Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3162 I will be the bad guy

Latest website: As soon as Ye Tian and the others got off the car, Yahya led someone to greet them.

Coming closer, the Moroccan Deputy Minister of Culture immediately said:

"Good morning, Mr. Steven, welcome to the Moroccan Government Building"

"Good morning, Mr. Yahya, this government building is very unique and looks beautiful. I hope we can get a good result today and successfully sign the tripartite joint exploration agreement."

Ye Tian said with a smile.

After a few polite greetings, Yahya suddenly lowered his voice and said:

"One thing I want to remind you, Steven, the ambassadors from Spain and the United Kingdom are here. They came uninvited and said they wanted to witness the signing of the tripartite joint exploration agreement.

We know their true purpose very well, which is to join this tripartite joint exploration operation and explore the legendary Atlantis together, but the Moroccan government does not want to cooperate with them.

You also know the situation in Morocco. It is inconvenient for us to directly reject Britain and Spain, so we hope that you will reject these two countries, just like you just did in front of the hotel."

You don’t want to offend Spain and Britain, so you just push me out as a bad guy!

Ye Tian complained secretly, but still nodded.

"It doesn't matter, Yahya, I will be the bad guy. This tripartite joint exploration operation was originally initiated and led by me.

It’s up to me to decide which people or countries to cooperate with to jointly explore Atlantis, and I don’t want to cooperate with the United Kingdom and Spain.”

Hearing this, Yahya breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed a lot.

As they spoke, they walked into the banquet hall where the signing ceremony for the joint exploration operation was held.

At this time, many people gathered in the banquet hall.

Among them were many Moroccan government officials, experts and scholars, diplomats from several British and American embassies in Morocco, and others.

Then there are the media reporters, who gathered in the media interview area, holding cameras and filming non-stop.

As soon as Ye Tian and the others appeared, everyone in the banquet hall turned to look over.

Especially those guys who saw Ye Tian for the first time, their eyes were full of curiosity and envy, and they started talking about it.

"This guy Steven is so lucky. I don't know where he got the information about Atlantis? It's incredible!"

"This guy is God's favorite. He just came to Morocco yesterday and found a top-notch piece of art in an antique store. It is said to be worth at least 60 million US dollars. It's crazy!"

Just as everyone was talking about it, an employee from the Brave Exploration Company came over to Ye Tian and the others with the US Ambassador to Morocco and a representative from UNESCO.

After everyone met, they exchanged polite greetings and introduced each other.

Immediately afterwards, the U.S. Ambassador to Morocco said with profound meaning:

"Mr. Steven, if you need any help during this tripartite joint exploration of Atlantis, you can contact our embassy at any time, and we will provide our services wholeheartedly.

There are U.S. warships sailing in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean, and there are U.S. military bases in Spain. These warships and the soldiers in the military bases will protect your security and interests."

Isn't this why I asked you to come?

Otherwise, why would you guys be here!

Ye Tian nodded slightly, smiled and said:

"Thank you very much, Mr. Ambassador. If we encounter any trouble that is inconvenient or impossible to handle by ourselves, we will proactively contact the U.S. Embassy, ​​including the nearby U.S. military, to request support.

In previous joint exploration operations, we have cooperated with U.S. embassies in various countries, as well as U.S. military bases and fleets many times, and the cooperation has been very pleasant. I hope it will be the same this time."

Listening to this conversation, all Moroccans, including Yahya, felt frightened.

These damn Americans are running rampant everywhere with the help of their fists. Isn’t this a naked threat of force?

Although they understood this, Yahya and the others had no choice but to accept this result.

No way, that's the reality.

Following the U.S. Ambassador, the UNESCO representative immediately said:

"Mr. Steven, given the importance of the legendary Atlantis, we hope to participate in this tripartite joint exploration operation and record the entire exploration process.

If the three-party joint exploration team really finds Atlantis, the process of exploring Atlantis will become even more important and it will be precious first-hand information."

Ye Tian looked at the UN official, smiled and nodded.

“No problem, UNESCO can send people to follow us, but only as observers, not as partners.

You can witness the process of joint exploration of Atlantis on site, but you cannot interfere with our operations, otherwise I can only ask you to leave."

"No problem, Steven, we won't interfere with your actions."

The UNESCO representative nodded.

While they were talking, Ye Tian and the others had arrived at the front of the banquet hall, nodding and greeting the various people staying here, getting to know each other.

At this moment, two Spaniards in suits and ties suddenly walked over.

When they came closer, they first made some introductions.

"Good morning, Mr. Steven, I am Alfonso, the Spanish Ambassador to Morocco, and this is Silva from the Spanish Ministry of Culture. Nice to meet you."

Ye Tian shook hands with the other party and said politely:

"Good morning, Mr. Alfonso and Mr. Silva, I'm Steven, and I'm glad to meet you. I didn't expect you to come to this joint exploration agreement signing ceremony, which surprised me."

Hearing this, the two uninvited Spaniards looked a little embarrassed.

However, they adjusted their mood in an instant.

Then, Alfonso lowered his voice and said:

"Mr. Steven, we are here on behalf of the Spanish government. We want to discuss it with you before you formally sign the tripartite joint exploration agreement.

We in Spain also want to join this joint exploration of Atlantis and are willing to provide some necessary support for this multi-party joint exploration operation.

According to related legends, Atlantis was submerged deep in the Atlantic Ocean outside the Strait of Gibraltar, perhaps within Spanish territorial waters.

From this perspective, the legendary Atlantis also has a certain relationship with Spain, and the Spanish government has the right to make some reasonable claims.

Because of this, we hope to participate in this joint exploration operation and explore Atlantis together. I hope you can consider our request."

Without any hesitation, Ye Tian immediately rejected these whimsical Spaniards.

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Alfonso, I don't plan to add any more collaborators to this joint exploration of Atlantis, whether it's Spain or any other country.

In fact, I dare not put too much hope in this joint exploration operation. After all, Atlantis is an illusory legend, and the possibility of not finding it is far greater than the possibility of finding it.

If we can’t find Atlantis in Morocco, and there are clues or evidence pointing to Spain, proving that Atlantis may be in Spain, it won’t be too late for us to discuss cooperation.”

Although they had expected this result, the Spaniards were still very angry when they heard Ye Tian say it himself.

Their expressions all changed, turning as black as the bottom of a pot, very ugly.

After a moment of silence, Alfonso gritted his molars and whispered:

"Steven, I didn't expect you to be so generous. I wonder if you have ever thought about it. If Atlantis is not in Morocco, but within Spanish territorial waters, will we still cooperate with you?"

Ye Tian looked at the somewhat annoyed Spaniard and shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

“If Atlantis is really not in Morocco, but within Spanish territorial waters, and you are unwilling to cooperate with our company, then I will have no choice but to give up.

There are many more famous treasures in this world. We don’t need to keep our eyes on Atlantis. We will also make amazing discoveries in other places.

More importantly, except for our Intrepid Exploration Company, I don’t think other countries and exploration companies can find the legendary Atlantis, including Spain.”

Hearing this, the Spaniards couldn't help but froze.

They wanted to retort but had nothing to say.

Because they knew that what Ye Tian said was absolutely right.

If you leave Intrepid Exploration Company behind, no one else will even be able to find the legendary Atlantis, and they won’t even be able to touch it.

Before the Spaniards could react, Ye Tian said goodbye and left, walking towards the podium in front.

After taking two steps forward, two British guys came over again.

Their purpose is the same as the Spanish, they want to participate in this joint exploration of Atlantis and become a partner.

Compared to the Spaniards, these British guys are more polite and not so stiff.

This is mainly because Ye Tian's relationship with these British guys is not as bad as with the Spaniards.

But the answer he gave was the same, which was rejection.

After being rejected, the two British guys didn't get angry, but their faces didn't look any better.

In the blink of an eye, the time has reached ten o'clock in the morning.

Ye Tian and David, as well as Professor Paul and the President of Columbia University, as well as the Minister of Culture of Morocco and Yahya, as representatives of the three parties, are already sitting behind the signing table on the rostrum.

This public signing is just a formality. Every clause and even every word of the agreement to be signed by the three parties to jointly explore Atlantis has been discussed and revised many times by the three parties.

After the three parties reached an agreement, these words and terms were put on paper, and finally a cooperation agreement agreed upon by all three parties was formed.

This includes not only joint exploration agreements, but also treasure distribution agreements, as well as distribution agreements for other treasures discovered during exploration operations, etc.

Even though an agreement had been reached, before formally signing these agreements, David and his assistants, as well as the legal teams of the other two parties, reviewed the text of the agreements again.

David and the others didn't nod until it was confirmed.

Afterwards, Ye Tian smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, since there is no problem with the tripartite joint exploration agreement, can we sign it? Officially finalize this cooperation."

"Okay, Mr. Steven"

The Moroccan Minister of Culture nodded in response, and the president of Columbia University also nodded.

Then, the three of them picked up the signature pen and signed their names on the agreement.

Lawyers representing the three parties also signed their names on the agreement contract.

After signing the tripartite joint exploration agreement, everyone stood up.

“Gentlemen, it’s a pleasure to work with you.”

Ye Tian said with a smile and shook hands with everyone on the other two parties.

"Happy cooperation, Mr. Steven. I hope you can create miracles again, lead the three-party joint exploration team to find the legendary Atlantis, and give the world a huge surprise."

The Moroccan Minister of Culture said, his eyes full of hope and expectation.

The Columbia University team was also full of hope.

While representatives of the three parties shook hands with each other, they celebrated the successful conclusion of a cooperation agreement.

The Spanish and British diplomats and representatives from several other European and American countries who were also present were filled with envy and sadness.

The spokesperson who presided over the signing ceremony said loudly and passionately:

“Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, Intrepid Exploration Company, the Moroccan government, and Columbia University have officially signed a tripartite joint exploration agreement.

Next, the three partners will organize a joint exploration team to launch a joint exploration of Atlantis and jointly uncover the mystery of this legendary prehistoric civilization."

Following the host's words, the audience immediately burst into warm applause.

At the same time, many media reporters at the scene raised their cameras and video cameras to take photos of the signing ceremony.

In a short time, the news that Intrepid Exploration Company, the Moroccan government, and Columbia University had officially reached a cooperation to jointly explore Atlantis spread throughout the world.

Photos of representatives from the three cooperating parties shaking hands and exchanging contracts spread throughout the world.

Immediately following is the joint press conference.

This is the focus of everyone's attention. Everyone is waiting for this moment!

The spokesperson of the Moroccan Ministry of Culture just announced that the press conference had begun. All the media reporters in the audience raised their hands and rushed to be the first.

The first person allowed to ask questions was naturally the Moroccan official media.

This is a male reporter who directly asked the question that everyone is most concerned about.

"Hello, Mr. Steven, I am a reporter from the Moroccan National Television. Now that the tripartite joint exploration agreement has been signed, can you announce where Atlantis may be buried?"

Following this question, everyone at the scene stared at Ye Tian, ​​expecting him to give an answer.

Ye Tianchong nodded to the reporter, then smiled and said:

“I don’t know exactly where Atlantis is. It may be on Moroccan territory, it may be in territorial waters, or it may be on the high seas, or it may not even exist at all.

We can only explore slowly and try our best to search, hoping to find the legendary Atlantis and bring a huge surprise to the world. Of course, we may fail."

Hearing this, everyone present rolled their eyes angrily.

Isn't this nonsense? If you say it, you won't say it. There is no valuable content at all.

Immediately afterwards, another media reporter was allowed to ask questions.

This is a reporter from New York, who is considered an old friend.

"Hello, Steven, I am a reporter from the New York Times. When will you launch a tripartite joint exploration operation? Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or some time later?

As far as I know, the Intrepid deep-sea salvage ship is now anchored in Casablanca. Does this mean that this joint exploration operation will start in Casablanca? "

Ye Tian looked at the reporter and said jokingly:

"Good morning, Jeremy, I find that no matter where we go, you will appear quickly and keep an eye on our every move. We have provided you with so much breaking news, should you pay?"

Upon hearing this, the New York reporter immediately laughed.

"As we all know, you are a famous headline maker. I want to catch headlines. Instead of trying my luck everywhere, I might as well keep an eye on you. The rewards will be greater.

Facts have proved this. Thank you for providing me with so many headlines. As for payment, how can a super rich person like you care about that kind of money? "


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and all the media reporters laughed.

At the same time, everyone nodded in sympathy.

Obviously, everyone agrees with Jeremy's statement.

Ye Tian is a mobile headline news maker. This is known to everyone and is the consensus of all media reporters.

After the laughter subsided, Ye Tian returned to the topic.

“We are not in a hurry when the tripartite joint exploration operation will be officially launched. The scenery in Morocco is so beautiful and the weather is so good. It would be great to take this opportunity to spend a vacation here.

Only when all exploration teams from all parties are ready and have prepared corresponding materials and equipment will the three-party joint exploration team launch operations. As for where the exploration operation will start, it will be kept secret for the time being."

After the words fell, many media reporters in the audience raised their arms again, vying for the opportunity to ask questions.

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