Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3141 The good wind uses its power to send me to the blue clouds

Latest website: Chapter 3141 The good wind sends me to the blue sky with its power

Betty stayed in the Union Hospital for a week, and Ye Tian also stayed with her for a week, and she enjoyed it.

During this period, he turned a deaf ear to what was going on outside the window and only focused on spending time with his wife and children. He even directly transformed into a wife obsessed and a son slave.

Every night when Betty and her son fall asleep, he will use the aura in his eyes to help them groom their bodies, allowing Betty to recover faster and his son to become healthier.

Things turned out just as he wished!

In just one week, Betty has recovered quickly.

Especially the speed of body recovery and the disappearance of stretch marks amazes everyone. It also makes other mothers who have just given birth envious and even jealous.

However, she still had to stay in the house for more than three weeks in accordance with the Chinese tradition, under the supervision of her mother, grandmother and others, even though it was no longer necessary!

Let’s talk about that cute little guy.

After Ye Tian continuously used spiritual energy to comb his body, he has become the healthiest child in the world, and it can even be said that he is immune to all diseases.

Moreover, this little guy is full of energy and very active. He can work hard every day, so that Ye Tian can't even sleep well.

Even so, he never tired of it and lived extremely happy and fulfilled every day.

Another point is that although this little guy has not yet been discharged from the hospital, he is already famous all over the world and has become the youngest duke in the world. He is also a high-ranking nobleman personally canonized by the Pope.

The day after the Ark of the Covenant reappeared, the Pope announced the news to the news media.

Announced the canonization of this little guy as Duke of Belmont to reward Ye Tian for his great achievement in discovering the Ark of the Covenant.

As soon as the news was announced, it immediately caused a huge sensation and detonated all news media.

Of course, it also attracted countless envious and jealous looks.

However, no one raised any objection.

You know, Ye Tian discovered the two most sacred objects, the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant, one after another. Such achievements cannot be over-rewarded.

If this had been done hundreds of years ago or in the Middle Ages, it would have been possible for him to become a king directly and give him a king's title.

Because he was not a Christian and was unwilling to accept this high-ranking title.

This noble status and title naturally fell on his son.

Because of Betty, the little guy accepted this identity and title without any problems.

It wasn't until this news broke that people knew that Ye Tian's son was born.

When he returned to Beijing this time, it turned out that he was going to welcome his son's arrival.

After receiving the news, countless Chinese and foreign media reporters immediately swarmed in, trying to conduct interviews and reports.

Although they learned through some channels that Betty lived in the obstetrics ward of the International Medical Department of Union Medical College Hospital, they could not find any interview opportunities at all.

They couldn't even get through the gate of Union Hospital, let alone the maternity ward.

The police stationed inside and outside Union Medical College Hospital would immediately stop all media reporters and ask them to leave.

Even if some media reporters disguised themselves and managed to escape police interrogation, they would be stopped by Ye Tian's security personnel and then escorted out of Union Hospital.

For such a result, those media reporters could only accept it and had nowhere to protest.

They also knew very well that protesting would be of no use to Ye Tian and would only cause unnecessary trouble!

Soon, a week passed.

It’s time to go home from the hospital.

Just after ten o'clock in the morning, the mother and the others had already packed their things, and the family members had rushed to the hospital, preparing to take Betty and the little guy home.

Before leaving, Ye Tian rushed to the doctor's office and thanked again the chief obstetrician and gynecologist who delivered Betty, as well as several other doctors and nurses.

He did not give red envelopes to several doctors and nurses, but promised to find ways to help Union Hospital obtain some top-notch medical equipment that was difficult to obtain in domestic hospitals.

And he also told the doctors and nurses that if they or their children wanted to further their education in the United States, or study abroad, he might be able to help.

Not to mention other universities or hospitals, Columbia University, Harvard University, New York University, etc., I can still speak for myself.

Upon receiving these promises from him, the hospital staff and the doctors and nurses at Union Medical College were very excited and thanked them all profusely.

After greeting the doctors, he returned to the ward.

After entering the door, he looked at the laughing family members, and then said with a smile:

"Everything is done, we can go home"

After saying that, he walked towards his mother, intending to pick up his son.

As a result, my mother directly pushed his hand away.

"Go and carry the suitcase. It's not your turn to hold the baby. You're so careless. How can you make people feel at ease?"

"I knew this would be the result. As long as you elders come here, I will never even think about holding my son. I will only be a coolie."

Ye Tian said helplessly and could only go over and pick up the suitcase.


The family all laughed.

Afterwards, everyone left the luxurious ward and walked towards the elevator.

Numerous security personnel guarding the outside of the ward, on both sides of the corridor, as well as at the entrance to the elevator and stairs, immediately followed, watching the surrounding situation with vigilance.

From the leaders of the Union Hospital and the director of obstetrics and gynecology, to the attending doctor and the nurse who cared for Betty, they all came to see her off. The procession was huge.

Seeing this scene, other pregnant women and their families, as well as other doctors, nurses, and staff on this floor were all secretly stunned.

"This scene is too big and exaggerated. Why don't you just give birth to a child? To actually engage in such a big battle, it's really hard to understand what a rich person thinks!"

"Don't you look at who that is? Is that an ordinary rich person? Among all the rich people who gave birth to children in Union Hospital, Ye Tian is probably the richest, and this guy is also the ancestor who caused trouble. .

His son is even more awesome. He became a duke when he was born, a high-ranking nobleman personally conferred by the Pope. He is the youngest duke in the world. He became a world-class celebrity just after he was born. What does this pomp mean? "

Amidst all kinds of envious comments and under the gaze of eager eyes, Ye Tian and his family walked into two elevators respectively and left here.

When a group of them came downstairs, the convoy was waiting at the door of the internal medicine building.

There were many security personnel and police standing around the motorcade, maintaining order at the scene and keeping a vigilant eye on the surrounding situation.

Before helping Betty out of the building, Ye Tian quickly looked through the vehicles outside and almost everywhere around him.

After making sure it was safe and there was no danger, he helped Betty walk out of the door of the internal medicine building and boarded the GMC nanny car parked at the door.

The mother and Evelin, who were holding the child, also followed, as well as Lisa, who was closely protecting Betty.

The family members boarded other vehicles, and the motorcade immediately left the internal medicine building and drove slowly toward East Fourth Street outside the hospital.

Before the motorcade left the Union Medical College Hospital, several police cars drove in from different directions and took on the task of escorting them.

The media reporters guarding the entrance of the hospital naturally saw this motorcade, and they were all excited.

“Look, that guy Steven is out, but unfortunately the whole family is sitting in the car, so they can’t take a photo of Duke Belmont or that guy Steven.

It would be great if we could take a photo of that little guy. It would definitely be a front-page headline. Now I don’t know how many people want to see what the world’s smallest duke looks like.”

"It's Ye Tian and his family. This guy has finally been discharged from the hospital, but the security measures are too tight and watertight. It seems that we won't be able to take any valuable photos today."

Many Chinese and foreign media reporters were talking about it and raised their cameras to take pictures of the motorcade.

The police and agents responsible for guarding the scene, as well as Ye Tian's security personnel, stared at these media reporters with vigilance.

In fact, these so-called uncrowned kings are almost like paparazzi at this time.

After the motorcade left the Union Medical College Hospital, it drove straight north along East Fourth Street.

Not far after driving out, Ye Tian's cell phone suddenly rang. It was a call from David.

The call was connected, and David's voice came over immediately.

"Good morning, Steven. I heard that Betty was discharged from the hospital today, so I called here specifically to say hello. Say hello to Betty for me and pay tribute to the little duke."

Ye Tian smiled softly and then replied:

"Good evening, David, we have just been discharged from the hospital and are on our way home. Betty and the little guy are by my side."

"It seems that I made this call at the right time. There is something I want to ask you. Many people are also very concerned about this issue. Some media reporters asked me about it today.

The issue is the nationality of your and Betty’s child. What do you think about the nationality of this little guy? Is there anything you need me to do? Very happy to oblige! "

"There is no doubt about the nationality of the little guy. Since he was born in China and has Chinese blood flowing in his veins, he is of course Chinese and has Chinese nationality.

Chinese nationality is one of the most difficult nationalities in the world to obtain. This is one of the reasons why I let Betty give birth in Beijing and let my child be born in Beijing."

Ye Tian explained with a smile.

At this point, he stopped talking, leaving some words unsaid so as not to irritate David.

In the foreseeable future, China will be the most powerful and richest country in the world.

As a father, who doesn’t want his children to live in such a country.

What’s more, this future is just around the corner!

Hearing his words, Betty and the others next to them chuckled, and her mother nodded appreciatively.

Even Evelin didn’t have any objections.

They have spent a lot of time in China and have a deep understanding of the country's stability and prosperity.

Especially the safety here makes them all yearn for it.

And the vigorous and upward trend of China as a whole made them even more amazed.

As grandparents, how could they object to their grandchildren living in such a country.

Of course, there is no use in objecting.

After chatting with David for a few words, Ye Tian hung up the phone.

In a short while, the motorcade arrived at the intersection of Lishi Hutong.

As expected, a large number of news media reporters from all over the world gathered here, armed with long guns and short cannons, and they were ready.

In addition to a large number of media reporters, there were also many neighbors and passers-by watching the excitement.

In addition, the vehicles and pedestrians coming and going on the street also looked at the excitement curiously.

There were many police officers and agents inside and outside the alley, as well as Ye Tian's security personnel, maintaining order on the scene.

Although there were many people at the scene, the order was not chaotic.

Seeing the approaching motorcade, the media reporters immediately raised their cameras and video cameras and began to take photos and capture footage of the motorcade.

Unfortunately, the convoy did not stop at the entrance of the alley and drove straight into Lishi Alley.

When entering the alley, Ye Tianfei quickly took a look at the situation outside.

Whether it was media reporters, spectators, police and security personnel, passing vehicles and pedestrians, or nearby buildings, he spared no one.

Fortunately, no potential threats were found and it was very safe.

Compared to the hustle and bustle at the entrance of the alley, the inside of the alley is much quieter.

The media reporters and people who came to watch the excitement were not able to enter the alley.

There were only some old neighbors in the alley, standing at the door of their homes or on the roadside, watching the motorcade.

"That guy from Xiaotian is back with his wife and child. The little guy is said to have weighed about ten pounds when he was born, and he became a duke right after he was born. How enviable!"

"Don't look at how hard Xiaotian worked hard some time ago. The reason for co-writing is to fight for a duke's title for his son. If you work so hard, our family might also become a noble!"

The neighbors were watching the excitement and talking, their words full of envy and a little bit jealous.

When Ye Tian and Betty's nanny car passed by, they would wave and say hello, and everyone was smiling.

The security personnel guarding the alley were following the convoy and escorting it forward.

In the blink of an eye, the motorcade reached the middle of the alley and stopped in front of the Ye family's mansion.

The family members who stayed at home have been waiting here for a long time, and everyone is full of expectations.

Especially Chenxi, Dongzi, and the little kids from their uncle's family were all cheering for joy.

As for the grandparents, they did not come out. They all stayed at home and waited for Ye Tian and others to take the children in.

When the motorcade stopped, Ye Tian immediately got out of the car with Betty and walked towards the door of his mansion.

The mother holding the child, Evelin and Lisa also got out of the car one after another and walked into the door of the mansion together.

As soon as I got off the car, my family members waiting at the door gathered around me.

"Welcome home, brother and sister-in-law, let me see my little nephew. Can I hold this little guy now?"

"The little guy is so cute, so pink, and his eyes are so bright and so big, they look like two stars."

Several children, including Dongzi and Chenxi, after greeting Ye Tian and Betty, immediately gathered around their mother to see the little guy.

They were also scrambling to hug the little guy.

However, how can my mother trust her precious grandson to these fussy guys? She only lets these guys look at the little baby and doesn’t dare to let them hold it.

Surrounded by his family, Ye Tian took Betty and his son and walked into the door of his mansion.

The moment he crossed the threshold, he felt a little emotional.

A week ago, when I left here, there were only myself and Betty in this small home. A week later, when I came back, it turned into a warm family of three.

My identity has also changed. I have become a father and become a father.

There are changes at home too.

The entire mansion was decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, and it was full of joy and excitement, even more lively than the Chinese New Year.

After a while, Ye Tian took Betty, his mother and the little guy into the courtyard where his grandparents lived.

At this time, grandparents and grandparents were standing on the steps at the door of the north room, chatting and looking over here.

My second uncle and uncle were all with me, and everyone was full of joy.

Seeing Ye Tian and the others entering the courtyard, several old people immediately laughed.

"Grandpa, grandpa, grandpa, we are back."

Ye Tian said hello loudly, and then walked towards the north room with Betty.

When they came closer, grandma and grandma looked Betty up and down, nodded in unison and said:

"Okay, I seem to be recovering well. Come into the house quickly. I'm still in confinement, so I can't see the wind."

With that said, the two old men urged Ye Tian and led Betty into the living room.

Grandpa and grandpa looked at the little guy in mom’s arms and laughed so hard that they couldn’t even see their eyebrows.

Other family members also came in, and the living room suddenly became very lively, even a little crowded.

Dongzi's juniors could only stay in the yard.

After sitting down, everyone immediately began to ask about Betty's physical condition and the child's condition, and gathered around the little guy to look at the little baby.

The little guy was not afraid of people at all. He opened his big black eyes and looked curiously at everyone in front of him, dancing and babbling.

His performance made everyone laugh.

After sitting and chatting for a while, grandpa suddenly straightened his face, looked at Ye Tian and said:

"Xiaotian, Betty, I have thought about it these days and thought of several names, and finally decided to name my great-grandson 'Qingyun'. From now on, this little guy will be called Ye Qingyun.

The name comes from "Nine Songs. Dongjun" in "The Book of Songs", which is taken from "The blue clouds are dressed in white neon clothes, and the long arrows are raised to shoot at the wolf". This is a poem to worship the sun god, full of yearning for light.

It is also taken from a poem by Cao Xueqin in "A Dream of Red Mansions" and two classic lines in "Linjiang Fairy. Catkins", "The good wind sends me to the blue clouds with its power", which has the beautiful meaning of the blue clouds rising straight up.

I hope that this little guy will live up to his name, and that his future life will be bright and upright, and he will be happy and safe throughout his life. I hope this name will bring him good luck."

Ye Tian was stunned for a moment, then murmured to himself:

"Qingyun, Ye Qingyun, my son will be called Ye Qingyun from now on."

The father and several other parents sitting nearby savored the name carefully and then nodded.

"Ye Qingyun, this name is catchy, simple to write, and has a profound meaning. It couldn't be more suitable. It's really great!"

After murmuring a few words, Ye Tianfang finally came to his senses.

Then, he looked at his grandfather and nodded and said:

"This name is great, Ye Qingyun. The little guy will be called this name from now on."

Grandpa nodded slightly and said nothing more.

Next, Ye Tian explained the meaning and origin of the name to Betty and Matthew.

When they heard that the name came from an ancient and beautiful poem and had a bright meaning, they were all very satisfied and nodded frequently.

As for the little guy's English name, Matthew hasn't decided yet.

To be more precise, he had difficulty choosing.

There are only so many common names for foreigners, and everyone has to choose from them over and over again. The probability of having the same name is very high, and he doesn't know which one to choose.

After chatting for a while, Ye Tian took Betty back to his courtyard.

For more than three weeks, Betty had to confine herself at home without leaving home, and Ye Tian also had to stay at home with her.

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