Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3161 All parties gather together

Latest website: Chapter 3161 All parties gathered

Moroccan Royal Palace at night.

The banquet hall was brightly lit and guests were gathering. A dinner was being held to welcome the Intrepid Exploration Company and the Columbia University exploration team.

On the stage in front of the banquet hall, the King and Queen of Morocco, as well as two other important members of the royal family, were admiring Braque's Cubist painting, "Berbers Leading Donkeys"

The person responsible for the explanation is naturally Ye Tian, ​​who discovered and owned this painting.

"Your Majesty the King, Your Highness the Queen, please take a look at the old Berber man in the painting. His body torso is completely composed of several irregular geometric figures. This is really one of the characteristics of Brac's paintings... …”

As Ye Tian explained, the King and Queen of Morocco quickly deepened their understanding of this painting.

They didn't understand it very well at first, but they gradually saw some clues and were immersed in the artistic conception created by the master of art Braque.

Several other people standing nearby were also quietly admiring this priceless top-notch work of art.

While admiring the painting, their eyes were filled with envy and a bit of regret.

This painting has always been in Rabat, but why is it that the person who discovered this top-notch work of art was not myself, but the lucky guy Steven.

Even for other Moroccans, at least this top-notch piece of art will not be lost from Morocco, and you still have a chance to get it!

Now that this painting is in the hands of this guy Steven, other people are just greedy and don't want to get this painting at all.

A few minutes later, Ye Tian had finished introducing this Cubist painting.

Next, everyone enjoyed it quietly for a while before it ended.

The King of Morocco looked away from the painting and looked at Ye Tian again.

"Mr. Steven, it seems that the legend is correct at all. You are extremely lucky. On the first day you arrived in Rabat, you found such a priceless top-notch work of art. It is really enviable.

With this incredible luck, I am even more confident in our future cooperation among the three parties. I believe that we can find the legendary Atlantis and bring a huge surprise to the world."

Ye Tian nodded slightly, smiled and said:

"Your Majesty the King, my luck is quite good, but it is not as exaggerated as the legend. The reason why I found this Braque's Cubism painting this time was also a coincidence.

I am equally confident about the future cooperation between our three parties. I believe that as long as the legendary Atlantis is in Morocco, the joint exploration team will definitely be able to find it."

Then, the King of Morocco turned to look at the Cubist oil painting on the easel.

"Steven, I still want to ask, are you willing to transfer this painting "Berbers Leading a Donkey" by the Cubist master Braque? I am willing to buy it at a high price.

You also know that this kind of top-notch Western art rarely appears in Morocco, and the paintings on it are of Berber people. It can be said to be very rare and has a special meaning.

In view of this, I really want to acquire this top-notch piece of art, keep it in Morocco, and display it in my palace. I just don’t know if you are willing to part with it? "

Following his words, everyone at the scene looked at Ye Tian.

Especially the Princess of Morocco is full of expectations, hoping to hear the answer she wants.

However, Ye Tian smiled and shook his head.

"I am very sorry, Your Majesty the King, I do not intend to transfer this Cubist painting by Braque, but I plan to collect it myself and will display it in my private museum in the future.

As you said, the subject matter of this Cubist painting is very special. It is unique among Brac's paintings. Since I happened to encounter it, of course I didn't want to miss it.

I understand your desire to acquire this Cubist painting, but I can only say sorry. If you want to appreciate this painting in the future, you can go to my private museum in BJ! "

Hearing this, the King of Morocco couldn't help but froze for a moment.

The princess standing next to her was a little anxious and her eyes were full of disappointment.

The other two royal family members had anger flashing in their eyes.

You know, this is Morocco, not New York, or anywhere else.

They may have never thought that someone would reject the request of the King of Morocco so simply, and that is in the palace of Morocco.

This made them feel a little angry and even considered it a kind of disregard and humiliation.

Ye Tian turned a blind eye to their reactions.

What about the King of Morocco? Even if the King of Heaven comes, don't even think about buying this painting from my brother.

"I heard that the valuation you gave for this painting is US$60 million. I am willing to offer US$100 million. I wonder if I can buy this Cubist painting?"

The King of Morocco is still making a last-ditch effort and obviously doesn't want to give up.

Unfortunately, this was a futile effort.

"Your Majesty the King, this is not a matter of money. I like this Cubist painting and feel that this subject matter is very rare and has special significance, so I want to collect it myself.

To be honest, the offer you gave is very tempting and exceeds the actual value of this Cubist painting. It makes people excited, but I still can't sell it, I'm very sorry! "

Ye Tian smiled and shook his head again and said, but his tone was very firm.

Seeing his attitude, the King of Morocco no longer insisted.

But Ye Tian could see clearly that a hint of anger quickly flashed through the eyes of His Majesty the King.

He didn't take it seriously and pretended not to see it.

He has seen this kind of thing countless times, so how can he take it to heart!

Not to mention the King of Morocco, even if the President of the United States or the Pope wants to buy the top antiques, cultural relics and works of art from a buddy, it still depends on whether the buddy is willing!

Convinced that he would not get this top-notch piece of art, the King of Morocco changed the subject.

"Steven, we are about to sign a tripartite joint exploration agreement. Can you tell us now where the legendary Atlantis may be hidden?"

"I'm very sorry, Your Majesty the King, I can't give you an accurate answer. Through a series of previous surveys and research, we have determined an exploration list.

The legendary Atlantis may be anywhere on this list, which requires us to explore one by one to find the real answer."

Ye Tian shrugged his shoulders with regret on his face.

After hearing this, the King of Morocco could only accept this result.

"In that case, forget it. I hope that the three-party joint exploration team can find the legendary Atlantis. Let's go there. The dinner will start soon."

With that said, His Majesty the King gestured towards the bottom of the stage.

Ye Tian nodded, and then followed the other person off the stage and walked into the crowd.

Next, there was naturally a lot of drinking and laughter.

In the blink of an eye it's a new day, cloudless.

Just after eight o'clock in the morning, Jason and Walker, carrying backpacks, knocked on the door and entered the presidential suite.

When they sat down in the living room, Ye Tian immediately took a portable safe and handed it to Jason.

"Jason, this safe contains Braque's Cubist painting, "Berbers Leading Donkeys." You take my private plane and send this painting to BJ.

This morning, we will sign a tripartite joint exploration agreement with the Moroccan government to launch a joint exploration of Atlantis. It is obviously inconvenient and unsafe to carry this painting with us.

Now many people are staring at this top-notch piece of art, including the King of Morocco. After sending it to BJ, these guys can stop thinking about it and save a lot of trouble.

After you arrive in BJ, someone will pick you up at the Capital Airport and take away the painting. If you want to stay in BJ for two days, then come back later. If you don't want to stay, you can come back right away."

Jason reached out and took the portable safe, nodded and said:

"No problem, Steven, leave this to me. After I send this painting to BJ, I will return to Rabat immediately. I don't want to miss any opportunity to discover Atlantis."

Next, Ye Tian gave this guy a few more words.

While he was talking, there was suddenly a huge roar of a helicopter engine outside.

Looking out through the window, two medium-sized helicopters roared from a distance and flew straight to the roof of the five-star hotel.

Ye Tian looked out the window, and then said to Jason:

"You can go now. Take a helicopter from the top floor of the hotel and fly directly to Rabat International Airport. My private plane is parked on the runway.

I have already informed the relevant authorities in Morocco that you do not need to go through security check, you can directly enter the airport tarmac and leave on a private jet."

"Okay, Steven, let's go then"

Jason nodded in agreement, and then left the presidential suite with Walker and walked to the roof of the hotel.

In less than ten minutes, two medium-sized helicopters took off one after another, carrying Jason and the others and a group of armed security personnel, flying straight to Rabat International Airport.

This scene that took place on the roof of the hotel was clearly seen by the media reporters and protesters downstairs.

Looking at the two helicopters roaring away, these guys were a little surprised.

"There seemed to be a lot of people on board those two medium-sized helicopters. Did that guy Steven take a helicopter to the government building? It doesn't seem necessary, right?"

"Probably not. What's in those two helicopters may be that priceless Cubist painting. Steven may be planning to transport that painting out of Morocco."

"No way? This guy's movements are too fast!"

People were talking, and some of them had guessed what was really going on.

Knowing that the priceless piece of top-notch art may have been shipped away, those protesting and demonstrating were extremely angry and anxious, but there was nothing they could do.

All they can do is protest and demonstrate loudly, but to no avail!

About forty or fifty minutes later, the two medium-sized helicopters flew back again, landed on the roof of the hotel one after another, and then took off again.

Afterwards, the two medium-sized helicopters hovered over the street where the hotel was located and did not leave.

Using the telephoto lens of their cameras, many media reporters discovered that the two medium-sized helicopters were filled with heavily armed security personnel, each with guns and ammunition.

Seeing this scene, the media reporters immediately realized that Ye Tian and the others were about to come out of the hotel.

as expected!

The joint exploration convoy came quickly and stopped end to end at the entrance of the hotel.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian and David, as well as Professor Paul and Professor Douglas, walked out of the five-star hotel, talking and laughing.

Seeing them coming out, the media reporters guarding the door of the hotel immediately started shouting questions at the top of their lungs.

"Good morning, Mr. Steven, I am a reporter from the Moroccan National Television. I would like to ask if the painting "Berbers Leading a Donkey" by the Cubist master Braque that you found yesterday was transported away just now. ?Excuse me, where did it go?"

Ye Tian looked at the Moroccan media reporter, then smiled and said loudly:

"Good morning, my journalist friend, you are right. The painting "Berbers Leading Donkeys" by the Cubist master Braque was indeed shipped away just now.

As for where this top-notch artwork will be transported, it needs to be kept secret for the time being. Next, we will launch a three-party joint exploration operation. Obviously, we cannot take such a painting with us.

In order to facilitate movement and protect this top-notch work of art, I can only choose to transport it away. One thing I can tell you is that this was approved by His Majesty the King."

Upon hearing this, many Moroccans present were speechless and fell silent.

Even those protesting and demonstrating mostly chose to shut up and stop shouting.

Now that the king has agreed to allow this top-notch work of art to be taken away, why are they still fighting?

Besides, Morocco is a monarchy.

They can question anyone and protest loudly, but they must not target His Majesty the King.

Otherwise, you are asking for trouble.

As soon as he finished speaking, another reporter from the media asked:

"Good morning, Mr. Steven, I am a reporter from the Spanish newspaper El Pais. What do you think of the Spanish government's statement and your hope to participate in this joint exploration of Atlantis?

I would like to ask, are you willing to accept the Spanish government as a new partner? As far as I know, the British government has also made the same request and hopes to participate in this joint exploration operation..."

Before the reporter could finish speaking, Ye Tian had firmly shaken his head.

"I can tell you very clearly that this joint exploration of Atlantis will not include any additional partners, whether it is Spain or the United Kingdom.

If we don’t find Atlantis in Morocco, we need to explore the territorial waters of Spain or the United Kingdom. Only then will I consider cooperating with them.

That’s all I have to say. Next we will go to the Moroccan government building to sign a tripartite joint exploration agreement and hold a joint press conference. Everyone is welcome to pay attention.”

After finishing speaking, he waved to the media reporters and then boarded the bulletproof SUV parked next to him.

Soon after, others got on the bus one after another.

The motorcade then started to leave and headed straight for the Moroccan government building.

The two medium-sized helicopters hovering in the air also roared out, protecting the joint exploration convoy in the air.

As soon as the motorcade left, the media reporters gathered at the entrance of the hotel took action, quickly rushed to their respective interview vehicles, and drove after them.

Not long after the joint exploration convoy left the hotel, what Ye Tian said at the door of the hotel quickly reached the ears of some people.

Royal Palace of Spain.

"Your Majesty the King, that guy Steven just announced publicly that he will no longer accept any fourth party to participate in the joint exploration of Atlantis. How should we respond?"

A staff member reported the latest situation.

The Spanish King's face suddenly darkened, and his expression became much gloomier.

He pondered for a moment, and then said in a deep voice:

"As I expected, this bastard Steven is still as greedy as before and wants to monopolize half of the Atlantean treasures. How can it be so easy?

If Atlantis is on Moroccan territory, we may not be able to do anything about it. After all, Morocco is an independent and sovereign country, and we cannot infringe on the territory of other countries.

If, as in the legend, Atlantis is located deep under the Atlantic Ocean, then we don’t have to be polite. It’s still unclear who will find Atlantis first!

Send people to keep an eye on those guys in Steven and the joint exploration team, and do everything possible to find out information about Atlantis. You must not miss any opportunity."

"As you command, Your Majesty, I will make arrangements right away."

The staff member nodded in response, then left the office and went out to arrange the operation.

The same scene also happened at No. 10 Downing Street in London, as well as in some other places, with similar content.

At this time, the convoy that Ye Tian and the others were riding in had arrived at the street where the Moroccan government building was located.

As soon as they entered this street, Matisse's voice came from the wireless invisible earphones.

“Steven, the Spanish Ambassador to Morocco and the British Ambassador to Morocco, have just arrived at the Moroccan government building and claimed that they wanted to witness the signing ceremony of the joint exploration agreement.

In addition to these uninvited guys, the U.S. Ambassador to Morocco and the Cultural Counselor, as well as representatives from UNESCO, have all rushed to the Moroccan government building.”

Upon hearing the announcement, Ye Tian immediately chuckled.

"It seems that today's tripartite joint exploration agreement signing ceremony will be quite lively. There may be something good to watch. Let everyone be more vigilant to prevent accidents."

"Okay, Steven, we'll be careful."

Mattis responded and immediately ended the call.

While talking, under the escort and guidance of several police cars, the joint exploration convoy arrived at the square in front of the Moroccan government building and stopped end to end.

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