Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3126 Action under heavy fog

Latest website: The almost crazy celebration lasted for nearly ten minutes before gradually calming down.

After the emotions calmed down a little, everyone discovered that Ye Tian, ​​who actually led the three-party joint exploration team to find the Ark of the Covenant, had disappeared.

"Where did that guy Steven go? Hasn't he come up from the crack behind the platform? Is something going to happen?"

"It's true, I haven't seen that magical guy in the past hour or two. He seems to have suddenly disappeared!"

Owen and Jimmy asked in surprise and kept glancing around.

People from Israel and the Vatican, as well as experts, scholars and representatives from various parties, as well as the Levitical priests, were all confused.

Countless viewers who were watching this exploration live broadcast were also very curious at this time and didn't know where he had gone.

Many employees and security personnel of the Brave and Intrepid Exploration Company all chuckled in unison.

A moment ago, they learned that Ye Tian had already left here without anyone noticing, and he was probably far away from Axum.

Just when everyone was confused, Pique suddenly came forward, smiled and said loudly:

"Gentlemen, Steven has left here through another newly discovered exit, and we have just been informed that there is no need to look for it anymore, and there is no need to worry about his safety.

Although he has left here, it does not affect the cooperation between the three parties. The next exploration work can be carried out according to the established plan, and he will always pay attention! "

Not surprisingly, the scene immediately exploded.

"Did I hear you correctly? Steven left quietly! How is this possible?"

"I'll go! This is such an elusive guy, it's incredible!"

Everyone exclaimed and were all shocked.

And in front of countless live broadcasts all over the world, it was also boiling in an instant.

"This guy Steven is so cunning and difficult to deal with. He is obviously on guard against Israel and the Vatican, in case they suddenly fall out!"

"I'm sure that guy Steven has already thought of this move. It's one step at a time and three moves at a time. It's so awesome!"

While people were exclaiming, they immediately guessed the reason.

At this time, the representatives of Israel and the Vatican were rather embarrassed.

In the campsite across the canyon, the Pope said with a wry smile:

"What an extremely cunning guy. He suddenly disappeared after discovering the Holy Grail in Tomar, Portugal. I didn't expect that he would do it again when he found the Ark of the Covenant this time. I should have thought of this."

Looking at the Israeli Prime Minister standing aside, his face was uncertain and his eyes were full of fear.

As soon as the Pope finished speaking, he continued helplessly:

"Is this guy too careful? In fact, there is no need for it. We will not break our promise and turn around to deal with him. The whole world is watching. We cannot do such treacherous things."

Upon hearing this, the Pope immediately turned his head and looked over without saying much.

Is it really impossible to do it?

While they were talking, their cell phones rang at the same time.

It’s an information tone!

They received a video message at the same time, which was sent by Ye Tian.

The two looked at each other and then clicked on the message.

Ye Tian in the video is standing in a dense mountain forest.

He waved slightly at the camera, then smiled and said:

“Dear His Majesty the Pope and Mr. Prime Minister, by the time you see this video, I should have left Aksum to attend to other matters, so you don’t need to look any further.

Although this tripartite joint exploration operation is not over yet, it has achieved the most perfect results. My company employees will take over the next treasure cleaning work.

According to the tripartite exploration agreement we signed, except for religious relics, all antique artifacts and gold and silver treasures in Solomon's treasure belong to us. This is beyond doubt.

It can be foreseen that the subsequent work of cleaning up the treasure, including safely transporting the Ark to the ground, will take a long time. These tasks can be led by you..."

Next, Ye Tian said some other things.

He also told the location of the other exit, reminding the Israelis to be more vigilant to avoid being taken advantage of.

After saying this, he waved his hand again and ended the video.

After watching the video, the Israeli Prime Minister and the Pope were stunned for a moment, and then shook their heads one after another, with helpless expressions on their faces.

"You said where will Steven go next after he leaves here? Will he go directly back to Beijing or New York, or go somewhere else?"

asked the Pope curiously.

"Maybe go to Gondar. I heard that another group of his men are salvaging a World War II shipwreck treasure on Lake Tana near Gondar. What an extremely lucky guy!"

The Israeli Prime Minister continued.

"That's not necessarily true. This guy is so elusive that no one can figure out his thoughts or his movements!"

"That's true! Where this guy Steven goes has nothing to do with us. Our first priority now is how to safely transport the Ark of the Covenant out and back to Jerusalem!"

"Yes! This is not easy to handle. It is not easy for the Ethiopians!"

After chatting for a while, they ended the topic.

Immediately afterwards, the Israeli Prime Minister sent people to the other exit mentioned by Ye Tian to protect it.

Feedback came back about an hour later.

The other exit is one kilometer south of the canyon, in a small cave. It is very hidden and extremely difficult to find!

There are many Israeli golden scorpions and poisonous snakes entrenched in that cave, which is quite dangerous.

The two teams of Israeli special forces who used to investigate the situation were unable to enter the cave.

They could only send small drones in to explore, and it took them a long time to figure out the situation.

In that small cave, they found many mummies of Israeli golden scorpions and venomous snake skins. They also found two oxygen tanks in different locations!

After hearing the report, everyone, including the Pope and the Israeli Prime Minister, gasped and were horrified!

In such a dangerous environment, how on earth did that guy Steven leave?

Probably only that magical guy can do it!

If it had been anyone else, he would have died eight hundred times!

Just when everyone was guessing where Ye Tian was going, he was sitting in a half-new off-road vehicle, speeding on the road.

There was another off-road vehicle traveling with them. There were several security personnel sitting in each of the two vehicles, and the leader was the guy Walker.

At this time, Ye Tian's appearance had changed.

He disguised himself as an Arab nobleman, wearing a robe, headscarf and sunglasses and sat in the back of an SUV.

If you don't look closely, it's difficult to find any flaws.

The doors of these two off-road vehicles have the Tirenzhen logo printed on them.

Walker and the others were also dressed as TPLF officers, and had all their documents, and all of these documents were issued by the top leadership of the TPLF.

At first glance, they looked like they were escorting an Arab VIP.

In Tigray, few people dare to stop these two off-road vehicles unless they are tired of living!

What's more important is that these two off-road vehicles are speeding towards the north, not south to Gondar as many people think!

All those who followed Ye Tian's movements closely, including Israelis, Ethiopians, and those with ulterior motives, all guessed in the wrong direction!

Some of them have already taken action and are waiting on the only road to Gondar, preparing to follow Ye Tian and the others to Gondar.

These guys knew that under the protection of a large number of heavily armed Israeli military police and Ethiopian soldiers, Solomon's treasures and the Ark of the Covenant were completely out of reach of them.

If you are ignorant and still want to rob Solomon's treasure, you will only die!

Even if you are lucky enough to escape from Aksum, you will be hunted by Mossad all over the world. It will definitely be a nightmare!

They can only change their target and focus on the World War II shipwreck treasure at the bottom of Lake Tana to see if they can get some benefits from that treasure, at least get some soup!

In their opinion, as long as they keep a close eye on Ye Tian, ​​they have a chance of success!

But how could they have imagined that even if they waited until eternity on the road south to Gondar, they would not be able to wait for the target person!

In the blink of an eye, another hour or so passed.

The two off-road vehicles that Ye Tian and the others were riding in drove straight into Adwa, another city in the north of Axum.

They did not stay in the city, but went straight to the airport on the other side of the city.

At Adua Airport, two small private planes were waiting for them.

The two small private planes were driven by Ye Tian's private plane pilots, Andre and Zhou Ankang, who each drove a private plane.

As for the two small private jets, they were rented from Saudi Arabia, which matched Ye Tian's disguised identity.

But no one knew that the real users were him and several of his security personnel.

Because there is a certificate issued by the senior management of the People's Liberation Army and a special pass.

Ye Tian and the others were not subject to any interrogation, they drove straight into the airport and boarded the plane smoothly.

When two small private planes took off one after another and flew to Eritrea in the north, the sky had completely darkened, and Ye Tian had completely disappeared from Ethiopia!

Heavy fog fills Lake Tana at night.

The visibility on the lake has dropped to less than a hundred meters, and all ships have dropped their anchors and anchored on the lake.

Some of the timid guys, as well as those with bad water skills or landlubbers, took their boats back to the towns and fishing villages on the shore early.

In the middle of Lake Tana, the fleet exploring and salvaging sunken treasures is still parked in the working waters, with bright lights on each ship and constant laughter and laughter.

In fact, the World War II shipwreck treasure located at the bottom of the lake was salvaged yesterday afternoon.

All the antiques, cultural relics and gold and silver treasures hidden in the sunken ship were salvaged, and not a single one was left!

Although the salvage operation of the sunken treasure has been completed, Matisse did not announce it publicly, but suppressed the news!

He announced that salvage and cleanup operations for the sunken treasure are still continuing.

In order to ensure the personal safety of divers, today's salvage operations are suspended, and all members of the joint exploration fleet are resting in preparation for subsequent salvage and clean-up operations!

Since the Ethiopians had no experience in salvaging shipwreck treasures and most of them were landlubbers, they found nothing suspicious at all.

They only knew that the antique artifacts and gold and silver treasures salvaged from the depths of the lake were all kept in several ships of the joint exploration fleet, and none of them were transported away.

That was enough to give them peace of mind.

When night fell and heavy fog filled the lake, the Ethiopian soldiers who were sailing to protect the joint exploration fleet immediately lost their protection goal.

Since radio silence was still enforced in this area of ​​​​water, all communication signals were blocked, and the Ethiopian soldiers suddenly became blind.

They have long been accustomed to this kind of situation and don't think it's anything special.

But little did they know that under the cover of heavy fog, the transfer operation of the sunken treasure had been quietly launched!

When the time came to around midnight, Mattis finally received the long-awaited instructions.

Ye Tian's voice came from the wireless invisible earphones.

"Mattis, I have flown to Bahir Dar. If weather conditions permit, we will start the treasure transfer operation in the early morning. If it doesn't work tonight, we will do it tomorrow night! How is the situation on the lake?"

Upon hearing this, Matisse's face immediately showed a look of ecstasy.

He quickly turned his head and looked around, and after making sure there was no one else, he whispered:

“Steven, there is heavy fog on the lake tonight, visibility is less than 100 meters, and the weather conditions are very good. Let’s take action tonight to avoid a long night!

With this heavy fog and signal shielding, we can completely transport all this sunken treasure without anyone noticing, hiding it from everyone else.

After the operation is launched, we will control all Ethiopians in the joint exploration fleet and cut off the walkie-talkie signals to prevent them from reporting information to the military.

In fact, these Ethiopians are very unaccustomed to life on the ship. They sleep very deeply at night. It is probably difficult to detect our movements, so there is no need to worry at all.

The situation of the Ethiopian soldiers whose boats were moored on the nearby lake was similar. Now they were completely like blind men, unable to see anything.

Then there are those guys who come for this sunken treasure. It is not difficult to get rid of those guys by using the cover of the fog on the lake and the radar signal shielding."

After listening to the report, Ye Tian pondered for a moment, and then said in a deep voice:

"In this case, let's take action tonight. This matter should be done sooner rather than later. The sooner the better, after I leave Axum, many people will guess that I will deal with this sunken treasure.

In fact, many people have already come to Gondar, all for this World War II shipwreck treasure. More people will definitely come to Gondar tomorrow, and the difficulty of transporting the treasure will become much more difficult.

I will notify you one hour in advance of the specific time of action tonight, and send you the route map and landing site for transporting the sunken treasure. I will bring someone to pick you up at the landing site! "

"Understood, Steven, I will tell the guys to get ready and wait for your news!"

Matisse responded in a low voice, his eyes shining with excitement.

Next, they discussed some details of transferring the treasure before ending the call.

Afterwards, they each got busy preparing for the upcoming treasure transfer operation.

at the same time.

On the lake a few kilometers away, Cook was staring with blood-red eyes at the foggy lake outside the cabin.

"Can you lock down that damn joint exploration fleet? That cunning bastard Steven has probably returned to Gondar, and has even come to Lake Tana and entered that exploration fleet!

Based on my understanding of that bastard, in foggy weather like tonight, that cunning bastard will definitely not let it go. He might start action immediately to transport all the sunken treasures away! "

The subordinate who was responsible for exploring with ship radar said with a sad face:

"Nothing can be detected, boss. At night, those bastards will expand the signal shielding range. There will be no signal within two kilometers of the joint exploration fleet.

There is heavy fog on the lake now, and the visibility is less than 100 meters. We can't see the joint exploration fleet at all. We can only wait until daybreak. There is no other way! "

"Wait until daybreak? Absolutely not. We may not be able to catch even a hair of the treasure by then. We can't let that bastard Steven take away all the treasures. I won't accept it!"

Cook said through gritted teeth.

After saying that, he kept walking around the cabin like a trapped animal, trying to find a way to break the situation.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't think of any effective way.

On this pitch-black, foggy lake, there wasn't much room for maneuver, not to mention the opponent's defense was airtight and impeccable!

After thinking for a long time, Cook said:

"If you send another small drone out and lock that damn joint exploration fleet at all costs, I won't believe it!"

"Ah! Release another small drone? Did I hear you correctly? Boss, we have lost five small drones, and this is the last one.

Once this small drone flies into the no-fly zone, it will most likely be shot down. In that case, we will not even have a drone.

Without drones, we will completely lose our aerial reconnaissance capabilities after dawn, and it will be almost impossible to keep an eye on the exploration fleet! "

"I can't control that much, and I can't wait until tomorrow morning. Let the drone go out immediately."

"Well, you are the boss, so of course you have the final say."

A moment later, a small drone took off from the ship and quickly rose into the sky.

Once it reached a certain altitude, the small drone flew towards the center of Lake Tana, heading straight for the water area where the joint exploration fleet was located!

Unfortunately, the result made Cook extremely desperate!

This small drone was spotted as soon as it flew into the no-fly zone, was shot down by a drone jamming gun, and fell into the lake!

Faced with this result, Cook was furious, but there was nothing he could do!

But he was sure.

The joint exploration fleet is still in the waters and has not left!

The reason why this is certain is simple.

Those Ethiopian soldiers who protect the joint exploration fleet do not have high-tech equipment such as drone jamming guns, and they cannot shoot so accurately in the middle of the night.

The one who took out the drone interference gun and killed that small drone must be one of Steven's bastard's men!

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