Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3128 Perfect Action

Latest website: Chapter 3128 Perfect Action

This is a small fishing village located in the southeast of Lake Tana. The location is very remote. There are only a dozen households in the fishing village and seven or eight shabby fishing boats.

There is only one motorized boat among them, and the rest are wooden boats, which are larger than canoes and are limited.

At about four o'clock in the morning, the fishermen were suddenly awakened by the sound of dogs barking one after another. Then they heard the roar of a large number of car engines. It seemed that many vehicles were driving into the fishing village.

When these fishermen put on their clothes and tried to go out to check the situation, they were blocked back by some heavily armed guys.

The other party did not allow them to go out and asked them to stay at home.

While issuing the warning, these guys also gave each fisherman household US$1,000 in cash as a relief fee, which was very generous.

And these guys emphasized that they only used the fishing village's dock to transfer some things.

They will leave soon and will not harm anyone in the fishing village, so everyone can rest assured.

Naturally, the impoverished Ethiopian fishermen would not refuse this unexpected windfall, and kept it with great joy, fearing that the other party would regret it.

After returning to their rooms, these Ethiopian fishermen were very curious.

They want to inquire about the situation and see who these mysterious guys are and what they are transporting?

When they wanted to call, they found out.

There are only a few old mobile phones in the village, but they cannot receive any signal and cannot contact the outside world at all.

In desperation, they could only stay in their respective homes, counting money and looking outside curiously.

It was Ye Tian and his men who took advantage of the night to enter this fishing village, as well as the Ethiopian officials and lawyers who were forcibly invited.

The reason why he chose this fishing village was naturally because it was very remote and hidden, and no one paid any attention to it, making it easier to transfer the shipwreck treasures.

Without much effort, this small fishing village was under his control. It was surrounded by armed security personnel with live ammunition, and the place was tightly guarded.

At the same time, they also blocked communication signals to prevent anyone from leaking secrets.

After finishing all this, Ye Tian left the dock and returned to the motorcade parked on the roadside.

When he led people into a tourist bus, the mayor of Bahir Dar and another Ethiopian government official were holding up their mobile phones to search for signals.

Seeing Ye Tian come in, the mayor immediately asked:

"Mr. Steven, why is there no cell phone signal here? Is it your fault?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the governor of Amhara State continued:

"We still have a lot of things to do and need to keep in touch with the outside world. If we disappear at the same time and cannot be contacted, there will be trouble!"

Ye Tian smiled and then explained:

"Gentlemen, don't worry. I can tell you very clearly that the communication signal in this fishing village and surrounding areas has been cut off by us. You don't need to search for mobile phone signals anymore.

The reason why we do this is of course for security reasons and to avoid leaks. There have been many leaks before, so we have to be cautious. I hope everyone can understand.

However, we will not cut off everyone's contact with the outside world. If you need to contact the outside world and arrange something, you can use the satellite phone we provide.

But one thing I want to make clear is that every phone call you make will be recorded. Under normal circumstances, we will not listen to these recordings, but will seal them.

Regarding this point, you can send a lawyer to supervise. After these shipwreck treasures are safely transferred to Bahir Dar, we will completely destroy these recordings under the supervision of the lawyer.

If our whereabouts are exposed and we are attacked while transporting the treasure, then we will listen to these recordings, find out who leaked the information, and make him pay the price! "

Hearing this, all the Ethiopians present were dumbfounded.

Especially those guys with small thoughts, their eyes flashed with fear, even fear.

After a moment of silence, the governor of Amhara State said:

"Steven, this guy is really just like the legend. He has endless plans and is extremely thoughtful. People have to admire him. In fact, you don't have to be so careful.

Since we have chosen to cooperate with you, we will not leak information at will. It will not do us any good, but since you have already done so, we have no choice but to accept it! "

Hearing this, Ye Tian just smiled and nodded without saying much.

Next, he asked his men to bring over several satellite phones and gave them to these Ethiopians to contact the outside world.

However, these senior Ethiopian officials who got the satellite phones were not in a hurry to make calls.

It's still dark, who can they call?

A few of them just called their families to report that they were safe, and then fell silent.

I learned that every phone call I made would be recorded and kept as evidence.

Under such circumstances, how could they dare to say anything on the phone? Everyone was very cautious.

After chatting with these senior Ethiopian officials, Ye Tian left the tour bus and went back to his car to rest.

At this time, he was somewhat tired and really needed a rest.

Watching his leaving figure, those high-ranking Ethiopian officials were all fearful.

"This bastard Steven is simply a monster. If anyone messes with this guy, it will definitely be a nightmare that they will never wake up from, and they will definitely die!"

"Who says it isn't! For such a scary guy, it's better to leave Ethiopia as soon as possible, otherwise it will be really hard to sleep and eat!"

While these Ethiopians were talking in low voices, many people in many other places were speculating on Ye Tian's whereabouts.

"Where did that guy Steven go? He was not in Axum, nor did he go to Gondar. Could it be that he disappeared from the world?"

"Who knows! Ever since that guy left the platform where the Holy of Holies is, no one has seen him again. He is such an elusive guy!"

"That guy might be in Gondar, he might be on Lake Tana, he might have secretly flown back to New York, or he might be on a private plane flying to Beijing. It could be anything!"

Those who coveted the treasure of this World War II shipwreck were driven into an almost crazy situation.

They are like headless flies, making random guesses.

But little did they know that the joint exploration fleet and sunken treasure that they had been watching closely disappeared at this time, completely disappearing in the heavy fog.

Soon, it was around seven o'clock in the morning.

The sky was bright, but the fog was still thick on Lake Tana, covering the entire lake.

Compared with last night, the fog on the lake was much lighter, and the visibility was restored to about 100 meters.

On the water surface near the lake, the visibility is even better, reaching about 200 meters.

At this moment, a fleet of boats suddenly sailed from the depths of Lake Tana, passed through the thick fog, and sailed straight to this small fishing village on the lakeside.

It was the joint exploration fleet that came, returning in triumph, loaded with the batch of World War II sunken treasures that had just been salvaged.

The moment they saw the fleet, the people waiting by the lake immediately cheered.

"Look, the fleet is coming, and there are many of them!"

"I really want to see those sunken treasures right away. It must be very amazing!"

There were also cheers on the ships of the joint exploration fleet.

"Great! We are finally going back to land. I have never been so eager to set foot on land!"

"I think I saw Steven, and that guy Walker!"

Just as these guys were cheering, Ye Tian's voice suddenly came from the walkie-talkie.

"Good morning, guys. Nice to meet you. This was a perfect treasure transfer operation. Thank you for your hard work!"

"Good morning, Steven, we are also very happy to see you. This sunken treasure hidden by the Italians at the bottom of Lake Tana has been completely fished out of the water and transported here!"

Mattis responded, sounding extremely excited.

At this moment, several Ethiopians in the joint exploration team were awakened by cheers that suddenly sounded outside the cabin.

When they got off the bed, rubbed their sleepy eyes and went outside, they were stunned when they saw the small fishing village not far away and Ye Tian and the others standing in line on the pier!

"Where is this? How did we get here? What happened?"

"Hasn't the treasure from the World War II shipwreck not been salvaged yet? Why did it suddenly land on the shore? Did we sleep for several days?"

Just when these guys were confused and even secretly regretful, two Intrepid Exploration employees stepped forward and began to explain the matter to them.

But the other Ethiopian exploration team members and official representatives were still sleeping in the cabin and had no idea what was happening outside!

In the blink of an eye, the joint exploration fleet had docked.

Immediately afterwards, Matisse led the people off the ship, boarded the pier, and walked straight towards Ye Tian and the others.

When they came closer, Ye Tian looked at these unshaven, pale guys soaked in lake water, and then said with a smile:

"Guys, welcome back to land, and congratulations on completing a perfect exploration and salvage operation of sunken treasure. Each of you is the best!"

With that said, he hugged Matisse.

Matisse said excitedly:

"We have transported all the treasures from this World War II shipwreck. Those fools who covet this treasure are still dreaming about looting the treasures. I really want to see their expressions when they wake up!"

"Hahaha, that must be very exciting!"

Ye Tian said with a smile.

Everyone else laughed too, and the laughter spread far across the lake.

Next, Matisse and the others began to move the World War II sunken treasures from the ship.

Looking at the heavy crates, the eyes of the Ethiopians headed by the governor of Amhara state were red, and their eyes were full of greed!

However, when they saw the Ethiopian joint exploration team members and official representatives walking out of the cabin with sleepy eyes and dizziness, they were furious!

They wished they could rush to the passenger ship immediately, kick all the trash into the lake one by one, and let them sober up!

The work of transporting the sunken treasure from the ship went very smoothly!

It took forty minutes to transfer all the heavy crates to the container trucks parked not far from the shore.

Subsequently, almost all members of the joint exploration team, as well as numerous exploration equipment, were transported to the lake shore and loaded into various vehicles.

Just after eight o'clock in the morning, the convoy escorting the sunken treasure left this small fishing village and headed straight to Bahir Dar in the south.

The ships that brought the sunken treasures to the shore were driven by people and sailed to Volota, another city on the east coast of Lake Tana.

There will be people there to take delivery of these vessels and then take them off charter and return them to their respective owners.

If someone follows these ships, they will definitely be tricked again!

As time goes by, the sun gets higher and higher.

Under the bright sunshine, the dense fog on Lake Tana has gradually dissipated, and the visibility is getting better and better!

The Ethiopian soldiers responsible for protecting the joint exploration fleet finally realized that something was wrong!

How can they search with telescopes? There was no sign of the joint exploration fleet, not a single ship!

A huge fleet suddenly disappeared overnight and disappeared without a trace!

The working water area that was designated as a restricted area was empty, with nothing in it!

In this case, there are only two possibilities!

Either the joint exploration fleet all sank to the bottom of the lake, or they quietly left here under the cover of night and heavy fog, taking the sunken treasure with them!

The first possibility basically does not exist, leaving only the second possibility.

After confirming this, the several Ethiopian officers who led the team felt regretful and gnashed their teeth in hatred.

At the same time, they also thought that there would be a storm that would fall on people like them!

As the visibility on the lake became better and better, the other ships moored on the lake also discovered that the joint exploration fleet had disappeared.

Without exception, those guys were all stunned and dumbfounded!

But they soon realized that everyone had been fooled!

After confirming this, all the guys who were staring closely at this sunken treasure became furious with anger.

"Fake! That bastard Steven's men have been releasing false news. They should have completed the treasure salvage work long ago. The reason why they didn't leave this lake is because they were waiting for that bastard Steven!"

"There is no doubt that those bastards took advantage of last night's heavy fog to transport the sunken treasure away overnight and deceived everyone. We are still guarding here like idiots!"

Like everyone else, that guy Cook was so angry that he jumped into a rage.

"I said last night that that damn bastard Steven has probably arrived here, even on Lake Tana, and he may have used the cover of darkness and fog to transport the sunken treasures overnight.

as expected! That joint exploration fleet just disappeared and used those sunken treasures. I hate this bastard Steven! I won't let him take away all the treasures like this!

Immediately use all your manpower and power to find out where the shipwreck treasures were transported? It is absolutely impossible to transport such a huge treasure without leaving any traces. We will definitely find clues! "

Cook roared angrily and smashed the cabin to pieces.

In fact, there is no need for them to bother to investigate at all!

When the time came to about 11:30 in the morning, news suddenly came from Bahir Dar.

This treasure left over from World War II from the depths of Lake Tana has been safely transported to Bahir Dar and is being closely protected.

Steven, who mysteriously disappeared from Axum, also appeared in Bahir Dar!

But no one knows how he arrived in Bahir Dar from Aksum overnight.

How did they organize a large number of manpower and vehicles to transport the shipwreck treasures out of Lake Tana and to Bahir Dar overnight?

Everyone was completely shocked when they heard the news!

People even have some doubts about whether that magical guy Steven has the ability to clone himself?

Those who stared closely at this World War II shipwreck treasure, after being shocked, all made the same choice!

Go to Bahir Dar!

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