Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3160 Different eyes

Latest website: Chapter 3160: Different Eyes

Amidst the exclamations, everyone's eyes looking at this Cubist oil painting suddenly became extremely hot, almost burning.

Especially the two senior Moroccan officials who were coveting this painting just now and were ready to take action, felt so remorseful that they wanted to slap themselves twice.

If they knew that this was a work by Cubist master Braque and that it was a top-notch work of art worth at least 40 million U.S. dollars, they would not hesitate at all.

Even if they become the object of ridicule, even if they are fired from their official positions by the Moroccan government, they will not hesitate to take action to acquire this priceless top-notch work of art.

With a fortune of at least $40 million, what does it matter about being laughed at? What does it matter if you lose your job? Not worth mentioning at all.

Everyone, including Faiz, was 100% sure at this time.

This Cubist oil painting is the work of Brac, the founder of Cubism, and it is a priceless top-notch work of art.

Otherwise, this guy Steven would never buy this oil painting.

As for what he said, he was not sure whether the painting was Braque's work or not. It was just a cover-up excuse and no one believed it at all.

Just when everyone was going crazy with envy and jealousy, Ye Tian suddenly frowned, and then said in a feigned surprise:

"This is a Cubist painting. Why is it equipped with a Rococo style frame? It looks too awkward. If I guessed correctly, this frame should be attached later."

Following his words, everyone looked at the frame of the oil painting.

As he said, this is a rococo-style golden frame with exquisite and complicated carvings on it, which looks quite gorgeous.

However, it does not match the cubist painting, and the tones conflict a bit, making it look a bit awkward.

"Steven, when I received this Cubist oil painting two years ago, it had this rococo-style golden frame on the outside. It should have been replaced by the previous owner. I didn't make any changes."

Faiz explained a few words, his eyes still full of pain.

Ye Tian looked at this unfortunate guy, and then looked at the Cubist painting in his hand.

After a pause, he said:

"Faiz, I plan to dismantle this Locke-style golden frame and put this Cubist painting into a painting tube so that it can be carried easily."

"No problem, this painting belongs to you now. What you do with it is your right. I have no right to interfere."

Faiz nodded and said.

"Okay, but I want to borrow your tools."

Ye Tian said with a smile.

Afterwards, Faiz took out the corresponding tools from the cabinet and handed them over.

After taking over the tools, Ye Tian immediately started to dismantle the picture frame.

For him, this job is too simple and he is already familiar with it.

In a short time, he had opened the rococo-style golden picture frame and took off the drawing board with the stretched canvas.

Then he was ready to start tearing down the canvas.

When he turned the drawing board and looked at the situation on the back of the drawing board, he suddenly paused.

Then, he pretended to be excited and said:

"Hey! There are two French letters here, they look like 'GB'"

As he spoke, he pointed to the lower right corner of the back of the drawing board.

Following the direction of his finger, David, Yahya, and Faiz standing nearby all saw the two French letters written on the canvas in the lower right corner.

The part of the canvas with the two French letters written on it was folded to the back of the panel and nailed to it.

Because of this, there is no artist's signature on the surface of this Cubist painting.

In fact, this Cubist painting is signed by the artist, but it was concealed in a very clumsy way.

It is unclear whether the concealment of the signature was intentional or unintentional.

"There are really two French letters here. Could it be Braque's personal signature?"

David said in surprise, but his eyes were full of smiles.

He was not surprised at all by this result, he had seen it too many times before.

"Let me go! The artist's signature is actually hidden here. Who re-binded this Cubist oil painting? Isn't this a scam?"

Yahya was so angry that he slapped his thigh in anger.

Looking at Faiz again, it was as if he had been struck by lightning, his head was about to explode with anger, and his eyes instantly turned blood red.

At this moment, he felt regretful and wanted to shoot himself.

What a flaw is that awkward rococo style frame outside! Why didn't I notice it before?

If I had taken down the frame before, I would not have missed this priceless top-notch piece of art, and I would not have been robbed by this bastard Steven!

While secretly regretting it, he hated the guy who rebinded the oil painting and deliberately hid the signature. He pulled out all the eighteen generations of that guy's ancestors to greet him.

But he never thought about whether he would still receive this Cubist oil painting if the artist's signature was exposed.

In that case, he might not even be able to earn $20,000.

As David and the others discussed, the rest of the people at the scene came forward and saw the two French letters.

At the same time, Ye Tian also gave an explanation pretending to be excited.

"The full name of Cubist master Braque is Georges Brac, and his abbreviation is GB. His personal signature on many paintings is also these two French letters.

This is exactly the same as the signature on "The House of Estac". It seems that my guess is correct. This painting "Berbers Leading Donkeys" is Braque's work!

Judging from the binding technique of the canvas and the rococo-style frame on the outside, it is obvious that someone has re-binded this Cubist oil painting to hide the artist's signature.

Why does this guy do this? It is unknown, but it is certain that Braque did come to Morocco during the 'Cezanne Cubism period' and created this outstanding painting.

Now that it is confirmed that this is a work by Braque and has his personal signature on the painting, the value of the painting has to be re-evaluated. Now it is worth at least 60 million US dollars! "

Before he could finish his words, the scene exploded again.

"What? One signature is worth twenty million dollars, that's crazy!"

"Oh my God! How could this happen? It's incredible!"

Just when everyone was screaming in surprise, there was a plop and Faiz fell to the ground.

"What did I miss? What an idiot!"

He muttered to himself, looking lost.

Seeing his appearance, everyone was full of sympathy, but they were helpless.

Ye Tian looked at Faiz, and then continued to dismantle the canvas nailed to the drawing board, his movements more careful than before.

Outside an antique store.

Many people and media reporters who were watching the excitement were staring at the door of this antique store, and everyone was full of curiosity.

Some of them wanted to enter the antique store and take a look at the store, but they were stopped by the Moroccan police who were on guard and had to wait outside.

However, through the exclamations from time to time in the antique store and some of the contents seen through the glass display windows, people still discovered something.

Everyone has guessed that Ye Tian must have discovered something in this antique store, and this discovery is quite amazing.

But I just don’t know what this discovery is and how much is it worth?

As time goes by, the street in front of the antique store becomes more and more lively.

People were talking a lot and letting their imaginations run wild to speculate.

"I wonder what treasure that lucky bastard Steven found? He hasn't come out for so long. Maybe he found a priceless top-notch antique or work of art."

"Who would have thought that there is a treasure hidden in this ordinary antique shop, and that this guy Steven can take notice, how come we didn't discover it!"

Just as people were discussing, the closed door of the antique shop suddenly opened, and Ye Tian and his group walked out of it one after another.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of extremely sad and angry wailing came from the antique store.

Everyone was startled by the wailing sound and looked at the antique shop in surprise.

In a blink of an eye, it became clear what was happening.

Obviously, this was the sad whine of the ransacked antique shop owner.

There is no doubt that this is another tragedy, and there is another unlucky person in the world.

People had no time to pay attention to this unlucky guy, and they were more concerned about what treasure Ye Tian found in this antique shop? How much is that treasure worth?

The media reporters gathered around the entrance of the antique store began to ask questions loudly at the top of their voices.

"Hello, Mr. Steven, what did you find in this antique shop? Can you introduce the situation? Or show it to everyone."

"Steven, I see you are holding a painting tube in your hand. Is this thing you found an oil painting? Which famous painter is it?"

Upon hearing these questions, Ye Tian immediately stopped.

He glanced at the media reporters, then smiled and said loudly:

"Good afternoon, friends from the media, I have nothing to tell you. In this antique shop, I found a work by the Cubist master Braque.

This painting was created when Brac came to Morocco. It is about Berber people. The subject matter is very rare. At first, I couldn't confirm that it was Brac's work.

Only later did I find evidence that it was indeed a work created by the Cubist master Brac during the Cézanne Cubism period. It is a top-notch work of art! "

Before the words were spoken, the scene was already boiling.

"Ah! Did I hear it correctly? In such an ordinary antique store, there are works by the Cubist master Braque. Is it true?"

"No wonder the antique shop owner was so distraught. If it were me and I lost such a top-notch piece of art, I would give myself a shot in the head!"

After some exclamations, someone asked loudly again.

"Steven, can you show us this work by the art master Braque? What is the value of this Cubist painting?"

There is no doubt that this is a matter of great concern to all.

Everyone looked at Ye Tian, ​​looking forward to his answer.

Ye Tian smiled and shook his head.

"I'm very sorry, ladies and gentlemen, in such an environment and occasion, it is inappropriate to display such a valuable top-notch work of art. As for the value of this painting, it will be kept secret for the time being."

After saying that, he waved to everyone present, and then left with David and the others.

Escorted by numerous Moroccan police and security personnel, they walked straight through the crowd and continued forward.

It was still early and Ye Tian did not plan to return to the hotel immediately.

There are two antique shops not far ahead, so you can’t miss them.

As soon as their group left, the media reporters gathered at the door of the antique store immediately poured into Faiz's antique store.

After a while, these guys rushed out of the antique store again.

Next, the news that Ye Tian discovered a painting by the Cubist master Braque in this antique shop quickly spread like a hurricane to the entire street, the entire Rabat, and even the entire world.

Photos of this Cubist painting also spread around the world.

When people heard the news, especially knowing that the painting was worth at least 60 million US dollars, everyone was shocked and stunned, and almost went crazy with envy.

Immediately afterwards, the people and media reporters who gathered on the street immediately ran forward along the street.

Everyone wants to see if another miracle will happen.

At this time, Ye Tian and the others had walked into another antique store and began to appreciate the so-called antique cultural relics and works of art displayed in the store.

Seeing them come in, the antique shop owner's legs were shaking and he was about to cry.

However, he still had to put on a smile that was uglier than crying to greet these guests.

Fortunately, he was not robbed, at least not by Ye Tian.

In the remaining two antique stores, Ye Tian did not take action again, but just took a quick look.

To be more precise, he didn't find any antiques or works of art worth selling.

There are only a few small leaks, just let Bowie and others pick them up.

After visiting these two antique stores, Ye Tian and the others went to a nearby tourist attraction.

It wasn't until nearly five o'clock in the afternoon that the group of them returned to the hotel by car.

As soon as he returned to the presidential suite on the top floor of the hotel, Ye Tian's cell phone rang. It was a call from Julian from MOMA.

The call was connected, and Julian's familiar voice came over immediately.

"Steven, you are extremely lucky. In a place like Rabat, Morocco, you can actually discover the outstanding works of the Cubist master Braque. It is simply incredible."

"Hahaha, I am indeed lucky. At first I thought it was just a work by an unknown Cubist painter, but who would have thought, it turned out to be a work by the art master Braque. What a huge surprise!"

Ye Tian said with a proud smile.

Listening to his laughter, Julian, who was far away in New York, almost went crazy with envy.

But he knew that this good luck was based on Ye Tian's sharp vision and was not just good luck.

After a few pleasantries, the guy got straight to the point.

"Steven, I just saw a photo of that Cubist oil painting. To be honest, I never thought that Braque actually had such an unknown work.

This subject matter is so rare, and the painting is also very good and breathtaking. It is definitely a rare top-notch work of art and is of great research value.

You also know that our MOMA focuses on collecting various modern and contemporary art masterpieces. Can you sell us this Cubist oil painting? We can discuss the price."

Without any hesitation, Ye Tian directly rejected this old friend.

"I'm very sorry, Julian, I don't plan to sell this Braque's Cubist painting, but I plan to collect it myself. It will be displayed in my natural history museum in the future. Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy it.

You also said that the subject of Berbers is very rare. Through this painting, people can not only see the original appearance of Cubist painting, but also recognize the Berbers in Africa. This is rare! "

After the words fell, there was silence on the other end of the phone.

After a while, Julian said regretfully:

“When I made this call to you, I had already guessed that this would be the result, but I still made the call with a glimmer of hope, expecting a miracle to happen and allow us to receive this top-notch work of art.

But it is a pity that miracles only happen to you and have nothing to do with us. It seems that I can only go to your museum to appreciate this Cubist painting in the future."

"Don't feel sorry, Julian. You are welcome to come to my private museum to appreciate this painting in the future. You can also see more top-notch artworks by then."

Ye Tian smiled and comforted his old friend, and the contentment in his words could not be concealed at all.

After Julian, he received calls from several old friends.

Without exception, these guys all came here for this painting by Braque, and they all wanted to acquire this priceless top-notch piece of art.

Ye Tian's answer was the same, that is, he would not sell this top-notch work of art, but prepare to collect it himself, and welcome them to go to BJ's museum to appreciate the painting in the future.

Then he received a call from the King of Morocco himself, hoping that he could bring this painting "Berbers Leading Donkeys" to the banquet in the evening so that everyone can appreciate this priceless painting.

Ye Tian agreed to this request very readily.

He did not believe that the Moroccans would play any tricks and forcefully buy or keep the painting, or exchange the fake for the real one.

In that case, they will get nothing, not only this painting, but also the Atlantean treasures!

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