Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3130 It’s time to settle the general ledger

Latest website: On a street near Bahir Dar City Hall, two off-road vehicles with foreign license plates drove into this narrow street.

At this moment, several police cars suddenly roared over and instantly blocked the exits at both ends of the street.

Immediately afterwards, a stern warning sounded in the street.

An Ethiopian police officer held a loudspeaker and shouted in broken English:

"People in the two cars in front, listen, this is the Bahir Dar police. You have been surrounded. Raise your hands and slowly get out of the car and accept the police inspection. Do not resist, otherwise you will bear the consequences!"

The faces of the guys sitting in the two SUVs suddenly changed and became very ugly.

They turned to look at the situation at both ends of the street, and then cursed angrily.

"Fake! We were exposed. That bastard Steven's men must have discovered us, and then told the police the news and asked the police to deal with us!"

"That's right! It must be those damn American bastards. They're so damn hateful. Boss, what should we do next?"

"What else can I do? Just rush out. I can't let the Ethiopian master catch me and throw me into prison. I don't want to eat Ethiopian prison food."

The previous time in Lalibela, we were almost bankrupt. If we fall into the hands of the Ethiopian police again this time, we will be peeled off even if we die! "

The boss, who was about thirty or forty years old, said through gritted teeth, his eyes full of anger and despair.

He looked at the situation before and after, quickly took out the automatic rifle in his bag, pushed the bullet into the chamber with a click, and then roared.

"Guys, rush out from here. The firepower of these Ethiopian police is average and they can't stop us at all."

Other people in the two off-road vehicles also took out their weapons and prepared to fight their way out of the street.

The next moment, the two off-road vehicles rushed out and crashed directly into the police car parked in the middle of the intersection ahead.

Seeing this scene, the Ethiopian policemen blocking the road in front suddenly felt like they were dying.

They immediately left the police car and hurriedly rushed to both sides of the street, looking for places to hide.

However, the several Ethiopian soldiers standing behind these policemen have slightly better military qualities.

They quickly picked up the guns in their hands, pointed at the two off-road vehicles rushing towards them at high speed, and pulled the triggers brazenly.

"Bang bang bang bang"

Gunfire suddenly rang out, resounding throughout the street.

The first off-road vehicle that rushed in front instantly had more than a dozen bullet holes on its body, and several more bullet holes on its front windshield.

The guy sitting in the passenger seat of this off-road vehicle was shot several times in the blink of an eye and was killed directly.

Fortunately, the guy driving the car escaped unhurt, and the second off-road vehicle behind him didn't suffer much attack either.

At the same time that the Ethiopian soldiers were attacking, the guys sitting in two off-road vehicles were also shooting violently outside the vehicles, each of them looking crazy.

"Bang bang bang bang"

Amidst the hail of gunfire, two off-road vehicles rushed to the street intersection at high speed.

What followed was an extremely fierce impact, the sound was deafening.

Two Ethiopian police cars blocking the middle of the intersection were knocked away and overturned on the side of the road, emitting black smoke.

The two off-road vehicles rushed out of the gap and rushed forward at high speed.

"Bang bang bang bang"

The gunfire became more intense.

Both the guys in the two SUVs and the Ethiopian military and police were firing heavily.

Unfortunately, most of those Ethiopians fired blindly. The gunshots sounded fierce, but they had little effect.

As a result, the two off-road vehicles successfully rushed out of the street and fled.

The same scene was played out on several streets near the city hall, with much the same content.

Those who came for this World War II shipwreck treasure were caught off guard when they encountered the warm reception of the Bahir Dar police and army as soon as they arrived.

Immediately afterwards, those guys began to flee in all directions, and even had a fight with the Bahir Dar police and military.

Including Cook and a few of his guys!

They were also being chased and intercepted by the police. In order to avoid falling into the hands of the police, they could only drive their cars through the streets of Bahir Dar in an attempt to escape as soon as possible.

While driving wildly, Cook also gritted his teeth and cursed wildly.

"Fake! I hate this damn bastard Steven, don't let me escape, otherwise I will never end with this bastard."

Before he finished speaking, a hail of bullets suddenly flew from behind and hit the cars that were running away like crazy.

Cook and others were startled and quickly lowered their heads for fear of being hit by stray bullets.

For them, it is no longer possible to reach Bahir Dar City Hall, which is not far away.

The shipwreck treasures from the bottom of Lake Tana are even more elusive.

In and around the entrance to Bahir Dar City Hall.

Ye Tian's many armed security personnel are guarding the place with guns and ammunition, and the place is tightly guarded.

They did not participate, but simply watched the chases that took place on the streets of Bahir Dar.

Not far away, the hotel where employees of the Intrepid Exploration Company are staying is also heavily guarded and guarded very tightly.

In the medium-sized conference room of the city hall, Ye Tian looked out the window, then looked away, looking at the gold and silver treasures in the crate on the table, and continued to identify and evaluate them.

The contents contained in this crate are another batch of gold products.

Several boxes of the same gold products have been found before.

Under the illumination of light, these things emit an extremely bright light, which is dazzling.

Ye Tian picked up a gold dinner plate, wiped it gently, then pointed to the golden lion head carved on the edge of the plate and said:

"There is no doubt that this is another gold and silver treasure from the Solomon Dynasty and is part of the treasures of the Solomon Dynasty. This gold lion head badge is the best explanation.

From this golden dinner plate, we can see how luxurious the life of the Solomonic royal family was at that time. Fortunately, these valuable treasures did not fall into the hands of Italians."

Hearing this, all the Ethiopians, including his old friend Mustafa, rolled their eyes angrily.

"Yes, these treasures of the Solomon Dynasty did not fall into the hands of the Italian invaders, but fell into the hands of a greedy bastard like you. Half of them are about to be taken away by you. How unwilling!"

Thinking of this, they felt a sharp pain in their hearts, but there was nothing they could do.

Mustafa looked at the gold plate, was silent for a moment, and then said:

"Steven, after the appraisal of this batch of sunken treasures is completed, if possible, I hope you will not take away the half of the treasures you received. We want to do some research and exhibitions.

Relevant research and exhibitions will be carried out in Addis Ababa, and there will be no problems with safety. You will transport these treasures away after these research and exhibitions are completed.”

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, and then shook his head firmly.

"I'm very sorry, Mustafa, I can't agree to your request. You know very well how many leaks have occurred during our joint exploration of this sunken treasure.

You can hear what's going on outside now. Under such circumstances, it's impossible for me to keep these sunken treasures in Ethiopia for a long time. Aren't they just waiting for someone to snatch them! "

Mustafa and the others immediately turned to look out the window, and their expressions changed, becoming quite ugly and embarrassed.

You know your own situation best!

They knew that what Ye Tian said was absolutely correct. The risk of leaving these treasures in Ethiopia was too great, and they might be looted.

Such a situation even left them unable to refute.

After a pause, Ye Tian continued:

"When the identification and evaluation work is completed, I will divide this batch of treasures into two parts of equal value. We will each choose half, and then we will leave immediately with our own half.

As for academic research issues, we can provide you with detailed photos of all the antique artifacts and gold and silver treasures in the treasure, which will not affect the academic research work at all.

Then there is the issue of the exhibition. The half of the sunken treasures that have been allocated to you is believed to be enough to support a special exhibition. When holding an exhibition, you must pay attention to security."

The scene fell silent.

Mustafa and the other Ethiopians gritted their teeth but could not say anything.

Ye Tianze smiled, and then gave the valuation of the golden dinner plate in his hand.

"This gold dinner plate was made in the late 16th century. It is well preserved and has a certain collection value. Counting the value of the gold itself, I value it at about US$200,000."

While he was saying this, the two company employees responsible for recording had recorded the valuation of the gold plate and taken a video.

Two Ethiopian antiquities and cultural relics appraisal experts and a third-party appraisal expert came forward one after another, looked at the gold plate, and after some low-spirited discussion, they both nodded in approval.

Later, Ye Tian picked up another antique cultural relic in the box and began to identify it.

On the street outside, there were still constant gunshots and chaos.

Bahir Dar was in chaos for a whole day, with gunshots happening one after another.

People living in this city are terrified and frightened.

Especially after nightfall, even if a curfew is implemented, the city becomes even more chaotic.

Those who came for the sunken treasure were not willing to give up and wanted to make one last effort!

On several streets near the Bahir Dar City Hall, a few figures would pass by from time to time, using the cover of night to keep approaching the city hall.

"Guys, we don't have much chance left. I just received the news. When dawn comes, that bastard Steven and the Ethiopian government will prepare to divide these sunken treasures.

After allocating the treasures, that bastard Steven will immediately transport the assigned batch of sunken treasures directly to New York. The person responsible for transporting the treasures will be a C5 transport plane.

Once that batch of treasures is divided up and transported away, there will be no chance at all. We can't chase them to New York or Addis Ababa to snatch the treasures, we can only do it here."

In a hidden corner of one of the streets, a guy in his thirties whispered.

Although he was in a dark corner, this guy's eyes seemed to be glowing red, which was obviously caused by greed.

After the words fell, a subordinate suddenly said:

"Boss, how about we change the target and loot half of the treasures in Ethiopia? This bastard Steven is too difficult to deal with. It is almost impossible to snatch the treasures from him."

The boss glanced at this guy and then whispered:

"Stop dreaming. No matter how weak Ethiopia is, it is still a country. The person escorting these sunken treasures to Addis Ababa is probably a heavily armed army.

How can we, the people like us, compete with the army? Isn’t that asking for death? We can only make plans for this guy Steven and see if we can make a profit! "

Hearing this, the other people nodded.

The boss glanced at these subordinates, and then said in a deep voice:

"Come on, let's go to that damn city government building and play it by ear, maybe we'll have a chance!"

The same scene was being staged simultaneously on several nearby streets and even further afield, with much the same content!

But how did these guys know that in the night sky above their heads, seven or eight small drones carrying infrared thermal imaging cameras were flying and patrolling quietly in the dark.

Every move they made was captured by those small drones and fell into the eyes of others.

The medium-sized conference room in Bahir Dar City Hall was still brightly lit.

After more than ten hours of work, the identification and evaluation of these sunken treasures was finally completed.

Ye Tian gave the valuation of the last antique cultural relic, then put it back in the box, and then glanced at everyone present.

Except for him, everyone else present looked tired.

Mustafa and others' eyes were red, and their spirits were somewhat depressed.


Ye Tian gently clapped his palms, attracting everyone's attention.

Then, he smiled and said loudly:

"Gentlemen, thank you for your hard work. The preliminary identification and evaluation of this batch of sunken treasures has been completed. If you have any questions, you can come back to me to discuss it.

When daybreak, we can distribute these sunken treasures and draw a successful conclusion to this joint exploration operation. Everyone can go back and rest now."

After hearing this, everyone let out a sigh of relief and immediately relaxed a lot.

At this moment, a gunshot suddenly came from outside, startling everyone.

Immediately afterwards, there was another sudden burst of gunfire, completely tearing this already quiet night into pieces.

"Steven, some guys used the cover of night to try to approach the area where Bahir Dar City Hall is located. They are obviously coming for these sunken treasures.

There were a lot of these guys and they came from different places. As a result, several of them happened to bump into the patrolling Ethiopian military police, and their whereabouts were exposed! "

Mattis's voice came over the walkie-talkie, announcing the situation outside.

After listening to the report, Ye Tian just smiled softly, then picked up the walkie-talkie and responded:

"This is to be expected. Those guys want to loot these sunken treasures, but there are not many opportunities left. They are obviously desperate and ready to take risks.

Let the guys be ready for battle. The principles of firefighting remain unchanged. If those guys attack us, fight back immediately and send those idiots to hell.

Leave peripheral matters to the Ethiopian police. After all, this is their territory. We should not overstep our control and ask the hotel staff to be more vigilant."

"Okay, Steven, leave the outside matters to us."

Mattis responded, ending the call.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian looked at everyone present and said with a smile:

"Gentlemen, for everyone's safety, I think it's best not to go back to the hotel and just rest here. Fortunately, this is the Bahir Dar City Hall and the conditions are pretty good.

Everyone will deal with it here for a few hours, and it will be dawn soon. When we both finish distributing this batch of sunken treasures, it will not be too late for everyone to leave here, it will be safer that way."

"Well, Steven, it seems that this is the only way to go. You guys are really troublemakers. You will bring trouble wherever you go."

Mustafa nodded in response, very helpless.

The rest of the people at the scene also nodded and left the conference room where the sunken treasures were stored.

After they left, Ye Tian warned several company employees and security personnel who were staying here, as well as Ethiopian representatives.

Then, he also left the conference room!

As soon as he walked out of the conference room, Walker came over and handed him a mountaineering bag.

Ye Tian quickly opened his hiking bag, took out a Kevlar body armor and put it on.

Next, he took out G36C short assault rifles, pistols, sabers and other items from the bag, and hung them on his body one by one.

In the blink of an eye, he was fully armed.

Then, he looked at the dark night sky outside and said coldly:

"Let's go and meet those old friends. They have been with us for so long, all the way from Israel to Ethiopia. It's time to meet, settle the accounts, and give them a chance!"

With that said, Ye Tian walked towards the stairs.

Walker and the others immediately followed, eager to try.

Mayor Bahir Dar, who was standing aside, wanted to say something, but when the words reached his lips, he stopped.

While talking, Ye Tian and the others had arrived on the first floor.

Mattis is directing his security personnel to set up defenses here. There are also many Ethiopian military police present, and the atmosphere is quite tense.

As Ye Tian and the others appeared, everyone at the scene turned their heads and looked over.

Ye Tianchong nodded and greeted everyone, then came to Matisse and asked in a low voice:

"What's the situation outside? Can the Ethiopian military police responsible for perimeter security still be able to withstand it? Don't forget the roof to prevent someone from descending to the roof for a surprise attack!"

Mattis nodded and then reported in a low voice:

"Judging from the current situation, the Ethiopian military and police outside can still withstand it. There is no need to worry about someone rushing into the building for the time being, and there is no need to worry about the rooftop.

I arranged a few guys on the roof of the building, and there were small drones patrolling in the air. There were no too tall buildings around, so I basically didn’t have to worry about aerial raids! …”

After listening to the report, Ye Tian pondered for a moment, and then whispered:

"It seems that this place is safe. If those guys outside attack us later, I will find an opportunity to go out and solve some troubles. I will leave this place to you!"

"No problem, Steven, as long as we are here, no one can break into this building."

Matisse nodded in response, and the other guys also nodded.

While nodding, they looked outside in unison.

At this time, they were even a little worried about those people outside who didn't know how to live or die!

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