Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3139 Beautiful labor pains

Latest website: Chapter 3139 Beautiful Labor Pains

The night is already dark.

The gate of this mansion located deep in Lishi Hutong was silent at this time.

The family members have all rested.

Ye Tian and Betty were also lying on the bed, chatting in low voices.

Their topic naturally revolved around their soon-to-be-born son.

"My dear, the due date will be here in a few days, are you nervous? I feel a little nervous now when I think of those scenes of giving birth."

Betty asked in a low voice.

Ye Tian leaned over and kissed her, then said with a smile:

"Are you not nervous? We are both parents for the first time. This is our first child. When I think about this little guy coming into the world, I am both excited and nervous.

On the day of delivery, I will accompany you into the delivery room and cheer you on. I want to see the little one come into the world with my own eyes. I will remember that moment forever! "

"Ah! You have to go into the delivery room to accompany the childbirth. Can you handle that kind of situation? If not, forget it!"

"I must go into the delivery room to accompany the childbirth. No matter how tense the scene is, I believe I can handle it. I don't want to miss that moment.

More importantly, you are giving birth in a Chinese hospital, and the language environment is relatively unfamiliar. I will accompany you in the delivery room to facilitate communication with the doctor."

Betty thought for a moment, then nodded.

"Well, with you by my side, I do feel more at ease. I don't have to worry about not understanding what the doctors and nurses are saying and causing misunderstandings in communication!"

"Indeed, I plan to catch up on medical knowledge in the past two days, especially the terms in obstetrics and gynecology, and understand their meanings in Chinese and English, so as to communicate accurately."

Ye Tian nodded and said.

After a few more words, they changed the subject.

"Dear, have you ever thought about what to name your son? Should our son have two names? One Chinese name and one English name!"

"I don't think there is any use. What to name my son? At least the decision on the Chinese name rests with my grandfather. I only have the right to make suggestions, even my father. This is tradition, and we must naturally follow it."

"Ah! From the looks of it, you can only give your son an English name."

"I want to leave the matter of giving my son an English name to Matthew and Evelin. I believe they will be very happy. There should be no difference in the treatment of the elders on both sides!"

"That needless to say, Matthew and Evelin have been discussing for a long time what English name to give their son."

"As long as it's not little Matthew and little Steven, it's not popular among us Chinese for sons to be named after their father or grandfather!"

Ye Tian said with a smile.

Next, the two of them chatted quietly, enjoying this sweet happiness.

After chatting for a while, Betty felt sleepy.

Ye Tian immediately turned off the bedside lamp, lay on the bed and fell asleep.

He didn't sleep peacefully that night. He got up several times to take care of Betty, covering her up with quilts, helping her go to the bathroom, etc.

Even so, he was happy with it.

In the blink of an eye it's a new day, the sun is shining brightly.

Steal half a day's leisure!

When Ye Tian returned home, he put all other things aside.

Whether it is the Beijing company and the museum under construction, the New York company and the museum under construction, or the joint exploration operations underway in Ethiopia.

He was too lazy to take care of these things and stayed at home wholeheartedly with Betty and his family, enjoying the warmth of the family.

Those friends who knew he was back in Beijing and called to invite parties, as well as invitations from relevant experts, scholars and departments, were all politely declined by him!

However, he also explained the situation to avoid misunderstanding.

Knowing that he was at home with his wife and Betty was about to give birth, everyone expressed their understanding and sent their best wishes.

After answering these calls, Ye Tian took Betty for a walk in his garden.

in the garden.

He supported Betty and walked slowly along the cobblestone path.

It is autumn now, the leaves of several trees in the garden are gradually turning yellow, and a few fallen leaves are floating on the water of the pond.

The colorful koi in the pond would float to the surface from time to time and curiously touch the fallen leaves floating on the water.

When they find that those fallen leaves are not edible, they will leave in disappointment and swim elsewhere.

But before long, they will swim back and repeat the scene just now.

Although it is already autumn, this small private garden is still full of colorful flowers.

There are rosemary with purple flowers blooming here, which is fragrant, golden chrysanthemums that are cold and snowy, and gorgeous and charming Phalaenopsis, etc.

In addition, various bonsais with unique shapes can be seen everywhere in the garden, placed on exquisite flower stands or placed on rockeries.

Grandpa and Dad raised more than a dozen thrushes and larks, which were hung in different places in the garden, chirping happily and singing melodiously.

Walking in this private garden, you can see different scenery at every step, which is refreshing and refreshing.

Even though this is my own home, I am extremely familiar with this place.

Ye Tian and Betty were still very interested in walking in the garden, and occasionally they would find one or two small surprises.

From time to time, they would stop, sit or stand, tease the koi and goldfish in the pond, and throw some fish food into them.

Whenever fish food falls on the water, the water will boil instantly.

All the koi and goldfish nearby will swarm to grab the food on the water, and the scene is very lively.

They will also stand by the path or sit on a bench to admire the proudly blooming flowers and taste the fragrance of autumn.

While taking a walk, Ye Tian did not forget to teach his unborn son.

"Son, let me first introduce to you the things in the exhibition hall of the Palace Museum. Among them is a bronze statue. It is a national treasure that you and I got back from the Guimet Museum in France. It is priceless..."

Listening to his introduction, Betty couldn't help but chuckle.

"My dear, what's the use of introducing this now? The little guy can't hear it. Even if he hears it, he can't understand it. Aren't you wasting your breath?"

"This is called prenatal education. He is our son. He will definitely inherit my two private museums in the future, or inherit them with his brothers and sisters.

He also has to inherit the huge number of priceless top antiques, cultural relics and works of art in my hands. Of course, I have to introduce his family background to him.

When he is born and becomes sensible, no matter whether he likes to collect antiques or art, he must understand this knowledge to avoid becoming a spendthrift when he grows up."

Ye Tian said with a smile.

Afterwards, he continued his plan of prenatal education.

Betty smiled and shook her head, saying nothing more.

After staying in the garden for about forty minutes, my mother came to the garden and drove them back to the room.

After all, it is autumn and the weather is a little cooler.

Mom was afraid that Betty would catch a cold, which would be troublesome.

For the next two days, Ye Tian stayed at home, never leaving or stepping outside.

During this period, Dawei and his wife, who lived in the alley, came to the house and sat for a while, chatting with Ye Tian and Betty.

After spending a long time together, Betty had become very familiar with the couple.

She and Li Yun have become good best friends who talk about everything, and they often went shopping together before.

In addition to Dawei and the others, several other children living nearby also came to meet him, and more people said hello through WeChat video.

Everyone knew that Betty was about to give birth and why Ye Tian came back, so they didn't come to disturb her.

On the third day after returning home, Matthew and Evelin finally returned to Beijing after a trip to Mount Wutai.

As soon as they entered the living room, Ye Tian and Betty couldn't help but were stunned.

At this time, Matthew and Evelin each had several strings of Buddhist beads of different sizes hanging around their necks, and several strings of bracelets of different textures on their wrists.

This is only what can be seen on the surface. Who knows how many more of these things are contained in the bag!

Those who knew the situation knew that they were traveling to Wutai Mountain. They were obviously deceived into buying tourist souvenirs.

Those who don’t understand the situation will definitely think that they went to Mount Wutai to purchase goods!

Ye Tian and Betty were stunned for a moment, and then laughed.

"Matthew, Evelin, why did you buy so many prayer beads and bracelets?"

"Although these are all Buddhist beads and bracelets, their specifications are different and their textures are also different. Some are rosewood, some are rosewood, some are bodhi seeds, etc.

More importantly, they all have different meanings and are all beautiful. I plan to take them back to Boston and give them to my friends and neighbors in Boston as a token of my gratitude."

Matthew explained while holding the prayer beads hanging on his chest, and showed the bracelets on his two wrists.

Evelin was the same, showing off her gains and feeling quite proud.

Ye Tian stepped forward and looked at the beads and bracelets, then shook his head helplessly.

"You don't want to give these things away. Matthew and Evelin can't even wear them. You'd better take them off and throw them away."

"Why? Steven, they look so exquisite and have beautiful meanings. Why can't they be worn or given away? Aren't they just for wearing?"

Matthew asked in surprise, and Evelin was also confused.

Although they had doubts, they immediately took off the beads and bracelets.

They all trusted Ye Tian's vision.

Since he said that these things were not to be given away or worn, there is no doubt that this is the case.

But they were reluctant to throw away these things immediately and still held them in their hands.

Obviously, they spent a lot of money to buy these beads and bracelets, and they were ripped off.

Ye Tian looked at the beads and bracelets again, and then explained:

“Although they all look beautiful and elegant, they are all machine-made things and have no connotation. As for the beautiful meanings, they are given by the vendors who sell these things.

They have mouths on them, so they can say whatever they want! What's more important is that many things here are fakes. Where is the red sandalwood, where is the huanghuali and chicken wing wood.

Many of them are made of plastic. Wearing them not only has no benefit, but is harmful to the body. That’s why I tell you that it is best not to wear them anymore or give them away.”

With that said, Ye Tian stepped forward and plucked the beads and bracelets in Matthew's hand, and casually picked out a string of beads and a bracelet.

"Matthew, among the Buddhist beads and bracelets in your hand, only this Thuja Buddhist beads and this Star and Moon Bodhi bracelet are real materials, but they are also the cheapest materials.

More importantly, they have all been processed. The fragrance of this string of Thuja beads was completely soaked in chemical liquid, and this string of stars and moons has been painted.

They cannot be worn at all. Wearing these things or holding them in your hands will not only do no good, but also cause considerable harm to the body, so throw them away as soon as possible! "


Matthew and Evelin both exclaimed.

Immediately afterwards, they threw out all the prayer beads and bracelets in their hands, as if those things were hot to their hands.

Not only that, they quickly opened their backpacks, took out a bunch of prayer beads and bracelets, and threw them aside.

While throwing it away, he was still complaining angrily.

"Those vendors on Wutai Mountain are really outrageous. After hearing them say they have beautiful meanings and have various effects, the beads and bracelets we just bought, who knew they were all fake and deceptive!"

Ye Tian smiled bitterly and shook his head, then continued:

"Tourist attractions all over the world are the same. These kind of things are bought by tourists from other places, one after another. Do you think how many locals buy them?

You must remember that when you travel in the future, never buy travel souvenirs such as Buddhist beads and jade. You will be fooled once and for all, and you will never run away.

If you really want to buy these things, wear them yourself or give them to others, just tell me and I will send you some real good things for you to choose from."

"Okay, Steven, let's learn this lesson."

Matthew nodded and said, slightly frustrated.

It's not that he feels bad about the money, he's just a little aggrieved because he was cheated.

After throwing away the beads and bracelets, Evelin took out a box of exquisite small boxes from her backpack and said with a little anxiety:

"Steven, is this longevity lock also fake? Those beads and bracelets were purchased from vendors in Wutai Mountain, but this longevity lock was purchased in front of the Guanyin statue in Shuxiang Temple. of!

I heard that the child-giving Guanyin in Shuxiang Temple is very efficacious. If you worship the child-giving Guanyin statue, the boy you will give birth to will be blessed with merit and wisdom, and the girl you will give birth to will be both beautiful and virtuous, so we went to pray for it. "

Hearing this, Ye Tian suddenly felt dumbfounded.

"Matthew and Evelyn, praying to Guanyin to ask for a child is something that people without children do. Betty is about to give birth, so there is no need to worship Guanyin to ask for a child. When the child is born, go to Mount Wutai to fulfill your wish. It’s almost the same!”

Having said that, Ye Tian still took the wooden box, opened it and looked at the longevity lock inside.

Inside the box is a small silver longevity lock with the four words "long life" written on it, which has a beautiful meaning.

Needless to say, this longevity lock must have cost Matthew and the others a lot of money.

Ye Tian looked at the longevity lock, then nodded and said:

"Matthew, Evelin, this silver longevity lock is real and very delicate. Let the little guy wear it when he grows up."

Hearing this, the father-in-law and mother-in-law let out a sigh of relief and beamed with joy.

"Fortunately, this silver longevity lock is real. This is the most important thing. Just throw away those prayer beads and bracelets."

With that said, Evelin took the box, then walked to Betty and sat down, took the longevity lock out of the box, and showed it to Betty.

While showing it, she was also introducing the so-called beautiful meaning of the longevity lock.

Ye Tianze picked up Evelin's backpack, put it aside, and then started chatting with Matthew.

After chatting for a while, my mother who went out to buy groceries also returned home.

As soon as she came back, she came here to check the situation.

Seeing Matthew and Evelin sitting in the living room, my mother was also very happy, so she sat on the sofa and started chatting.

While speaking, Betty suddenly paused and frowned.

Immediately afterwards, she clutched her stomach and said in panic:

"Honey, my stomach hurts a little. Could it be that I'm about to give birth?"

As soon as the words fell, everyone in the room was stunned.

"Isn't the due date in three days? Why is the baby about to happen now?"

Ye Tian murmured to himself, a little at a loss.

With his words, everyone woke up.

The next moment, my mother said excitedly:

"You brat, what are you waiting for? Go call your second aunt and prepare a vehicle. We will go to Union Hospital immediately. The ward has been reserved long ago. You can stay there!"

"Okay! I'll call the second aunt right now."

Ye Tian responded and rushed out of the living room like a whirlwind.

Before leaving the house, he glanced at Betty with concern.

Fortunately, Betty's pain was not severe and she could still sit still.

At the same time, he also quickly glanced at the longevity lock that he had asked for from Shuxiang Temple's Avalokitesvara.

"Is it really that effective?"

In the blink of an eye, he called his second aunt, who was a doctor, and asked his security personnel to prepare vehicles.

The second aunt has been staying at home and beside Betty for the past two days, just to deal with this possible emergency.

After entering the living room, the second aunt immediately checked Betty's condition.

After careful inspection, she smiled and said:

"This is prepartum labor pain, which is normal. Betty hasn't given birth yet, but she can't stay at home anymore. Let's go to Union Hospital immediately."


Everyone let out a sigh of relief and immediately relaxed a lot.

Immediately afterwards, everyone got busy and started packing their things to go to the hospital.

At the same time, the whole family was alarmed and rushed into the courtyard, looking at Betty with concern.

Without exception, everyone in the family is full of joy and expectations.

Especially the grandparents, they were all smiling from ear to ear, and they seemed to be several years younger in an instant!

After a while, Ye Tian hugged Betty, carefully came out of the room, and walked towards the door.

His mother and mother-in-law followed closely, reminding him from time to time to pay attention to the thresholds and steps under his feet.

In the blink of an eye, the group of them had walked out of the door, got into the car parked at the door, and drove straight to the Union Medical College Hospital not far away.

Looking at the fleet of cars speeding away, the old neighbors in the alley knew it.

The old Ye family is going to have a new baby!

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