Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3120 1 way down

Latest website: While talking, Ye Tian and the others had walked six or seven meters down the cave.

After turning an arc, they disappeared from everyone's sight.

The many members of the joint exploration team staying in front of the gate of Solomon's Temple, like the countless viewers on the live broadcast, could only follow the movements of Ye Tian and others through video screens.

The team that entered the cave to explore was led by Ye Tian himself. He was carrying a heavy police shield and an extremely sharp jungle machete and walked at the front of the team.

Following closely behind were Peter and an Israeli security team member.

Peter carried a bundle of safety ropes on his back, releasing them as he walked.

He also had to keep inserting rock plugs into various sized gaps on the right side of the cave wall, and then use a quick hook to connect the safety rope to those rock plugs.

As for the Israeli security team member, he was responsible for laying out wires and lighting fixtures.

Next came Peake and another Israeli security officer, who were responsible for throwing powerful snake repellent and scorpion repellent respectively, spreading these drugs in every corner of the cave.

Especially in the nooks and crannies of the horns, as well as in the large or small gaps, all the Israeli golden scorpions and poisonous snakes hiding in them will be driven away.

Walking at the end of the team was Derek and an Israeli security team member.

Derek is responsible for controlling the small drone for reconnaissance, and the security team member is responsible for protecting him to avoid accidents.

Without exception, everyone in this exploration team wore full protective clothing, and the protection measures were in place.

Just in case, they also brought snake venom and scorpion venom serum, as well as a small can of oxygen cylinders for each person.

A dozen or twenty meters below the team, a small drone was flying slowly down the cave to investigate the situation ahead.

Behind the exploration team, there was a small drone filming the activities of the exploration team.

With the entry of this exploration team, this cave that has been shrouded in darkness for more than two thousand years finally welcomes human footsteps again.

Wherever they went, the caves became brightly lit, and the darkness was completely dispersed.

While they were marching, Ye Tian, ​​who was walking at the front of the team, suddenly made a stop gesture.

Following his gesture, Peter and the others behind them immediately stopped and stared warily at the situation around them and on the roof of the cave.

Seeing this scene, the guys who stayed outside the cave, as well as the countless viewers in front of the live broadcast, suddenly became nervous.

The next moment, Ye Tian suddenly swung his knife out and hit the wall on the right side of the cave.

When he took back the jungle machete, everyone saw that the two Israeli golden scorpions that had just crawled out of a gap on the right side of the cave wall had been beaten to death by him with the back of the knife.

Before anyone could react, the heavy police shield in his hand had already hit the next step!


There was a muffled sound coming from the cave, but it sounded a little empty.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian said:

"Everyone, please be careful. This should be an ancient trap. Mark this trap and seal it completely. You should be more careful when passing by."

"I understand, Steven, leave it to us."

Peter, who was following behind, nodded in response.

The TV viewers watching this scene were amazed.

"How did this guy discover these dangers? His eyes are too sharp and his reactions are amazingly fast. He is simply a monster!"

Just when people were amazed, Ye Tian also picked up a heavy police shield and continued to explore forward.

Peter, who followed later, immediately marked the ancient trap to remind the members of the exploration team who entered later.

As for the work of sealing the trap, it was completed by the security team members who followed up later.

In this cave, which many people call the Prophet's Road, there seems to be no other traps except some traps made using small holes and cracks.

Due to terrain conditions, there are very few such traps, and only one will appear far apart.

For Ye Tian, ​​who was at the front of the team, discovering such traps was very easy.

Of course, that's not what it seems.

Compared with these flap traps, the Israeli golden scorpions, black mambas, and night devil snakes remaining in the cave are the biggest and most deadly threats.

They entered the cave only about ten meters, and had already killed more than a dozen Israeli golden scorpions and a black mamba about fifty centimeters long!

The one who did this was naturally Ye Tian who was walking at the front.

Then walking down a few meters, the Israeli Golden Scorpion and Black Mamba statues on both sides of the cave wall finally appeared in front of everyone.

Although they had seen these two stone statues on the surveillance screen before, everyone was still a little shocked when they saw them again.

Ye Tian made a gesture again, and everyone immediately stopped and admired the two ancient and strange stone statues at close range.

Especially the golden scorpion tail hook that reaches the top of the cave and the high-looking black mamba snake head are frightening and full of death.

At the same time, the two stone statues also appeared on the live broadcast screen again.

Compared with the previous surveillance images captured by small drones, the current images are undoubtedly much clearer and more shocking to everyone.

"Wow! How did the Beta Israelites do all this more than two thousand years ago? It's incredible!"

"It can be seen from the situation in this cave that Aksum and the Beta Israelites living here did have an amazing civilization more than two thousand years ago!"

People were amazed by the pictures in front of them, and also sighed for this lost ancient civilization.

Especially many historians and archaeologists, their eyes sparkled when they saw these pictures.

They wished they could immediately enter this dangerous cave to appreciate and study the relics of the ancient civilization.

Deep in the cave.

Ye Tian admired the two ancient statues for a while, and then observed the situation at the scene.

He did not find any hidden Israeli golden scorpions or poisonous snakes on these two stone statues, as well as on the walls and floors of the cave nearby, as well as on the roof of the cave.

This section of the cave is seamless, with no cracks and no hanging stalactites on the roof.

Whether this is a natural formation or a deliberate act by the Beta Israelites is unknown.

After quickly observing the situation here, Ye Tian said:

"Guys, there is no need to clean these two stone statues or the cave walls on both sides. Leave these things to the people behind. Those experts and scholars must like this work. Let's continue to explore forward."

With that said, he stepped out and walked forward.

Peter and the others smiled and followed immediately.

Seeing that they had a smooth journey and did not encounter much danger, those guys staying at the gate of Solomon's Temple could not endure it.

While they were walking, Owen's voice suddenly came from the intercom.

"Steven, when can we enter this cave? Everyone can't wait and want to enter the cave and explore as soon as possible!"

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then replied through the intercom:

"When we arrive at the cherubim statue ahead, if nothing happens, you can enter this cave to explore, but you must obey the instructions. I don't want any accidents to happen."

Before he finished speaking, a burst of cheers came from the platform behind.

"Great, Steven, I was just waiting for your words!"

Owen and the others all cheered.

Immediately afterwards, these guys began to prepare.

After a while, Ye Tian and the others came to the cherub statue and stopped again.

Here, they didn't find any traps!

There were only a few Israeli golden scorpions here, and they were dealt with in a blink of an eye.

Although the Israeli Golden Scorpion is extremely venomous, if it only appears sporadically, as long as you are a little careful, the threat is not very great!

Everyone is wearing high-waisted hiking boots, tightly tied trousers, and sting-proof gloves. The protection measures are in place, and generally they will not be stung by golden scorpions!

Of course, if it is the Israeli Golden Scorpions that are coming like a tide, it will be another matter.

In comparison, the Black Mamba and Night Devil Snake, which move faster and are more elusive, pose a greater threat to everyone!

After standing still, Ye Tian first admired the cherub statue on the cave wall, and then checked the scene.

After confirming that there were no traps and it was relatively safe, he said through the intercom:

"Gentlemen, you can enter this cave and start exploring. I remind you once again to pay attention to safety, follow instructions, and never act without authorization!"

Not surprisingly, there was another burst of excited cheers from behind.

Immediately afterwards, a large group of people who had been well prepared, under the protection of security personnel, walked down the steps, walked into the cave, and explored down the cave.

Unlike Ye Tian and the others, the joint exploration team that entered later would naturally not let go of the relatively flat cave walls and other things in the cave.

Only three or four meters into the cave, they already discovered something.

They were some variants of ancient Hebrew inscribed on the walls on both sides of the cave, as well as several stone murals, and other things.

When several archaeologists wiped off the dust on the cave walls and saw these things, they immediately cheered.

"Great! Steven, we found some ancient murals and texts. The content engraved on those murals is the same as the outside of the temple door, which is the process of building the temple."

Owen, who discovered the mural, said excitedly.

As before, the variants of ancient Hebrew inscribed on the cave walls on both sides were blurred during the live broadcast!

And those ancient murals were completely live broadcast and presented to everyone.

People are amazed by these ancient stone carvings and murals.

At this time, Ye Tian and the others had arrived in front of the first statue of the Israelite prophet in the cave and stopped here.

Compared with the murals engraved on the cave walls and the statues seen before, this statue of the Israelite prophet is obviously more shocking and valuable.

After confirming that there were no traps or dangers at the scene, Ye Tian and the others began to admire the statue of the prophet with confidence.

The figure represented in this stone statue is Jonah, the prophet of the Kingdom of Israel.

The posture shown is that of a man running with a wooden stick, his back connected to the cave wall, but his body seems to be running forward.

Although the statue was covered with a thick layer of volcanic ash, everyone still recognized the statue at a glance due to its unique shape.

While standing in front of the statue and admiring it, Ye Tian was also explaining.

“The statue you are seeing now depicts the Israelite prophet Jonah, and the content is that Jonah rushed to Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian Empire, to deliver a warning of divine punishment.

Regarding this story, I won’t introduce it much here. I believe many people know it. If you don’t know, just look it up online. Let’s just talk about the statue of the prophet itself.”

Both Peter and the others at the scene, as well as countless viewers in front of the live broadcast, nodded.

They all understood in their hearts why Ye Tian did this!

Because he is an atheist, and in this highly anticipated live broadcast, of course he cannot comment on the prophets of Judaism and Christianity at will!

This is undoubtedly a wise move, otherwise you are asking for trouble.

After a pause, Ye Tian continued:

"To be honest, I was a little surprised to find a statue of the Israeli prophet Jonah in this cave. We know that Jonah is said to be a prophet who only appeared in the eighth century BC.

However, the time when Menelik I fled back to Ethiopia with some of the Israelites and Solomon's treasures was a little earlier than the time when Jonah appeared. There was a difference of about two hundred years between the two.

It can be seen from this that the Israelis who fled to Ethiopia with Menelik I did not lose contact with the Israeli region, but have always maintained close contact.

After the Jewish Kingdom was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar II of the Neo-Babylonian Kingdom, perhaps some of the Israelites fled to Ethiopia, which just explains the existence of this statue of the prophet."

Upon hearing this introduction, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then nodded.

Regardless of whether they like him or not, even many people who hate him still have to admire him secretly.

"This guy is really just like the legend. He knows everything and is master of everything. He is simply a monster!"

After briefly introducing the statue of the prophet Jonah and admiring it for a while, Ye Tian and the others continued to move forward and continue exploring.

Arriving here, the slope of the cave becomes slightly smaller, but becomes more winding.

Almost every six or seven meters forward, there must be a turning point and a new scenery.

Fortunately, there are small drones in front of us to explore the path. We all have a basic understanding of the situation in the cave, so we won’t be blinded and know nothing!

Not far ahead, Ye Tian and the others saw the second statue of the Israelite prophet.

What appears this time is a statue of the Israeli prophet Isaiah.

Isaiah was also a prophet who lived around the eighth century BC, about two hundred years after some of the Israelites fled to Ethiopia.

The statue of Isaiah in the cave, holding a sheepskin scroll in his hand, stands on the left side of the cave, pointing forward with a finger, as if telling people something.

This is the most classic image of Isaiah, very easy to recognize.

As before, Ye Tian stopped here and gave a brief introduction before continuing to explore.

During the subsequent exploration process, they encountered many angel statues, large and small, and also discovered one statue after another of the prophets of Israel, as well as other statues and so on.

They also discovered many traps made from holes and cracks in the ground, and encountered the deadly Israeli golden scorpions, black mambas and night devil snakes many times.

But under the leadership of Ye Tian, ​​these crises were almost without any danger, and no accidents occurred!

Where they walked, many Israeli golden scorpions and poisonous snakes turned into corpses, and those ancient and deadly traps were also marked one by one.

As a large amount of powerful snake repellent and scorpion repellent were sprinkled in the cave, the Israeli golden scorpions and venomous snakes hiding in every corner hid deeper in the mountain or left the cave.

Compared to Ye Tian and others, the exploration team behind them was much slower.

Even if they didn't seriously study the newly discovered ancient texts, murals, statues, etc., just cleaning them out and taking a quick look at them would take a lot of time.

During the exploration, everyone discovered that next to each statue of an Israeli prophet, there were more or less murals about that prophet's deeds.

There are also many variations of ancient Hebrew.

Although everyone cannot decipher those obscure ancient texts for the time being, it is completely conceivable that the content recorded in those texts must be related to the Israeli prophet next to him.

In addition, we also discovered many murals of Old Testament stories, murals and texts describing the life, hunting, gathering, farming, sacrifice and other scenes of the Beta Israelites.

Before I knew it, nearly an hour and a half had passed.

Ye Tian and the others have penetrated seventy or eighty meters into the cave, but they have not yet reached the bottom of the cave, let alone what everyone wants to see.

The small drone flying ahead to explore the path flew deeper, more than a hundred meters into the cave, and was still flying downward along the cave.


Ye Tian took action like lightning and swatted away a night devil snake hanging from the cave ceiling.

The Night Demon snake that he whipped out hit the cave wall on one side and then slid to the ground.

His head had been beaten to pieces with a jungle machete, and he was too dead to die.

After killing the Night Demon Snake, Ye Tian looked at a stone statue two meters ahead.

This is another statue of an Israelite prophet, depicting the prophet Jacob.

At this moment, Derek, who was responsible for controlling the small drone for reconnaissance, suddenly said excitedly:

"Steven, the small drone seems to have flown to the bottom of the cave. The terrain below suddenly became much smoother, and the space inside the cave seemed to have become much larger!"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian joked and said:

"I think it's time to reach the bottom of the cave. In front of us is the statue of the Israelite prophet Jacob. There are not many prophets who lived longer than Jacob. In other words, we are almost finished walking this path of prophets!"

Before the words were spoken, everyone let out a sigh of relief.

"Wow, this is really good news, otherwise I would have thought that this cave would go straight to the center of the earth!"

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