Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3143 Set out again (please support the new book)

Latest website: Chapter 3143 Set off again

Entering December, the Brave and Intrepid Exploration Company, which had been dormant for a month or two, reappeared in people's sight, and new exploration operations were launched again.

Said to be a new exploration operation, it is actually a continuation of the previous exploration operation, which is the subsequent cleaning and transfer of the treasures of the Mayan Golden City.

As the hurricane season and rainy season in Central America pass, follow-up exploration of the Mayan Golden City can begin.

But Ye Tian did not participate in this exploration operation. Instead, he asked Cole and Derek, who had been resting for a while, to lead the team to the Mayan Golden City, while he stayed at BJ to conduct remote control.

In fact, the subsequent cleanup and transfer of the Mayan Golden City treasures was mainly completed by the Honduran exploration team. Derek and the others were more on-site to supervise and ensure that the company's interests were not infringed.

Most of the things still left in the Mayan Golden City are bulky antiques and works of art, such as various sculptures of time and Mayan prophecy pillars, etc. There are very few gold and silver treasures.

Since the Mayan Golden City is located deep in the rainforest, such antiques and artworks are difficult to move out. They are relatively safe and there is basically no need to worry about being stolen.

Moreover, there are always a large number of military police guarding the Mayan Golden City, and the environment during the rainy season is extremely harsh. It is difficult for ordinary people to get there to steal antiques, cultural relics, and works of art.

Another point is that Hondurans prefer dazzling gold and silver treasures that can be quickly converted into cash, but they look down upon antiques, cultural relics and works of art that are more valuable.

Based on these reasons, the subsequent cleaning and transshipment of the treasures in the Mayan Golden City is relatively easy.

There won’t be much conflict of interest between the Honduran government and Intrepid Exploration Company, and there will naturally be a lot less trouble!

Ye Tian, ​​who stayed in BJ, put more energy into acquiring the entire Lishi Hutong and building his own private museum.

But what he cared about most was spending time with his wife and son.

After a month or two of hard work, or emotional communication, some of the old neighbors in the alley finally relented and agreed to transfer their old houses.

Of course, in addition to playing the emotional card, Ye Tian's quotation that was much higher than the market price was also one of the main reasons.

As the first old neighbor nodded, the ice was broken.

In the following time, Ye Tian's family conquered the fortress one after another, getting closer to his goal step by step.

He is only responsible for playing the emotional card, signing contracts to purchase these old houses in the alleys, and the subsequent planning and renovation matters will be followed up by the BJ branch.

After a month or two, he had taken over most of the old houses in the alley, and the remaining ones were not a big problem.

Even if those old houses are not taken over in the end, it will not affect the progress of the Lishi Hutong renovation plan.

During this period, the construction of a private museum on Wangfujing Street also achieved major breakthroughs.

The most important part of the museum's underground building, the underground vault, has finally been completed.

This is one of the largest and most secure vaults in the capital, and among vaults owned by private individuals or private companies, it undoubtedly ranks first.

The outside of this vault is poured with reinforced concrete that is at least five meters thick, and the inside is an all-metal vault made of special steel.

A vault door alone weighs several tons, is about one meter and a half thick, and is indestructible.

The vault is divided into different areas and dozens of rooms of different sizes.

Most of the rooms are equipped with constant temperature and humidity systems, which can protect the antique cultural relics and works of art stored in the warehouse to the greatest extent.

After the museum is completed and opened, it will mainly store the antique cultural relics and artworks that Ye Tianyun returned to the capital, as well as the antique cultural relics and artworks displayed in this private museum.

In addition, the vault will also separate an independent storage area to carry out leasing business.

Antiques, cultural relics, artworks, gold and silver treasures, etc. collected by some private collectors or corporate groups in China can be rented here and stored in independent small safes.

This is also a considerable amount of income for the operation of private museums.

On the day the underground vault was built, leaders from the Forbidden City and the National Museum of China, as well as other museums and cultural institutions, as well as relevant departments, came to the site to have a look.

Everyone was envious that Ye Tian could have such an indestructible underground vault.

Especially the familiar old men in the Forbidden City, their eyes were red with envy.

You know, many of the antique cultural relics and works of art in the Forbidden City are still stored in the palace that have been there for hundreds of years.

Although the storage conditions are not bad, they still cannot be compared with such a highly modern vault. The most important thing is that there are considerable security risks.

After the completion of this underground vault, the construction speed of the entire private museum immediately accelerated, much faster than before.

Even though it is winter, except for particularly cold days or snowy days, the construction site is always in full swing.

In the blink of an eye, it’s mid-January, and the Chinese New Year is not far away.

It's been a hundred days since the little guy was born.

BJ Hotel, the little guy's 100-day banquet is being held here.

The scale of the banquet was not large. All the people invited to the banquet were relatives and friends, and the scene was very lively.

The banquet hall where the 100-day banquet is held has tight security inside and outside. Only those who have been invited, hold the invitation card and have checked their identity can enter the banquet hall.

The reason for this is of course for safety reasons.

As for the media reporters who came after hearing the news, they couldn't even enter this floor. They would be stopped at the elevator entrance and stairwell, and then invited to eat elsewhere.

After finishing the meal, they all received a thick red envelope and a bag of gifts, and then they had no choice but to leave.

As the saying goes, the mouth of the cannibal is short and the hand of the predator is soft!

This gave them no excuse to complain, so they had no choice but to stop.

In the banquet hall, Li Yun and the others were gathered around the little guy's stroller, looking at the little guy lying in the car.

Except for Li Yun, everyone else was very excited to see this little guy for the first time.

"Tell me how I raised this child. Look at these big eyes, how lively and lively they are. The little guy looks very smart and so cute!"

"Ye Tian and Betty must have some parenting secrets. We must find a way to dig them out and use them on our own children. Maybe they will have the same effect."

Several young mothers talked gibberish, their words and eyes full of envy.

Hearing this, Ye Tian, ​​who was standing aside, couldn't help but chuckle.

"Can my son not be smart and cute? When the little guy was still in his mother's womb, I kept instilling spiritual energy into him, just to make him develop better and healthier.

When this little guy was born, my brother went all out and used spiritual energy to comb this little guy's body countless times. He is now the healthiest kid in the world.

Who can learn such a parenting secret? Even if I tell you guys, it's impossible to implement it, so I'd better give up. My son has already won at the starting line."

While talking, several relatives and friends came over and gathered around the little guy's stroller, looking at the little guy and teasing him.

What came out of their mouths was naturally a lot of praise.

The little guy lying in the stroller was not afraid of people at all. He looked at the unfamiliar faces around him with curiosity, waving his little hands, babbling, and with a bright smile on his face.

This made everyone even more happy, and there was constant laughter and laughter.

After a while, seeing that the guests had arrived, Ye Tian nodded to Betty.

Betty then pushed the stroller towards the dining table where her grandparents and grandpa were sitting. Her parents, Matthew and Evelyn were also there.

Ye Tianze walked onto the stage in front of the banquet hall, took the microphone and tapped it lightly.

"Bang bang"

As the knocking sounded, all the relatives and friends at the scene looked at him.

Ye Tian glanced at the entire audience, and then said passionately:

"Hello everyone, welcome to this banquet. Today is the 100th day since the birth of little guy Ye Qingyun. According to our Chinese tradition, we held this 100-day banquet.

Exactly one hundred days ago, this little guy was born and came into this world, and Betty and I opened a new chapter in our lives, adding another layer of identity as parents..."

Listening to his words, Betty's eyes immediately became moist, sitting in the audience, full of happiness and sweetness.

The little guy, who was held in his mother's arms, looked at his father on the stage with his big eyes flashing.

He seemed to understand, and kept waving his little arms towards Ye Tian, ​​babbling excitedly.

The mother who was holding him had already wet eyes.

"This brat, in the blink of an eye, he became a parent."

After saying that, the mother kissed the little guy in her arms, her eyes full of love.

The father, grandparents and others sitting nearby all smiled happily.

After giving a speech, Ye Tian came down from the stage and went straight to Betty, lowering his head and kissing her affectionately.

"Dear, thank you for the love you gave me, thank you for the happiness and beauty you brought me, and thank you for bringing me such a perfect son. I will love you forever!"

Following his words, the banquet hall immediately became excited.

"Ouch! This is so disgusting, I have goosebumps all over my body!"

"I'll go! Xiaotian is too sensational, I really can't stand it!"

While everyone was talking about it, young mothers who had just gotten married, and even middle-aged mothers who had been married for a long time, all gave vent to their husbands and pinched their husbands.

"If you were even half as romantic as someone like you, I would wake up laughing in my dreams!"

Those who had suffered the unreasonable disaster all looked sadly at Ye Tian, ​​who was showing off his affection.

"Who did I provoke?"

After showing off his affection, Ye Tian sat down next to Betty.

The banquet began immediately.

Soon, another twenty days passed.

It’s the sixteenth day of the first lunar month.

Ye Tian, ​​who has been staying at BJ for more than four months, is finally leaving.

There were still a lot of things going on in New York, and he couldn't just leave them alone. As a hands-off shopkeeper, he had to rush back to deal with many things.

At the beginning of the new year, new exploration operations will also begin.

For example, the Atlantis exploration operation for which a lot of preparations have been made, and the pirate treasures hidden by the famous pirate ‘Black Baronet’ Roberts all need to be explored.

If you wait too long, the secret is likely to be leaked.

Especially Atlantis, the Moroccan government has never given up and is always investigating the real reason for his previous appearance in Casablanca.

After a period of investigation, they found some clues and began to pay attention to Pique's whereabouts in Morocco.

Fortunately, Pique was very careful and did not leave too many clues, so Morocco has not made much progress yet.

Coupled with weather conditions and hydrological conditions along the Atlantic coast, exploration of Atlantis must be put on the agenda.

If you miss the right time window and want to launch exploration operations, you will have to wait a year.

I don’t know what will happen then!

Besides these, there is another thing.

That is the Museum of Indian History on East 78th Street in Manhattan, which is testing the installation of an underground vault.

Ye Tian must go over and keep an eye on this matter, just in case.

He didn't want there to be a secret passage hidden under his museum vault. If someone robbed all the things stored in the vault in the future, it would be a big loss.

This kind of thing is unlikely to happen in BJ, but in New York, the probability of happening is very high.

God knows how many pairs of blood-red eyes were secretly staring at Ye Tian, ​​his private museum, and the vault deep underground in the museum.

Because everyone knows that once that museum is completed and opened.

Most of the priceless top antiques and countless gold and silver treasures belonging to Ye Tian will be transferred to the vault deep underground in the museum and stored there!

It was tantamount to a huge golden mountain, enough to make everyone jealous.

There must be as many people willing to take risks for this as the crucian carp crossing the river!

Just after nine o'clock in the morning, Ye Tian had already packed his luggage.

Before leaving, he hugged Betty and kissed his son again and again, with great reluctance.

Betty will not go to New York with him this time, but will continue to stay at BJ.

When her son is one year old and can fly long distances, she will take her son to New York and then to the Vatican to receive the Pope's canonization.

"My dear, I'm leaving. Just stay at home and stay well. I will miss you. I will video chat with you every day. I will miss you too, son!"

With that said, Ye Tian was ready to kiss the little guy.

But the little guy stretched out his little hand and pushed his mouth away impatiently, obviously not very petitioning.


Betty chuckled.

"Honey, the little guy you kissed has drool all over his face. This little guy is obviously unhappy."

"That's it, I'm leaving. It's cold outside, so don't come out."

After saying that, Ye Tian picked up his suitcase and prepared to go out.

At this moment, Matthew and Evelin pushed open the door and walked in, both of them looking reluctant to leave.

They are leaving today and flying to the United States on Ye Tian's private plane. After all, they have jobs and their own lives, so they can't stay in BJ forever.

Next, it was naturally difficult to leave.

Especially Evelin, her eyes were already wet because she was about to leave her lovely grandson, which was called reluctance.

Ten minutes later, Ye Tian and the others walked out of the house.

In addition to the grandparents, everyone else in the family was sent out, including Betty and the little guy.

Ye Tian looked at his wife, children, and other family members, and said with a smile:

"Everyone, please go back. We are leaving. Goodbye."

After saying that, he turned around and got into the SUV parked next to him.

When he got in the car, his eyes were already a little red.

Afterwards, the convoy slowly started and drove towards the entrance of the alley.

Watching the motorcade gradually go away, the little guy held in Betty's arms suddenly dropped his mouth and started crying.

He seemed to also know that his father, who played with him every day, was leaving and would not be able to be by his side for some time in the future.

When Ye Tian looked back and saw this scene, his eyes instantly became moist.

However, he did not stop the convoy and did not rush out of the car.

Soon, the motorcade drove out of Lishi Alley and disappeared from everyone's sight.

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