Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3144 Return to New York

Latest website: Chapter 3144 Return to New York

New York JFK International Airport.

When Ye Tian and Matthew pushed their luggage out of the VIP channel, they were immediately spotted by many media reporters guarding the place.

There was a commotion at the scene.

The media reporters were stunned for a moment, and then said excitedly:

"Guys, look, it's that guy Steven. He disappeared for more than four months and finally returned to New York. Our headline news is also back!"

"It's really that guy Steven. If he returns to New York at this time, maybe he will make some big moves?"

While there was a lot of discussion, many media reporters immediately swarmed in, vying for the first place.

Many tourists who were also nearby also turned their heads to look over.

When they saw Ye Tian, ​​envy flashed in everyone's eyes.

Can you not be envious?

The New York autumn auction that ended a few months ago has almost turned into an exclusive autumn auction for this guy and Intrepid Exploration Company!

From just one Solomon treasure, Steven is said to have made billions of dollars and made a lot of money!

Before that, he had made billions of dollars from Israel and the Vatican.

That's not all. In last year's New York autumn auction and many subsequent auctions, many antiques, artifacts, artworks, and gold and silver treasures belonging to him were auctioned off one after another.

All these antique artifacts and artworks, as well as gold and silver treasures, brought this guy an untold amount of wealth, enough to make everyone crazy.

What makes people even more jealous are the estimates from good New York art magazines and financial media.

The overall value of the antiques, artifacts, artworks, and gold and silver treasures he stored in major vaults in New York was several times, or even more than ten times, higher than what was successively auctioned off!

There are countless priceless top antiques and works of art, many of which are top-notch, such as several paintings by Leonardo da Vinci and outstanding works by the three major classical sculptors of ancient Greece.

Some people even speculate that even the famous Metropolitan Museum of Art's collections combined are not as valuable as his personal collection, and the quality is far behind.

That is such an astonishing amount of wealth that many people dare not even imagine!

However, this guy is not satisfied yet!

Just after the rainy season in Central America, his exploration team is said to have set off to continue exploring the treasures of the famous Mayan Golden City.

Since the beginning of this year, many antiques from the Mayan Golden City have been shipped to New York from Honduras, causing a sensation in New York more than once.

Can such a guy not make people envious and jealous to the point of going crazy?

In the blink of an eye, the media reporters rushed forward.

As a result, they were stopped by Mattis and the others who had been well prepared, and they could only ask questions loudly outside the cordon.

"Good morning, Mr. Steven, welcome back to New York. I am a reporter from the New York Times. Why didn't you see your wife and the Duke of Belmont? Didn't they come back with you?

The Duke of Belmont is the first person in the history of New York to be canonized as a duke by the then Pope. May I ask, when will you rush to the Vatican to accept the official canonization by His Majesty the Pope? "

"Good morning, Steven, I am a reporter from NBC. I would like to ask, is it because of the ongoing exploration of the Mayan Golden City in Honduras that you rushed back to New York?

If it was because of this exploration operation, would you go to Honduras again? If this is not the reason, may I ask if your company has any new exploration plans? Can you disclose the situation? "

"Good morning, Steven, I am a reporter from the Washington Post. The two most holy objects discovered by your team, the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant, are now in the Vatican and Jerusalem respectively!

Many people on the Internet have proposed, or in other words, all Americans hope, can you facilitate a trip to the United States for these two most sacred objects? What do you think about this? "

Many media reporters asked questions loudly, and the scene was noisy.

Ye Tianze walked forward with a smile on his face and did not answer any questions.

Matthew and Evelin, who came back with him, were secretly stunned.

"These guys are too crazy. In the words of you Chinese, it's like they've been injected with chicken blood!"

Matthew whispered jokingly.

After living in China for several months, he also learned to use Chinese idioms.

Ye Tian smiled softly and then continued:

"These guys rely on this to make a living. They will keep an eye on whoever can bring them more valuable news. I'm used to this situation!"

While they were talking, they walked out of the VIP channel and came to the lobby outside.

When he got here, Ye Tian suddenly stopped and turned to look at the media reporters.

After a long period of contact, he has become very familiar with these guys. He knows many of the media reporters or they look familiar to him.

He glanced at these guys quickly, then smiled and said loudly:

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, thank you for your attention. I didn't expect that it has been more than four months since I left New York, and everyone is still paying so much attention to me. I'm really flattered!"


There was a burst of laughter and everyone laughed.

With the laughter, the atmosphere suddenly became much more relaxed.

"Steven, you can bring big news, of course we must pay attention to you!"

"That's right, Steven, no one else has this ability but you, it's great to have you back!"

Several media reporters said loudly, and the others nodded frequently.

Hearing this, Ye Tian shook his head helplessly.

"Is this a compliment or sarcasm? How should I understand it?"


There was laughter again.

Before the laughter subsided, Ye Tian continued:

"Since everyone is so concerned, I will answer some of the questions that everyone is more concerned about. It can be regarded as a gift to everyone after I return to New York. I hope it will be helpful to you."

Hearing this, the media reporters suddenly became more excited.

They all raised their recorders and microphones, wanting to poke Ye Tian directly in the face and record every word and sentence he said.

After a pause, Ye Tian continued:

"First of all, let's talk about my son, the Duke of Belmont. That little guy is still very young and is not suitable for long-distance travel. He will not leave BJ for the time being.

After he turns one year old, he will fly to New York to adapt and become familiar with the environment here, and then we will take him to the Vatican to receive his official canonization by His Majesty the Pope."

"What a lucky little guy. He has become a high-ranking noble at such a young age, and he is a duke conferred by the Pope himself. It's really enviable!"

A female reporter continued, and the others nodded.

Without exception, everyone was filled with envy and even jealousy.

In the United States, the word aristocrat is too far away, as far away as a legend!

Now a high-ranking aristocrat named after a place in New York suddenly appeared, and this high-ranking aristocrat was still a duke and had just been born.

Not surprisingly, everyone was shocked and envious!

Ye Tian smiled softly and continued his performance.

"Let's talk about the Brave Exploration Company. The exploration and cleanup operations of the Mayan Golden City currently in Honduras are going very smoothly and will be over soon.

Under normal circumstances, I would not go to Copan, Honduras again. Unless something unexpected happens, I might rush there again to solve the problem and protect the interests of our company from infringement.

In addition to the exploration of the Mayan Golden City, we will soon launch a new exploration. This is a new year after all, and our company also has a new beginning, hoping to reach a higher level."

Upon hearing this, the media reporters' eyes suddenly lit up and they began to ask questions.

"Steven, have you discovered a new treasure? Can you introduce the situation?"

"Where will this new exploration take place? Steven, Europe or America? Or Asia and Africa? Can you give a rough scope?"

Ye Tian ignored these guys and didn't answer these questions.

He raised his hands and pressed them down gently, thinking to himself:

"As for what are these new exploration operations? What are the treasures or secrets involved? They need to be kept secret for the time being. I believe it will not take long for everyone to know the answers to these questions.

There is also the matter of the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant. I have said before that I will make suggestions to the Vatican and Israel. How to decide specifically? That's their business and there's nothing I can do about it!

Well, that's all there is to say. I'm glad to be back in New York. I'm glad to see you all again. Thank you for your attention. I hope you all have a good day. See you later! "

After saying that, he waved to the media reporters, and then led Matthew and the others towards the terminal gate.

Some reporters from the media were still unwilling to give up and wanted to follow up and continue asking questions.

As a result, they were stopped by Matisse and the others, and they could only stop helplessly.

After a while, Ye Tian and the others walked out of the airport terminal, got into the vehicle parked at the entrance of the terminal, and then sped away, heading straight for Manhattan.

Soon, the convoy drove out of the JFK Airport area.

Ye Tian looked at the snowy scene outside, and then said to Jason sitting next to him:

"I'm very sorry, Jason, we couldn't make it to your and Sophie's wedding. It's a huge regret for us!"

After Betty gave birth to her child and was still in confinement, Jason and Sophie got married before Christmas.

They held two weddings in New York and Hawaii respectively, but neither Ye Tian nor Betty could come to attend.

Of course, they sent their best wishes through video, and also gave a gift that made both Jason and Sophie scream, a small vacation villa in Hawaii, as a token of their affection.

Jason shook his head slightly, smiled and said:

"This is indeed a pity, but don't be sorry. Betty had just given birth to a baby at that time and could not fly long distances. We also did not consider the Chinese traditions. We understand that you were unable to attend my and Sophie's wedding!"

"Otherwise, when Betty and the little guy come to New York and wait for your first wedding anniversary, we will help you hold a grand wedding anniversary to make up for it."

"That's okay too. Then everyone can have a good time!"

Jason nodded in response.

After chatting for a few words, they got down to business.

"How are the preparations for installing a vault deep underground at the Museum of Indian History? Are there any problems?"

Ye Tian asked.

"There is no problem, everything is going very smoothly. Several cargo ships transporting the vault are now docked in New York Harbor. Let's make preparations so that they can deliver the vault along the East River.

When those cargo ships approach the East Seventy-eighth Street riverbank, we can directly lift the vault from those cargo ships and send it deep underground to the Museum of Indian History. This will undoubtedly save a lot of trouble..."

Jason briefly introduced the situation.

After he finished the introduction, Ye Tian pondered for a moment, then nodded and said:

“This method of transporting and installing the vault by cargo ship is indeed a lot less troublesome and more efficient, avoiding the trouble of transporting the vault in the cramped city of Manhattan.

But before installing the vault, I plan to go deep underground in the museum to see if the reinforced concrete retaining wall is strong and whether there are any safety hazards."

"You don't have to worry about this at all, Steven. The retaining walls around the vault have been specially reinforced exactly according to your wishes. At the thinnest point, the thickness of the reinforced concrete retaining walls is more than five meters.

A protective wall like this cannot be blown open even by a missile. It can even be said that even if an atomic bomb explodes in New York, the underground vault of the Museum of Indian History will not be destroyed! "

"Hahaha, I hope this vault is as strong as you say. In that case, it can not only be used as a vault, but also as an underground shelter for everyone."

Ye Tian said jokingly.

He had decided in his heart that he must thoroughly inspect this underground vault to avoid leaving any safety hazards.

Just chatting all the way, the motorcade drove into Manhattan Island and soon arrived at 110th Street.

Maybe it's because of the cold weather, or maybe it's because of the existence of that little white elf guy.

Compared to the past, the street in front of the apartment building seemed a bit deserted, with very few pedestrians and only a lot of vehicles speeding along the street.

Even the media reporters who have been staying here for a long time are now missing.

The motorcade drove to the front of the apartment building and stopped slowly.

As usual, Matisse and the others got out of the car first, dispersed and alerted themselves, and watched the surrounding movements with vigilance.

In fact, the company's security personnel have always been guarding this place. Early this morning, another group of security personnel came over and thoroughly checked the surrounding area.

Before getting out of the car, Ye Tian quickly looked around, then opened the door and got out of the car.

Matthew and Evelin, who were sitting in another car, also got out of the car and walked over.

After reuniting, they entered the apartment building together.

When he arrived at the door of his house and opened the door, Ye Tian suddenly reminded him:

"Matthew, Evelin, you must be mentally prepared. As soon as I open the door, the little white elf will fly out to greet me. Don't be scared.

That little guy knows you, and you're with me, and he won't attack you, but just to be on the safe side, try not to touch too many things once you're inside.

After I thoroughly inspect the home and make sure it is safe, you can act as you wish. The inspection should not take long and will be over soon."

Hearing this, Matthew and Evelin were both stunned for a moment, with a hint of fear in their eyes.

They had heard too many legends about the little guy White Elf during this time.

Especially after the live broadcast of the discovery of the Ark of the Covenant, almost the entire Western world believed that this little guy was definitely the incarnation of Lucifer, the God of Death.

Various legends about it are even more popular.

In many legends, this little guy is described as extremely terrifying, but also very loyal, adding a lot of mythological color to it.

Of course, these legends are all baseless fabrications.

Matthew and the others had naturally heard of these legends, and were inevitably a little worried or even frightened.

Even if the little white elf knows them, they know that little guy more deeply than others.

After pondering for a moment, Matthew said anxiously:

"Okay, Steven, we will be careful. After such a long time, I hope the little guy still remembers us."

"Don't worry, Matthew, that little guy has a very good memory and will never forget you. Sometimes I even doubt that it may have lived for thousands of years and can still remember things from the Middle Ages."

Ye Tian was joking as he began to enter the password and fingerprint, preparing to open the door.

Matthew and Evelin, as well as Matisse and Jason, who were standing nearby, were all stunned for a moment.

"Ah! Has this little white elf really lived for more than a thousand years, from the Middle Ages to the present? How is this possible? It's incredible!"

Jason murmured to himself, his eyes full of shock.

The same goes for the other three.

Obviously, they were all shocked by Ye Tian's joke just now.

Before they woke up, Ye Tian had already opened the apartment door.

The moment he opened the door, a white shadow suddenly flew out of the apartment like lightning and flew straight towards him.

The next moment, there was a white bracelet on his left wrist, it was the little guy from the white elf!

Seeing this little guy, Ye Tian immediately chuckled.

However, Matthew and Evelin were so frightened that they all took a step back, their eyes full of fear.

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