he saw at a glance several black mamba snake skins, two green snake skins of Night Devil snakes, and several mummies of Israeli golden scorpions scattered in different places.

Obviously, this is all the work of that little white elf guy!

But that little guy was nowhere to be found in Solomon’s Temple.

Seeing this situation on the temple grounds, everyone including Peter and the others were shocked.

Everyone also has a new understanding of the terrifying strength of the little white elf.

Ye Tian quickly scanned the environment in the temple, and then walked towards an open space in the center of the temple.

In such a dangerous place, the open space seemed a little safer, at least it felt that way.

Peter and the others also followed, all cautiously.

After standing still, Ye Tian began to assign tasks.

"Peter, you are responsible for throwing out powerful snake repellent and scorpion repellent, trying to drive out the Israeli golden scorpions and poisonous snakes hidden in the temple. I will be responsible for getting rid of those guys.

After cleaning up the poisonous insects in the temple and basically ensuring that it is safe, we will open the door of the temple, take a look at the situation outside the temple, and then decide what to do next! "

Upon hearing this, Peter and the others nodded immediately.

Next, these three guys began to throw powerful snake repellent and scorpion repellent to drive away the Israeli golden scorpions and poisonous snakes hidden in the temple.

Ye Tianze followed them, waving the jungle machete in his hand to clean up the deadly poisonous insects one by one.

As a large amount of powerful snake repellent and scorpion repellent were scattered on the ground, the Israeli golden scorpions and poisonous snakes hidden in every corner sprang out of their hiding places.

Although these deadly poisonous insects are not afraid of snake and scorpion repellents, they do not like the strong pungent smell of these drugs.

When drugs are sprinkled next to them, they instinctively want to avoid and stay away from those drugs.

But when they came out of their hiding place, what was waiting for them was a sharp jungle machete.


With that said, Ye Tian pulled back an Israeli security team member who was half a meter away in front of him.

At the same time, he himself stepped forward, swung the jungle machete in his hand, and swept it out in the air.

The next moment, a black mamba fell from the top of the stone pillar and was shot away.

The head of the black mamba snake was smashed in an instant, and it was too dead to die.

The Israeli security team member who was pulled back by Ye Tian let out a breath of shock and was terrified.

"Thank you, Steven, this is the second time you have saved me. Thanks to you, otherwise the three of us would have died countless times!"

The Israeli security guard said sincerely.

A scene similar to the one just now has been staged five or six times in less than half an hour.

Peter and the three of them were each saved by Ye Tian more than once.

The number of times he reminded me to avoid deadly threats was even more!

The places they walked through were not only sprinkled with powerful snake repellent and scorpion repellent, but also littered with corpses.

Of course, those who died were the Israeli Golden Scorpions, Black Mambas, and Night Devil Snakes.

They drove out the many deadly poisonous insects hidden inside the temple one by one, and then killed them all like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves!

"You're welcome, Baker. Since I am leading this exploration operation and taking you into Solomon's Temple again, it is my responsibility to ensure your safety and take each of you out intact!"

Ye Tian said with a smile.

Hearing this, Baker nodded gratefully and said nothing more.

Countless viewers who were watching this exploration live broadcast nodded appreciatively.

And this is exactly the result Ye Tian wants to see.

Of course he would not miss such a great opportunity to perform in front of a global audience, or to reshape his image, and he would definitely take advantage of it!

After a few minutes, Ye Tian and the others had cleaned up all the remaining poisonous insects in the temple.

They stopped until they could no longer see any of the Israeli Golden Scorpions, Black Mambas, and Night Devil Snakes.

Of course, what Ye Tian said was another set of words.

"Guys, we should have almost eliminated the poisonous insects hidden in Solomon's Temple, but for safety reasons, everyone still needs to be cautious.

You collect the mummies of the Israeli golden scorpions and the skins of the black mamba and night devil snakes on the ground, and put them in a corner of the temple to avoid accidents! "

"Okay, Steven, leave these things to us and we'll get them done soon."

Peter nodded in response and was ready to take action.

But Ye Tian signaled them not to worry and continued:

“When packing these things, be sure to be careful of the golden scorpion tail hook and the venomous fangs of poisonous snakes. Those things are highly toxic. Once they scratch the skin, it will not be fun!

And these things are valuable, especially their venom, which is several times more expensive than gold, and the mutated ones may be even more expensive. Don’t waste it, see if you can use it! "

"Hahaha, I understand. We will be careful and keep these deadly guys away."

Peter and the others said with a smile.

People watching the live broadcast rolled their eyes angrily and started to complain.

"This bastard Steven is so greedy. After discovering such a huge treasure, he didn't even let go of this small fortune!"

"To be honest, I have never seen such a money-grubbing guy. It's really eye-opening!"

While people were complaining, Peter and the others took action.

They used the engineering shovels, trekking poles and other equipment they carried with them to collect the bodies of the dead Israeli golden scorpions and poisonous snakes on the ground, and piled them in a corner of the temple.

Ye Tianze came to the gate of Solomon's Temple and pretended to be serious about checking the situation here.

At this moment, Jimmy's voice suddenly came from the intercom.

"Steven, the interior of Solomon's Temple looks very safe. Does that mean we can descend and enter Solomon's Temple again to explore? Everyone can't wait!"

Ye Tian smiled softly, then picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"There is no need to be anxious, gentlemen, the time is not yet ripe. Let's wait for a while. We will wait until we open the door of Solomon's Temple and see the situation outside before making a decision.

After Peter and the others finish cleaning up the poisonous insect corpses in the temple, we are going to send a small drone out to conduct reconnaissance to see what is going on in the cave outside.

After you are truly sure of safety, it is not too late for you to come down, lest you fail to understand the situation and end up having to evacuate the temple in a hurry just after you come down! "

Upon hearing this, the other side of the intercom fell silent.

After a while, Jimmy said helplessly:

"Copy that, Steven, let's keep waiting!"

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