Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3131 The God of Death Wandering in the Dark

Latest website: Chapter 3131: The God of Death Wandering in the Dark

At midnight, the entire Bahir Dar was shrouded in darkness.

The guys who had tried to sneak into the city government building at night had all withdrawn in despair and disappeared into the darkness.

But Ye Tian and the others knew that those guys were definitely still nearby, not far away, and were waiting for an opportunity to move.

For those guys, tonight may be their last chance to loot these World War II sunken ship treasures, and naturally they will not give up easily.

Numerous military police and armed security personnel guarding the city hall building were hiding behind various bunkers and staring vigilantly at the surrounding areas shrouded in darkness.

All the officials and civilian staff, including the mayor of Bahir Dar, as well as several experts and scholars, remained silent and did not even dare to speak out!

At this time, they all regretted not leaving here as soon as they got off work, otherwise they would not be in this situation.

In a room on the second floor, Ye Tian, ​​who was fully armed, was taking a nap here.

When the time came to twelve o'clock, Mattis's voice suddenly came from the walkie-talkie, informing him of the latest news.

"Steven, we just received news that the C5 transport plane transporting these sunken treasures has just arrived at Bahir Dar Airport, and there are two special operations teams arriving on the transport plane.

Those guys are driving towards the city of Bahir Dar. Wait until tomorrow. Together with the US troops who arrived this afternoon, they can help us escort the sunken treasure to the airport."

After hearing the report, Ye Tian pondered for a moment, and then responded in a deep voice:

"Now that the C5 transport plane has flown to Bahir Dar, it means that we will soon be able to leave Ethiopia with this treasure. At this time, everyone cannot relax.

If nothing unexpected happens, this news will be leaked out soon, telling everyone to be more vigilant. Those who covet this sunken treasure may want to jump over the wall! "

"Understood, Steven, I will notify the guys and prepare everyone to fight, just in case."

Matisse responded, immediately starting to set up.

After ending the call, Ye Tian was ready to rest for a while so that he could be in a better state tomorrow.

However, those guys hiding in the darkness had no intention of giving him a chance to rest.

Just as he expected, the news that the US military C5 heavy transport plane had arrived in Bahir Dar was leaked in an instant.

After receiving the news, the guys who coveted these sunken treasures immediately became anxious.

"Farke! We must not let that bastard Steven transport these sunken treasures away. Once these treasures are transported to New York, if we want to rob them again, we will have to rob the Federal Reserve Treasury. That is courting death!"

"Yes, we must find a way to keep these sunken treasures in Bahir Dar. Tonight is our last chance to do it. We must not miss it!"

In a house in downtown Bahir Dar, Cook was discussing with several of his men.

At this time, these guys' eyes were red, full of madness and greed.

Several of the guys had some minor or serious injuries on their bodies, which were left from previous battles.

In the battle to attack the Bahir Dar Municipal Government Building a few hours ago, they did not gain any advantage. They were beaten to a pulp and lost several lives in vain on those dark streets.

But instead of deterring these guys, that defeat only made them crazier.

For Cook and others, if they return to the United States empty-handed, the consequences they face will not be much better than dying here. Those investors will definitely bankrupt them!

Instead of doing this, it is better to give it a try in Ethiopia, maybe it will succeed and make a lot of money.

Anyway, the sky is high here and the emperor is far away!

Even if you and others turn this place into a war-torn battlefield, the U.S. government will not care. At worst, you will never come to Ethiopia again!

After a few whispers, one of the guys suddenly said:

"Boss, the Bahir Dar Municipal Government's security is too tight. It can be said that it is watertight. It is impossible to sneak in in the dark. Can we change our thinking?"

Cook immediately looked at this guy and said curiously:

"Change your thinking? How about a change? Let's talk about it!"

The subordinate immediately continued:

"Everyone knows that Steven attaches great importance to the safety of his men. Not only does he take the lead when exploring treasures, it is said that he always puts the safety of his men before the treasure.

In this case, we might as well start with those employees of the Discovery Company. Those guys have just come out of Lake Tana and are sleeping with their heads covered in the hotel, not in the city hall building.

As far as I know, the security at the hotel where they are staying is relatively weak. If we have enough manpower to raid the hotel at night, we might be able to succeed.

As long as we can break into the hotel, kidnap a few Valorant Exploration Company employees, and then blackmail that bastard Steven, I believe we can make a lot of money, and it's not that dangerous."

Before he finished speaking, Cook's eyes suddenly lit up.

Several other guys in this room also behaved the same way.

"Yeah, why did I forget this? Since we can't sneak into the Bahir Dar City Hall and kill that crazy bastard Steven, then let's attack his employees!"

Cook said excitedly, feeling hopeful again.

The other guys also nodded.

Next, these guys began to discuss how to take action.

"Our side is not strong enough, so we must contact the other guys who are coming for these treasures. Only if we all act together can we have a chance of success.

Guys, take action immediately, contact the other guys separately, tell them our plan, and act together! "

As soon as Cook finished speaking, the guys under him nodded and said:

"Okay, boss, we'll get in touch right away"

Soon, calls were made from here one after another.

When we were in Lake Tana, the various people who came here for the sunken treasure had already established connections with each other.

As these calls were made, various people lurking in Bahir Dar quickly colluded together.

However, how did Cook and the others know?

The phones of these people are under strict surveillance!

Even their hiding location is no secret!

Inside the city hall building.

Not long after Ye Tian lay down, Matisse's voice came again.

"There's a new situation, Steven, we just heard that that bastard Cook and his men are preparing to contact people from all over the city to attack the hotel where our company's employees are staying.

They plan to break into the hotel, kidnap our company's employees as hostages, and then blackmail you into handing over the sunken treasure or paying a large ransom. These guys are so despicable! "

Before he finished speaking, Ye Tian had already stood up.

He turned his head and looked at the night sky outside, and then said coldly:

"Inform the guys staying at the hotel to prepare for battle. You guys stay here while I send those despicable guys to hell!"

"Should we notify the Ethiopians? Or let the US troops who arrived in the afternoon go over to support us. We can also send some of our people to support the hotel!"

"No, I can do it alone. Those guys will never have the chance to walk to that hotel."

With that said, Ye Tian put on his body armor, picked up the hiking bag placed next to him, and strode out of the room.

After a while, he arrived at a door on the side of the city hall building.

Matisse and a few other guys are waiting for him here.

After seeing him, these guys didn't say much and just nodded.

Then, a few of them walked out of the side door.

"Guys, I'll leave this to you, see you in the morning!"

Ye Tian said with a smile.

"See you in the morning, Steven, stay safe"

Matisse nodded in response, and the other guys also nodded.

Before he finished speaking, Ye Tian had already rushed out.

Like a bolt of black lightning, he climbed directly over the guardrail on the outside of the building, then quickly crossed the street on the side of the building and disappeared into the darkness in the distance.

Looking at his quickly disappearing figure, a security guard whispered:

"I can guarantee that those guys who tried to attack the hotel and kidnap company employees as hostages are completely finished. None of them will live to see the sun tomorrow morning."

"That's true. Those guys are really looking for death. They actually thought of kidnapping hostages and threatening them. No one can save them now!"

Another person continued, and the others nodded.

After chatting for a while, they retreated into the building behind them and locked the door again.

A street more than 300 meters away from the city government building.

The street lights have long been extinguished or broken.

The whole street was shrouded in darkness, and you couldn't see your fingers.

In a small courtyard in the middle of the street, several heavily armed guys were discussing in a low voice.

"Guys, are we going to cooperate with those damn Americans to attack that hotel and kidnap the employees of that bastard Steven? I think this method is feasible!"

A guy in his thirties said, eager to try.

Before he finished speaking, another guy continued:

"If that happens, will it completely anger that bastard Steven, and he will be hunted down by that bastard all over the world with a bounty on his head? That guy has a lot of money, and I heard that he has done a lot of bounties on him!"

Upon hearing this, these guys suddenly fell silent.

This is a group of guys from Europe, and they are quite capable.

They all know something about the Italian Mafia and Marseille gangs who were hunted down with bounties, and many important members were killed one after another. They knew or heard about some situations.

Although there is no evidence that Ye Tian did those things, everyone knows it.

Who else is so crazy besides him?

After a moment of silence, the guy in his thirties gritted his molars and said:

"Yes, that bastard Steven is indeed ruthless and will retaliate. No one wants to provoke such an opponent, but we can't wait for so long in vain, right?

Those Americans are right, tonight may be the last chance. If you miss tonight, you will completely miss this amazing treasure. I don't want to let this opportunity go!

I think I should give it a try. If I can get these treasures, I will hide my name immediately after leaving Ethiopia. That bastard Steven will never even try to find me! "

"Yes, if we miss this opportunity, we will have no choice but to return to Europe. This trip to Africa will be in vain, and all the hard work during this period will be in vain. I am not willing to accept it!"

Another guy whispered in agreement.

After some low-spirited discussion, these guys quickly reached an agreement.

Greed eventually triumphs over fear.

Just as they stood up and prepared to set off with weapons and ammunition, a cold voice suddenly came from the corner next to them.

"It's a pity, guys, you made the worst mistake in your life and made a wrong decision, so you might as well go die!"

Before he finished speaking, there was a burst of gunshots at the scene.

Obviously, the guy who was hiding in the dark and shooting had a silencer on the muzzle of his gun.

Following the burst of gunfire, a faint fire flashed across the scene.

"Fake! Someone broke in!"

"No, it seems to be that bastard Steven"

These guys roared one after another, each voice full of despair.

As soon as they roared, before their bodies could react, a hail of bullets rushed towards them.

The next moment, each of them was shot in the head, almost in no particular order.

Immediately afterwards, these guys fell to the ground one after another, hitting the ground heavily.

Until then, Ye Tiancai walked out of the darkness.

He walked right up to these guys and shot each of them in the head and chest, just in case.

After killing these guys, he picked up a sig552 short assault rifle, four or five magazines, two pistols and several full magazines from the table next to him, and then walked towards the entrance of the small courtyard.

In the blink of an eye, he had left the small courtyard and disappeared into the darkness!

The courtyard returned to tranquility, as if nothing had happened.

But the dead bodies on the ground and the strong smell of blood in the air were enough to show what had just happened here!

Three or four minutes later.

Another street not far away was also completely shrouded in darkness.

A group of guys with guns and ammunition came out of a dilapidated building and were about to get in the car and rush to the hotel where the employees of the Intrepid Exploration Company were staying.

In their opinion, this trip will be successful immediately, and they can make a lot of money tomorrow!

Just when they all walked to the side of the road and were about to get in the car and set off, something happened suddenly.

"Puff puff"

Accompanied by a rapid but slight sound of gunfire, a dense rain of bullets suddenly rushed out from the darkness behind the street and headed straight towards these heavily armed guys.

Before these guys could react, more than half of them had been shot.


The shrill screams rang out one after another, completely tearing apart the tranquility on the street.

Seeing that many of their companions around them were suddenly shot in the head, the remaining guys just reacted.

"Everyone, be careful, there is an ambush!"

"That damn guy seems to be behind, everyone, find that bastard"

While the remaining guys were shouting, another wave of hot bullets flew in, continuing to harvest lives mercilessly.

These bullets flying out of the darkness dragged streaks of fire in the night sky, each flying quickly towards different targets.

Tonight, the blinding darkness seems to have no effect on the sneak attacker. Instead, it becomes his best cover!

Each of those bullets flying out of the darkness was as if it had eyes. It hit its target with incomparable accuracy and penetrated hard into the heads or bodies of those guys.


There was another painful and shrill scream.

Those guys who were lucky enough to escape the first wave of attacks ushered in the second wave of attacks before they had time to dodge.

In the blink of an eye, most of them were killed and fell to the ground screaming.

Only two extremely lucky guys escaped two attacks in succession.

This depends on the fact that they are standing in a good position, basically in front of the front of the car. The body of the car provides them with cover and blocks fatal bullets for them.

Seeing their own people being slaughtered in an instant, the remaining two guys were almost crazy with fear.

They hurriedly squatted down close to the front of the car, not daring to show their heads again or even make a sound, for fear that the devil hiding in the darkness would discover them and drag them into hell!

But they seem to have forgotten that there is a distance between the car chassis and the ground!

"Puff puff"

The gunfire rang out again, still barely audible.

But those rifle bullets flying out of the darkness were extremely dazzling.

Different from the previous one, this wave of bullets came close to the ground.

With the sound of gunfire, the two guys who had fallen in front of the car were suddenly knocked away and fell directly to the ground in front of them.

They were all shot in the buttocks, and their tail vertebrae were broken instantly.

Immediately afterwards, several more bullets flew towards the ground, sending them directly to hell as they fell on the ground!


After a burst of screams, the street returned to silence again.

The god of death hidden in the darkness never appeared and disappeared without a trace.

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