Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3148 Greedy Woman

Latest website: Chapter 3148 The Greedy Woman

Not long after entering the company, David knocked on the door and walked in.

Ye Tian then looked up at him and asked curiously:

"Why are those two Los Angeles police officers here? David, what do they want from me?"

David looked back at the office door to make sure it was closed tightly, and then whispered:

"Those two Los Angeles police officers came because of that idiot Cook. As early as three months ago, Cook's family and Golden Eagle Exploration Company reported the case to the Los Angeles Police.

They asked the police to thoroughly investigate the cause of death of Cook and his security personnel. After receiving the report, the Los Angeles police launched an investigation and went to Bahir Dar.

In Bahir Dar, they went to the street where Cook and others died to check the situation, and questioned the residents living on that street and some local police officers."

"Oh! I didn't expect that the Los Angeles police were so conscientious that they actually went to Bahir Dar to investigate."

Ye Tian started joking, not taking the police investigation seriously at all.

After a pause, David continued to introduce the situation.

"I don't know what they found. After returning to Los Angeles, they did some more investigation and wanted to find out about the situation from you, but because you were in BJ, they delayed it until now.

After knowing that you returned to New York, they immediately flew over and were ready to find out about the situation from you. They wanted to have a face-to-face communication with you. Are you willing to talk to them? "

After the words fell, Ye Tian fell into deep thought, but a sharp light flashed deep in his eyes.

After pretending to think for a moment, he said:

"It doesn't matter if we meet and talk to those two Los Angeles police officers. It will clear up the suspicion on me and save them from making random guesses. You can make arrangements and bring those two Los Angeles police officers to the small conference room."

"Okay, Steven, I'll make arrangements right away"

David nodded in response and left the office.

As soon as he went out, Ye Tian immediately picked up the phone and dialed that guy Kenny's number.

“Kenny, you pull out all the information about that guy Cook, as well as information about his family and friends, as well as information about his armed security guards who died in Ethiopia.

Including those family members and friends who are armed security guards, everyone’s information is required, as well as the information of all investors behind Golden Eagle Exploration Company, and other relevant personnel.

Then you investigate the movements of those guys to see if they have done anything special recently, whether they have come to New York or to BJ, and report to me after you find out."

"Understood, Steven, leave these matters to us."

Kenny the guy responded.

After ending the call with Kenny, Ye Tian said through the wireless invisible headset:

"Mattis, notify all the guys immediately and ask everyone to be vigilant. Someone may come to cause trouble recently. It is probably someone related to that idiot Cook."

"Copy that, Steven, I'll let everyone know."

Mattis responded, ending the call.

After a while, David knocked on the door again and walked into the office.

"Steven, the two Los Angeles police officers have arrived at the company's small conference room. They have all undergone security checks, and the guns they carry are placed in the safe at the door of the company."

"Okay, David, let's go meet these two Los Angeles police officers."

With that said, Ye Tian stood up and walked out of the office.

A moment later, he arrived at the company conference room, shook hands with the two Los Angeles police officers, and then sat down on both sides of the table.

"Two police detectives, welcome to the Brave and Intrepid Exploration Company. It's cold outside. Let's have a cup of coffee first, and then we'll talk about business."

Ye Tian said with a smile, acting very polite and thoughtful.

Before he finished speaking, a company employee walked in with several cups of Blue Mountain coffee.

The mellow aroma of top-quality Blue Mountain coffee filled the entire conference room in an instant and was intoxicating.

Martin and Louis looked at the coffee on the table, then looked at the surrounding environment and several pieces of art placed in the conference room, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Wow! Mr. Steven, the environment of your company is really great. It is indeed the most desirable company in New York."

"Everything here is so harmonious, natural and full of artistic flavor. It must be very pleasant to work in such an environment!"

Ye Tian nodded slightly, then smiled and said:

"Thank you two police detectives for your compliments. Our company's conditions are not bad. As for saying it is the most desirable company in New York, it is actually a bit exaggerated.

We are a treasure hunting company and often deal with all kinds of antiques, cultural relics and works of art, so naturally we have to decorate it with some artistic flair."

After chatting for a few words, everyone got down to business.

As David said just now, these two Los Angeles police officers came here for the death of those guys in Cook.

It was Cook’s idiot wife who reported the crime to the Los Angeles police.

That woman was relatively smart and did not directly point the target at Ye Tian. Instead, she asked the Los Angeles police to try their best to find out at the hands of whom that idiot Cook died.

And she very vaguely proposed that she wanted a large amount of compensation. Even if she found out who did it, she would be willing to accept a settlement.

It was obvious that the woman was here for the money.

She may have guessed or heard some rumors and concluded that Cook and the others were killed by Ye Tian himself.

And Ye Tian is one of the richest people in the United States. Of course she will not let this opportunity go and want to make a fortune!

However, she also knew who she was facing, so she didn't dare to show her intentions directly.

Martin briefly introduced the situation and then began to ask questions.

"Excuse me, Mr. Steven, where were you on the night when Cook and his men were killed on the streets of Bahir Dar? Can you tell me your whereabouts?"

Ye Tian nodded and said with a smile:

"Of course it's no problem, there's nothing I can't say. Earlier that night, I had been staying at the Bahir Dar City Hall, working with my security personnel to protect the World War II sunken treasures salvaged from Lake Tana.

We were attacked many times that night, and the situation was quite critical. It was not relieved until late at night. As far as I know, among the people who attacked us, there was Cook and his men.

Cook and I have known each other for a long time and can be considered old rivals. Ever since we met again in Ethiopia, that guy has plotted against us everywhere. Fortunately, we were lucky and escaped several plots."

Hearing this, the two Los Angeles police officers showed a bit of embarrassment on their faces.

They also understood that the killing of that idiot Cook and his men was a complete act of self-destruction, and no one could be blamed.

Martin nodded and continued:

“We have some knowledge of this situation. Among the people who were besieged and died near Bahir Dar City Hall that night, there were indeed security personnel employed by Golden Eagle Exploration Company.

However, we could not find any strong evidence as to whether Cook had been at the scene or participated in the attack. We were only responsible for investigating the subsequent killing of Cook and his men.

According to our investigation, late that night, after the fighting around the city hall ended, you left the city hall building alone and did not return until the morning."

"Yes, I did leave alone at that time and returned to the Bahir Dar City Hall building at dawn the next day."

Ye Tian smiled and nodded and said very calmly.

His response surprised Martin and the others, and they were both stunned for a moment.

After a pause, Martin continued to ask.

“According to investigation, during this period, a series of bloody fighting took place in Bahir Dar, killing many people, including that guy Cook and his men.

However, no one saw who killed these people. The guy who killed these people was like a ghost, always hidden in the darkness.

Mr. Steven, can you tell us about your whereabouts during this period? Where did you go? What to do? Can anyone prove it? "

Upon hearing this, David was immediately ready to protest.

Ye Tian waved his hand gently and said calmly:

"I have heard about the series of bloody killings you mentioned, and I saw several of them when I returned to the Bahir Dar City Hall building in the morning. Many people were indeed killed.

But those killings have nothing to do with me, and I don’t know who specifically did it, but I very much welcome the result. The mysterious killer helped us solve the trouble.

Who is that ghost hiding in the darkness? We don’t know, but what is certain is that that guy is very powerful, otherwise he would not have been able to kill so many people.”

Hearing this, Martin and Louis both rolled their eyes secretly and complained secretly.

"Isn't that guy awesome? Under the cover of night, he killed dozens of heavily armed gunmen by himself. Apart from a scary guy like you, I'm afraid no one can do it, right?"

While complaining, they were also shocked.

Through a series of previous investigations, they already had a general understanding of how powerful and terrifying Ye Tian was.

They knew very well that they must not provoke the guy in front of them, otherwise they would definitely die.

This guy doesn't care who you are. As long as it infringes on his interests or threatens his safety, he will kill him without hesitation and send his opponent directly to hell.

Without any pause, Ye Tian continued to explain.

“My whereabouts that night were very simple, because I had not slept for more than 30 hours and was always in a state of high excitement and extreme nervousness. I was very exhausted at the time.

After several attacks on the Bahir Dar City Hall were foiled, and seeing that the city hall building was basically safe, I left the city hall building and found a place to rest alone.

It was late at night, the sky was very dark, and there had just been a fierce battle around. There was not even a soul on the street, so it was naturally impossible for anyone to see me.

I know that many people are guessing or suspecting that the mysterious killer hiding in the darkness is me. They suspect that I killed Cook and the others and caused that series of bloody killings.

But I want to say that that guy is not me, and there is no evidence pointing to me at the scene, such as witnesses, video data, fingerprints, or even ballistic data, etc. There is no basis for what I say."

Martin and the others were stunned and didn't know how to continue.

After a moment of silence, they started asking again.

As you can imagine, no valuable clues were obtained.

Ye Tian brushed himself aside and instead urged Martin and the others to investigate the attack on the joint exploration team and the Bahir Dar City Hall building by Cook and his fellows.

More than half an hour later, Martin and Louis just left the Brave and Intrepid Exploration Company, and naturally found nothing!

The first time he walked out of the Rockefeller Center building, Louis whispered decisively:

"I'm sure that the mysterious man who killed Cook and his men was definitely a ruthless guy like Steven. Only this guy can do that kind of thing."

Martin nodded slightly and continued helplessly:

"What is the use of us? Where is the evidence? This requires evidence, and this series of bloody killings occurred in Ethiopia. We want to investigate this case clearly, but there is no possibility.

How many people has that guy Steven killed? There are probably too many to count, but no one has caught that guy, and we are no exception. It's best to end this case here.

If Cook’s wife has any sense, she’d better not dwell on this matter anymore. It’s just the idiot Cook who is seeking his own death. If he continues to pester, Cook’s wife is probably not far away from death.”

"That's true. There's nothing that this bastard Steven wouldn't dare to do. We'd better leave this case alone to avoid getting into trouble."

Lewis nodded and said, with a trace of fear in his eyes.

While they were talking, the two guys came to the roadside, took a taxi and left here.

Intrepid Exploration Company.

Ye Tian and David have returned to the office and continue to chat about this topic.

"Steven, if anyone bothers with this matter again in the future, just leave it to me to deal with it. I will take all those who make trouble and make false accusations to court and sue them until they lose everything."

"No problem. This is the first and last time that I will personally face the police investigation. Responding to this question can be regarded as a gesture. If such a thing happens again in the future, I will leave it to you to handle."

"Okay, this is what I do. If those guys who spread rumors and cause trouble don't stop, then I will make them look good!"

David nodded and said, looking like a fighter.

Next, they discussed this topic for a while and then changed the topic.

While he was talking, Jason suddenly knocked on the door and walked in.

"The East River Management Bureau has just given a reply. We can let the cargo ship transporting the vault enter the East River and go to the bank of East 78th Street to hoist the vault. If you have no doubts, then I will go and prepare."

Ye Tian paused for a moment, then nodded and said:

"I have no doubts. You are responsible for this matter. When the vault is hoisted in place, I will go over and take a look. During the process of hoisting the vault, everyone must pay attention to safety. I don't want to see any accidents happen!"

"Okay, Steven, don't worry, nothing will go wrong."

Jason nodded in agreement and immediately went out to get busy.

After chatting for a while, David said goodbye and left, returning to his law firm.

Ye Tian continued to stay in the company and deal with various matters that had been accumulated during this period.

Before I knew it, it was around five o'clock in the afternoon.

Seeing that it was almost time to get off work, Ye Tian packed up his things and prepared to leave the office.

At this moment, his cell phone suddenly rang. It was a call from that guy Kenny.

The call was connected, and Kenny's voice came immediately.

"Steven, I just found out that Cook's wife arrived in New York a week ago and is staying in a hotel in midtown Manhattan. She has been busy these days.

She contacted several private investigators one after another and wanted to entrust them to secretly investigate you and our company, but in the end no private investigators were willing to accept the entrustment."

Hearing this, Ye Tian shook his head helplessly.

"It seems that this woman is determined to find trouble, or wants to extort a large amount of money from me. Send her address in New York to David and ask him to deal with it. He will finally come forward." suitable!"

"Okay, Steven, I'll send the relevant information to David right now."

"Apart from this woman, there is no movement from other people, such as the investors behind Golden Eagle Exploration Company's African operation. As far as I know, those guys are not good people!"

"The rest of the people didn't do anything, including the investors. Golden Eagle Exploration Company has been bankrupted and liquidated. Those guys seem to have admitted defeat and everyone is calm."

"Don't let your guard down and keep watching those guys, they might jump out and cause trouble at any time!"

"Understood, we will keep an eye on those guys"

After chatting for a few more words, Ye Tian ended the call and walked out of the office.

A moment later, cheers came from the company office area.

Everyone has chosen a place for dinner and carnival tonight, and it will be a happy night!

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