Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3142 I’m here to make money for milk powder

Latest website: Chapter 3142 I’m here to make money for milk powder

Although Ye Tian was at home with Betty during the confinement period, he was not idle either.

On the third day after returning home, he received calls from Derek and David, as well as Joshua and Bishop Kent, as well as the Israeli Prime Minister and the Pope.

Immediately afterwards, there was a video conference call to divide Solomon's treasure.

After continuous cleaning and transfer, all the movable antiques and gold and silver treasures in Solomon's treasure were transferred out of the cave deep in the heart of the mountain.

As for those antique cultural relics that are integrated with the cave and cannot be transported.

For example, many sculptures, sculptures of Israeli prophets on the Prophet's Road, etc. can only be left to Ethiopia and Tigray.

This is an agreement reached in advance and is also one of the conditions for the smooth launch of the tripartite joint exploration operation.

In addition to those priceless and top-notch immovable antiques, Tigray and Ethiopia also gained a world-famous religious shrine.

It is completely conceivable that when this religious holy place is renovated and officially opened to the public, it will attract many devout Jewish and Christian believers and tourists from all over the world.

Moreover, this religious holy place will continue to bring huge income to Ethiopia and Tigray, turning AKS into a true religious holy city.

From this point of view, Ethiopia and Tigray have not suffered a loss, they can be considered a huge profit, and there are continuous benefits.

In addition, they can also receive large compensation, financial assistance, etc. from Israel and the Vatican, which is also a very amazing benefit.

As for the many top-notch antiques and cultural relics hidden in that religious holy land, how they will deal with and develop that religious holy land has nothing to do with the Brave and Intrepid Exploration Company.

For Ye Tian and the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company, if they get the benefits they deserve, which are the antique cultural relics and gold and silver treasures in Solomon's treasure, this tripartite joint exploration operation will be completely over.

When transporting the movable antiques and gold and silver treasures in Solomon's treasure, Derek and the others took photos and videos of each item and registered them.

Then they were put into portable safes and transported out of the depths of the cave.

At the same time, they also sent all these photos and video materials to Ye Tian for him to conduct preliminary identification and evaluation.

As for the movable antiques and gold and silver treasures contained in Solomon's treasure, Ye Tian knew everything about their origin and value when he first explored it, but others did not know it.

Because of this, he dared to leave AKS with peace of mind, without any fear of being plotted by Israel, or by Israel and the Vatican.

This is an opportunity to see the true face of his partners, and it is also an opportunity to test the dedication and loyalty of his staff. Of course, he will not miss it.

Fortunately, the partners and company employees performed well, there were no problems, and everything went very smoothly!

After receiving the photos of the antique artifacts and gold and silver treasures in Solomon's treasure, he pretended to study them carefully, but did not immediately give an appraisal conclusion or value assessment.

All the movable antiques and gold and silver treasures in Solomon's treasure were transported to the ground and transferred to Tel Aviv, Israel, as soon as possible.

Once all employees and security personnel of Intrepid Exploration Company have withdrawn from the exploration site, evacuated from AKS, and evacuated to Israel, it will be truly safe.

Only then was he ready to come up with his own appraisal conclusion and estimated value.

Next, it’s time to divide Solomon’s treasure.

This was a long video conference call that lasted for more than ten hours.

Fortunately, there is a time difference between BJ and Tel Aviv, and there is enough space at home, so there is no need to worry about affecting Betty's confinement period or the little one's rest.

In the study, Ye Tian set up the equipment, put on headphones, faced the high-definition TV screen, and started a long video call with different people in different places.

The video call included representatives from Intrepid, Israel and the Vatican, as well as the Ethiopian and U.S. governments.

In addition to Ye Tian himself, the Brave Exploration Company also has David and his assistant lawyer, as well as Derek and others who are staying in Tel Aviv, Israel, guarding Solomon's treasure.

On the Israeli side, there are Joshua and several archaeologists and antique art appraisal experts, as well as the Israeli Prime Minister and some other professionals and religious figures.

On the other side of the Vatican was a group of people headed by Bishop Kent, while His Majesty the Pope and some cardinals were watching the screen.

The Ethiopian and US governments also sent some representatives, experts and scholars to participate in this video conference.

And this is just the situation on the surface. It’s unknown how many people are peeking at the screen behind the scenes.

The statistics Ye Tian received from Kenny showed that at least dozens of terminals were playing the video conference call, and even more people were paying attention.

It can even be said that almost all countries in Europe and the United States, all collectors, all cultural and museum institutions and auction houses, as well as countless churches and various religious organizations, etc.

All Jews, and even countless ordinary people, are very concerned about these Solomon treasures and their whereabouts.

The video conference began, and Ye Tian received a stream of congratulations and blessings as usual.

"Good evening, Steven. Congratulations on your first child. I also wish the little one good health, safety and happiness."

Bishop Kent, an old friend, said with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, there was another old friend, Joshua.

"Good evening, Steven. Congratulations on starting a new chapter in your life. I also wish the Duke of Belmont good health."

Next, there was another sound of blessing.

Ye Tianchong cupped his hands with these old friends and said with a smile:

"Thank you for your blessings. The little guy is very healthy and full of energy. The arrival of this little guy has made my life complete."

After chatting for a few words, everyone got down to business.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let us now begin to identify and evaluate the antiques and gold and silver treasures from Solomon's treasure, and then we will talk about distribution and trading."

Ye Tian said loudly with a smile.

"Steven, isn't it a bit unreliable to conduct identification and evaluation based only on photos and videos? Should you come to Tel Aviv and conduct identification and evaluation on-site? That would be safer!"

Joshua continued.

Ye Tian smiled and shook his head.

"Don't worry about whether my appraisal results and assessments are accurate. We have already determined that those antique artifacts and gold and silver treasures are Solomon's treasures, coming from the United Kingdom of Israel and Solomon's Temple nearly three thousand years ago.

Now that the age of those things has been determined, the subsequent identification and evaluation work will be much simpler. The high-definition photos and videos sent by my employees are enough for me to draw accurate identification conclusions and estimated values."

After hearing this, the others thought for a moment and nodded.

They understood that what Ye Tian said was absolutely correct.

As long as the age of those antique cultural relics and gold and silver treasures is determined, and based on this, the subsequent identification and evaluation work will not be much of a problem.

Unless Israel and the Vatican, or someone else, have already replaced the antique artifacts and gold and silver treasures with other things.

However, this possibility is almost non-existent.

After explaining the situation, Ye Tian asked Derek to open the first portable safe and take out the first antique artifact for identification and evaluation.

This is a simple gold crown, a bit like a crown of thorns, inlaid with several red and sapphires that have long lost their luster.

On the inner ring of this golden crown is engraved a Star of David, as well as several ancient Hebrew inscriptions.

Everyone already knows what those ancient Hebrew words mean.

They are the initials of King David, the second king of the United Kingdom of Israel.

Under the illumination of the light, this golden crown emits a bright golden light, which is extremely dazzling.

Even brighter than this golden light are the eyes of the Israelis in the video. Each pair of eyes is full of fanaticism, almost on the verge of burning.

Others, including the Bishop of Kent and the Pope, did not fare much better. They were all excited and their eyes were shining.

Ye Tian looked at these guys, then smiled and started his performance.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this simple gold crown is one of the most important antiques in Solomon's treasure. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a sacred object.

This golden crown comes from the famous King David, the second king of the United Kingdom of Israel. The Star of David and ancient Hebrew characters engraved on the inner circle of the crown are the best evidence.

Regarding this point, I can never be wrong. I believe everyone also understands that there are many top appraisal experts at the appraisal and evaluation site in Tel Aviv, and they can conduct on-site appraisals."

Following Ye Tian's words, representatives from other parties in the video conference nodded one after another without any objection.

At the same time, experts and scholars at the Tel Aviv identification and evaluation site have excitedly launched on-site identification.

Needless to say, the result was no different from the identification conclusion given by Ye Tian.

After listening to the appraisal conclusions given by the appraisal experts, Joshua couldn't wait to say before Ye Tian gave the estimated value:

"Steven, gentlemen, for Israel and all Jews, this golden crown of King David is extremely important. It can be said to be a religious holy object. We must take back this treasure."

Israel's attitude was completely expected, and no one was surprised.

After Joshua finished speaking, Ye Tian then continued:

"Joshua, you don't have to worry. Listen to the estimated value I gave. Considering the special significance of this golden crown, I valued it at US$300 million..."

Before he finished speaking, everyone who was participating in this video conference and peeking at the screen was instantly shocked.

"What? Three hundred million US dollars, did I hear you correctly? This valuation is too exaggerated!"

"Oh my god! It's 300 million US dollars, but this guy Steven is still as greedy and crazy as ever, and he's even gotten worse!"

Listening to the exclamations one after another and looking at the faces with exaggerated expressions, Ye Tian couldn't help but chuckle.

Brother, I have to make money for milk powder for my son! I can only slaughter you fat sheep!

The night passed quickly.

It was dawn, but Ye Tian was still in high spirits while video chatting with all parties.

Of course I am energetic when I make money for milk powder for my son.

Betty gently pushed open the study door, and when she saw that he was still busy, she closed the door.

After a while, the mother holding the little guy also opened the study door and took a look.

She rolled her eyes at him and closed the door.

It was not until around 10:30 in the morning that the long video conference call to identify, evaluate and divide Solomon's treasures ended.

Ye Tian gave the most accurate identification conclusions for all the antique cultural relics and gold and silver treasures from Solomon's treasure, which made everyone stunned and called it incredible.

He also gave a valuation for those antique cultural relics and gold and silver treasures, which was basically in line with the market conditions, or slightly higher, which made other parties widen their eyes and exclaim in surprise.

The process of carving up Solomon's treasure was also quite smooth. Nearly half of the antiques, cultural relics and gold and silver treasures in the treasure were sold by Israel and the Vatican.

What Ye Tian and the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company got was a staggering amount of wealth that was enough to drive countless people crazy.

Israel and the Vatican even wanted to buy more, but were met with protests by U.S. government representatives.

The U.S. government, major cultural institutions and collectors in the United States, as well as other institutions, groups, organizations, etc., are also keeping a close eye on the Solomon Treasures, and naturally they will not let Israel and the Vatican take away all of them.

Intrepid Exploration Company is an American company and must also consider this factor.

Ye Tian did not give Israel and the Vatican a chance to buy some of the items in the treasure. Instead, he kept them and prepared to transport them to New York.

Israel and the Vatican can only accept this result. They don't want to offend the US government. Anyway, they have got enough.

As for Ethiopia and Tigray, although they did not purchase any antiques or gold and silver treasures, they received an astonishing amount of tax revenue.

After the appraisal, evaluation, and transaction are completed, the video conference will end.

Next, billions of dollars of wealth will pour into the bank account of Intrepid Exploration Company.

Derek and David, who are in Tel Aviv, Israel, will return to New York with the remaining half of Solomon's treasure after completing the relevant procedures for the transaction.

In New York, there are countless cultural institutions, various organizations, and super-rich people, waving checks, waiting to snap up these antiques, cultural relics, and gold and silver treasures in Solomon's treasure.

Without even thinking about it, that would bring even greater wealth to Ye Tian and the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company.

After turning off the big-screen TV and camera, Ye Tian took a long stretch, then got up from the chair, twisted his waist, and walked out of the study.

Seeing him coming out, Betty smiled and asked:

"Is it done? My dear, your video conference is really long. It lasted from last night to this morning."

Ye Tian stepped forward and kissed her, nodded with a smile and said:

"I helped our son earn a lot of milk powder money, enough to buy milk powder all over the world. The identification and evaluation of Solomon's treasures have been completed.

Half of this amazing treasure has been disposed of by me and sold to Israel and the Vatican. The remaining half is ready to be shipped back to New York and processed in New York.

That will bring an astonishing amount of wealth. Once the antiques, cultural relics and gold and silver treasures in Solomon’s treasure are processed, everyone can have a good rest.”

"If we buy all the milk powder in the world, our son won't be able to drink it all. For this little guy, those wealth are just numbers and symbols, and they don't mean much. He just wants to be happy."

Betty said with a smile.

"That's true. The little guy doesn't care about this, but as a father, I have to work hard!"

Ye Tian nodded slightly and then went to wash up.

In the following time, he stayed at home with Betty and played with his son every day, enjoying it.

Three days later, the remaining half of Solomon's treasure was safely transported to New York. It immediately caused a huge sensation in New York and attracted countless attention.

At this time, the New York autumn auction season is in full swing.

After the half of Solomon's treasure arrived in New York, it was immediately entrusted to major auction houses and asked to hold special auctions to sell them all.

It didn’t take long for the major auction houses’ special auctions of Solomon’s Treasure to begin one after another, directly becoming the focus of the entire New York auction market.

The antique cultural relics and gold and silver treasures from Solomon's treasure have become the targets of all cultural institutions and collectors, creating astonishing transaction prices.

What this brought to Ye Tian and the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company was a massive surge of wealth.

One month has passed in the blink of an eye!

Betty finally finished confinement, and Ye Tian was completely liberated.

But he did not leave BJ, but continued to stay at home with his wife and children.

In his spare time, he would also visit the houses of his old neighbors in the alleys and chat with the familiar uncles and aunts, and he never went empty-handed.

Those people were so smart that the aunts and uncles knew his intentions and knew that he was here for his old house.

They didn't criticize anyone, they accepted the gifts without fail, and they didn't reject anyone who came, but they just didn't let go.

Ye Tian didn't care at all, and kept visiting with gifts. After visiting the East's house and then the West's, it became like an alley.

Everyone is grinding like this, which is quite interesting.

During this period, he often visited the museum construction site in Wangfujing to learn about the construction progress.

By the way, take a look at the situation around the underground vault to avoid leaving any loopholes.

Occasionally I would go for a walk around the company to learn about the operation of the BJ branch.

Under the leadership of my sister-in-law, BJ Company operates very normally and efficiently, and everything is in order.

He only went there to take a look, and would not intervene in specific matters. He was more like a hands-off shopkeeper.

In addition, he visits the Forbidden City, the National Museum of China, and other museums in the capital to make up for his shortcomings in appreciating Chinese antiques, cultural relics, and works of art.

But he didn't absorb spiritual energy in these museums, mainly because he couldn't bear to part with them.

In this way, the days passed and the weather became colder and colder.

BJ’s winter is coming!

It's another sunny morning.

As usual, Ye Tian went out carrying a few gifts and walked towards Uncle Ding's house deep in the alley.

When he walked to the door, Uncle Ding was about to go out for a walk.

The moment he saw him, Uncle Ding sighed helplessly.

"Okay! I'm convinced of you kid. You're really a nubuck. Tell me, what do you really want?"

Hearing this, the smile on Ye Tian's face suddenly became brighter.

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