Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3138 The door of the mansion full of warmth

Latest website: Chapter 3138 The door of the mansion full of warmth

Not long after, the motorcade arrived at East Fourth Street.

The moment he saw the intersection of Lishi Hutong from a distance, Ye Tian's eyes suddenly lit up with excitement.

At this moment, he wished he could have wings on his side and fly home immediately, to his family and to Betty, without wanting to wait a second longer.

Unfortunately, the convoy had just turned onto Dongsi Street and encountered a red light not far ahead, followed by another traffic jam.

Ye Tian, ​​who was sitting in the car, rubbed his hands anxiously and almost lowered the window to loudly urge the driver in front of him.

Seeing his performance, the sister-in-law sitting beside couldn't help but chuckle.

"Why have you gone so early? You'll be in a hurry now!"

Ye Tian looked at his sister-in-law, and then said helplessly:

“When I was in Africa and New York, I could only meet with Betty and her family through video calls. Even if I was anxious, it was useless because it was impossible to see her in person right away.

Now we are at the door of our house, very close, but we are blocked here. Can we not be anxious? Now I wish I could just get out of the car and run there, that would be faster.”

Hearing this, my sister-in-law suddenly smiled even more happily.

Fortunately, the traffic jam was quickly relieved and the team started again and continued to move forward.

In the blink of an eye, the motorcade had arrived at the intersection of Lishi Hutong.

The security guard who was driving was about to drive into the alley, but was stopped by Ye Tian.

He stopped the motorcade on the roadside at the entrance of the alley, then got out of the car and prepared to walk home.

Before getting out of the car, he quickly observed the surrounding situation, looking through almost all nearby vehicles and every building on both sides of the street.

On the side of the road at the entrance of the alley, there are several cars with civilian license plates parked. They look very ordinary! ,

But sitting in those cars were seven or eight special police officers from the Capital City Bureau's SWAT team, as well as several agents from the National Security Bureau!

They keep a vigilant eye on all pedestrians and vehicles coming and going, ready to react at any time.

This is their fixed duty location. There are many special police and agents guarding here 24 hours a day.

Not only here, but also at other intersections in Lishi Hutong, the situation is the same, with people guarding them 24 hours a day.

In addition to these special police officers and agents, Ye Tian also saw several Chinese security personnel under his command, stationed at different locations around the entrance of the alley, keeping vigilance at all times.

In addition, as usual, there are several community ladies on duty at the entrance of the alley, wearing red sleeve hoops, watching all unfamiliar faces and vehicles with vigilance.

There are no suspicious people or vehicles around the alley entrance, so it is very safe.

After confirming this, Ye Tianfang got out of the car.

After getting out of the car, he immediately nodded lightly to the cars from the Capital City Bureau and the National Security Bureau as a greeting.

His action made the SWAT police and agents sitting in those cars somewhat depressed.

"How did Ye Tian find us? He just arrived in Beijing, and we just changed shifts a few days ago. We have never met each other before, and the car is new. How come he recognized us at a glance?"

said a young National Security Bureau agent in one of the SUVs.

Another older agent smiled helplessly and then continued:

"Don't you look at who this guy Ye Tian is? He causes trouble all over the world all day long. If he didn't even have this vigilance, he would have been killed eight hundred times!

I'm sure he knows it clearly, not only us and the guys from the city bureau's SWAT team, but also the entire Lishi Alley, and even everyone who comes in and out of here."

While they were discussing, Ye Tian had already looked at the Chinese security personnel under him and nodded lightly at those guys.

Next, he and his sister-in-law walked towards the entrance of the alley.

Dongzi and Logan got off the other big G behind them, pushed their suitcases, and followed.

Matisse and the others quickly dispersed, protecting them in the middle and watching the surrounding movements vigilantly.

While talking, Ye Tian had arrived at the entrance of the alley and greeted several aunts staying at the entrance of the alley.

"Aunt Hu, Aunt Zhao, long time no see, you two still look so good. You are getting healthier and younger as you live!"

Hearing this, the two aunts burst into laughter.

"Xiaotian! You still have such a sweet mouth! Why do these words sound so nice!"

"Yes! Xiaotian, with your words, we will feel comfortable staying here all day long."

The two aunts said with a smile, their eyes full of admiration.

After saying hello, Aunt Hu suddenly lowered her voice and said:

"Xiaotian, why did I hear that your kid is planning to buy the entire Lishi Hutong and transform it into some kind of historical district? Isn't it to drive away old neighbors like us?"

Ye Tian did not deny it, but nodded with a smile and said:

"That's right, Aunt Hu, our alley has a long history and profound cultural heritage, but some old houses are in disrepair and need to be repaired.

I really want to build Lishi Hutong into the best historical district in Beijing, but this requires everyone's support and cooperation to realize my idea.

One thing I can assure you is that I will never drive away the old neighbors in the alley. Without you, the alley will lose its flavor."

"That's right. The alley must have a real atmosphere of life. If it is transformed into a commercial street like Nanluogu Lane, it is better not to change it at all!"

Aunt Zhao continued, and Aunt Hu also smiled and nodded.

After chatting for a few more words, Ye Tian said goodbye and left, taking his sister-in-law and the others towards the alley.

After walking a few steps, he saw two of his security personnel sitting in a cafe on the right side of the alley, nodding slightly through the glass display window.

The sister-in-law on the side was chatting with him in a low voice.

"Xiaotian, you have to be mentally prepared. If you want to acquire the entire Lishi Hutong and transform it, it may be several times more difficult than building a world-class private museum in Wangfujing!

As for the old neighbors like Aunt Zhao and Aunt Hu at the entrance of the hutong, each one is more difficult to deal with. It is very difficult and expensive to persuade them to sell their old houses."

Ye Tian smiled and said in a relaxed tone:

"I have expected this situation for a long time. Every old neighbor in our alley is a smart person, and it will definitely not be easy to take over their old houses.

But difficulty is the fun part. I have plenty of time, so I can slowly work with these old neighbors, and I have plenty of money, so I don’t care about giving them a little more benefit!

Compared with Lishi Hutong, which is full of memories and has great historical charm, money is the least important thing, as long as I can achieve my goal! "

"Yes! As long as you are mentally prepared for this, I hope you can take over the entire Lishi Hutong and renovate it as you wish. I also want to see what Lishi Hutong will look like after the renovation is completed."

My sister-in-law nodded and said.

While they were talking, the group of them had reached the middle of the alley.

While walking, Ye Tian suddenly stopped and looked ahead, his whole body suddenly froze.

Not far ahead, from the door of his mansion, several family members suddenly walked out.

It was Betty and her mother who were walking in the front.

Betty had a round belly, and her mother was supporting her. Both of them were careful.

Behind Mom and Betty, there are the two girls Linlin and Chenxi, as well as the second and younger aunts, and the dad standing at the end!

It was precisely because of seeing these family members that Ye Tiancai was stunned.

After only being stunned for two or three seconds, he came to his senses and immediately ran towards the family members in front of him.

Seeing his action, my mother and the others not far ahead, and my sister-in-law and Dongzi who were standing aside, all laughed.

Betty's face was filled with excitement, and her eyes instantly became moist.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian had run to the door of his house and in front of his family.

While standing still, he stared at Betty closely, his eyes full of love and pity.

"Honey, I'm back"

As he spoke, he opened his arms, ready to give his wife a loving hug.

At this moment, my mother suddenly stretched out her hand and pushed him aside.

"You little bastard, you didn't even look at Betty's body while you were there. Can you give me a hug now?"


Ye Tian exclaimed and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.


The family members all laughed.

Betty was the same, with a happy smile on her face.

"Ouch! How could I forget this?"

Ye Tian said with a smile.

Before he finished speaking, he squatted down.

He put his ear gently against Betty's belly and listened to the sounds of the little guy who was about to be born.

"Son, can you hear my voice? I am your father. If you hear it, give me a response."

Ye Tian whispered into Betty's belly, fearing to disturb the cute little guy inside.

Seeing his performance, the smiles on the family's faces suddenly grew stronger.

Mom, on the other hand, was a bit annoyed and laughed and cursed angrily:

"You are such a white-eyed wolf. When you have a wife, you forget about your mother. I've been here for a long time, but you turned a blind eye and didn't even say a greeting. I'm so angry!"


The family members laughed and nodded in sympathy.

Ever since Ye Tian came to the house, he has been hanging around Betty. Not only did he not say hello to his parents, he also didn't say hello to other family members.

Just as the laughter started, Ye Tian suddenly said excitedly:

"The little guy seemed to have heard what I said. He just kicked me and he was very temperamental."

Hearing this, Betty nodded slightly.

"Yes, the little guy did move a few times just now, I can feel it."

Before he finished speaking, everyone looked over, and everyone's eyes were full of concern.

Mom and dad were even more nervous, as was my second aunt, who is a doctor.

Betty is getting closer and closer to her due date, and she may give birth at any time. Can everyone not be nervous?

Fortunately, the little guy didn't make much movement, and it just gave everyone a false alarm.

After squatting and listening for a while, Ye Tian finally stood up, held Betty's other arm, and whispered apologetically:

"I'm sorry, dear, I couldn't be by your side during this time and made you suffer. I'm not a competent husband and father. I'm very ashamed!"

"It's okay, honey, this is your job, I understand, and we can also meet via video every day. I'm actually not alone."

Betty smiled and shook her head and said, very generous.

However, the mother standing by was unwilling to give up.

"You still know that you are incompetent! Little bastard, stay at home for the next few days and you are not allowed to go anywhere, otherwise I will break your legs!"

As she said that, her mother pinched Ye Tian's arm hard.


As Ye Tian screamed, the family members laughed again.

Next, Ye Tian said hello to his parents and other family members one by one, and then helped Betty walk into the door of his mansion.

Dongzi and Logan followed in, but Mattis and other security personnel stayed outside the door.

Afterwards, several subordinates and security personnel from New York left Lishi Alley and went to a five-star hotel not far away.

Everything at home is as before, full of warmth and enchanting.

As usual, when Ye Tian returned home, he first walked into the middle courtyard to visit and greet his grandparents.

As soon as he entered the second courtyard, Ye Tian saw it.

The second elder was standing on the steps at the door of the north room, looking at him with a smile on his face, full of love.

As he supported Betty, Ye Tian did not rush over immediately, but greeted loudly:

"Grandpa, grandma, I'm back. How are you two?"

"It's good to come back, it's good to come back, our bodies are all strong, you don't need to worry."

Grandma smiled and nodded.

Grandpa didn't say anything, just smiled and nodded.

While talking, everyone had passed through the courtyard and arrived at the door of the north room.

Ye Tian first helped Betty into the house and sat down, then ran to greet his grandparents.

Afterwards, everyone sat in the living room, laughing and chatting. The atmosphere was very warm, and even the air was filled with the smell of happiness.

After chatting for a while, Ye Tian asked in surprise:

"Why didn't you see Betty's parents? Aren't they in Beijing? Could it be that they went out?"

Hearing this, Betty couldn't help but have a flash of embarrassment on her face.

She has been staying in Beijing for more than half a year. Her Chinese proficiency has improved rapidly. She has no problem with basic conversation and listening. She can naturally understand what Ye Tian said.

"Forget about your father-in-law and mother-in-law. Betty is about to give birth. They should still eat and play. They are not nervous at all and act like they are fine!

Traveling around Beijing and tasting delicious food was not enough. In the past two days, they went to Wutai Mountain for a trip. They said they were coming back before Betty's due date. Who knew! "

Mom complained angrily.

Hearing this, Ye Tian was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile:

"I'm not surprised at all. Old Americans are just like that. They are more casual and self-centered. They don't take things like having children as seriously as we Chinese people do.

The concepts of prenatal care and postpartum care after giving birth are also different from ours. For example, they don’t have the term “confinement period”..."

As soon as he said this, he was interrupted directly by his mother.

"Confinement is a non-negotiable matter. We have to follow our rules. This is China, not the United States. I don't want to see Betty get sick.

Besides, there are not as many rules for confinement now as before, and it is not that difficult. It only lasts for a month and will pass soon."

As soon as my mother finished speaking, my grandmother, second aunt, and sister-in-law all echoed in unison.

On the issue of Betty's confinement, they had already formed a united front and it was not negotiable.

Ye Tian did not respond immediately, but turned to look at Betty.

Betty nodded slightly, obviously convinced by her mother and the others.

After confirming this, Ye Tian didn't have any different opinions.

"Come on! Mom, these things are all under your command, and you have the final say! In the following days, I will be under your command, and I will do whatever you ask me to do!"

Hearing this, my mother nodded with satisfaction.

"The attitude is not bad, this is your wife and child, don't you care about it?"

After chatting for a while, Ye Tian left with Betty and returned to his courtyard house.

As soon as he returned to the room, he gave Betty a passionate kiss, then picked her up and placed her gently on the sofa.

Next, he secretly activated his clairvoyance ability and completely looked through Betty and the son in her belly.

Through fluoroscopy, he found that both mother and son were very healthy and had no problems.

Even so, he secretly released a large amount of spiritual energy and helped Betty quickly groom her body.

Soothed by the refreshing spiritual energy, Betty soon felt sleepy, and then slowly fell asleep.

However, Ye Tian did not inject spiritual energy into his son, or rather he did not dare.

He was worried that the aura would cause the little guy to grow too fast, be born early, or even cause fertility difficulties, which would be troublesome!

When this little guy comes to the world, Ye Tiancai plans to use the spiritual energy in his eyes to help him completely comb his body and make him the healthiest child in the world.

Seeing Betty gradually falling asleep, Ye Tian picked her up again, placed her gently on the bed, and covered her with a quilt.

He himself sat on the edge of the bed, watching Betty quietly, his eyes full of happiness!

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