Introduced by Ye Tian, ​​Betty and her family all got to know each other.

Under Linlin's translation, she quickly became friends with several women in the family, chatting very lively together.

After greeting several elders and dealing with younger siblings, Ye Tian left the living room and came to the yard, and said to Raymond and the others:

"Guys, these are my family, let's get acquainted, they are ordinary people who are easy to get along with, very warm and hospitable, I believe you will get along very well with each other.

Each of them is very important to me and must not be harmed in any way. I hope you will do your best to protect their safety just like protecting me, and even more attentively! "

When he said these words, Ye Tian's tone was very firm, beyond doubt.

If people have Ni Lin, then these family members are Ye Tian's Ni Lin! Absolutely no one is allowed to touch them, let alone hurt them!

Otherwise, even if it is the Heavenly King Lao Tzu, he is ready to fight to the end and fight to the death!

"No problem! Steven, we know what to do. Since they are your family, they are our protection objects and one of our bosses!"

Raymond nodded, and the other three also nodded without any objection.

Immediately afterwards, Taylor whispered enviously:

"Steven, the relationship between your family members is so harmonious and touching! It is enviable! This is a real family"

Ye Tian looked back at the lively living room, and then said emotionally:

"This is the core content of traditional Chinese culture, family and everything prosper! This sentence is very applicable to a family, the whole country, and the whole nation!"

Later, Ye Tian said to these Yankees:

"You will have dinner with our family later, enjoy the most delicious and authentic Chinese family banquet, and then go back to the hotel to rest after dinner! I will send you back"

"Wow! Chinese family banquet, I am looking forward to it, it seems that we have a good fortune!"

Lisa whispered excitedly, her eyes full of anticipation.

The same goes for the rest of the guys. Where have they had a Chinese family banquet, they naturally look forward to it.

After a short period of excitement, Raymond asked a little worriedly:

"Don't we need to guard the neighborhood at night? This is not like your apartment in New York. Although it is very beautiful, there are almost no security facilities. There is only a wooden door that is not very strong!"

Ye Tian shook his head slightly, and said confidently:

"I told you before that the public security situation in Beijing is 10,000 times better than that in New York! It is very safe and the crime rate is extremely low. A few courtyard walls and a gate are enough!

Besides, I will stay here at night, I don't think anyone can get a good deal here, so don't worry, go back to the hotel and have a good rest! "

"You are right. With bare hands, there is really no one who is your opponent. Anyway, I have never seen such a fierce person!"

Raymond smiled and nodded, the worry in his eyes completely disappeared.

After talking about the next arrangement, Ye Tian, ​​together with Raymond and the others, walked into the living room carrying the suitcase and the two trolley boxes specially for containing gifts.

After entering the living room to put away his luggage, Ye Tian immediately introduced Raymond and the others to his family.

Although they knew the identities of Raymond and the others, but after hearing Ye Tian's introduction that these sturdy beauties were all his bodyguards, the family members still felt unreal as if they were in a dream.

Is this still your own child? When did you become so awesome? It's unbelievable that they all bring bodyguards with them when they return home, and they are such a capable group of guys!

Fortunately, other family members said that after a brief shock, they quickly returned to normal.

The cousin is completely different, his eyes are almost turning into searchlights! The eyes are always on Raymond and the others,

As if discovering a new continent, he showed great interest.

A guest from afar!

The family members were very enthusiastic and greeted Raymond and the others one after another. They invited a few Yankees to drink tea, and those who were not used to drinking tea were invited to drink coffee. Anyway, they were not left idle.

Smelling the refreshing aroma of tea and rich and mellow coffee, facing the warm and thoughtful Ye Tian family, Raymond and the others were a little at a loss, even fidgeting and feeling very cramped.

It was mainly the little uncle who greeted Raymond and the others.

The little uncle had worked as a secretary before, so he was familiar with the things on the scene without any difficulty, and he did everything impeccably!

Betty was completely surrounded by grandma, mother, second aunt and sister-in-law, and was tired of dealing with their inquisition.

Ye Tian was entangled by the three little guys, and it was also difficult to get out.

While the three little fellows were asking about his legendary deeds, they kept looking over the suitcases standing against the wall. Their gazes were so hot that they almost looked through the autumn water!

Ye Tian couldn't be more clear about the purpose of these guys.

Desperately want to get their own gifts chant! What purpose could there be? It's obvious!

But Ye Tian just talked about it from left to right, and didn't mention it at all, as if he forgot about it! Tormenting a few little ones to see how long they can endure.

In the end, the active cousin was the first to hold back, put on a flattering smile and said:

"Brother! What gift did you bring us? Hurry up and take it out, let us open our eyes! Don't say nothing and don't bring any gift, if that happens, I will despise you!"

"That's right, my good brother! What gift did you bring? Hurry up and take it out, don't be a fool, I'm really curious!"

"Brother! You are already a billionaire, so it won't be too shabby, right? Let me guess what gift it is, top fashion? Jewelry? Or a designer handbag? I like all of these! Take it out!"

The two younger sisters each held one of Ye Tian's arms, while coquettishly guessing, they kept shaking him, almost shaking him to Grandma's Bridge!

Ye Tian pouted at the two huge metal trolley boxes by the wall, and said with a smirk:

"Hahaha, I did bring a lot of presents, and they were in those two boxes. Every gift is a boutique and worth a lot of money. I believe it will satisfy everyone in the family.

But it's not time to open the boxes and distribute the presents, it's time to distribute the presents when we're all alone after the family feast.

So, you little ones can only suffer now. During this period, you can let your imagination run wild and imagine what gifts you will receive! Everything is possible!

Besides, if the presents were given to you in advance, with the virtues of you guys, I'm afraid you wouldn't even be in the mood for this reunion dinner, would you? I don't want to see that situation! "

After finishing speaking, he tried his best to break free from the hold of his two younger sisters, and walked towards his mother as if fleeing.

Behind him, the three little guys howled with exaggerated expressions.

"Brother! You are so hurtful, you are going to torture us to death!"

"There is no such thing as you! You are not like an adult at all, I despise you!"

After chatting for a while, the mother and sister-in-law stood up and prepared to go to the kitchen.

Before walking out of the living room, my sister-in-law said to Ye Tian:

"Xiao Tian, ​​pack up, you will have dinner soon, we have almost prepared the dishes, and they can be served as soon as they are fried in the wok. Those dishes that need time to simmer have already been simmered!

Let's eat in the West Wing Room. We have already cleared those two rooms, which are just right for two tables and can be seated. Please enjoy the taste of the food at home."

"Come on! I'm looking forward to this one! In the ruined country of the United States, I think about not only my relatives at home, but also the delicious food at home. This is the top food!"

Ye Tian responded loudly excitedly, his eyebrows beaming.

"You're the one with a sweet mouth! Wait, we're busy!"

After finishing speaking, my sister-in-law and mother went to the kitchen. Everyone walked briskly and smiled.

In the living room, Ye Tian and Betty were chatting with their grandparents, while the three little guys stood aside, all looking at Ye Tian sadly, with wonderful expressions!

Raymond and the others have relaxed a lot. While drinking tea or coffee, they chatted with Dad and the others without a word, and they got along very well.

Soon, the sound of cooking came from the kitchen, and there was a sense of happiness when listening to it.

At the same time, there was an extremely alluring fragrance, which immediately attracted the attention of Ye Tian and Betty, including Raymond and the others.

Everyone turned their heads to look at the kitchen at the same time. Everyone was swallowing secretly, with their index fingers twitching.

"Steven, what kind of food are the aunts and the others cooking? This smell is so delicious, just smelling it will increase people's appetite, it must taste delicious!"

Betty asked in a low voice, keeping her eyes fixed on the kitchen, not willing to move away for a moment.

Ye Tian didn't answer right away, but twitched his nose, greedily sniffing the fresh fragrance lingering in the air, and then gave the answer excitedly.

"This is a famous dish in Beijing, called Beijing Sauce Pork Shredded. The main ingredient is lean pork, supplemented with sweet noodle sauce, green onion, ginger and other seasonings, and it is made with the unique cooking technique of the north.

Have a good time! This is one of my sister-in-law's specialty dishes, which is not inferior to those famous chefs of Beijing cuisine. You will be able to taste this delicacy when the dinner starts. I believe you will fall in love with it! '

As he said that, Ye Tian's saliva almost flowed out, wishing that the dinner party would start immediately.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sudden ringing of the doorbell at the door.

"Hey! Who is this? What a coincidence, it's time for dinner!"

Ye Tian said in surprise, and got up to open the door.

At this moment, the second uncle stood up and said:

"It should be the chef from Quanjude or Dadong Roast Duck Restaurant has arrived, we ordered two ducks in Quanjude and Dadong each, and let the chef from the restaurant come to provide service.

Our family loves Dadong’s roast duck, and these foreigners have been famous for Quanjude for a long time. In order to cater for everyone’s taste, we ordered both of them and let them try it! "

The second uncle explained a few words, then left the living room and walked towards the door.

"This arrangement is good, I want to try it too, it seems that I must eat enough today!"

Ye Tian said excitedly, and followed his second uncle out of the living room.

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