Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3146 Prehistoric Civilization

Latest website: Chapter 3146 Prehistoric Civilization

Inside the gymnasium.

Ye Tian was looking at the Mayan fourth solar era prophecy pillar lying flat on the floor, studying the Mayan hieroglyphs and various exquisite patterns engraved on the prophecy pillar.

David and the others stood aside with their coats tightly wrapped, looking at a statue of Quetzalcoatl standing on the ground.

These things were previously flown in from the Mayan Golden City. Because they were too large and Columbia University needed to do various research, they were placed in this gymnasium.

Responsible for protecting these large Mayan antiques, in addition to the security personnel of the Brave and Intrepid Exploration Company, there is also a Mayan and Indian security team led by Gray Wolf.

Under their strict protection, there were no problems with these priceless top-notch antiques and works of art, and not a single one was lost!

Ye Tian inspected the Mayan Fourth Sun Epoch Prophecy Pillar, and then asked expectantly:

"Professor Douglas, have you translated the Mayan hieroglyphs on this fourth solar era prophecy pillar? What information is recorded on it?

Can you be sure where the Zondrilik civilization in the Mayan prophecies is? Or the approximate distribution range of this mysterious civilization? "

Unfortunately, what he gained was disappointment.

Professor Douglas shook his head and said regretfully:

“We have been studying the words and patterns on these Mayan solar period prophecy pillars, especially the text information on this fourth solar period prophecy pillar.

After more than half a year, we have only deciphered fifteen new Mayan hieroglyphs and a few ancient patterns. This result is already very good.

It will definitely take a long time to truly understand the information recorded on this Mayan fourth solar era prophecy pillar, and there is still a lot of research work to be done! "

Hearing this, Ye Tian couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Then he shrugged.

“To be honest, this result makes me a little disappointed. I wanted to know more about the Zondrilik civilization in the Mayan prophecies, but the result was the opposite.

It seems that the research related to this Mayan prophecy pillar will not be of much help to our next exploration operation. We can only explore it ourselves! "

Before he finished speaking, the eyes of Professor Douglas and several other experts suddenly lit up.

They looked at each other and saw a look of surprise in each other's eyes.

"We have long guessed, why did you specifically instruct the Mayan Fourth Sun Epoch Prophecy Pillar to be transported out of the Golden City and to New York as soon as possible? It may have something to do with Atlantis.

It seems that we guessed it right. Is the Zondrilic civilization in the Mayan prophecy really closely related to the Atlanti civilization? Have you found some evidence that the two prehistoric civilizations are related? "

Douglas asked in a low voice, his eyes shining with excitement,

Ye Tian looked at this guy, then smiled and shook his head and said:

"The situation I have now is similar to what you have. There is no particularly surprising discovery. The only thing that is certain is that the Zondrilic civilization and the Atlantis civilization should be at the same period.

The reason why I transported this Mayan fourth solar era prophecy pillar to New York as soon as possible is because I want you to decipher the relevant information about the Zondrilik civilization as soon as possible, and I hope it will be helpful to our subsequent exploration operations."

Professor Douglas and others were stunned for a moment, looking a little embarrassed.

However, they did not quite believe Ye Tian's words.

In their opinion, Ye Tian must have mastered some important information about the Zongdrilik civilization and the Atlantis civilization, and even made a major breakthrough discovery.

Otherwise, the Intrepid Exploration Company would never have launched such a hasty exploration of the Atlantis civilization.

Everyone knows that Ye Tian will never make a mistake without aim.

He must have been very confident before he started exploring, so he was able to discover so many amazing treasures, shocking the world again and again.

While they were talking, Professor Kane and Professor Paul came hand in hand and quickly walked into the gymnasium.

It can be clearly seen that both professors are very excited and their steps are much lighter.

In the blink of an eye, they were close.

After everyone met, they naturally exchanged polite greetings.

Both Kane and Paul sent their blessings, congratulating Ye Tian on having his first child and wishing the little guy good health.

At the same time, they were also envious of the fact that the little guy was canonized by the Pope and made the youngest duke in the world just after he was born!

After some pleasantries, Professor Paul whispered excitedly:

"Steven, did you make a very important discovery? Did you discover the location of Atlantis? If so, that would be great."

Ye Tian did not answer immediately, but pointed to a table not far away and said with a smile:

"Gentlemen, this is obviously not the place to talk. Let's go over there and sit down and talk."

As he said that, he walked over to the table.

Professor Kane and Professor Paul followed immediately, and everyone was excited and full of expectations.

Those doctoral students at the Columbia School of History who were doing research in the gymnasium could only stay in the distance and look at this side curiously.

They were all secretly guessing what topic Ye Tian, ​​Professor Paul and others were discussing? Is it another shocking joint exploration operation?

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian and several history professors had arrived at the table, each pulled up a chair and sat down.

Afterwards, everyone got down to business.

"Gentlemen, you guessed it right. The new exploration operation our Brave and Fearless Exploration Company is about to launch is aimed at the legendary civilization of Atlantis."

Ye Tian smiled and dropped a bombshell.

As expected, the scene exploded.

These top historians at Columbia University were instantly shocked by the news.

Even though they had already expected to hear this answer.

But the moment I actually heard it, I was still shocked by it, and they all exclaimed in low voices.

"I guess that's it. Sure enough, Steven, did you make a very important discovery, so you decided to start exploring Atlantis?"

"Oh my God! Could it be that the legendary civilization of Atlantis really exists and is hidden somewhere in this world? It's simply incredible!"

Ye Tian looked at these excited old friends, then smiled and raised his hands and pressed them down gently.

Following this action, several historians immediately stopped talking and looked at him eagerly, their eyes extremely hot.

The next moment, Ye Tian continued:

“I can tell you here that as early as last year when we were exploring the Templar treasures in Europe, we had secretly launched an intelligence collection operation against Atlantis and it has been going on for a long time.

This series of activities was carried out very covertly and was hardly discovered by anyone, and we did collect some useful information. Because of this, I decided to launch this new exploration operation.

We can now determine its approximate location and know where it is, the city of the sea that once appeared in Plato's "Dialogues" and existed in some ancient Arabic legends."

Before he finished speaking, Professor Paul jumped up suddenly.

"What? Did I hear you correctly? You have actually determined the location of the legendary city on the sea. It is unbelievable. Where is this beautiful city that seems to only exist in legends?

You guy went to Casablanca last year and then mysteriously disappeared. Is Atlantis near Casablanca? The legendary city of the sea is said to be northeast of Casablanca! "

Ye Tian didn't give any response, just looked at this old friend with a smile.

Professor Paul paused, then shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Why did I forget this? You are a top professional treasure hunter. You can't afford it early without any profit. How can you casually tell the location of the sea city?"

Several other historians nodded, obviously feeling the same way.

Ye Tian smiled softly and then continued:

"The reason why I tell you this information is very simple. I want to cooperate with your Columbia University School of History again to jointly explore the legendary Atlantis.

I need your profound historical and archaeological expertise, as well as your attainments in ancient writing, to help translate some ancient and mysterious information and guide the direction of exploration.

As for the method of cooperation between us, it is still the same as before. We own all the antique cultural relics and gold and silver treasures in the treasure, and you can carry out various related academic research."

Before he finished speaking, Professor Paul nodded eagerly and said:

"You know? Steven, I have been waiting for the opportunity to explore Atlantis and the city of the sea for almost forty years, and it's finally here.

Columbia University has cooperated with your company many times, and there will be no problem this time. I believe no one is willing to let go of such a world-shaking opportunity! "

"Indeed, Steven, we are very happy to cooperate with your company. The conditions will be similar to those of previous cooperation!"

Professor Kane continued, almost flying with excitement.

Several other historians were also very excited.

That is the legendary Atlantis! One of the most mysterious prehistoric civilizations!

If Atlantis can be discovered, even if it only proves that Atlantis once existed, it will cause a sensation in the whole world and rewrite the history of world civilization!

And whoever discovers Atlantis will surely go down in history forever!

Who would be willing to miss such an opportunity?

Once you miss it, you will definitely regret it for the rest of your life!

After these guys' emotions stabilized a little, Ye Tiancai continued:

"You Columbia University and our Intrepid Exploration Company have reached a cooperation agreement. There should be no problems. There is no conflict of interest between us. The previous cooperation was very pleasant.

But the key to whether this joint exploration operation can be carried out smoothly is not between us, but the Moroccan government, and even Spain and the United Kingdom. We must reach a cooperation agreement with them! "

After hearing this, several historians suddenly understood.

"It seems that the legend is correct. Atlantis sank to the depths of the Atlantic Ocean. Is it near the coast of Morocco or deep outside the Strait of Gibraltar?"

"In the legend about the city of the sea, the direction pointed to is exactly between Casablanca and the Strait of Gibraltar, and the Pillars of Heracles are just outside the Strait of Gibraltar."

Several historians started talking about it, and they were very excited.

Ye Tian did not give any response to the questions they raised during the discussion.

Seeing his reaction, Douglas and Paul were filled with hatred, but they were very helpless.

After discussing for a few words, they stopped talking and all looked at Ye Tian.

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then continued what he had just said.

"Next, our company is preparing to contact the Moroccan government. It is not yet clear whether a joint exploration agreement can be reached. In fact, the Moroccan side has been investigating our company recently.

They also knew about my previous appearance in Casablanca and suspected that I was heading for some unknown treasure. They started investigating since I left Casablanca last year."

Professor Douglas and the others all rolled their eyes and then laughed.

"Don't you think about it, how many priceless treasures have you looted? I can't even count them. Let alone Morocco, any other country would probably feel like they were facing a formidable enemy when they saw you appearing in their country!"

Ye Tian smiled softly and continued to elaborate and analyze.

“Because we cannot determine the exact location of Atlantis, whether it is on the high seas, offshore Morocco, or the high seas outside the Strait of Gibraltar, or the offshore waters of Spain and the United Kingdom.

This makes things very complicated. If Atlantis is within the territorial waters of Morocco, there is definitely no need to discuss it. Half of the Atlantis treasures must belong to Morocco. This is undisputed.

If it is on the high seas outside the territorial waters of Morocco, then I will never be willing to share this legendary treasure with other people and countries. The situation is the same in Spain and the United Kingdom, and they also have to distinguish between territorial waters and high seas.

Calculating this, there are six possibilities, or even as many as eight or more possibilities that we need to consider, and then we need to negotiate with the Moroccans, and even negotiate with the Spanish and British governments."

Hearing his analysis, the experts and scholars were shocked and exclaimed.

"Wow! The situation is so complicated. How can we carry out negotiations and cooperation?"

"Yeah, we can't bring all three countries in to cooperate, right?"

"In that case, it is likely to lead to the failure of the joint exploration operation. The more partners there are in such a joint exploration operation, the more troubles there will be and the greater the possibility of failure!"

Ye Tian chuckled and nodded, then continued:

"The negotiation with Morocco is actually not difficult to handle. It is nothing more than a matter of profit distribution. If Atlantis is located off the coast of Morocco, how should the treasure be distributed.

The other two situations are, if Atlantis is on the high seas outside Morocco, or at the junction of high seas and territorial waters, how should this legendary treasure be distributed.

But no matter what the situation is, Morocco cannot be left alone to act alone. Even if Atlantis is on the high seas, the exploration team will have to borrow Moroccan ports for anchoring and supplies.

Compared with the Moroccan government, the Spanish government and the British are more difficult to deal with. The relationship between our company and the Spanish government is very bad, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are enemies.

The relationship with the British is not much better. Our previous series of exploratory operations in London and the English Channel have long made the British hate it with itch.

More importantly, both Spain and Britain are powerful, and their appetites are naturally greater. They will never be satisfied with only getting a part of the treasure, they want all of it."


There was a gasp of air from the scene.

"If it's like what you said, Spain and the UK may be a big trouble. If you want to cooperate with them, it feels a bit like seeking skin from a tiger."

Professor Kane whispered, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

The rest of the people were also a little worried.

The scene immediately fell silent, and everyone, including Ye Tian, ​​fell into deep thought.

After a while, Ye Tianfang said:

“Now we can only take it step by step. I decided to contact the Moroccan government first and reach a preliminary cooperation intention, but not sign a formal multi-party joint exploration agreement.

After we arrive in Morocco and inspect the situation on the spot, we will decide whether to sign a tripartite joint exploration agreement, and then discuss the specific cooperation conditions and treasure distribution plan.

As for the Spanish and British governments, they can only stay away from them for the time being. If they are discovered, they will have to cooperate with them and adapt to the situation. I believe that the car will find its way to the mountain!

Before formally contacting the Moroccan government, I need to meet with the relevant person in charge of your Columbia University to talk about cooperation, and then start the next step."

"No problem, Steven, I will contact the principal right away. As long as he is in school, we can go over to see him immediately. He will definitely not let go of this opportunity for cooperation."

Professor Paul continued quickly, looking impatient.

Among these historians, he is the expert who has studied the Atlantis civilization for the longest time, and he is also the expert who most hopes that this joint exploration operation will proceed smoothly.

That was his lifelong wish, and he was reluctant to miss this golden opportunity in front of him!

After saying that, Professor Paul took out his mobile phone and went to call the president of Columbia University.

After a while, he returned here and said excitedly:

"Steven, I told the principal about the situation, and he is very willing to continue to cooperate with your company to jointly explore the legendary Atlantis.

He will be in the school right now and invites you to his office to meet and discuss cooperation again. The relevant person in charge of the School of History will also come over."

Ye Tian immediately smiled and nodded.

"That would be great. If we can finalize the cooperation today, it will undoubtedly save a lot of time. Let's go there together!"

Next, a group of them left the old gymnasium and prepared to go to the principal's office.

However, when they walked out of the stadium, they were shocked by the scene in front of them!

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