Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3129 Killing someone with a borrowed knife

Latest website: Chapter 3129: Killing with a Borrowed Knife

Axum Airport.

After confirming that the real Ark of the Covenant had reappeared in the world and was hidden in the Holy of Holies deep in the mountains, the Israeli Prime Minister was ready to leave Aksum.

After all, he is the prime minister of a country and has many things to deal with every day. Naturally, he cannot stay here for a long time.

Just as he was boarding the special plane and preparing to take off back to Israel, a senior Mossad official suddenly came to report.

"Mr. Prime Minister, that guy Steven appeared in Bahir Dar, the capital of Amhara State in Ethiopia, accompanied by a large number of heavily armed security personnel, all mercenaries from Raytheon Company.

And that guy took advantage of last night's darkness and the heavy fog on Lake Tana to transport all the sunken treasures salvaged from the bottom of Lake Tana to Bahir Dar and protect them closely.

Including the Ethiopian government, everyone who was keeping an eye on the sunken treasures was fooled by that guy Steven. Another thing is that a group of American soldiers are moving towards Bahir Dar! "


The Israeli Prime Minister exclaimed in a low voice and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Then, he said with a helpless smile:

“This guy Steven is really elusive. Everyone thought he would go to Gondar, but who would have thought that he actually went to Bahir Dar? This is probably beyond everyone’s expectation.

How he traveled from Axum to Bahir Dar overnight is probably unknown to anyone. No one found any trace of him at all. He seemed to appear out of thin air.

Judging from the way he led a large number of security personnel to successfully transport the sunken treasure, he has been planning this matter for a long time. He is really a cunning bastard who has been acting before."

"What should we do next? Should we stand by and do nothing, or should we do something?"

The senior Mossad official asked in a low voice.

The Israeli prime minister looked at the guy and shook his head slightly.

“Our first priority now is how to protect the Ark of the Covenant and Solomon’s treasures, and find a way to transport the Ark and Solomon’s treasures from the depths of the mountain, and then transport them back to Israel.

As for that guy Steven, it's best not to provoke him, lest he trigger crazy revenge from that guy. There's nothing he dares not do, and his little cobra is even more terrifying.

In Jerusalem and other places in Israel, there are still some legendary treasures that have not been discovered. We may have to cooperate with him in the future, so naturally we cannot offend that guy."

"Okay, Mr. Prime Minister, I know what to do."

"Not only can we not offend that cunning guy, but when necessary, we can also ask our people to help that guy and lay a good foundation for the next cooperation.

Judging from the preparations of Steven and the actions of the US military, a series of fire incidents are likely to occur in Bahir Dar, so everyone should pay attention to safety! "

The Israeli Prime Minister continued, his eyes full of fear.

Then they chatted for a few more words before they ended their conversation.

Afterwards, the senior Mossad official left the special plane and went out to arrange the operation.

A moment later, the Israeli Prime Minister's special plane roared away, escorted by several Israeli Air Force fighter planes, and flew straight towards Israel!

at the same time.

The Pope, who is still staying in the camp of the tripartite joint exploration team, has also received the news.

He was also stunned for a moment, then smiled and said:

"What a cunning guy. No one can catch him, no one can guess his thoughts, let alone plot against him!"

"Isn't it! Anyone who dares to plot against this guy Steven is definitely asking for trouble, or even asking for death!"

Bishop Kent continued, obviously feeling the same way.

And in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, the presidential palace.

The president of Ethiopia was gnashing his teeth and cursing, almost flipping the table.

"This lawless bastard, how dare he lead a private army through the city, how dare he lead people to secretly transport those World War II shipwreck treasures? This is not their Iraq and Afghanistan!

Moreover, that bastard actually dared to hold the governor of Amhara and the mayor of Bahir Dar hostage. He was so audacious. Isn’t he afraid of going to jail? Isn’t he afraid of being jailed in Ethiopia? "

After the Ethiopian president vented his anger, his mood calmed down a little.

In fact, he knew it very well.

The Ethiopian government really has nothing to do with that audacious guy, and it can't afford to offend him!

The previous leaks from members of the Ethiopian exploration team and the military and police gave them no confidence to ask Ye Tian why he transferred the sunken treasure without saying hello.

After the emotions basically calmed down, the Ethiopian president asked the question he was most concerned about.

"What's the situation with that batch of sunken treasure? Is there anything missing? Or was part of it secretly transported away by that bastard Steven?"

The official who reported the situation shook his head.

"According to our people's report, all the sunken treasures are there, not a single piece is missing. The seals on each box are intact. They checked them carefully and there are no problems!"

Hearing this, the Ethiopian president couldn't help but froze for a moment.

He took a deep breath and his face suddenly became much better.

"From this point of view, that bastard Steven still has merit. At least he keeps his promise and never breaks his promise!"

Others in the president's office also nodded.

They can't deny this!

As the news that Ye Tian appeared in Bahir Dar with the sunken treasures spread quickly, people's attention was no longer limited to Aksum, but also turned to Bahir Dar on the south shore of Lake Tana.

Of course, some people in Gondar are more disappointed, such as senior city officials.

They are even complaining and aggrieved!

You know, the sheepskin scroll with the treasure map was found in Gondar, in the Facilidas Castle complex!

This amazing treasure from a World War II shipwreck was eventually transported to Bahir Dar. Can the Gondar people not feel depressed or even resentful?

Fortunately, Ye Tian called quickly and invited them to send representatives to Bahir Dar to participate in the next series of events!

Not a single cent of the benefits promised to Gondar would be lost.

After receiving the call, these Gondar people felt a little better.

But they also knew that there was no extra money to be made.

It was already afternoon in a blink of an eye.

In a medium-sized conference room in the Bahir Dar Municipal Government, Ye Tian and several antiques, cultural relics and art appraisal experts were appraising these treasures left over from World War II.

Among these appraisal experts, there are both representatives of the Ethiopian government and third-party representatives.

The only person representing the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company is Ye Tian.

However, the appraisal activities of these treasures were mainly conducted by him.

"This is a gold product from the palace of the Solomon dynasty. It was made around the 15th century. It has the marks of the Solomon dynasty and some elements of Arab culture. It has certain collection value!"

Ye Tian said while holding an exquisite gold wine glass.

While giving the identification conclusion, he also showed the antique artifact over and over again, explaining his identification basis one by one.

The other experts who appraised antiques and cultural relics nodded frequently without any objection.

Next, Ye Tian gave the approximate valuation of the golden wine cup and asked his employees to write it down.

The appraisal experts had no objections to the valuation he gave.

Seeing this scene, the senior Ethiopian officials staying outside the cordon felt depressed, but there was nothing they could do!

Only now did they discover that the appraisal experts representing the Ethiopian government and third parties were of no use at all!

The entire identification process of this batch of sunken treasures was completely decided by Ye Tian, ​​and the others could only nod!

Even if they put forward different appraisal opinions and raise objections, they will be overturned by Ye Tian in a few words and give convincing basis for appraisal and valuation.

Not long after the appraisal work started, the appraisal event completely turned into Ye Tian's personal performance, and others could only enjoy it!

The appraisal experts regarded this as a great opportunity to learn, and they all listened with great interest!

When the time came to about three o'clock in the afternoon, Mattis's voice suddenly came from the walkie-talkie.

“Steven, those guys who were on Lake Tana have followed to Bahir Dar, and some of them have already appeared on the streets near the city hall.

Including that guy Cook and his men, those idiots are obviously unwilling to give up and are all here for the treasure. How should we deal with it? Should we get rid of those guys? "

Ye Tian did not respond immediately, but looked at the Ethiopians whose expressions changed drastically.

Then, he picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Mattis, this is Ethiopia and Bahir Dar. Such matters must first be handled by the local police. I believe they can handle these matters and drive away those with ulterior motives.

You can cooperate with the Bahir Dar police and provide them with certain technical support. If they cannot handle this problem and those guys who come for the treasure attack us, we will launch a counterattack."

"Okay, Steven, do we know what to do?"

Mattis responded, ending the call.

Ye Tianze temporarily interrupted the appraisal, walked to the edge of the cordon, and said to Mayor Bahir Dar standing outside:

"Mr. Mayor, I believe you have also heard the situation reported by my staff just now. In order to protect these amazingly valuable treasures left over from World War II and protect the interests of both of us.

In order to protect the city of Bahir Dar, shouldn't you take some action? Drive away those guys with ulterior motives, our people can cooperate with you! "

Hearing this, Mayor Bahir Dar couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Then, he smiled helplessly.

"Mr. Steven, you guys are just like the legend. No matter where you go, you will bring trouble. This time is no exception. As soon as you arrived in Bahir Dar, trouble came right after you!"

When he said these words, Mayor Bahir Dar already regretted it.

If we had known about this situation, we should not have let these guys come to Bahir Dar before.

Ye Tian smiled softly and then continued:

“Mr. Mayor, we don’t want this to happen, and we don’t want to be troublemakers, but there is no way, we are a treasure hunting company, and we can always find all kinds of treasures.

Those crazy treasures always attract waves of people with ulterior motives. The result is that wherever we go, trouble follows! "

"Okay, Mr. Steven, I can ask the Bahir Dar police to come out to warn and drive away those guys with ulterior motives. We also need your technical support to find those guys.

One thing I must emphasize is that these matters are left to the police. You should try not to use force, let alone start a fight with anyone in the city. I don't want this city to be destroyed by you! "

"Don't worry about this, Mr. Mayor. Unless we are attacked, we will not take the initiative to use force, but we will not sit still and wait for death, let alone give up our right to self-defense!"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded and said with a very sincere tone.

Looking at his smiling face, the Ethiopians felt chills running down their backs.

It seems that this is what you bastard said before in Gondar and Axum. The words are still ringing in my ears!

So what did you do? Everyone can see it!

After saying a few words, the governor of Amhara and the mayor of Bahir Dar quickly left here and went out to arrange operations to let the police drive away those guys with ulterior motives!

Ye Tianze walked to the batch of sunken treasures again and continued to conduct appraisals!

After returning here, he picked up a gold-plated animal statue and admired it.

"This should be an antique artifact from the late Nubian Dynasty. You can see the color of Nubian culture and the influence of ancient Egyptian civilization..."

Next, he continued to appreciate and appraise the antique artifacts and gold and silver treasures salvaged from the bottom of Lake Tana, and gave corresponding valuations.

Follow the company employees on the left and right, while shooting videos, recording the valuations of various antiques, cultural relics and gold and silver treasures to prepare for the subsequent distribution of treasures!

At this time, the streets of Bahir Dar gradually became chaotic.

A large number of people gathered around Bahir Dar City Hall to watch the excitement.

People stayed outside the cordon and looked into the city hall. Everyone's eyes were full of curiosity, and there was also a bit of greed in their eyes.

Hidden among the crowd of onlookers were many guys who had followed all the way from Lake Tana, as well as guys who had come from Gondar or other places.

These guys are all staring at the city hall in front of them, their eyes full of greed and unwillingness!

At this moment, they suddenly discovered that there seemed to be a lot more Ethiopian police around them, and there were also a lot more soldiers with live ammunition!

Some of the police officers were holding their mobile phones and looking at the screen while looking through the crowd, as if they were looking for someone!

Soon, they focused on a few guys hidden in the crowd and quickly surrounded them.

Those guys who were targeted reacted very quickly.

Sensing that something was wrong, those guys immediately turned around and ran away without any hesitation.

Naturally, those Ethiopian police refused to let go of their target and immediately chased after him!

In the blink of an eye, scenes of pursuit began to take place around the Bahir Dar City Hall, and the streets suddenly became chaotic.

Those who were hidden in the crowd and had not yet been discovered quickly realized what had happened.

"No, we were discovered by that bastard Steven. That bastard is using the Bahir Dar police to deal with us. Everyone, be careful!"

"Yes, this is one of that bastard's usual moves!"

While exclaiming in low voices, these guys stepped back one after another, trying to get away from here.

During their retreat, several more guys were discovered one after another and had to flee in a hurry!

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