Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3140 Destined to be a coincidence

Latest website: Chapter 3140: Destined or a coincidence

International Medical Department of Union Hospital.

Betty was sent to Union Medical College Hospital and was successfully admitted to the luxury ward that she had reserved.

This maternity ward is very large, nearly 120 square meters.

In addition to the ward for pregnant women, there are two guest rooms for accompanying family members and a spacious living room.

There are sofas, TVs, Internet, refrigerators, coffee tables, etc. in the ward. There are two bathrooms for bathing, other living facilities, and even fitness equipment.

Of course, there are also many medical facilities, all available.

It is no exaggeration to say that the conditions of this maternity ward are no worse than a luxury suite in a five-star hotel.

The medical conditions and services provided here cannot be matched by any five-star hotel.

Of course, the prices here are also amazing.

It costs several thousand yuan to stay here for one night, and the total cost of prenatal check-up and delivery costs hundreds of thousands.

If you are here to have a confinement period, you won’t be able to survive without one or two million yuan!

Another point is that giving birth and being hospitalized here are all paid for out of pocket, and there is no place for reimbursement.

Such expenses are enough to prohibit most families.

Even some families with small assets may not be able to afford it, or may not be willing to part with it.

For Ye Tian, ​​these are certainly not problems.

In fact, in order to keep this luxurious ward, my sister-in-law had booked it half a month ago for emergencies.

But for the past half month, Betty has been living at home, and nothing unexpected has happened.

This luxurious ward has always been empty, and thousands of yuan in room fees have been paid in vain every day.

While Betty checked into this luxurious ward, as accompanying family members, Ye Tian, ​​his mother, and Evelin also checked into this luxurious suite.

This suite is large and has enough space to accommodate four accompanying family members.

Naturally, the other quota cannot be wasted!

Betty's personal bodyguard, Lisa, also stayed in this luxurious suite.

Not only that!

As Ye Tian and Betty checked into this luxurious ward, the alert level of the entire International Department of Union Medical College Hospital, and even the entire Union Medical College Hospital, suddenly went up.

At several gates of Union Hospital and on the only road leading to the obstetrics ward of the internal medicine building, some tough guys wearing headphones can be seen everywhere.

Without exception, these guys are Ye Tian's security personnel.

They vigilantly watch every person entering and leaving the Union Medical College Hospital, as well as every vehicle entering and exiting, ready to respond at any time.

Especially everyone who enters and exits the internal medicine building is under their surveillance.

They will also know the identities of those people clearly in a moment, and can identify them instantly through the surveillance cameras they carry with them.

In the internal medicine building, there were also many security personnel under Ye Tian, ​​keeping an eye on the elevators, stairwells and other places.

Arriving at the maternity ward upstairs, several female security personnel were scattered along the corridors of the luxurious ward where Betty stayed, at the entrance to the elevator and stairs, and at the door of the ward.

There is also a female security guard who pretends to be a hospital staff member and secretly protects Betty.

Not only Ye Tian's security personnel, but also many people from the National Security Bureau and the Capital City Bureau were sent over to watch the movements here closely, not daring to relax for a moment.

Ye Tian's status is special, and Union Hospital is also special. There must be no problems.

Once something goes wrong, it will be a shocking event!

Even the leaders of Union Hospital from top to bottom were nervous.

Although they are not in the same field, they are also familiar with Ye Tian's deeds.

They knew that this was a trouble-making ancestor who could cause huge disturbances wherever he went.

Because of this, they allowed Ye Tian's security personnel to enter the hospital and stationed themselves in various places in the hospital.

Moreover, the hospital sent the top obstetrics and gynecology team to serve Betty.

There are both influential factors and the power of money,

The International Medical Department is originally the main revenue generator of Union Medical College Hospital, which is understandable.

What's more, the hospital will not be polite if they encounter such a super fat sheep this time.

After Betty was admitted to the obstetrics and gynecology ward of Union Hospital, she immediately underwent a series of examinations.

As the second aunt said, it was just normal prepartum labor pains and there was nothing wrong with it.

But this also meant that Betty was going to give birth soon, maybe within a day or two, or maybe even shorter.

After the examination, Ye Tian and his mother took Betty back to the ward and stayed in the hospital.

Since the hospital did not allow too many people to stay, the rest of the family members had left, either sitting in the car outside or going back to their home in Lishi Hutong to wait for news.

Once there is any movement, everyone will rush over quickly.

After entering the ward, Mom and the others simply tidied up the room, and Ye Tian helped Betty lie down on the hospital bed.

He was also sitting by the bed, holding Betty's hand and chatting with her in a low voice.

"My dear, do you still feel a pain in your stomach? I have made you suffer!"

Ye Tian asked in a low voice, feeling quite distressed.

Betty nodded slightly.

"There is still a little pain, but it is much lighter than at home, but it continues."

As soon as he finished speaking, the obstetric nurse standing aside suddenly said:

"Ms., this kind of pain is actually very normal. It's prepartum labor pain, the pain caused by uterine contraction, which means that the time for delivery is not far away.

The timing and duration of prepartum labor pains vary from person to person. As long as you grasp the rules and relax your emotions, you can reduce the pain to a certain extent."

The obstetrics nurse spoke fluent English and introduced relevant knowledge to Betty.

Seeing her performance, Ye Tian and Betty were stunned for a moment.

Mom, Evelin and the others who were staying aside also behaved in the same way.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian said excitedly:

"That's great, nurse. I didn't expect your English to be so fluent. I was worried that there would be communication barriers. Now I feel completely relieved."

The nurse smiled softly and then explained:

“We at the International Department of Union Hospital often meet foreigners, like your wife, who require us to be proficient in a foreign language in order to facilitate communication and treatment.

In this way, we can communicate with patients normally, and there will be no misunderstandings due to poor communication. At the same time, we can also build a bridge between patients and doctors..."

Hearing this, Ye Tian and his mother nodded, very satisfied.

Next, the nurse began to coach Betty, teaching her how to relax and relieve pain.

Under the guidance of this nurse, Betty quickly relaxed and her pain was reduced a lot.

Seeing this situation, Ye Tian and his mother relaxed a lot and were not so nervous anymore.

In the following time, except for taking Betty out for a few inspections, they stayed in this luxurious suite and never left.

As for food, drinking water, a change of clothes, etc., my sister-in-law and the others will bring them over.

In the blink of an eye, it was already the next morning.

Compared to yesterday afternoon and evening, Betty's prepartum labor pains were more frequent. They came almost every two to three minutes and lasted for thirty or forty seconds each time. The pain was also more intense than before.

After the introduction by the obstetrician and nurse, everyone understood that Betty would give birth soon.

In the early morning, the second aunt and sister-in-law came to the hospital.

The second aunt, who is a doctor, directly replaced Evelin and stayed at Betty's bedside.

However, Evelin couldn't stand the pressure and went outside to stay with Matthew.

As for Ye Tian, ​​after having breakfast in the morning, he ran to disinfect his whole body and was ready to accompany Betty into the delivery room at any time.

Soon, the time came to around nine-thirty in the morning.

In the ward, Ye Tian was telling Betty some interesting things that happened during the previous exploration operations to distract her attention and reduce the pain.

Suddenly, Betty's brows frowned suddenly, and she grabbed Ye Tian's hand hard.

"Honey, my stomach hurts so much. The naughty little guy in my stomach has figured it out."

Hearing this, Ye Tian couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

The second aunt quickly lifted up the quilt and took a look at the situation.

Then, she said quickly:

"The amniotic water has broken. Betty is about to give birth. Go to the delivery room immediately."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Tian quickly jumped up and took the emergency call button on the bedside like lightning.

At the same time, his other hand was always holding Betty's hand tightly and said tenderly:

"My dear, don't be afraid, I will always be by your side. Let's welcome the little one together and let our family of two become a warmer family of three!"

"Okay, honey, I will never be afraid as long as you are here, and I am very much looking forward to the arrival of the little one."

Betty nodded vigorously in response.

Although the pain continued, she acted very bravely at this time.

While talking, several doctors and nurses rushed into the ward.

At this time, the second aunt was ready and quickly introduced the situation.

"The mother's amniotic fluid has broken and she will go directly to the delivery room."

The obstetricians and gynecologists at Union Hospital all knew Second Aunt, and they all nodded without any hesitation.

Next, Ye Tian and the previous nurse pushed the hospital bed out of the room, and under the care of several doctors, ran straight to the delivery room.

My mother, second aunt, and sister-in-law also followed.

When we arrived at the door of the delivery room, the obstetrician and gynecologist who delivered the baby asked as usual.

"Will the mother's family accompany her during the delivery?"

Ye Tian nodded without hesitation and said decisively:

"Of course I will accompany you during the delivery. I have already prepared for it."

The female doctor looked at him, then smiled and said:

"You are brave enough to come in."

After saying that, she directed the nurse to push the bed into the delivery room.

Ye Tian always held Betty's hand tightly and walked into the delivery room.

The next moment, the door to the delivery room was closed, and the 'in operation' light turned on.

My mother and second aunt were blocked outside and could only stop.

They were stunned for a moment, then immediately took out their mobile phones and started to notify other family members.

"Lao Ye, you are going to be a grandpa, hurry up and come to the delivery room!"

"Betty has just been pushed into the delivery room, and Xiaotian has gone in to accompany the delivery. Come here quickly!"

As a few phone calls were made, the family immediately jumped into action and everyone was extremely excited.

After a while, everyone gathered at the door of the operating room, looking expectantly at the door and listening to what was going on inside.

In the blink of an eye, more than an hour has passed.

As time went by, everyone's mood became a little anxious.

Dad and Matthew, in particular, kept walking around, making everyone dizzy.

"Why haven't you come out yet? Nothing will happen, right?"

Dad glanced at the operating room and said anxiously.

Upon hearing this, his mother immediately rolled her eyes at him angrily.

"Bah, bah, bah, don't be so cynical. There are your grandson and daughter-in-law inside, so look forward to it!"

Grandpa, who was sitting on the bench next to the door, raised his crutch and pointed at Dad.

Dad quickly shrank his neck and said hurriedly:

"Yes! I said the wrong thing"

"Don't worry, Betty's physical condition is very good. Since this is her first child, the delivery time is a little longer. This is normal. Under normal circumstances, delivery takes one or two hours."

The second aunt continued and explained the situation.

While he was talking, a baby's cry suddenly came from the operating room, and it reached everyone's ears in an instant.

The cry was extremely loud, as beautiful as the sound of nature, and extremely pleasant to the ear.

The moment they heard the cry, the family members guarding the door of the operating room were all stunned.

After only being stunned for a moment, everyone woke up.

The next moment, this place turned into a sea of ​​joy.

"It's great, it's finally born!"

"Did you hear that? The little guy's cry is very loud. He must be very healthy."

Everyone cheered one after another, and everyone was extremely excited.

Especially the parents, Matthew and Evelin were even more excited to dance and even had tears in their eyes.

"I'm going to be a grandpa now. I can't believe it."

Dad murmured to himself, rubbing his hands excitedly.

"I've become a grandma too. It's like a dream."

Mom continued, her eyes already moist.

The two elders on the bench next to me, who had been promoted to the title of Grandpa and Grandma, were excited and their eyes were shining, and they kept talking.

"Four generations living under one roof! Okay! That's great!"

At this moment, the door to the operating room suddenly opened and a nurse walked out.

Everyone immediately crowded around and started asking questions.

"Nurse, how is the situation inside? Are the adults and children okay?"

"How much does the child weigh? Is he healthy? He cries very loudly."

The nurse looked at the large family and was secretly speechless.

Then, she smiled and said:

"Family members, please rest assured that mother and child are safe. The delivery process went very smoothly. He is a big fat boy with a tough head and a big head. He weighs nearly ten pounds. He is very healthy and the baby is very beautiful."

Before he finished speaking, cheers erupted from the scene again.

"It's great. Mother and child are safe. There is nothing better than this."

"Hey, hey, this big fat boy weighs ten pounds. He's so tough. I really want to see this little guy soon."

Amid everyone's cheers, the nurse struggled to squeeze out of the crowd and went about her business.

The family members staying at the door of the operating room were all excited.

Grandparents, parents, and Betty's parents were all happy, with extremely bright smiles on their faces.

Another moment passed in the blink of an eye.

The light with the words "operating room" written on it finally went out.

Almost at the same time as the lights went out, the operating room door opened from the inside.

Immediately afterwards, two nurses came out first and opened the operating room door.

Later, Betty, who was lying on the hospital bed, was pushed out by the nurse.

At this time, Betty, although a little tired, had a happy smile on her face.

Her eyes were always fixed on the baby in the arms of a nurse, never moving away for a moment, her eyes full of love and shining with the brilliance of motherhood.

Ye Tianze stood beside the hospital bed, always holding Betty's hand tightly, never wanting to let go.

His eyes had already filled with tears. He was staring at his wife on the bed and his son in the nurse's arms. He was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

Seeing them coming out, the family members at the door immediately gathered around them.

Everyone looked at Betty lying on the bed and at the child in the nurse's arms. Everyone was very excited.

The moment he saw his family, Ye Tian choked up and even became a little incoherent.

"Dad, Mom, I'm a dad, I'm a dad, and you are grandparents."

Hearing this, my parents' eyes suddenly became moist.

"From today on, your kid is also a parent, so be more careful in the future."

Dad patted Ye Tian's shoulder lightly and said sincerely.

My mother walked to the bedside, asked Betty about her condition in a low voice, and comforted her.

Other family members gathered around the nurse and marveled at the little guy wrapped in swaddling clothes.

"This little guy is really strong. Not only does he have a tiger-like head, but he also has beautiful features. He will definitely be a handsome boy when he grows up."

"The little guy is so cute. Look at his little hands, which are constantly moving. He is obviously very energetic."

While everyone was looking at the little guy, the second uncle and the second aunt helped the grandparents come forward and asked the two old people to take a closer look at their great-grandson.

Seeing the little one wrapped in swaddling clothes, the two elders were very excited, and the grandmother's eyes were filled with tears.

"Okay! This is the fourth generation of my old Ye family. Four generations live under one roof. What a wonderful thing."

"What a beautiful child, it makes me feel sad just to look at it!"

Looking at their infant great-grandson, both elders were full of praise and their eyes were full of love.

But they didn’t forget about Betty either!

After looking at the child for a few times, grandma walked over and took Betty's hand, thanking and praising her.

After all the family members had seen the baby and Betty, the obstetrician-gynecologist in charge of delivering the baby reminded everyone that Betty and the baby needed to be sent to the ward for rest and observation.

The family members all knew this procedure and immediately dispersed to make way for the passage.

At this moment, a pleasant cell phone ringtone suddenly rang out.

Immediately afterwards, Linlin quickly ran to Ye Tian and said to him excitedly:

"Brother, your phone number shows that it is from the Pope. Is it true or false? How can the Pope know how to calculate it? He actually called you at this time. The time is too good."

Before he finished speaking, everyone present except Ye Tian was stunned for an instant.

"Did I hear correctly? It was actually a call from the Pope."

Everyone was shocked and murmured to themselves.

Especially Matthew and Evelin were trembling slightly with excitement.

They are all devout Christians. There is no need to ask how important the Pope is in their hearts.

Betty, who was lying on the hospital bed, was stunned for a moment, and then a look of surprise appeared on her face.

Ye Tian acted very relaxed, just smiled softly, and then answered the phone.

"Good morning, Your Majesty the Pope, you will call me now. You must have good news to tell me."

The next moment, the Pope's delighted voice came from the mobile phone.

"Good morning, Steven, you guessed it right, I do have good news to tell you, after several days of cleaning up, and communication and coordination with Ethiopia and Tigray.

Just now, the most holy object, the Ark of the Covenant, which had disappeared for nearly three thousand years, was finally transported out of the Holy of Holies deep in the mountain, and was able to reappear in the world three thousand years later.

Now that the Ark of the Covenant has reappeared in the world, it’s time for me to fulfill my previous promise. I can tell you now that your and your wife Betty’s first child will be named the Duke of Belmont.

I will make this news public later. After returning to the Vatican, I will officially announce the canonization news in St. Peter's Basilica. The real canonization ceremony will wait until you come to the Vatican! "

"Thank you so much, Your Majesty the Pope, this is such wonderful news and a cause for celebration for Betty and I and for our children.

Here, I also want to tell you some good news. Just now, Betty has given birth to a boy. Mother and child are safe and very healthy."

Ye Tian said with a smile, his eyes full of pride.

If you have a son, everything will be fine!

Hearing his words, the Pope on the other end of the phone seemed to be stunned.

"The Ark of the Covenant reappeared in the world, and your son happened to be born. Is this all destined by God?"

"Who knows, maybe it's destiny!"

Ye Tian continued.

After chatting for a few more words, Ye Tian hung up the phone.

Then, he looked at Betty, smiled and said to her:

"Dear, I fulfilled my promise and gave our son a duke's title. Just now, when our son was born, the Ark of the Covenant reappeared in the world.

His Majesty the Pope also fulfilled his promise. He announced the canonization of our son as the Duke of Belmont. The formal canonization ceremony will be held when we arrive at the Vatican! "

Before the words were spoken, the scene was completely boiling.

"What? The Pope personally conferred the title of Duke, did I hear correctly? Doesn't it mean that this little guy became a noble when he was born? And he is also a Duke!"

"This little guy's life is too good, what a double happiness!"

Everyone cheered and was excited.

Especially Matthew and Evelin, they were almost crazy with excitement.

Betty held Ye Tian's hand tightly, and her eyes filled with tears.

Looking at the doctors and nurses, they were all completely dumbfounded, full of disbelief and very excited.

"I just delivered a Duke? And he was a Duke who was canonized by the Pope right after he was born. This is amazing!"

Seeing their state, Ye Tian couldn't help but worry, lest something unexpected happen.

He stared closely at the nurse holding his son, ready to take action at any time.

Fortunately, nothing unexpected happened, and the doctors and nurses woke up quickly.

Then, they pushed Betty out of here and walked towards the ward.

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