Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3145 The most beautiful feather crown

Latest website: Chapter 3145 The most beautiful crown

In the afternoon, the construction site of the Indian History Museum on East 78th Street.

Ye Tianzheng took Matthew and Evelin to visit. Although the place was still very messy, according to his description, it was extremely magnificent.

“After the Indian History Museum is completed, a huge Mayan pyramid will stand here, and the main pyramid of the Mayan Golden City will reappear here.

Not only that, we will also reproduce the starry sky maps engraved on the top of the main pyramid of the Mayan Golden City, and they will be engraved on the top of this Mayan pyramid exactly.

Around this pyramid, the several solar prophecy pillars from the Mayan Golden City will be erected here one by one, forming a set of the most magnificent landscapes together."

Before he finished speaking, Matthew was already amazed.

“This is such a huge undertaking. If it is realized, there is no doubt that your Indian history museum will become a sacred place in the hearts of all Indians in the Americas.

It will also become the most authoritative and important place in the world to study Mayan civilization, Indian civilization and history, and it will not just be as simple as a top private museum.

Especially the Mayan starry sky map and those solar era prophecy pillars. Now all the experts and scholars in the world who study the Mayan civilization, the origin of mankind and the universe want to see them! "

Hearing this, Ye Tian nodded immediately.

“That’s right, those Mayan starry sky maps and solar epoch prophecy pillars will be two of the treasures of this Indian history museum. They are both priceless treasures!

Although they will be placed in the square outside the museum, some special technical treatments will be performed on the surface, both for protection and for confidentiality.

People who come here to visit can only see some irrelevant content, including those experts and scholars. If they want to see more information, they can only apply to the museum."

"Hahaha, I understand your intention. In this way, everyone's appetite will be whetted, and it will even form a craze for research and exploration.

In this way, countless tourists, experts and scholars will flock here to visit, study and explore, making the museum quickly become a popular tourist attraction."

Matthew said with a smile.

Before she finished speaking, Evelin continued:

"Steven, if the Mayan pyramid you are talking about is built, wouldn't it be more spectacular and amazing than the pyramid in front of the Louvre in Paris?"

Ye Tian nodded and said affirmatively:

"Indeed, once the main pyramid of the Mayan Golden City is completed, coupled with several prophetic pillars standing around the pyramid, it will definitely overshadow the Louvre Pyramid.

However, the styles of these two pyramids are different. The Mayan pyramid is more grand and spectacular, while the glass pyramid of the Louvre is more modern. It can be said that each has its own characteristics."

Hearing this, both Matthew and Evelin nodded.

Next, Ye Tian took them to continue the tour, describing the scenes and pictures after the Indian History Museum was built.

About half an hour later, they finished visiting the museum site.

However, Ye Tian did not leave immediately.

He took Jason straight down to the depths of the museum and began to look at the reinforced concrete walls around and below the vault.

The vault of this Indian History Museum is located about 20 meters underground and has a huge area of ​​700 to 800 square meters.

After several months of continuous construction, the foundation of the museum has been laid extremely solidly.

The protective wall of the museum's vault is built on the foundation and is entirely made of reinforced concrete. The thickest part can even reach fifteen or six meters.

At its thinnest point, the reinforced concrete retaining wall is more than five meters thick, making it indestructible.

After coming down from the ground, Ye Tian and Jason walked around the entire area of ​​the vault.

During the inspection process, Ye Tian secretly turned on the perspective and looked through every protective wall above, below, left, and right, without missing a single corner.

Behind and inside those protective walls, he found no hidden tunnels or other safety hazards. Everything was very solid.

Moreover, these reinforced concrete retaining walls do not have any gaps, so there is no need to worry about water seepage.

Judging from the current situation, no one can dig a tunnel from underground and loot the underground vault of the Indian History Museum unless everyone on the ground is dead!

Once the vault made of special steel is put in place, it will become stronger and safer.

As Jason said before, this underground vault is so strong that it can even be used as an underground shelter to withstand atomic bomb attacks.

Such a result undoubtedly made Ye Tian very satisfied.

After checking the condition of the vault floor and protective walls, he and Jason returned to the ground.

Returning to the ground, he checked the situation in other places and then prepared to leave.

Before leaving, he said to Jason:

"You have been responsible for following up on the construction project of this museum before. From now on, you will be responsible for following up. I won't interfere too much, I will only look at the results.

You will also be responsible for the subsequent hoisting and installation of the museum vault. When the vault is hoisted deep underground, I may come over to take a look at the situation.

In the past few days, I will focus on handling the backlog of various matters, and then prepare for the next exploration operation. After I leave New York with my people, you will still be in charge here."

Hearing this, Jason's face immediately fell.

"If this happens, doesn't it mean that I have to stay in New York for a long time? To be honest, I also want to follow everyone to explore the treasures. That would be interesting and exciting.

It would be too boring to stay in New York and deal with these steel and concrete every day! If possible, could a different guy stay in New York, or maybe a rotation? "

Ye Tian was stunned for a moment, then joked:

"You and Sophie are newly married. I thought you were reluctant to leave New York and Sophie, so I wanted to give you the good thing of staying in New York. I didn't expect you to think so!"

"Sophie and I didn't get married just after we met. Besides, distance creates beauty. This sentence couldn't be more true. Even if we fall in love again, we can't get tired of being together every day!"

"I wonder what Sophie's reaction was when she heard this? I really should record what you just said and show it to Sophie. The scene must be very beautiful!"

"Don't, Sophie will eat me!"

After a few jokes, Ye Tian returned to the topic.

"Okay, I will consider your request and see if there is a suitable person who can replace you in New York, or you can take turns keeping an eye on the situation here."

"That's great. Finally, I don't have to stay in New York all the time."

Jason nodded excitedly and said with a look of surprise on his face.

Immediately afterwards, this guy asked curiously in a low voice:

"Steven, where will we go to explore the treasure next, and what treasure will we explore? Is it going to Morocco or Brazil, or to southern Italy?

Should we go explore Atlantis? If Atlantis is discovered, it will definitely cause a huge sensation, no less than finding the Ark of the Covenant."

Ye Tian looked at this guy, and then whispered:

"We can't say exactly where to go or which treasure to explore. If we go to explore Atlantis, we must communicate with the Moroccan or Spanish governments. It also depends on the outcome of the communication!"

After chatting for a few more words, Ye Tian and the others left the museum construction site.

Afterwards, they went to the nearby logistics base to learn about the situation there.

Everything at the logistics base is operating normally without any problems.

After walking around the logistics base, Ye Tian took Matthew and the others home.

Early the next morning, Matthew and Evelin left New York and took Ye Tian's private plane back to Boston.

It had been almost half a year since they left Boston. At this time, they were all very homesick and wished they could go back immediately.

After seeing them off, Ye Tian called David, called him over, and then rushed to Columbia University together.

When Ye Tian's Paramount Predator drove into the Columbia University campus, it immediately attracted a lot of attention and caused quite a stir.

Many Columbia students and teachers stopped and stared at the behemoth that drove past. Everyone was filled with envy.

At the same time, these guys also started talking.

"This guy Steven actually came to school again. Is he going to cooperate with the School of History again? Could it be that this guy discovered some shocking treasure again? If that's the case, he would be so lucky!"

"It's possible that he's not here to discuss cooperation. This guy may be here to check out those Mayan antique artifacts and artworks. Don't forget, those large Mayan antique artifacts and artworks are all placed in our university."

While there was a lot of discussion, many Columbia teachers and students were also speculating on Ye Tian's purpose of coming to Columbia.

Not only them.

The news of Ye Tian's sudden appearance on Columbia University's campus spread quickly and reached the ears of many news media, causing quite a commotion.

In view of the history of Intrepid Exploration Company’s cooperation with Columbia University many times, many media reporters immediately let their imaginations run wild and began to speculate.

Is the Brave and Intrepid Exploration Company going to launch a new exploration operation?

That's why that guy Steven showed up on the Columbia campus, probably to discuss cooperation with the Columbia School of History.

Combined with what he said yesterday when he returned to New York and was interviewed by media reporters at the airport.

Almost all media reporters were instantly convinced that he was going to discuss cooperation with Columbia University.

If this is the case, based on past experience, the treasure explored by the Brave and Intrepid Exploration Company this time must be extraordinary, and it is likely to be another shocking treasure.

Otherwise, there is no need to cooperate with a top university like Columbia!

After confirming this, the media reporters in New York City can't sit still.

Like a tide, they immediately set off from all directions and swarmed toward Columbia University.

At this time, Ye Tian and the others did not go to the School of General Education building where the School of History is located at Columbia University. Instead, they came to the old gymnasium where antique artifacts from the Mayan Golden City were stored.

The car drove to the entrance of the stadium and as soon as it stopped, several Indian and Mayan security guards wearing feather crests came to greet them.

Also welcoming us were several professors from Columbia University, all very familiar old friends.

Coming closer, Gray Wolf and several other Mayan youths and Indian youths saluted Ye Tian with the highest courtesy of their respective tribes.

Immediately afterwards, Gray Wolf took a beautiful crown made entirely of quetzal feathers and handed it to Ye Tian solemnly.

"Good morning, Mr. Steven, after I heard that your child was born, my father and several other chiefs collected the most beautiful quetzal feathers from each tribe and woven them into this crown.

They asked me to hand over this beautiful crown to you to thank you for what you have done for the Mayans and the Indians. They asked me to bring them a message, wishing your child eternal health and peace."

Ye Tian naturally knew what the quetzal feathers meant to the Mayans.

In the Mayan tribe, quetzal feathers are hard currency harder than gold and a gift from the gods.

The value of this crown made of the most beautiful quetzal feathers can be imagined.

"Wow! This gift is so valuable. Thank you chiefs for your deep friendship. This friendship is even more precious. I will keep it in my heart."

Ye Tian said with admiration, and solemnly took the quetzal feather crown.

Seeing this scene, Professor Douglas and others standing aside had their eyes red with envy.

They are all top experts and scholars in the study of Mayan civilization and Indian civilization, so they naturally know the value of quetzal feathers.

Without exception, each of them wanted to acquire a collection of quetzal feathers, but could not get even one.

Ye Tian received a crown made of dozens of the most beautiful quetzal feathers. The treatment was so different. It was so irritating!

Next, Ye Tian said hello to everyone, said a few polite words, and then walked into the gym together.

While walking, he asked with concern:

"Gray Wolf, are you still adapting to life in New York? Are you adapting to life at Columbia University? Are there any difficulties in living and studying?"

"Thank you for your concern, Mr. Steven. We have adapted to life here, and there is no language barrier. We live a fulfilling life here every day.

After receiving education, we gradually understood how to live a more meaningful and valuable life, and we also have a deeper understanding of the history and culture of our nation."

Gray Wolf nodded in response, his eyes full of gratitude.

The other Mayan youths and Indian youths also nodded their heads.

Ye Tian smiled softly and then continued:

"Just adapt to the life here. If you encounter any problems or have any requirements, you can ask people in our company. As long as it is a reasonable request, they will solve it as soon as possible."

"Understood, Mr. Steven, we are satisfied with everything now and have no special requirements."

"By the way, let me tell you one thing. The underground vault of the Indian History Museum will be installed in the next two days. Once the vault is installed, the subsequent construction progress will be accelerated a lot.

It is estimated that it won’t be long before this Indian History Museum will be built and opened to the public. By then, you will be able to work in the Indian History Museum.”

Ye Tian said with a smile.

Hearing this, Gray Wolf and the others were so surprised that they almost cheered in celebration.

While talking, everyone walked into the door of the old gymnasium.

Many antique cultural relics and works of art from the Mayan Golden City stored in this stadium were immediately presented to everyone.

Many of the Mayan antique artifacts were recently transported to New York, such as two broken Mayan solar prophecy pillars.

Ye Tian is very familiar with these antique cultural relics from the Mayan Golden City, and he discovered these treasures.

Even so, when he saw these valuable Mayan antiques, he was still excited and his eyes were shining!

He quickly scanned the situation in the gym before looking back.

Then he looked at Professor Douglas standing aside and said with a smile:

"Professor Douglas, please call Professor Paul and Professor Kane and ask them to come here. I have something to talk to them about."

Upon hearing this, Professor Douglas was stunned for a moment, then nodded ecstatically.

"Okay, Steven, I'll call Professor Paul and the others right away and ask them to come over here. One more thing, I have to be included in this exploration!"

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