Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3127 The ghost flickering in the fog

Latest website: The night is getting darker and darker, and the fog on Lake Tana is getting thicker and thicker.

At this time, on Lake Tana, even with the fog lights on, visibility was less than fifty meters.

On several ships of the Joint Exploration Fleet, although the lights were always on, it was very quiet.

There was silence all around, except for the sound of waves of lake water lapping against the hull of the boat, like a lullaby on the water.

On the lake around the fleet, fish jump out of the water from time to time, making some noise.

All members of the Ethiopian exploration team, as well as government representatives, had fallen asleep at this time, and slept very deeply.

Because they were extremely unadapted to life on board, they had been relying on sleeping pills every day to fall asleep during this period, and even developed a certain degree of dependence!

Now, as long as they take sleeping pills and fall asleep, they can basically sleep until dawn.

They have no idea what happened during this period. Even if someone pulls them out and sells them, it is probably difficult for them to wake up immediately!

Unlike them, no one among the exploration team members and security personnel of the Brave and Intrepid Exploration Company was sleeping at this time!

Everyone was awake, everyone was excited and full of anticipation.

And they have all packed their bags and are ready to quietly evacuate from the center of Lake Tana with the salvaged sunken treasures at any time!

The security team members responsible for protecting the joint exploration team are all fully armed!

They had all the light and heavy weapons moved out, ready for use at any time.

If necessary, they will protect this joint exploration fleet full of treasures and fight their way out of Lake Tana.

After midnight, while the Ethiopians were asleep, and under the cover of the heavy fog on the lake, Mattis arranged for his men to carefully inspect each ship.

From the hull to the engine, to the propeller and portable marine navigator, radar, etc., everything was checked.

After confirming that there were no problems, they filled up each ship with fuel and were ready to evacuate at any time.

When the time came to two o'clock in the morning, Ye Tian's voice came from the wireless invisible earphones again.

"Mattis, inform the guys to set off on time at three o'clock in the morning to evacuate the operating waters with the sunken treasures. I will send you the evacuation route and landing site immediately.

During the evacuation process, you must pay attention to safety. Not only must you avoid the ships that are keeping an eye on the fleet, but you must also keep a distance from each other and never collide.

It doesn’t matter if you go slower, as long as you can reach the designated landing place safely, there is plenty of time, even in the morning, the heavy fog on Lake Tana will not dissipate immediately! "

As he finished speaking, Mattis also received the evacuation route and landing site of the joint exploration fleet.

He looked at the message he received, then whispered excitedly in response:

"Understood, Steven, we have already made preparations. In fact, we can set off now. In that case, we can reach the landing site before dawn.

The Ethiopians in the joint exploration fleet are all fast asleep and will not wake up until dawn, and I will send people to keep an eye on them at all times.

The surrounding ships of the Ethiopian military and police, as well as other guys who came for the sunken treasures, are now blind and cannot detect us at all.

As for the safety of the fleet, don’t worry, we have portable marine radars and navigators, and we will maintain appropriate speed and distance, so there won’t be any problems.”

"Okay, but the departure time of the fleet is still set at three in the morning, when people are sleeping soundly, and we still have some things to do here in Bahir Dar, we must keep in sync!"

Ye Tian responded.

Next, they discussed the details of the operation and then ended the call.

Subsequently, Mattis notified the security personnel and exploration team members in charge of each ship to let everyone prepare.

In Bahir Dar on the south bank of Lake Tana, Ye Tian and the others were also busy.

At this time, they were guests at the home of the Amhara governor.

Also present at the scene were the speaker of the Amhara State Assembly, the mayor of Bahir Dar, and two Ethiopian lawyers.

These people were woken up from their beds by Ye Tian's security team and brought here quietly.

At first, each of them was trembling with fear, thinking they had encountered a kidnapper.

When they saw Ye Tian, ​​they understood who these heavily armed guys were, and they felt much relieved.

At least they understand that they are not being kidnapped and do not have to worry about their personal safety.

After ending the call with Matisse, Ye Tian walked into the living room.

Seeing him coming in, several Ethiopians, including the governor of Amhara state, immediately stood up.

Each of them had anger in their eyes, but more importantly, fear and fear.

"Mr. Steven, can you explain? What is going on? Is this going too far?"

The governor of Amhara State asked, but he looked a little bit stern.

"Yes, you have gone too far. To be serious, this is kidnapping!"

The speaker of the Amhara region continued, and the mayor of Bahir Dar also echoed.

The other two Ethiopian lawyers said nothing and just stared at Ye Tian nervously.

Obviously, these two guys have a little more wink.

They know that nothing they say now is in vain, the most important thing is to get out of here alive!

Ye Tian looked at these Ethiopians, then smiled and said:

"I'm very sorry, gentlemen, for disturbing everyone's rest. I know it's a bit inappropriate to do so, but we don't have any malice at all, let alone kidnapping. You don't have to worry about safety issues."

After hearing this, several Ethiopians secretly breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed a little.

After a pause, Ye Tian continued:

"Of course there is a reason why we do this. The reason is that we are preparing to transfer the batch of sunken treasures salvaged from Lake Tana tonight..."

As soon as he said this, several Ethiopians exclaimed.

"Didn't you say that the treasure from the sunken ship hasn't been salvaged yet? Why did it start to be transferred tonight?"

"Is the news you released before false? Why don't our people know about the transfer of sunken treasure tonight? Why don't they inform us in advance and discuss it with us?"

Ye Tian smiled softly and then explained:

"Gentlemen, in fact, as early as yesterday afternoon, the sunken treasure hidden at the bottom of Lake Tana had been salvaged. All the antiques, cultural relics and gold and silver treasures in the sunken ship had been salvaged.

The weather conditions are good tonight. There is heavy fog on the lake and the visibility is very poor. It can be used to transport the sunken treasure. With the cover of night and fog, the treasure can be easily transported out.

The reason why we released false news is to confuse those who come for the sunken treasure. You also know that in Lake Tana and the surrounding areas, there are countless pairs of eyes staring at that treasure!

I didn't notify you for safety reasons. The location of the exploration fleet was leaked by your people. We later found out that many of the guys who leaked the information were your people! "

Upon hearing this, the expressions of several Ethiopians changed and they looked quite embarrassed.

Your own people know your own business!

They knew very well that what Ye Tian said was absolutely correct.

It is simply a fantasy to hope that the Ethiopians in the joint exploration team and the Ethiopian military police protecting the joint exploration fleet can keep it secret!

They don't guard and steal, which is already very good!

If given a chance of success, they might be among the first to rob the sunken ship of treasure.

Before these Ethiopians could respond, Ye Tian said again:

“Since this joint exploration operation is in cooperation with the Ethiopian government, we need high-level people from the Ethiopian government to participate in receiving the treasure.

We plan to transfer this staggeringly valuable shipwreck treasure ashore near Bahir Dar, transport it to Bahir Dar city, and then carefully identify and distribute it!

In this process, I believe that both Amhara and Bahir Dar will benefit a lot. I will also donate a sum of money to Bahir Dar afterward, which is considered as my sincerity.

If Bahir Dar does not welcome us and these sunken treasures, then we can still transport them to Gondar. We have a good relationship with the Gondar Municipal Government! "

Before he finished speaking, Mayor Bahir Dar said hurriedly:

"Of course we welcome you, Mr. Steven, and we also welcome the astonishingly valuable batch of sunken treasures. We welcome you to transport those sunken treasures to Bahir Dar for appraisal and distribution here.

Bahir Dar is the capital of Amhara region. The facilities here are more complete and the transportation is more convenient. It is not comparable to the small city of Gondar. I believe you chose this place because of seeing these."

When he said these words, the mayor's eyes shone with excitement.

The other Ethiopians also forgot their fear in an instant.

They know that as long as the treasures left over from World War II can be transported to Bahir Dar, Bahir Dar and people like them can get certain benefits from it!

The geese are plucked!

It doesn’t matter which country or where you are!

What's more, Ye Tian also promised to donate a sum of money to Bahir Dar, so he couldn't miss it!

Before the voices of these Ethiopians could finish, Ye Tian's expression suddenly changed and he said in a deep voice:

"Since you don't object, then we will transport this batch of sunken treasures to Bahir Dar. After these treasures arrive in Bahir Dar and are strictly protected, we will announce the news to the outside world.

For the sake of fairness and safeguarding the interests of both parties, after these shipwreck treasures are landed, you can supervise the entire transfer process, as well as the subsequent treasure identification and distribution process.

Before we officially announce the news to the outside world, we hope that you can keep it strictly confidential and not leak relevant information, let alone try to betray us and monopolize these treasures. In that case, we will come back! "


Several Ethiopians exclaimed in unison, all startled.

They looked at the dark night outside, and then looked at the heavily armed guys in front of them, and they were all frightened!

In an instant, they threw away all their unwanted thoughts!

Treasures are certainly tempting, but you have to live to enjoy them, right?

With this bastard Steven's mysterious skills and ruthless and no-holds-barred behavior, what can't he do?

If he dared to trick him, he probably wouldn't even know how he would die!

Ten minutes later, several off-road vehicles left the villa of the Amhara governor.

The senior Ethiopian government officials and lawyers who were sitting in the living room just now are now sitting in these SUVs, looking at each other in shock!

Without exception, their mobile phones were put away to prevent the news of the transferred treasure from being leaked.

Even in the SUV they were sitting in, there were two fully armed security personnel each, which kept each of them silent!

When these cars drove out of Bahir Dar, they saw another huge convoy.

The convoy consisted of more than 20 vehicles, most of which were off-road vehicles, a few tourist buses, and container trucks. They lined up for a long time on the road.

In these vehicles, there are more or less heavily armed security personnel sitting!

Seeing this scene, several senior Ethiopian officials took a breath and were horrified.

This is simply a small army, and it is a well-trained special forces!

Where did that crazy bastard Steven find such a group of tough guys, and how did he get these guys into Ethiopia and Bahir Dar?

These damn Americans are so lawless!

Although they were cursing secretly, these senior Ethiopian officials made up their minds and said nothing to offend Ye Tian!

Life is so beautiful, who wants to die?

Soon, the convoy left Bahir Dar and headed north, disappearing into the darkness in the blink of an eye.

At this time, it happened to be three o'clock in the morning.

"Guys, let's go!"

Following Mattis's order, the joint exploration fleet anchored in the center of Lake Tana slowly sailed away from the operating waters, and quietly sailed to the southeast under the cover of night and heavy fog!

These ships moved very slowly, making almost no sound, and left silently like phantoms floating on the water.

Many Ethiopian exploration team members and official representatives staying on one of the passenger ships were still sleeping in various cabins and had no idea what was happening outside.

At both ends of the cabin of the ship, there were two security personnel with live ammunition guarding each side, ready to respond at any time.

Fortunately, nothing unexpected happened!

The Ethiopians in the cabin showed no sign of waking up.

Ten minutes later, the joint exploration fleet was far away from the operating waters, cleverly bypassed the guard ships guarding the surrounding area, and disappeared into the darkness and heavy fog!

The Ethiopian military police on the guard ship were also sleeping.

The few guys who were assigned to watch the night were also sitting on chairs snoring and had already fallen asleep.

In fact, even if they were awake, they wouldn't notice anything.

The heavy fog on the lake hid everything.

Next, the joint exploration fleet avoided many other ships guarding the surrounding area, like a ghost wandering in the fog, meandering farther and farther away.

Many people, including Cook and others, could not see this exploration fleet even if their eyes were wide open.

In fact, when the joint exploration fleet passed by them, the closest distance was only about three to four hundred meters, but they could not find anything.

It took nearly an hour for the joint exploration fleet to completely break out of the encirclement.

Mattis, who was commanding the fleet to move forward, looked at the signal on the portable radar, then picked up the walkie-talkie and whispered:

"Guys, you can slowly increase the speed. We have got rid of those guys who covet the treasure of the sunken ship. Let those guys continue to stay on the lake. Let's return to the land!"

Before he finished speaking, a burst of cheers came from the intercom.

"Awesome! I can't wait to get on land!"

"Hahaha, when the fog clears tomorrow morning, what will the expressions of those guys guarding the lake look like? I really want to see it, it will be very exciting!"

Amidst the cheers, the joint exploration fleet gradually increased its speed and headed straight to the southeast!

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