Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 818 Top Delicacy

"Quanjude Roast Duck is the most famous delicacy in Beijing, and it is also one of the city's business cards. It is made with Peking duck as the main ingredient and roasted in a hanging oven and open fire.

The skin of the freshly roasted duck is crispy, the meat is fresh and tender, and the fragrance of fruit trees is flowing.

Roast duck must be served with condiments. There are three common condiments, one is lotus leaf cake, green onion strips, radish strips, cucumber strips, sweet noodle sauce, etc. The mouthfeel is plump and mellow, and the aftertaste is endless.

This condiment should be the most suitable for the taste of several of you, but in order to let you taste the other two ways of eating Quanjude roast duck, the other two condiments are also available here.

Another condiment is mashed garlic and soy sauce, which can also be paired with radish sticks. The mashed garlic can relieve the greasy taste, and the roast duck dipped in the mashed garlic adds a touch of spiciness to the fresh aroma and makes the dish more unique.

The last condiment is white sugar. This way of eating is more suitable for women and children, but I don’t recommend this way of eating. The taste is too simple. Of course, many people like this way of eating.


Eating roast duck is very particular. The first is the season. The three seasons are spring, autumn and winter. In winter and spring, the duck meat is relatively fat and tender. In autumn, the weather is high and the air is cool, and the temperature and humidity are most suitable for making roast duck.

The second is the method of slicing roast duck. Roast duck is half roasted and half sliced. If you are in Quanjude restaurant, the roast duck is sliced ​​and eaten right away. When you eat it, the skin is crispy and the meat is tender, making it the most delicious.

We are holding a family banquet at home, so we can't eat freshly baked roast duck, but fortunately, with modern heat preservation methods, the roast duck is still very fresh, and the taste is not much compromised.

There are three ways to slice the duck. One is the most traditional almond slice. The sliced ​​duck meat is like almonds, the skin and meat are connected, and it tastes crispy and tender when wrapped in lotus leaf cake, which can be called the top delicacy in the world.

The chef Quanjude is currently slicing almond slices, another way is like willow leaves, and another is to eat the skin and meat separately. The duck skin is crispy, crispy and fragrant, and the duck meat is thin but not broken.

The process of slicing duck is also very particular, a total of 108 knives, exactly 108 slices of duck meat, similar in shape, equal in size, uniform in thickness, with meat and skin in each piece! ..."

While sucking his saliva, Ye Tian was explaining to Betty.

At this time, everyone was already sitting at the dining table in the west wing, ready to enjoy the family banquet. There were two tables in total, one in the inner room and one in the outer room.

Grandpa and grandma sat first on the dining table in the inner room. Ye Tian and Betty sat next to grandma, and Linlin and two other little guys sat on grandpa's left.

My mother, second aunt, and sister-in-law are also sitting at this dining table. Everyone is talking and laughing, having fun!

Dad, second uncle and little uncle sat at the dining table outside the west wing, accompanying Raymond and the four foreigners, so as not to neglect those guys.

All kinds of tempting delicacies have been served on the table, exuding a refreshing fragrance, which constantly stimulates everyone's sense of smell and taste buds, making everyone swallow their saliva.

Now just waiting for the roast duck slices to be ready, everyone can pick up the chopsticks and have a feast!

Same as the situation in the inner room, there is also a chef at the dining table in the outer room who is slicing roast duck, but it is the master from Gongti Dadong Roast Duck Restaurant, and the little uncle is in charge of explaining.

Later, the two chefs will switch places to deliver roast ducks of another flavor to another table of family members, and once again perform their duck-slicing skills.

It is true that peers are enemies!

These two chefs are from two of the best roast duck restaurants in Beijing. From the moment they met, they had secretly competed, and they were unwilling to lose their reputation in front of their competitors.

Therefore, they almost tried their best to show everyone their duck skills, trying to completely compare their opponents.

Fortunately, this competition was limited to professional skills, and did not evolve into a quarrel, or even a competition of fists and kicks, then it would be a big trouble!

Now this situation,

It is undoubtedly what Ye Tian and his family want to see the most. Before enjoying the delicious food, they can also enjoy a wonderful talent show!

When the two chefs finish the two roast ducks they brought, they will pack up and leave with the service staff of two famous roast duck restaurants.

At that time, this sumptuous and warm family banquet will officially begin.

While Ye Tian was explaining, Betty was also swallowing her saliva non-stop, staring intently at the maroon roast duck on the dining car, and at the lightly flying knives in the chef's hands like fingers!

"Oh my god! This is not only food, but also the top art! It's incredible!"

Betty covered her mouth and said with emotion, she had already been completely shocked by everything in front of her eyes.

"That's right! This is the art of food!"

Ye Tian smiled lightly and nodded, with a very proud expression on his face.

At the same time, he secretly swallowed his saliva again, so as not to flow out from the corner of his mouth, it would be ridiculous!

"Okay! Dude, you're a foodie!"

Master Quanjude, who was in Pianya, glanced at Ye Tian and said admiringly.

"That's right! Dude grew up in Beijing, the best thing is this mouth!"

Ye Tian nodded at the other party, and said with a proud smile.

In less than 20 minutes, the two roast duck masters had finished slicing the roast duck, and each left with the service staff and the generous tip from Ye Tian. Everyone was full of joy.

After Ye Tian closed the door and returned to the West Wing, the sumptuous family banquet officially began.

Because they are all from their own family members and not believers, naturally there are not so many red tapes.

When grandpa picked up the chopsticks and announced the start, everyone also picked up the chopsticks one after another, reached for their favorite food, and began to feast on it.

Ye Tian first used lotus leaf pancakes to roll a duck roll of Dadong Roast Duck for his grandpa and grandma, and then began to take care of Betty who was clumsy and desperate.

According to Betty's taste, he quickly rolled a duck roll of Quanjude roast duck, then handed it to her, and said with a light smile:

"Honey! Try it. This is the Peking duck from Quanjude in Qianmen. It is the most authentic roast duck in the world. It is the most delicious. I believe you will fall in love with it! Don't swallow your tongue!"


Betty nodded vigorously, and took a bite of the roast duck roll without any hesitation.

A moment later, there was a burst of excited praise in the room.

"Oh my God! It's so delicious! This is definitely the best delicacy in the world, the best food I've ever eaten, incomparable!"

This praise came from the inner dining table, from Betty's mouth.

The same goes for the outside dining table. Raymond and the others were also completely conquered by the traditional Chinese food in front of them, and praises continued to come from their mouths.

Listening to the voices of praise and seeing the expressions of joy and enjoyment on the faces of these foreigners, all the family members laughed.


The cheerful and hearty laughter lingered in the banquet, in the room, in this small courtyard, and in the charming night sky of Beijing!

The night is dark, the weather is getting colder, but the heart is getting warmer!


The dinner was over, it was already half past nine and almost ten o'clock.

After packing up and returning to the living room to chat for a while, Ye Tian was about to send Raymond and the others to the hotel.

It's too late now, grandparents are getting old, so they can't rest too late.

In addition, after sending Raymond and the others back from the hotel, they have to distribute gifts to the family, and it will take a lot of time, so it is time for these Yankees to leave.

Hearing that he was going to send these Yankees to the hotel, the little uncle got up immediately and said:

"Xiaotian, chat with your grandparents at home, I will send these American friends off!"

Ye Tian shook his head and rejected his little uncle's proposal.

"Let me go, little uncle. I have something to tell them on the way. The hotel I booked is nearby. It's the Peninsula Hotel. I'll be back in half an hour at most!"

"In this case, then you send it!"

The little uncle nodded and didn't insist anymore.

Before leaving the courtyard, Ye Tian specifically told the adults in the family.

"Dad, second uncle, little uncle, please keep an eye on them, don't let Linlin, Dongzi, and Chenxi move those boxes, especially the two big trolley boxes.

The things inside are all of high value, and there are a few fragile items, if they are broken by these sloppy guys, it will be a big loss! Unbox it when I get back! "

As he spoke, he also pointed to several trolley cases standing against the wall.

"Don't worry, Xiaotian, before you come back, these little guys don't even think about touching those boxes, unless the skin is itchy!"

The second uncle smiled and nodded, his eyes instantly became extremely bright.

The same goes for the little uncle, who immediately looked at the boxes.

Hearing Ye Tian's words, and thinking about his current title, the second uncle and uncle had already guessed what was contained in those boxes, most likely they were valuable antique works of art.

As for why these antique artworks are here, do you still have to ask? It must be a gift from Ye Tian and Betty to the family!

Dad knew this a long time ago, so he just nodded with a smile, his expression was quite calm, but there was still some anticipation in his eyes!

Grandpa doesn't care about these things at all, as long as his grandson comes back, it's better than anything else, it's the best gift!

"Brother! You are so bad, such a thief! You are still guarding us after all this time!"

"It's over, I have to wait for half an hour! I can't bear it any longer!"

The three little guys wailed again, with desperate expressions on their faces.

"Hahaha, you guys just wait!"

Ye Tian laughed and said, then led Raymond and the others out of the living room and walked towards the gate of the courtyard.

Soon, they came to the parking lot not far from their home, drove two Range Rover and left Lishi Alley.

On the way to the hotel, Ye Tian told Raymond and the others about the upcoming arrangements, and asked them to familiarize themselves with Chinese traffic regulations and urban road conditions as soon as possible, so as to facilitate work.

While speaking, the two Land Rover Range Rovers had arrived in front of the Peninsula Hotel.

Before getting out of the car and parting, Ye Tian said to these guys:

"Go back to the hotel and have a good rest. Tomorrow, Betty and I will go back to our parents' house. There should be nothing wrong. Taylor and Lisa can just come over. Raymond and Walker can rest at the hotel! Reverse the jet lag as soon as possible"

"Okay! Tomorrow we will drive to that alley by ourselves, we have already memorized the way!"

Taylor nodded, and the rest of the guys also responded.

Afterwards, Raymond and Walker took their luggage out of the car, and when Taylor parked the car and came back, the four of them walked into this five-star hotel which is very close to Wangfujing Street.

Ye Tian turned the car around and drove along Dongsi South Street towards Lishi Hutong, heading straight for home!

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