Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3147 Uninvited Los Angeles Police

Latest website: Chapter 3147 The Los Angeles Police came uninvited

In the square in front of the Columbia University Stadium, hundreds of Columbia University teachers and students, as well as many media reporters who had heard about it, had gathered.

These guys were holding up their mobile phones or cameras and taking pictures at the stadium gate. Everyone was very excited.

If it hadn't been for the many security personnel standing outside the stadium to stop these guys from the cordon, they would have already rushed up the steps and rushed into the stadium.

As Ye Tian and the others came out of the gymnasium and appeared in front of everyone, the square immediately boiled.

"Good morning, Steven, why did you come to Columbia University? Are you going to cooperate with Columbia University again to explore some treasures? Can you introduce the situation?"

"Good morning, Steven, I am a reporter from NBC TV. What is the treasure you are going to explore this time? Where is it? What treasures are in the treasure? Can you reveal some information?"

Many media reporters asked, one after another scrambling to be the first.

After just receiving the news, almost everyone, including them, was speculating.

That lucky guy, Steven, is likely to collaborate with Columbia University to explore some treasure again.

This was the second day after he returned to New York after more than four months. He didn't even have time to go to the company and rushed to Columbia University. Obviously, he had something important to do.

And this very important thing is very likely to be the next joint exploration operation.

Under such circumstances, the news media in New York City could not sit still and immediately rushed to Columbia University.

Those Columbia University students who were present were unwilling to let go of this opportunity.

"Mr. Steven, when will your company start recruiting? I'm studying Western art history. Is there any chance I can work for your company?"

"Hello, Mr. Steven, when will your company launch its next exploration operation? Do you need anyone to help with odd jobs? We can help, just take us on the adventure."

As these Columbia University students asked questions, laughter immediately erupted.

Seeing this scene in the square, Ye Tian and the others were stunned for a moment, then looked at each other and smiled.

"Steven, you are now the most legendary figure in New York, with countless fans. No matter where you go, you will attract a lot of attention and attract countless people to watch."

Professor Kane said with emotion, and the others nodded.

"Actually, I don't want to attract too much attention. It seems that I will have to be more low-key when I go out in the future. It is not a good thing to be surrounded wherever I go."

Ye Tian said with a smile.

Hearing this, the other people rolled their eyes angrily.

After chatting for a while, everyone walked down the steps towards the square below.

During this process, Ye Tian whispered to Professor Kane and the others to keep it secret for the time being and not to disclose the joint exploration of Atlantis.

The details of this joint exploration operation have not been revealed yet, so they cannot be disclosed to the public too early.

In that case, it may cause some unnecessary trouble.

If the news leaks, some treasure hunting companies or countries are likely to take the lead and launch exploration operations on the Atlantic coast.

Even if they don't know the general area where Atlantis is located, they don't rule out the possibility of running there first to occupy the pit, and then keep an eye on the movements of the Intrepid Exploration Company and adapt accordingly.

Professor Kane and the others will naturally not object and promise to strictly keep the secret!

They don't want to share such an opportunity with the potential to go down in history with other experts and scholars!

As Ye Tian and others came down the steps, the media reporters and Columbia students at the scene suddenly became more excited.

All kinds of questions swarmed out and flooded Ye Tian.

He did not respond to the questions from the media reporters, but interacted with the Columbia students present with great interest.

“Guys, our Intrepid Exploration Company will be hiring a lot of employees this year, and after the Indian History Museum on East 78th Street is completed, we will be hiring a lot of employees.

I believe everyone has heard that our employees at Intrepid Exploration have the best treatment in New York. I can assure you that this is a very true fact.

More importantly, the employees of Brave Exploration Company not only receive very good treatment, but also have the opportunity to travel to various parts of the world to explore various legendary treasures. The process is very exciting."

Ye Tian said loudly with a smile.

As soon as he said this, he was interrupted by a burst of cheers.

All the Columbia University students and even all the media reporters present were very excited, with eyes full of yearning and expectation.

Ye Tian glanced at these guys, and then continued:

“But it’s not easy to join our Intrepid Exploration Company. You must have strong energy, a strong body, and a mind full of curiosity and smart enough.

Only in this way can you defeat countless competitors, stand out from them, become an employee of Brave and Fearless Exploration Company, and then you can explore treasures around the world with us! "

"Wow! It seems like a big challenge!"

There was an exclamation of exclamation from the scene.

While marveling, the eyes of almost all the Columbia students present became more determined, as if they were determined to win.

Obviously, these are a group of guys who have not been beaten up by society.

When they step out of college and go to interviews with mediocre resumes, they will truly see the cruelty of society!

Ye Tian and the others did not take a car, but walked towards the office building where the president of Columbia University's office is located while laughing and chatting.

During the march, Ye Tian would answer questions from several Columbia students from time to time and interact with these students.

As for the questions from media reporters, he did not respond at all.

After a while, they arrived at the foot of the office building and entered the office building directly.

In a matter of seconds, several professors and scholars from the School of General Education and the School of History also entered this office building one after another.

Seeing this scene, the Columbia students and many media reporters who were blocked outside the building were very sure.

Intrepid Exploration and the Columbia University School of History will soon be teaming up again to jointly explore a famous treasure!

As for what is this famous treasure? where? But no one knows.

The news spread quickly, reaching many people's ears like wind, and attracted countless attention.

Everyone is speculating, what is the next goal of Ye Tian and the Brave and Intrepid Exploration Company?

Soon, it was already noon.

After having lunch at Columbia University, Ye Tian and the others just left.

Then they went to the company in midtown Manhattan.

When the motorcade arrived in front of Rockefeller Center Plaza, Ye Tianrang the motorcade to stop on Fifth Avenue, got off the bus with Mattis, David and others, and walked across the square towards the Rockefeller Center building.

When the group of them appeared in the square, they immediately attracted countless attention. People looked over one after another, and everyone was full of envy, even jealousy.

"Look, that lucky guy Steven is back. He hasn't been around for four or five months, right?"

"I heard that he is coming back this time to launch a new exploration operation. I wonder what treasure this lucky guy has discovered? Or which famous treasure has he set his sights on?"

"I really wish I was also an employee of this guy Steven. I heard that their employees' year-end bonuses last year were at least two to three million US dollars. It's simply exaggerated!"

While there was a lot of discussion, people kept nodding, saying hello, or smiling at Ye Tian.

A few of them even came over and offered themselves up, wanting to work at the Intrepid Exploration Company.

Of course, these guys were stopped by Mattis and others and were not allowed to approach.

However, Ye Tian also gave them hope and welcomed them to submit their resumes to the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company.

As for whether they can be hired, it depends on their luck.

The reason for this situation is naturally due to the series of high-profile performances of Brave Exploration Company last year and the staggering treatment of Brave Exploration Company employees.

Especially last year's year-end bonus, the rewards given to employees by Brave Exploration Company directly shocked the whole of New York and even the entire United States.

If you calculate the average, even the leading private equity funds on Wall Street can only lag behind!

In the "New York's Most Desirable Companies" rankings selected at the beginning of the year, as well as other similar lists, Intrepid Exploration Company topped the list, leaving the second place far behind.

Because of this, people yearn for Brave Exploration Company so much and want to join this top exploration company.

While talking, Ye Tian and the others had arrived at the Rockefeller Center building.

As in previous years, the skating rink in front of the Rockefeller Center building is still crowded. There are many people skating here, and the scene is very lively.

Around the rink, there were many protestors carrying various slogans and banners, walking around the rink to protest.

Around the protest team, there were many New York police officers armed with live ammunition and eyeing the demonstrators closely.

The people protesting were mainly Hispanics, with some mixed Hispanic and Indian races, as well as some Arabs and blacks. The composition was quite complex.

The banners and slogans raised were mainly in Spanish and English, as were the protest slogans shouted.

The object of these guys' protests was Ye Tian and his Brave and Fearless Exploration Company.

Seeing Ye Tian and the others coming over, these guys felt like they were on fire. They all waved the banners and slogans in their hands and shouted at the top of their lungs.

"The Mayan Golden City belongs to Central America and the Mayans, and no one can take it away."

"Get out of the Mayan Golden City, get out of Copán, bandits are not welcome in Honduras"

While these guys were protesting loudly, they were also waving banners or slogans at Ye Tian. They were all filled with indignation and looked extremely angry.

However, no one among them dared to rush forward, they just stood not far away and shouted.

The many New York police officers who maintained order at the scene, as well as Ye Tian's security team, were all watching these with eager eyes, ready to take action at any time.

“Steven, these protestors only appeared after the follow-up exploration and cleanup operations in the Mayan Golden City were launched. Most of them came from Central American countries, and there were also some professional protesters.

Many of the protestors are Guatemalan immigrants or Salvadoran immigrants, and standing behind them are the embassies and consulates of these two countries in New York."

Mattis introduced the situation in a low voice.

Hearing the introduction, Ye Tian couldn't help but sneer.

"Obviously, the two countries Guatemala and El Salvador have not given up yet and still want to get a share of the Mayan Golden City. They think too much.

They like to pay people to protest and demonstrate, so let’s do whatever they want. It’s freezing outside and it’s quite hard. Just ask everyone to pay attention to safety when going in and out.”

After saying that, the group of them walked into the Rockefeller Center building and paid no attention to the protestors.

They have been used to this kind of situation for a long time, and they don't take it to heart at all!

But who would have imagined that there was actually someone waiting for them inside the building.

After entering the building, Ye Tian and the others walked straight to the elevator, preparing to go upstairs to the company.

At this moment, a strange voice suddenly came from not far away from the side.

"Good morning, Mr. Steven, please stay, we have something we want to talk to you about."

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately stopped and turned to look at the side where the sound came from.

Matisse and the others quickly became alert and looked over there.

The next moment, they saw two white men in their thirties walking towards them.

Although the two guys were wearing suits, they each held a police badge.

Obviously, these two guys were afraid of causing misunderstanding, so they showed their identities as soon as they came up.

Seeing that the other party was a policeman, everyone relaxed a little bit.

However, Mattis and the others did not let these two guys get close and directly stopped them.

The two guys were very cooperative and did not force their way in just because they were police officers.

They knew very well that what they were facing this time were not ordinary people, but a group of ruthless guys, who could even be said to regard human life as nothing.

The methods used on ordinary people in the past will not work on these guys at all, but will cause unnecessary trouble.

Both detectives raised their hands, and one of the guys said:

"Mr. Steven, my name is Martin, and this is Louis. We are police officers from Los Angeles. We want to find out a little bit about the situation from you. There is no malicious intent. I hope you don't misunderstand me!"

Ye Tian looked at the two Los Angeles police officers and did not respond.

David, standing next to him, immediately whispered:

"Steven, you don't have to deal with these two guys, just leave it to me to deal with it."

"Okay, David, I'll leave this to you. I'll go upstairs first, and you can tell me what's going on later. If you need me to explain something, you can bring them to the company.

But before entering the company, they must undergo security checks, and they are not allowed to bring guns and ammunition into the company's office area. At the same time, don't forget to investigate and verify their identity."

Ye Tian nodded and whispered.

Then, he said to the two Los Angeles police officers.

"Two detectives, welcome to New York. This is my personal lawyer David. If you have any questions, just talk to him. He can represent me."

Upon hearing this, both Los Angeles police detectives rolled their eyes angrily.

“Damn the rich people, damn the lawyers!”

Just as they were cursing secretly, Ye Tian turned around and left, and walked straight into the elevator under the escort of several security personnel.

David, along with three security team members, faced the two Los Angeles police officers and began to negotiate with them.

In a short time, Ye Tian and the others arrived at the company floor, then got out of the elevator and entered the company.

As soon as he walked into the company door, a thunderous applause immediately hit his face.

"Papa pa pa"

Amid enthusiastic applause, Jason, along with all the company employees who were at home, poured out of the office area like a tide.

Immediately afterwards, a beautiful woman from the company came forward and gave Ye Tian a warm hug.

"Welcome back, Steven, and congratulations on becoming a father and having your first child. It's a pity that you didn't bring that little guy back to New York. I really want to see that little Duke!"

"Thank you for your blessing, Annie, but it's best not to let Betty see this scene, otherwise, she will probably expel you from the company, and no one can save you then!"

Ye Tian said jokingly.

"I believe Betty won't be so stingy. Besides, you are not my type."

Annie said with a sweet smile.

After her, the other company employees came up one by one to give Ye Tian a warm hug and send a series of beautiful blessings.

After saying hello to these guys, Ye Tiancai was able to enter the company's office area.

The rest of the guys followed and gathered around him.

After being away for more than four months, not much has changed in the company, everything is in order.

Ye Tian stood at the entrance of the office area, quickly scanned the situation in the company, and then said with a smile:

"Guys, thank you all for your hard work during my absence for more than four months. I have kept the company running normally and efficiently without any problems.

To thank you all and to reward you all, I decided to invite you all to a dinner party tonight. You can bring your family members. The location is up to you. I will pay for it."

Before he finished speaking, there was an excited cheer in the company.

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