Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3119 The Path of the Prophet

Latest website: In a short time, Peter and the others had cleaned up the mummies of Israeli golden scorpions, as well as the skins of black mambas and night devil snakes on the ground.

Later, Ye Tian summoned them to the temple gate and said in a deep voice:

"Send two small drones out, fly out of the large satellite window above the temple gate, check the situation outside the door, and then decide whether to open the temple gate."

"Okay, Steven"

Peter and the others nodded in agreement and took action immediately.

They returned to the open space in the center of the temple, took out two small drones from the equipment they carried, quickly set them up, and then flew them out to explore.

Just when the two small drones were about to fly out of the temple, Ye Tian suddenly said:

"Don't fly into the cave shrouded in darkness outside the temple gate yet. We can explore that cave later."

Upon hearing this, Peter and the others nodded immediately.

As he spoke, two small drones flew out of Solomon's Temple.

Immediately afterwards, the situation outside the temple was shown on the surveillance screen and in front of countless live broadcasts.

It was still dark outside Solomon's Temple, and you couldn't see even if you stretched out your hand.

Only the light from the two large satellite windows and the searchlights carried by two small drones brought a little light to this dark world.

When a small drone flew out of the temple, you could clearly see that the large satellite pane it passed through had a black mamba snake skin hanging on it, which was very strange.

Seeing this scene, everyone understood instantly.

That's where the little white elf left Solomon's Temple and threw himself into the dark cave outside.

When leaving the temple, it also killed a black mamba coiled on that window pane!

It was very quiet outside the temple, a dead silence, and no movement could be heard.

When the two small drones slowly descended and flew to the entrance of the temple, they did not find the surging Israeli golden scorpions and venomous snakes that everyone expected.

The ground in front of the temple was in a mess, with traces of Israel's golden scorpions and poisonous snakes crawling everywhere.

However, apart from some mummies of the Israelite golden scorpions and a few snake skins, no living Israeli golden scorpions or venomous snakes could be seen.

The densely packed poisonous insects that I saw when I opened the temple door last time have disappeared and I don’t know where they went.

It was very quiet on the platform outside the temple gate, eerily quiet.

Seeing this scene, everyone felt very surprised and froze.

After a while, everyone finally woke up.

"What happened outside the temple? Where are the Israeli golden scorpions and poisonous snakes from before? Where have they gone?"

"I'll go! Could it be that those poisonous snakes and golden scorpions were killed by the little white cobra, or were driven away? It's unlikely, right?"

Just when people were talking about it, Ye Tian's clear voice suddenly came.

"The situation outside the gate of Solomon's Temple is a bit unexpected. If my expectations are correct, this is all the result of the small white translucent cobra.

It was the little guy who drove away those Israeli golden scorpions and poisonous snakes that were entrenched outside the door. For us, this is a good thing, and now we can open the temple door."

Before the words fell, people suddenly became more excited.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian gave Peter and the others a few words, and then asked them to open the door of Solomon's Temple.

Peter and the others immediately stepped forward and worked together to slowly open the stone door on the right side of Solomon's Temple.

For safety reasons, the left half of the stone door is not open for the time being.

During this process, Ye Tian always stood at the front with a heavy police shield and a jungle machete, ready to take action at any time.

Fortunately, nothing unexpected happened!

It was very quiet outside the temple door. Nothing surged out from the darkness on both sides of the door, or jumped out from the dark cave under the platform to hurt anyone!

As the light was projected from the temple, the situation on the platform outside the door immediately appeared before everyone's eyes.

Just like the footage captured by two small drones, not even a living Israeli golden scorpion or venomous snake could be seen on the platform outside Solomon's Temple, only some golden scorpion mummies and snake skins.

Seeing this scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After the stone door on the right was fully opened, Ye Tian first checked the situation on the upper edge of the stone door, then came to the door with a police shield and began to check the situation on the platform outside.

Of course, he was acting.

After observing for a moment, he said:

"It seems safe outside. We can go out, but we still have to be careful above and below our feet to avoid the mummies and snake skins of the Israeli golden scorpions on the ground."

With that said, he stepped out of Solomon's Temple.

Peter and the others followed closely behind, each one cautious and very excited.

Except for the entrance, both sides of the temple gate were dark, as was the cave under the platform in front.

There were no poisonous snakes or golden scorpions falling from the cave ceiling, or jumping out of the darkness, and there were no traps on the platform outside the temple door!

Ye Tian observed the situation on the platform outside the door, and then said to Peter and the others:

"First clean up the platform, sweep aside the mummies and snake skins of the Israeli golden scorpions, then sprinkle powerful snake repellent and scorpion repellent on the ground, and then explore the cave under the platform."

"Okay, Steven"

Peter and the others nodded and took action immediately.

In a short time, they swept aside the mummies of the Israeli golden scorpions and the skins of venomous snakes, and sprinkled powerful snake repellent and scorpion repellent on the ground.

During this process, Ye Tian carried a heavy police shield and walked around the platform at the entrance of the temple.

The area of ​​the platform is not large. The widest point is the area at the entrance of Solomon's Temple. It is about five or six meters wide. It becomes narrower as it extends to both sides. The narrowest point is only more than one meter wide.

There are many large or small cracks and caves on both sides of the platform. It is unknown where they lead.

Those Israeli golden scorpions and poisonous snakes that suddenly disappeared probably left, or escaped, from those cracks and caves.

Ye Tian quickly checked the situation on the platform.

After making sure it was safe, Peter and the others were ordered to fly two small drones into the cave shrouded in darkness ahead and continue their exploration.

The next moment, the two small drones took off again and flew straight into the dark cave.

At the entrance of the cave, there is a staircase that slopes downward, and the slope is relatively large, covered with a thick layer of volcanic ash.

As the small drone flies downward, it will occasionally find some mummies of Israeli golden scorpions, as well as the skins of black mambas and night devil snakes.

No need to ask, this was all done by that little white elf guy!

That little guy obviously fought all the way deeper into the mountain, and he seemed to have the momentum to give up on anyone else!

Just like the situation at the entrance to Solomon's Temple, there are no living Israelite golden scorpions or poisonous snakes on the first steps of this cave.

The two small drones flew down for six to seven meters, turned an arc, and then discovered several living Israeli golden scorpions!

After flying another three or four meters, two stone statues on the left and right cave walls suddenly appeared on the surveillance screen.

These are two animal statues, the shapes are quite exaggerated and they look fierce.

The animals they carved are the Israeli golden scorpions and black mambas entrenched here, one on the left and one on the right, located on the walls on both sides of the cave, guarding the cave.

The Israeli golden scorpion statue on the left has its tail protruding from the cave wall, seeming to sting those who walk through the cave.

The black mamba statue on the cave wall on the right has its snake head raised high, as if it wants to choose people to devour!

The moment they saw these two stone statues, everyone was shocked.

Everyone thought they found a huge Israeli golden scorpion and a giant black mamba!

Just when everyone was in shock, Ye Tian's voice came again.

“What you are seeing now are the stone sculptures of the Israeli Golden Scorpion and the Black Mamba. Their discovery is enough to show that the Israeli Golden Scorpion and Black Mamba entrenched here were deliberately created by the Beta Israelites.

The purpose of the Beta Israel who built this place and raised the Israeli Golden Scorpion and Black Mamba here was obviously to let these extremely poisonous guys guard this place and protect Solomon's treasure and other secrets.

After two thousand years of reproduction, the Israeli golden scorpions, black mambas, and night devil snakes living here have all mutated to some extent. Their venom has become more violent, and they have become the masters of this place! "

Following this explanation, the outside world was immediately detonated.

"Oh my God! These Israeli golden scorpions, black mambas and night devil snakes are actually raised here by Beta Israel. It's incredible!"

"No wonder there aren't many traps here. These extremely poisonous Israeli golden scorpions, black mambas, and night devil snakes are the deadliest killers!"

Everyone was talking a lot and getting more excited.

The most excited among them are the biologists and toxicologists who have just arrived here.

Each of these guys' eyes were shining, and they wished they could immediately descend along the cliff rope and enter the Satellite Cave of David to study the deadly poisonous insects entrenched deep in the heart of the mountain!

Deep in the cave.

Two small drones, one behind the other, continued to fly and explore.

After flying down for about five or six meters, another stone sculpture appeared on the surveillance screen.

This time it is a statue of cherubim, or seraphim, located on the left side of the cave and integrated with the cave.

Next, two small drones discovered several more statues, all of which were human statues.

The characters depicted in these statues all come from stories in the Old Testament, and most of them are prophets and saints of Israel.

Among them are Isaiah, Jonah, Jethro, etc., standing in different locations in the cave.

Although these statues of the Israelite prophets are covered with a thick layer of volcanic ash, their appearance cannot be clearly seen!

However, people can still identify them from their unique looks and their most representative movements.

Not surprisingly, the discovery of these statues of the Israeli prophets has caused waves of excitement in the outside world.

"What did I see? It seemed to be a statue of the prophet Jonah, depicting him when he was running to preach!"

"It's actually another statue of a prophet. It seems to be the statue of the prophet Jethro. This is simply a prophetic path!"

People familiar with the Old Testament and familiar with the Jewish and Christian prophets exclaimed.

Meanwhile, everyone is speculating on every stone statue discovered.

In Israel, the whole country is excited!

All Israelis, and even all Jews around the world, were cheering and celebrating with excitement.

Many of the devout monks and believers were so excited that tears filled their eyes, and all of them were praying devoutly.

Many Christian religious people and believers are also very excited, either celebrating or praying.

The reason is simple: most Jewish prophets are also Christian prophets!

The Pope, who was staying at the camp of the joint exploration team on the opposite side of the canyon, had already stood up, crossing himself on his chest and praying in a low voice.

The senior Vatican monks and Jewish religious leaders who were also in the camp were equally excited and were praying in low voices!

As for the Israeli Prime Minister and others, their excited eyes shone like searchlights!

Surprises keep coming, one after another!

Every time the two small drones fly down a certain distance, they will find a statue of an angel or a statue of a Jewish prophet.

Without exception, these stone statues are carved on the cave walls and are integrated with the cave.

In addition to these stone statues, there are many niches on the walls on both sides of the cave, and in each niche is a small bronze candlestick.

In addition, there are other things carved on the walls on both sides of the cave, but they are temporarily unclear because they are covered in volcanic ash!

As for the murals and ancient Hebrew texts engraved on the walls of the cave on both sides, it is even more unclear!

During this process, everyone also saw some mummies of Israeli golden scorpions and snake skins of black mambas and night devil snakes, distributed in different places in the cave.

From this we can see how powerful that little white elf guy is, fighting his way into the depths of the cave.

Everyone also saw some living golden scorpions and poisonous snakes. Fortunately, there were not many in number, at least it seemed so!

These deadly guys seemed to be quite frightened. They basically hid in the cracks on both sides of the cave and rarely moved in the middle of the cave!

Before I knew it, half an hour had passed.

Two small drones have flown down fifty or sixty meters along this winding cave, but they have not yet reached the end of the cave!

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

"Oh my god! How long is this cave and where does it lead to? Why does it feel like there is no end? This is too exaggerated!"

"This cave keeps extending downward, doesn't it go straight to the bottom of the cliff?"

Not only the countless viewers on the live broadcast were shocked by the depth of this cave.

Even Ye Tian didn't expect that this cave was so deep.

As he was speaking, Peter, who was controlling the small drone, suddenly turned his head and said:

"Steven, the drone can't fly downward anymore. If it flies again, it will lose the signal. This cave is winding and winding, and the terrain has a great impact on the signal!"

Hearing this, Ye Tian couldn't help but pause.

Immediately afterwards, he said:

"In this case, let's take the drone back. After we enter the cave, we can explore the rest of the cave with a small drone as we go all the way down.

In this way, we can grasp the situation fifty meters away in the cave. I believe this distance is enough to buffer us. If we encounter danger, we can evacuate from the cave in time."

"Okay, Steven"

Peter nodded in response and immediately began to retrieve the drone.

After a while, two small drones flew back one after another.

Ye Tian looked at the cave under the platform again, then picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Gentlemen, it is relatively safe in Solomon's Temple. You can rappel down. When everyone arrives at Solomon's Temple, we can enter the cave and start the next step of exploration..."

Before he finished speaking, a burst of excited cheers came from the intercom.

"Awesome! Finally we can take action!"

Ye Tian smiled softly and continued:

"Cole, Seaman, please hoist down some more supplies and equipment. Ventilation fans, lighting fixtures, cables and safety ropes, safety locks and rock plugs, oxygen tanks and other equipment are all needed..."

Next, he listed some supplies and equipment to prepare for the next exploration operation.

"Copy that, Steven, let's hoist these supplies and equipment down immediately!"

Cole responded, immediately springing into action.

A few minutes later.

The two security team members descended along the cliff rope and entered the entrance of the David's Satellite Cave.

Next, many supplies and equipment that Ye Tian requested were hoisted down from the top of the cliff one after another and transported into the cave.

Then there were many tripartite joint exploration team members, experts, scholars and representatives from various parties, as well as the National Geographic Channel’s live broadcast team.

Different from the previous exploration operation, this time there was also an Israeli doctor, a biologist and a toxicologist!

After all the personnel and materials and equipment were in place, Peter returned to the entrance of the Satellite Cave of David and walked deeper into the cave with the joint exploration team and materials and equipment.

Even though the first half of the cave was brightly lit and very safe, it would be about forty minutes before the last few people entered Solomon's Temple with supplies and equipment!

This is the second time for most of the joint exploration team to enter Solomon's Temple!

However, they were still very excited, not to mention those who had just arrived, and their eyes were almost full.

When everyone arrived, Ye Tian called everyone together and said loudly:

"Gentlemen, next I will take people into the dark cave outside the temple to explore, and open a way for everyone. After making sure the road ahead is safe, everyone can follow in.

Since the slope of this cave is relatively steep and there are many deadly poisonous insects living in it, everyone must be careful after entering the cave. We will protect everyone as much as possible! "

Everyone nodded immediately and had no objection.

"Understood, Steven, we will be careful."

Next, Ye Tian gave a few more instructions before ending his speech.

Then, he ordered his exploration team members and security personnel to start setting up safety ropes, installing lighting fixtures, setting up powerful ventilation fans, etc.

In addition, they sprayed everyone with powerful snake repellent and scorpion repellent.

In just a moment, the platform outside Solomon's Temple was brightly lit.

After a while, everyone was ready, and part of the air in the cave was replaced.

Everyone used safety locks to connect their own safety ropes together, forming a long string.

This safety rope is more than 200 meters long. One end is stuck outside the stone door behind Solomon's Temple. The other end is in Peter's hand, with more than 20 exploration team members and experts and scholars strung in the middle.

Seeing that everything was ready, Ye Tian picked up the heavy police shield, came to the edge of the platform, and walked down the steps!

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